Specialization in Horticulture-Floriculture and Landscape Management
Specialization in Plant Tissue culture and Ex-situ Conservation
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION : Taxonomy of Angiosperms
SPECIAL INTEREST : Plant Anatomy, Medicinal & Ornamental Plants.
: Floristic Diversity of Wan Wildlife Sanctuary
PHONE : 020-29707072/020-29707078
E-MAIL : priyanka[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in,priyaingalkar[at]gmail[dot]com
ON GOING OTHER PROJECTS: Flora of India vol. 24 (Families Urticaceae to Ceratophyllaceae)
A. Research articles/papers:
1. Priyanka Ingle. 2019. Pharmacognostic Investigations of Terminalia catappa L. Bioinfolet, 16(3): 168-175.
2. Shantanu Chavan, R. Taur and P. Ingle. 2019. Note on distribution of Alysicarpus longifolius (Rottl. ex Spreng.) Wight & Arn. var. major Pokle in India. Plantae Scientia, 2(2): 29 – 31.
3. Ughade, B. R., V.C. Khillare, D.M. Sangale, G. A. Korhale, P. Ingle, A.E. Tathe, R. Patil and G.D. Khedkar. 2018. A definitive method for distinguishing cultivated onion from its weedy mimic, Asphodelus fistulosus, at multiple developmental stages. Weed Research.
4. Sunita Bhosle and Priyanka Ingle. 2017. Effect of mutagens on pollen sterility of Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.). Royal, 6(1): 204 – 208.
5. Priyanka Ingle. 2016. Terminalia myriocarpa var. hirsuta Craib (Combretaceae) – a new record for India. Pleione, 10(2): 379 - 382.
6. Priyanka Ingle and A. Dhabe. 2015. Anatomical Investigation of Terminalia chebula Retz. Phytotaxonomy, 15: 55 – 62.
7. Priyanka Ingle and Arvind Dhabe, 2013. Identification of Terminalia L. species on the basis of fruit morphology. Bioinfolet, 10(4A): 1135-1138.
8. Priyanka Ingle, S. Kamble and A. Dhabe. 2013. Additions to Flora of Marathwada. Bioinfolet, 10(2): 708-709.
9. Santosh Kamble, P. Ingle and A. Dhabe. 2012. Additions to Exotic Plants of Maharashtra. Bioinfolet, 9(3): 407-408.
10. Tukaram Gitte, P. Ingle and A. Dhabe, 2012, Tephrosia vogelii Hook. f. (Fabaceae) - An addition to Flora of Kerala. Bioinfolet, 9(3): 429.
11. Priyanka Ingle and Arvind Dhabe. 2012. Bark anatomy and maceration studies of Terminalia elliptica Willd. Bioinfolet, 9(3): 428-430.
12. Priyanka Ingle, V. Jogdand and A. Dhabe. 2012. Anatomical studies on Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roth. Bioinfolet, 9(2): 224-229.
13. Priyanka Ingle and Arvind Dhabe. 2011. Standardization of Terminalia cuneata Roth. Bioinfolet, 8(3): 249-252.
14. Priyanka Ingle and Arvind Dhabe. 2011. Pharmacognostic studies on Terminalia citrina (Gaertn) Roxb. ex Fleming. Journal of Pharmacognosy, 20(3): 63-65.
15. Priyanka Ingle and Arvind Dhabe. 2011. Standardization of Terminalia myriocarpa Heurck & Muell-Arg. Journal of Phytology, 3(1): 09-12.
D. Hindi articles:
1. Priyanka Ingle, S. Bhosle, M. Pawar and P. Lakshminarasimhan. 2018. Wan Vanyajiv Abhayaranya ke jangali khadya paudhe. Vanaspati Vani. 27: 40 – 46.
B. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Terminalia myriocarpa var. hirsuta Craib
Scientist in-charge
Botanical Garden of India Republic
Botanical Survey of India
Lt. Vijayant Thapar Marg, (DCS Road)
Sector-38A, Goutam Budh Nagar,
Noida- 201303, Uttar Pradesh
Email ID: sandeep.chauhan@gov.in
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