SPECIAL INTEREST : Specialization on Grasses
Flora of Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu (2016-2020)
E-MAIL : kaa[dot]kabeer77bsi[at]gov[dot]in
1. Ethno botanical study of tribal populated districts of Bihar State, India;
2. Flora of India – Poaceae.
1. ANBARASU, BOOMINATHAN, SAMUEL THOMAS & ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER. 2019. Floristic Diversity in the Kallar Corridor of Western Ghats, Coimbatore. International Journal of Botany Studies 4(2): 41 – 48.
2. KABEER, K.A.A, SASIKALA, K. & MURUGESAN, M. 2018. An Overview of the Indian Grasses and Their Significance. Eco-Chronicle 12(2): 51 – 57.
3. PALANISAMY, M., S.K. YADAV & ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER. 2018. Seaweed Resources of India and its Economic Importance. Eco-Chronicle 12(3): 83 – 91.
4. A. RAVI KIRAN, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN & K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER. 2018. Insect entrapment by Plants in Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary, India. National Academy Science Letters – Springer – DOI: 10.1007/s40009-018-0712-4.
5. A. RAVI KIRAN & K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER. 2018. Cotoneaster buxifolius Wall. ex Lindl., a vulnerable shrub species in Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu. Current Science 115: 1622.
6. K.A.A. KABEER, J.V. SUDHAKAR, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, M.MOHANAN, G.VS. MURTHY. 2018. Floristic composition of Mukurthi National Park: a sky island in the core zone of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. NeBio 9 (1): 2018 ISSN 2278-2281(Online Version).
7. M. MURUGESAN, S. ARUMUGAM & K.A.A. KABEER. 2017. “Tripogon paramjitianus (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) a new species from the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India”. Indian J. Forestry 40(3): 285 – 287. 2017.
8. K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER, A. RAVI KIRAN & J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2017. The status and extended distribution of Streblochaete sanjappae Kabeer & V.J.Nair (Poaceae). Indian Forester 143 (4): 387. ISSN No. 0019-4816 (Print) 2321-094x (Online).
9. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN & K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER. 2015. Grasses of Tamil Nadu and Kerala - A Brief Analisis. In: Arumugam Rajendran (Ed.) & Aravindhan Veerasamy. Biodiversity Conservation: Aspects and Prospects. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN No.: 978-3-659-69584-1. pp. no. 140 - 146.
10. C.P. VIVEK, G.V.S. MURTHY, G. GNANASEKARAN, K.A.A. KABEER AND V.J. NAIR. 2015. A study on the Caryopses morphology of the grass genus Eragrostis in India. Nelumbo 57: 1 - 10.
11. HARSHA, M., G. PRADEEPKUMAR, K. SASIKALA AND K.A.A. KABEER. 2014. A preliminary study on the grass flora of Mahe, U.T. of Puducherry, India.J. Non-Timber Forest Prodects 21(3): 181 - 184.
12. KABEER, K.A.A. & J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2014. Crocosmia Planch - an addition to Iridaceae of Kerala, India. ZOOS’ PRINT, Volume XXIX, Number 9: 12-13. September 2014.
13. BINU THOMAS, A. RAJENDRAN, K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER & R. SIVALINGHAM. 2012. Chasmophytic grasses of Vellingiri Hills in the southern Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. J. Threatened Taxa 4(15): 3462 - 3472.
14. JOSE REY MALOLES, KEVAN BERG, SUBRAMANYAM RAGUPATHY, BALASUBRAMANIAM C. NIRMALA, KABEER A. ALTHAF, VADAMAN C. PALANISAMY, AND STEVEN G. NEWMASTER. 2011. The Fine Scale Ethnotaxa Classification of Millets in Southern India<!-- [if gte vml 1]> <![endif]-->. J. Ethnobiology 31(2): 262 - 287.
15. M. MURUGESAN, V. BALASUBRAMANIAM & K.A.A.KABEER. 2010. Systematic studies on the grasses of Velliangiri hills, a part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India – with special reference to Indian Endemics. – J. Sci. Trans. Environ. Technov. 3(4): 152 – 162.
16. MURUGAN, C., K.A.A. KABEER & G.V.S. MURTHY. 2009 (2008). “Phyllanthus rangachariarii – a new species of Euphorbiaceae from Agasthyamalai, India. Communicated to Bull. Bot. Surv. India 50: 201-203.
17. K.A.A. KABEER, V.J. NAIR & G.V.S. MURTHY. 2009 (2008). “Tripogon borii - a grass species new to science from India” communicated in Bull. Bot. Surv. India. 50: 115 – 118.
18. K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2009. “Panicum plenum Hitchc. & Chase (Poaceae) - a new record for India” Indian J. Forestry 32 (2): 473 - 476.
19. K.A.A. KABEER, J.H.F. BENJAMIN & V.J. NAIR. 2009. “Notes on the distribution of some South Indian Grasses”. Indian J. Forestry 32(2): 273 – 276.
20. K.A.A. KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2008 (2007). “Ehrharta stipoides Labill. (Poaceae): A new record for India from the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu”. Indian J. Forestry 31(1): 123 – 126.
21. K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER & G.V.S. MURTHY. “Shola – Grassland Complex of Nilgiris – An Overview” to the seminar on Biodiversity on Natural Sholas and its conservation in Nilgiris held on 27 & 28th March 2008 in Emerald Heights College for Women, Ooty.
22. K.A.A. KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2008 (2007). “Polypogon nilgiricus - a new species of Poaceae from India. Nordic J. Botany 25: 9 – 11.
23. K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2008 (2007). Poa stapfiana Bor (Poaceae): a Himalayan orophyte discovered from Nilgiri mountains of Tamil Nadu. Indian J. Forestry 30(4): 451 – 453.
24. G.V.S. MURTHY, K.A.A. KABEER, J.H.F. BENJAMIN, R.K. PREMANATH, BIR BAHADUR & V.J. NAIR. 2008. Additions to the flora of Andhra Pradesh since Gamble (1935). Proc. Andhra Pradesh Akademi Sci. 12 (1&2): 76 – 100.
25. K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2007. Panicum sparsicomum Nees ex Steud. – an extremely rare grass rediscovered after several decades. J. Swamy Bot. Cl. 24: 1 – 4.
26. K.A.A. KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2007. Trachys copeana - A new species of Poaceae from India. Kew Bull. 62: 503 – 505.
27. K.A.A. KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2006. Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray (Poaceae): a new record to India from the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 30 (3): 480 - 483.
28. K.A.A. KABEER & V.J. NAIR. 2006 (2005). Streblochaete Hochst. ex Pilger (Poaceae): A new genus record for India with a new species S. sanjappae K.A.A. Kabeer & V.J. Nair Bull. Bot. Surv. India 47 (1-4): 133 - 138.
B. Books:
1. K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER & V. SAMPATH KUMAR (Editorial Assistant). Flora of Kerala Volume 2 - (Fabaceae to Cornaceae) (ed. GVS Murthy & V.J. Nair). 2016. BSI Kolkata. ISBN.: 81-8177-089-7.
2. J.H.F. BENJAMIN, K. SASIKALA, C. MURUGAN, K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER, & C. KALIDASS. “Bibliography of Indian Grasses” Edited by: V.J. Nair & G.V.S. Murthy. 2012. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
3. K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER & V.J. NAIR “Flora of Tamil Nadu Grasses”. March 2009. ISBN: 81-8177-031-5. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
C. Book chapters:
1. M. PALANISAMY, K. A. A. KABEER AND S.K. YADAV. 2016. Has Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman, widened its habitat as an epiphyte?. In: National Seminar - Green Wealth For Global Health (Book Chapter published). ISBN : 978-93-85101-47-2 Editor: Dr. P. Sreevani.
2. R. MEHALA DEVI, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER, J.V. SUDHAKAR AND G.V.S. MURTHY. 2013. Botanizing In Nilgiris - Contributions From Botanical Survey Of India, Coimbatore. Sent for the Publication as Book chapter in connection with the National Conference on Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and Silver Jubilee Celebration (NBRSJC) organized by Dept. Zoology & Wildlife Biology, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
D. Popular articles:
A. New species / taxa described:
Ø Polypogon nilgiricus K.A.A. Kabeer & V.J. Nair
Ø Streblochaete sanjappae K.A.A. Kabeer & V.J. Nair
Ø Trachys copeana K.A.A. Kabeer & V.J. Nair
Ø Tripogon wightii Hook.f. var. kanyakumariensis K.A.A. Kabeer & V.J. Nair
B. New distributional records to India and region:
Streblochaete Hochst. ex Pilger – known earlier from Tropical Africa, Indonesia and Philippines. (NEW GENUS DISTRIBUTION TO INDIA).
Grass Species records for India: 5
Ø Bromus diandrus Roth
Ø Digitaria abyssinica (A.Rich.) Stapf
Ø Ehrhartra stipoides Labill
Ø Panicum plenum Hichc. & Chase
Ø Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray
New grass Records for Southern India: 4
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Taxonomy of Macrofungi
SPECIAL INTEREST: Fleshy and Woody Poroid Fungi
1. Exploration of Caterpillar fungi in Himalaya: Morpho-taxonomy, Molecular phylogeny, Chemical & nutraceutical properties
E-MAIL: 1.
1. Taxonomic Studies on the macrofungi of AJCBIBG- (Tenure of the project: 2015–2017): A total of 149 species of Macrofungi were documented. – Report Submitted.
2. Wood Rotting Fungi of Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary, Koderma, Jharkhand- (Tenure of the project: 2010–2014): A total of 99 species of wood rotting Macrofungi were documented. – Report Submitted.
A. Research articles/papers:
1. WANG, X-H, K. DAS, I. BERA, Y. H. CHEN, R.P. BHATT, A. GHOSH, M.E. HEMBROM, V. HOFSTETTER, A. PARIHAR, A. VIZZINI, T. M. XU, C. L. ZHAO, AND B. BUYCK. 2019. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 81–90, Cryptogamie Mycologie 40 (5): 57–95.
2. CHAKRABORTY, D., M.E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR, M. I. HOSEN AND K. DAS. 2018. Additions to the Indian Phylloporus (Boletaceae) based on morphology and molecular phylogeny Kavaka 50: 21–25.
3. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, A. VIZZINI AND K. DAS. 2018. Indoporus shoreae gen. et sp. nov. (Boletaceae) from tropical India. Cryptogamie Mycologie 39(4): 447–466.
4. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, A. VIZZINI AND K. DAS. 2018. A new species of Boletellus (Boletaceae, Basidiomycota) from tropical India. Nordic Journal of Botany. 36 (12): e02089, 5. doi: 10.1111/njb.02089.
5. DAS, K., M.E. HEMBROM, A. GHOSH, A. PARIHAR, AND F. KUHAR. 2018. Thelephora sikkimensis sp. nov. (Thelephoraceae) from the Eastern Himalayas (India). Nova Hedwigia. 107(3-4): 337– 347. DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2018/0475.
6. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, A. PARIHAR, AND C. SENGUPTA. 2017. Hymenochaete conchata (Hymenochaetaceae), A new record for Indian mycobiota. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 6 (3): 1–9.
8. CHAKARABORTY, D., K. DAS, A. PARIHAR, S. ADHIKARI, S. K. MUKHERJEE, J. KARMAKAR AND T. K. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2017. Morphology and phylogeny of Retiboletus kauffmanii (boletaceae): a new record of wild mushroom. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 6(1): 5–11.
9. CHAKARABORTY, D., A. PARIHAR, N. MEHTA, WAGHELA, AND K. DAS. 2017. A new species of Xerocomus (Boletaceae) from India. Mycosphere 8(1): 44–50.
10. ACHARYA, K., K. DAS, S. PALOI A. K. DUTTA, M.E. HEMBROM, S. KHATUA AND A. PARIHAR.2017. Exploring a novel edible mushroom Ramaria subalpina: Chemical characterization and Anti-oxidant activity. Pharmacog J. 9(1): 30–4.
11. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, R.H. NILSOON, A. PARIHAR, A. BAGHELA, N. MEHTA, S.K. SINGH, AND N. HALLENBERG. 2017. Morphology and phylogeny reveal a novel hydnoid taxon from India: Mycorrhaphoides stalpersii gen. and sp. nov. Nordic Journal of Botany. 35: 85–94 DOI: 10.1111/njb.01256.
12. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, S. ADHIKARI, A. PARIHAR AND B. BUYCK. 2016. First report of Pterygellus from Rajmahal hills of Jharkhand (India) and its relation to Craterellus (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales). Phytotaxa 306(3): 201–210. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.306.3.2.
13. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2015. Three interesting wood rotting macrofungi from Jharkhand (India). Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(2): 8518–8525;
14. DAS K., M.E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR AND R. L. ZHAO. 2015. A new species of Cyathus (Agaricaceae) from India. Turkish Journal of Botany 40: 97–103.
15. DAS, K., A. PARIHAR AND M.E. HEMBROM. 2015. A new species of Bondarzewia from India. Turkish Journal of Botany 39: 128–133.
16. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR, M.P. MARTIN, R. WATLING, AND K. DAS. 2014. First report of Astraeus odoratus from India. Kavaka 42: 16–19.
17. DAS, K., M. E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR, D. MISHRA, AND J. R. SHARMA. 2014. Strobilomyces polypyramis- Rediscovery of a wild mushroom from Sikkim, India. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 3(2): 13–18.
18. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2014. Gyrodontium sacchari (Spreng.) Hjortstam-a new record of wood-inhabiting hydnoid fungus from India. Journal on new biological Reports 3(2): 71–74.
19. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2013. Two Interesting species of stinkhorns from India. NeBIO 4(4): 1–6.
20. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2013. A new species of Poronia from India. Current Research in Environment & Applied Mycology 3(2): 182–185. doi 10.5943/cream/3/2/1.
21. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, AND K. DAS. 2014. Borofutus dhakanus (Boletaceae)-An Addition to Indian Mycobiota. NELUMBO 56: 342 – 345.
22. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR AND K. DAS. 2013. New Distributional Records of Ganoderma colossus (Ganodermataceae) from Jharkhand and Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 2(4): 49–53.
23. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY AND A. PARIHAR. 2013. Cortinarius trivialis, A New Record for wild mushroom from India Showing Intercontinental conspecificity. NeBio 3(5): 1–3.
B. Books:
1. DAS K., A. PARIHAR AND M.E. HEMBROM. 2019. Macrofungi of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden: A Pictorial Guide. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah. ISBN: 978-81-941140-2-4.
C. Book chapters: N.A.
D. Hindi articles:
1. PARIHAR, A. AND M.E. HEMBROM. 2013. Ek Anokhi Prakirya, Spalt. Vanaspati Vaani 22: 117–120.
2. HEMBROM, M.E. AND A. PARIHAR. 2013. Prof. Kartar Singh Thind - Ek Mahan Kavaka Vigyanii. Vanaspati Vaani 22: 143–144.
3. KUAMAR A. AND A. PARIHAR .2011. Harsingaar ek sankramaan nivaarak Paudha: Vanaspati vaani 20: 227.
4. PARIHAR A. 2010. Ganoderma Lucidum ek chamatkaarik Aushdhi : Vanaspati vaani 19: 87–88.
5. PARIHAR, A. AND A. KUMAR. 2010. Jain dharm ke pujniya vriksh evam unkaa vaigyaanik mahtav. Vanaspati Vaani 19: 149–156.
E. Popular articles: N.A.
A. New taxa described:
1. Indoporus A. Parihar, K. Das, Hembrom & Vizzini
2. Mycorrhaphoides Hembrom, K. Das & Hallenb.
1. Bondarzewia zonata K. Das, A. Parihar & Hembrom
2. Craterellus shoreae Hembrom, K. Das, A. Parihar & Buyck
3. Cyathus thindii K. Das, Hembrom, A. Parihar & R.L. Zhao
4. Indoporus shoreae A. Parihar, K. Das, Hembrom & Vizzini
5. Lactarius rajmahalensis Hembrom, K. Das & A. Parihar
6. Mycorrhaphoides stalpersii Hembrom, H. Nilsson, A. Parihar, K. Das, Baghela & S.K. Singh
7. Poronia radicata M.E. Hembrom, A. Parihar & K. Das
8. Thelephora sikkimensis K.Das, Hembrom & Kuhar
9. Xerocomus longistipitatus K. Das, A. Parihar, D. Chakr. & Baghela
10. Xerocomus reticulostipitatus Hembrom, D. Chakr., A. Parihar & K. Das
B. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Astraeus odoratus Phosri, Watling, M.P. Martín & Whalley
2. Borofutus dhakanus Hosen & Zhu L. Yang
3. Cortinarius trivialis J.E. Lange
4. Hymenochaete conchata L.W. Zhou
5. Mutinus bambusinus (Zoll.) E. Fisch.
6. Gyrodontium sacchari (Spreng.) Hjortstam
7. Perenniporia bambusicola Choeyklin, T. Hatt. & E.B.G. Jones
8. Phallus atrovolvatus Kreisel & Calonge
9. Phylloporus maculatus N.K. Zeng, Zhu L. Yang & L.P. Tang
10. Phylloporus yunnanensis N.K. Zeng, Zhu L. Yang & L.P. Tang
11. Retiboletus kauffmanii (Lohwag) N.K. Zeng & Zhu L. Yang
C. Any other novelties:
1. Strobilomyces polypyramis – Rediscovery
Arunachal Pradesh Regional Centre
Botanical Survey of India,Sankie View
Post Box No.- 127, Itanagar -791111 (Arunachal Pradesh)
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Email ID:hoo-aprc[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
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