Designation : Scientist-D & Head of the Office, Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden
Area of specialization: Morpho-taxonomy and Phytogeography of Bryophyta
Special interest: Liverworts and Hornworts
Presently working on Flora of (Area): Bryoflora of Jharkhand
E-mail: dsingh[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in; singhdrds[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Completed projects:
i) Liverworts and hornworts flora of Sikkim (Excul. East Sikkim) April 2011 to December 2014].
ii) Revision of the family Metzgeriaceae in India (January 2015 to March 2018).
iii) Studies of diversity of Bryophytes of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctaica (2015–2016)
Publication: 69
A. Book: 1
1. Singh, D.K, S.K. Singh and D. Singh 2016. Liverworts and hornworts of India: An annotated checklist. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. Bhubaneswar, pp. 439 (ISBN: 81-8177-088-9).
B. Book chapters: 2
1. Singh, D. K., D. Singh and M. Dey 2008. A Catalogue of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Sikkim. in: Haji Mohamed, Baki Hj Bakar, Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce and Patrick Lee (eds.). Bryology in the New Millennium, pp. 93–135.
2. Singh, D.K., S.K. Singh and D. Singh 2019. Bryophytes of Karnataka. In: Flora of Karnataka A checklist vol. – Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Bryophytes & Pteridophytes, pp. 400–453.
C. Research articles/papers: 62
1. DAS, S.K. AND D. SINGH 2020. Epiphytic Algae on the Bryophytes of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett.
2. SINGH, S.K., T. PÓCS, D. SINGH AND S. KUMAR 2020. A synopsis of Colura (Dumort.) Dumort. (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) in India. Cryptog. Bryolog. 41 (10): 111–129.
3. MUKHIA, S., P. MANDAL, D.K. SINGH AND D. SINGH 2019. Comparison of pharmacological properties and phytochemical constituents of in vitro propagated and naturally occurring liverwort Lunularia cruciata. BMC complementary and alternative medicine. 19: 2–16.
4. SINGH, D.K., S. MAJUMDAR AND D. SINGH 2018. Udaria – a new liverwort genus of Lophocoleaceae from Eastern Himalaya, India. Curr. Sci. 115 (8): 1536–1542.
5. SINGH, S.K. AND D. SINGH 2018. A new species of the genus Metzgeria Raddi (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta) from India. Cryptog. Bryol. 39 (1): 47–53.
6. SINGH, S.K. AND D. SINGH 2018 [2019]. An updated account of Liverworts and Hornworts of Maharashtra with seven new additions. Phytotaxonomy 18: 31–40.
7. SINGH, S.K. AND D. SINGH 2018. Discovery of a new taxonomic character in genus Cyathodium (Cyathodiaceae: Marchantiales) from India. Geophytology 48 (1): 63–65.
8. SINGH, D., S.K. DAS AND A. PANDE 2017. New distributional record of Obelia longissima (Campanulariidae) from Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Indian J. Geomarine Sci. 47 (8): 1692–1694.
9. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2017. Two new Riccardia (Aneuraceae, Marchantiophyta) from Eastern Himalaya, India with notes on the genus in Sikkim. Taiwania 62 (1): 33–42.
10. DAS, S.K. AND D. SINGH 2017. Chroococcidiopsis, a Cryptoendolithic Cyanobacterium from Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Nelumbo 59 (1): 105–109.
11. MUKHIA, S., P. MANDAL, D.K. SINGH AND D. SINGH 2017. Study of Bioactive Phytoconstituents and In-Vitro Pharmacological properties of thallose liverworts of Darjeeling Himalaya. J. Pharmacy Research 11 (5): 490–501.
12. MAJUMDAR, S., D.K. SINGH, A.D. POTEMKIN AND D. SINGH 2016. Female plants and range extensions in Scapania davidii Potemkin (Scapaniaceae, Marchantiophyta). J. Bryol. 38 (2): 103–109. DOI 10.1080/03736687.2015.1116760.
13. SINGH, D.K., M. DEY AND D. SINGH 2016. The genus Radula (Radulaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. J. Bryol. 38 (3): 195–210. DOI 10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000032
14. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2016. Notes on sporophytic details of Aneura crateriformis (Aneuraceae, Marchantiophyta). J. Bryol. J. Bryol. 38 (4): 35–353. DOI 10.1080/03736687.2016.1156356.
15. SINGH, D.K. AND D. SINGH 2016. Epiphyllous Liverworts of India: An Overview. Plant Sci. Today 3 (2): 157–174.
16. SINGH, D 2016. Two new records of family Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) from Sikkim, India. Indian J. Forest. 39 (3) 267–272.
17. DAS, S.K. AND D. SINGH 2016. Colonization of algae and cyanobacteria on calcareous remaining of animals in Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Curr. Sci.112 (5): 913–915.
18. DAS, S.K. AND D. SINGH 2016. New distributional record of two marine macro-algae from Larsemann hills, East Antarctica. Phykos 46 (2): 29–32.
19. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2015. Plagiochila biondiana C.Massal. In: Ellis, L.T. & al., New national and regional bryophytes records 42. J. Bryol. 37 (1): 76.
20. SINGH, D.K., D. SINGH, S. MAJUMDAR AND S DEO SINGH 2015. Bazzania angustistipula N.Kitag., Bazzania oshimensis (Steph.) Horik., Lophocolea himalayensis A.Srivast & S.C.Srivast., Radula retroflexa Taylor. In: Ellis, L.T. et al., New national and regional bryophyte records, 42. J. Bryol. 37 (1): 69–70; 74–75; 77–78.
21. SINGH, D.K. AND D. SINGH 2015. The Genus Riccardia (Aneuraceae, Marchantiophyta) in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Indian J. Forest. 38 (4) 327–334.
22. SINGH, D. 2015. Thysananthus fruticosus (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) – an addition to the Indian Bryoflora from Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Nelumbo 57: 86–91.
23. SINGH, D. AND SINGH, D.K. 2015. Three new records of the genus Solenostoma (Solenostomataceae, Marchantiophyta) in Indian bryoflora from Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 38 (3) 233–240.
24. MUKHIA, S., P. MANDAL, D.K. SINGH AND D. SINGH 2015. Evaluation of Anti-Diabetic, Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Constituents of Liverworts of Eastern Himalaya. J. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sci. 7 (10): 890–900.
25. SINGH, D.K., S. MAJUMDAR AND D. SINGH 2015. Notes on scarcely collected Indian liverworts II. Xenochila integrifolia (Plagiochilaceae, Marchantiophyta). Indian J. Forest. 38 (2): 147–150.
26. SINGH, D., S. MAJUMDAR AND D.K. SINGH 2014. Taxonomic studies on Indian Pseudolepicoleaceae (Marchantiophyta: Jungermanniales). Taiwania 59 (1): 37–53.
27. MUKHIA, S., P. MANDAL, D.K. SINGH, D. SINGH AND D. CHOUDHURY 2014. In-Vitro Free-Radical Scavenging Potential of Three Liverworts of Darjeeling Himalaya. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 5 (10): 4552–4561.
28. SINGH, D.K., S. MAJUMDAR AND D. SINGH 2014. Cheilolejeunea osumiensis (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) – an addition to the Indian bryoflora from Eastern Himalaya. Nelumbo 56 : 259–264.
29. DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2013. The genus Drepanolejeunea (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) in India with a note on three new additions from Eastern Himalaya. Tropical Bryology 35:14–25.
30. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2013. Some new and noteworthy records of family Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) from Sikkim, India. Nelumbo 55: 153–165.
31. SINGH D. AND D.K. SINGH 2013. A note on the status of Metzgeria macrospora (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta). Nelumbo 55: 166–171.
32. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2013. An appraisal of the genus Marchantia L. in India with a note on Marchantia emarginata Reinw. et al. subsp. emarginata in Indian himalayan region. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, B 83: 15–26.
33. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2012. A new species of the genus Lepidozia (Marchantiophyta, Lepidoziaceae) from Sikkim, India. Nova Hedwigia 94: 221–225.
34. SINGH, D. 2012. A note on Cheilolejeunea trifaria (Reinw. et al.) Mizut. from Indian Himalayan region. Lindbergia 35: 18–21.
35. SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2012. Studies on oil-bodies in some liverworts from Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, India. Taiwania 57 (4): 384–390.
36. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2012. An appraisal of the genus Marchantia L. in India with a note on Marchantia emarginata al. subsp. emarginata in Indian Himalayan region. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci Sect. B Biol. Sci. 83 (1): 15–26.
37. DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2011. Jubula pennsylvanica (Hepaticae: Jubulaceae) new to Asia. Taiwania 56 (1): 66–70.
38. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2011. Plagiochila hyalodermica Grolle & M.L.So (Marchantiophyta: Plagiochilaceae) – an addition to Indian bryoflora. Indian J. Forest. 34 (4): 465–468.
39. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2011. Ptilidium pulcherrimum (G.Weber) Vainio (Hepaticae: Ptilidiaceae) – an addition to Indian bryoflora. Nelumbo 53: 205–210.
40. SINGH, D., D.K. SINGH AND A. KUMAR 2010. Notoscyphus darjeelingensis var. sikkimensis, var. nov. (Hepaticae: Jungermanniaceae) from Sikkim, India. Indian J. Forest. 33 (1): 93 – 96.
41. SINGH, D., M. DEY AND G.K. UPADHYAY 2010. A short survey of Hepaticae of Little Andaman Island. Nelumbo 52: 125 – 130.
42. SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2010. Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S.Hatt. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) new to Indian bryoflora. Indian J. Forest. 33 (3): 395–398.
43. SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2010. A Synoptic Flora of Liverworts and Hornworts of Manipur. Nelumbo 52 : 9 – 52.
44. DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2010. Two more additions to Indian Cololejeunea (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from West Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 33 (4): 615 – 618.
45. GUPTA, R.K. AND D. SINGH 2010. A new species of Stigeoclonium Kütz. from Sikkim, Eastern Sikkim, India. Indian J. Forest. 33 (3): 401 – 402.
46. SINGH, D.K. AND D. SINGH 2009. Saccogynidium Grolle (Hepaticae: Geocalycaceae) – an interesting new generic record for India. J. Bryol. 31: 50 – 54.
47. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2009. Isotachis japonica Steph. – An addition to Indian bryoflora from East Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 32 (3): 501–504.
48. DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2009. Some new and noteworthy records of Hepaticae from Eastern Himalaya, India. Indian J. Forest. 32 (4): 669 – 684.
49. SINGH, D.K. AND D. SINGH 2008. Rediscovery of Calypogeia aeruginosa Mitt. (Hepaticae: Calypogeiaceae) – a long lost endemic liverwort from Sikkim, India. J. Bryol. 30: 229 – 231.
50. DEY, M., D.K. SINGH AND D. SINGH 2008. Two new species of Lejeunea Lib. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from Sikkim, India. J. Bryol. 30: 126–132.
51. DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2008. A new species of Cololejeunea (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from Eastern Himalaya, India. Taiwania 53 (3): 258–263.
52. SINGH, D., D.K. SINGH AND M.P. SINGH 2008. Scapania contorta Mitt. (Subgen.: Scapania: Sect. Plicaticalyx) with a note on diversity and distribution of the genus in India. Indian J. Forest. 31 (1): 151–158.
53. SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2008. Lejeunea papilionacea Steph. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) an addition to Indian bryoflora from East Sikkim. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 50: 212–215.
54. SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2008. Studies on oil-bodies in some foliose liverworts from East Sikkim II. Indian J. Forest. 31(2): 315–320.
55. SINGH, D.K. AND D. SINGH 2007. Rediscovery of Cyathodium acrotrichum Schiffn. (Hepaticae: Cyathodiaceae) - a long lost liverwort oft-treated as doubtful taxon. Curr. Sci. 92 (10): 1354–1356.
56. SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2007. Diversity in epiphyllous taxa of genus Metzgeria Raddi from Eastern Himalaya with a note on three new records of genus from India. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 77B (IV): 375–386.
57. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH, 2007. Riccardia elata (Steph.) Schiffn. – a new record for Indian bryoflora from East Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 30 (4): 525 – 527.
58. DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2007. Lejeunea eifrigii Mizut. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) – A new record for Indian bryoflora from Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 30 (4): 511 – 512.
59. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2007. Some recently collected rare and endemic liverworts from Sikkim Himalaya, India. Envis News Letter 12 (1 & 2): 10.
60. SINGH, D. AND D. K. SINGH 2006. Studies on oil-bodies in some foliose liverworts from East Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 29 (4): 457 – 461.
61. SINGH, D. AND D.K. SINGH 2006. Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth. – An addition to Indian bryoflora from East Sikkim. Phytotaxonomy 6: 93–95.
62. SINGH, S. K., SINGH, D. AND D. K. SINGH. 2004. On two noteworthy liverworts from Western Himalaya, India. Ann. For. 12 (1): 56–60.
D. Hindi articles: 4
1. Singh, D. 2014. Green Lake ki yatra aur Haritodbhid anveshan. Vanaspativani 23. 127–130.
2. Singh, D. 2014. Professor Shivaram Kashyap: Bharatiya Haritodbhid vigyan ke janak. Vanaspativani 23. 147.
3. Singh, D. 2015. Dhara ki Karun Pukar. Vanaspati Vani 24: 101.
4. Singh, D. 2015. Mandar Parvat ki Haritodhbhid Vividhata: Ak Singhavalokan. Vanaspati Vani 24: 42–43.
A. New genus described: 1. Udaria D.K.Singh, S. Majumdar & D. Singh, Curr. Sci. 155 (8): 1537. 2018.
B. New taxa described: 9
1. Udaria lamellicaulis D.K.Singh, S. Majumdar & D. Singh Curr. Sci. 155 (8): 1537. 2018
2. Metzgeria mizoramensis Sushil K. Singh & D. Singh, Cryptog. Bryol. 39 (1): 47. 2018.
3. Riccardia lachungensis D. Singh & D.K.Singh, Taiwania 62 (1): 36. 2017.
4. Riccardia udarii D. Singh & D.K.Singh, Taiwania 62 (1): 39. 2017.
5. Lepidozia kashyapii D.Singh & D.K. Singh, Nova Hedwigia 94 (1-2): 222. 2012.
6. Notoscyphus darjeelingensis Udar & A.Kumar var. sikkimensis D.Singh, D.K.Singh & A.Kumar, Indian J. Forest. 33: 93. 2010.
7. Cololejeunea tixieriana M.Dey, D.Singh & D.K.Singh, Taiwania 53: 258. 2008.
8. Lejeunea kashyapii M.Dey, D.K.Singh & D.Singh, J. Bryol. 30: 126. 2008.
9. Lejeunea mehrana M.Dey, D.K.Singh & D.Singh, J. Bryol. 30: 128. 2008.
C. Genus new to India: 1
Saccogynidium irregularospinum C.H.Gao, T.Cao & M.J.Lai
D. New distributional record to India: 37
1. Acrolejeunea pusilla (Steph.) Grolle & Gradst.
2. Bazzania angustistpula N.Kitag.
3. Cheilolejeunea osumiensis (S.Hatt.) Mizut.
4. Cololejeunea macounii (Spruce ex Underw.) A.Evans
5. Cololejeunea ocellata (Horik.) Benedix
6. Cololejeunea pluridentata P.C.Wu & J.S.Lou
7. Cololejeunea subocelloides Mizut.
8. Colura corynophora (Nees, Lindenb. & Gottsche), Trevis.
9. Drepanolejeunea laciniata Qiong He & R.L.Zhu
10. Drepanolejeunea longii Grolle & R.L.Zhu
11. Drepanolejeunea siamensis (Bischl.) Grolle & R.L.Zhu
12. Drepanolejeunea tibetana (P.C.Wu & J.S.Lou) Grolle & R.L.Zhu
13. Herbertus armitanus (Steph.) & H.A.Mill
14. Herbertus longispinus J.B.Jack & Steph.
15. Isotachis japonica Steph.
16. Jubula pennsylvanica (Steph.) A.Evans subsp. pennsylvanica
17. Lejeunea apiculata Sande Lac.
18. Lejeunea eifrigii Mizut.
19. Lejeunea papilionacea Steph.
20. Lejeunea sordida (Nees) Nees
21. Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S.Hatt.
22. Metzgeria temperata Kuwah.
23. Metzgeria violacea (Ach.) Dumort
24. Pseudolepicolea fryei (Perss.) Grolle & Ando
25. Ptilidium pulcherrimum (G.Weber) Vainio
26. Plagiochila biondiana C. Massal.
27. Plagiochila hyalodermica Grolle & M.L.So
28. Radula nymanii Steph.
29. Radula retroflexa Taylor
30. Riccardia elata (Steph.) Schiffn.
31. Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth.
32. Riccardia tamariscina (Steph.) Schiffn.
33. Riccia hasskarliana Steph.
34. Solenostoma baueri (Schiffn.) Steph.
35. Solenostoma fusiforme (Steph.) R.M.Schust.
36. Solenostoma vulcanicola (Schiffn.) Vaňa
37. Thysananthus fruticosus (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Schiffn.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Taxonomy of Macrofungi
1. Exploration of Caterpillar fungi in Himalaya: Morpho-taxonomy, Molecular phylogeny, Chemical & nutraceutical properties.
2. Wood rotting fungi of Valmiki National Park, Bihar.
E-MAIL: 1.
ON GOING OTHER PROJECTS: Wood rotting fungi of Valmiki Naitonal Park, Bihar. [2018–2021]
1. Macrofungi of Siwalik Himalaya (Tenure of the project: 2007–2012):
2. Wood Rotting Fungi Rajmahal hills, Jharkhand (Tenure of the project: 2013–2018)
3. Taxonomic Studies on the macrofungi of AJCBIBG. (Tenure of the project: 2015–2017)
4. National Green Tribunal Project [2017] on Biodiversity of Rabindra Sarobar, Kolkata. Report submitted.
5. Compendium on East Kolkata Wet Land [2019]
A. Research articles/papers:
1. SINGH, U,. M.E. HEMBROM, R.P. BHATTA AND K. DAS. 2019. A new species of Bondarzewia from Indian Himalaya. Nova Hedwigia 109 (3–4): 441–456
2. WANG, X-H, K. DAS, I. BERA, Y. H. CHEN, R.P. BHATT, A. GHOSH, M.E. HEMBROM, V. HOFSTETTER, A. PARIHAR, A. VIZZINI, T. M. XU, C. L. ZHAO, AND B. BUYCK. 2019. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 81–90, Cryptogamie Mycologie 40 (5): 57–95.
3 CHAKRABORTY, D., M.E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR, M. I. HOSEN AND K. DAS. 2018. Additions to the Indian Phylloporus (Boletaceae) based on morphology and molecular phylogeny Kavaka 50: 21–25.
4. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, A. VIZZINI AND K. DAS. 2018. Indoporus shoreae gen. et sp. nov. (Boletaceae) from tropical India. Cryptogamie Mycologie 39(4): 447–466.
5. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, A. VIZZINI AND K. DAS. 2018. A new species of Boletellus (Boletaceae, Basidiomycota) from tropical India. Nordic Journal of Botany. 36 (12): e02089, 5. doi: 10.1111/njb.02089.
6. DAS, K., M.E. HEMBROM, A. GHOSH, A. PARIHAR, AND F. KUHAR. 2018. Thelephora sikkimensis sp. nov. (Thelephoraceae) from the Eastern Himalayas (India). Nova Hedwigia. 107(3-4): 337– 347. DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2018/0475.
7. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, A. PARIHAR, AND C. SENGUPTA. 2017. Hymenochaete conchata (Hymenochaetaceae), A new record for Indian mycobiota. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 6 (3): 1–9.
8. DAS, K., A. GHOSH, D. CHAKRABORTY, J. LI, L. QIU, A. BAGHELA, M. HALAMA, M. E. HEMBROM, T. MEHMOOD, A. PARIHAR, B. PENCAKOWSKI, M. BIELECKA, K. RECZYŃSKA, D. SASIELA, U. SINGH, Y. SONG, K. ŚWIERKOSZ, K. SZCZĘŚNIAK, P. UNIYAL, J. ZHANG, J. AND B. BUYCK. 2017. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 31–40. Cryptogamie Mycologie 38 (3): 353–406.
9. ACHARYA, K., K. DAS, S. PALOI A. K. DUTTA, M.E. HEMBROM, S. KHATUA AND A. PARIHAR.2017. Exploring a novel edible mushroom Ramaria subalpina: Chemical characterization and Anti-oxidant activity. Pharmacog J. 9(1): 30–4.
10. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, R.H. NILSOON, A. PARIHAR, A. BAGHELA, N. MEHTA, S.K. SINGH, AND N. HALLENBERG. 2017. Morphology and phylogeny reveal a novel hydnoid taxon from India: Mycorrhaphoides stalpersii gen. and sp. nov. Nordic Journal of Botany. 35: 85–94 DOI: 10.1111/njb.01256.
11. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, S. ADHIKARI, A. PARIHAR AND B. BUYCK. 2016. First report of Pterygellus from Rajmahal hills of Jharkhand (India) and its relation to Craterellus (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales). Phytotaxa 306(3): 201–210. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.306.3.2.
12. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2015. Three interesting wood rotting macrofungi from Jharkhand (India). Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(2): 8518–8525;
13. DAS K., M.E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR AND R. L. ZHAO. 2015. A new species of Cyathus (Agaricaceae) from India. Turkish Journal of Botany 40: 97–103.
14. DAS, K., A. PARIHAR AND M.E. HEMBROM. 2015. A new species of Bondarzewia from India. Turkish Journal of Botany 39: 128–133.
15. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR, M.P. MARTIN, R. WATLING, AND K. DAS. 2014. First report of Astraeus odoratus from India. Kavaka 42: 16–19.
16. DAS, K., M. E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR, D. MISHRA, AND J. R. SHARMA. 2014. Strobilomyces polypyramis- Rediscovery of a wild mushroom from Sikkim, India. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 3(2): 13–18.
17. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2014. Gyrodontium sacchari (Spreng.) Hjortstam-a new record of wood-inhabiting hydnoid fungus from India. Journal on new biological Reports 3(2): 71–74.
18. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2013. Two Interesting species of stinkhorns from India. NeBIO 4(4): 1–6.
19. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2013. A new species of Poronia from India. Current Research in Environment & Applied Mycology 3(2): 182–185. doi 10.5943/cream/3/2/1.
20. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, AND K. DAS. 2014. Borofutus dhakanus (Boletaceae)-An Addition to Indian Mycobiota. NELUMBO 56: 342 – 345.
21. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2013. New Distributional Records of Ganoderma colossus (Ganodermataceae) from Jharkhand and Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 2(4): 49–53.
22. SEHGAL, D., J.R. SHARMA AND M.E. HEMBROM 2008. A rare polypore from Western Himalaya, Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Forestry 31(4): 659–660.
23. MARTIN K.P., C.L. ZHANG, M.E. HEMBROM, A. SLATER AND M.V. JOSEPH. 2008. Adventitious root induction in Ophiorrhiza prostrata: a tool for the production of camptothecin (an anticancer drug) and rapid propagation. Plant Biotechnology Reports 2: 163–169.
24. HEMBROM, M.E., K.P. MARTIN, S.P. KUMAR AND JOSEPH M.V. (2006) Rapid in vitro production of true-to-type plants of Pogostemon heyneanus through dedifferentiated axillary buds. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology.
B. Books:
1. DAS K., A. PARIHAR AND M.E. HEMBROM. 2019. Macrofungi of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden: A Pictorial Guide. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah. ISBN: 978-81-941140-2-4.
C. Book chapters: N.A.
D. Hindi articles:
1. PARIHAR, A. AND M.E. HEMBROM. 2013. Ek Anokhi Prakirya, Spalt. Vanaspati Vaani 22: 117–120.
2. HEMBROM, M.E. AND A. PARIHAR. 2013. Prof. Kartar Singh Thind - Ek Mahan Kavaka Vigyanii. Vanaspati Vaani 22: 143–144.
3. HEMBROM, M.E. 2010. Siwalik Himalaya Ke Brihad Kavakon Ka Sinhawalokan. Vanaspati Vaani 20: 133–136.
4. HEMBROM M.E. AND B. KUMAR. 2008. Arbidopsis thaliana— Padapo Jagat ka Drosophila. Vanaspati Vaani 18: 121–122 [Hindi article]
E. Popular articles: N.A.
A. New taxa described:
1. Indoporus A. Parihar, K. Das, Hembrom & Vizzini
2. Mycorrhaphoides Hembrom, K. Das & Hallenb.
1. Boandarzewia indohimalayana U. Singh, Hembrom, R.P. Bhatt & K. Das
2. B. zonata K. Das, A. Parihar & Hembrom
3. Craterellus shoreae Hembrom, K. Das, A. Parihar & Buyck
4. Cyathus thindii K. Das, Hembrom, A. Parihar & R.L. Zhao
5. Hymenochaete sharmae Hembrom, K. Das & A. Parihar
6. Indoporus shoreae A. Parihar, K. Das, Hembrom & Vizzini
7. Lactarius rajmahalensis Hembrom, K. Das & A. Parihar
8. Mycorrhaphoides stalpersii Hembrom, H. Nilsson, A. Parihar, K. Das, Baghela & S.K. Singh
9. Poronia radicata M.E. Hembrom, A. Parihar & K. Das
10. Russula gnathangensis K. Das, Hembrom & Buyck
11. Russula pseudokrombholzii K. Das, Hembrom, A. Ghosh & Buyck
12. Thelephora sikkimensis K.Das, Hembrom & Kuhar
13. Xerocomus reticulostipitatus Hembrom, D. Chakr., A. Parihar & K. Das
B. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Astraeus odoratus Phosri, Watling, M.P. Martín & Whalley
2. Borofutus dhakanus Hosen & Zhu L. Yang
3. Helicogloea globosa Chee J. Chen & Oberw.
4. Hymenochaete conchata L.W. Zhou
5. Mutinus bambusinus (Zoll.) E. Fisch.
6. Gyrodontium sacchari (Spreng.) Hjortstam
7. Perenniporia bambusicola Choeyklin, T. Hatt. & E.B.G. Jones
8. Phallus atrovolvatus Kreisel & Calonge
9. Phylloporus maculatus N.K. Zeng, Zhu L. Yang & L.P. Tang
10. Phylloporus yunnanensis N.K. Zeng, Zhu L. Yang & L.P. Tang
11. Retiboletus kauffmanii (Lohwag) N.K. Zeng & Zhu L. Yang
C. Any other novelties:
1. Strobilomyces polypyramis – Rediscovery
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Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden
Botanical Survey of India
P.O.Botanic Garden, Howrah: 711103
Ph.:033-26681466; 033-26680554
Email- hoo-ajcbibg[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
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