FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Diversity and Systematics of Wild Mushrooms
SPECIAL INTEREST: Molecular Phylogeny of Himalayan Mushrooms
PRESENTLY WORKING ON FAMILY / TRIBE / GENUS OR FLORA OF (AREA) : Exploration of Caterpillar fungi in Himalaya: Morpho-taxonomy, Molecular phylogeny, Chemical & nutraceutical properties
1. STUDIES ON RUSSULALES OF SIKKIM HIMALAYA: PART I – WEST DISTRICT (2008-2011): A total of 42 spp. of mushrooms under two families (Russulaceae and Hericiaceae) were documented. While dealing this work eight new species, 11 new records for India were described.
2. STUDIES ON WILD MUSHROOMS OF NORTH SIKKIM (2011-2014): A total of 110 spp. of wild mushrooms belonging to 25 families and 50 genera were documented. While dealing this work 19 novel species were described.
3. STUDIES ON WILD MUSHROOMS OF EAST AND SOUTH SIKKIM (EXCEPT AGARICACEAE, HYGROPHORACEAE, BOLETACEAE, SUILLACEAE AND CANTHARELLACEAE) (2014-2018): While working on this project 28 new species under 10 genera were discovered.
A. Research articles/papers: 126
1. DAS, K., I. BERA & A. GHOSH. 2020. Lactarius brunneoaurantiacus sp. nov. and L. indoscrobiculatus sp. nov. from India. Nordic J. Bot. DOI:10.1111/njb.02940
2. DAS, K., A. GHOSH, B. BUYCK & M.E. HEMBROM. 2020. Two new species of Russula subgenus Compactae from Indian Himalaya based on morphology and molecular phylogenetic inferences. Nordic J. Bot. DOI: 10.1111/njb.02962
3. GHOSH, A., K. DAS, R.P. BHATT & M.E. HEMBROM. 2020. Two new species of the genus Russula from western Himalaya with morphological details and phylogenetic estimations. Nova Hedwigia 11(1-2): 115–130.
4. ROSSI, W., K. DAS, M.E. HEMBROM, S. SANTAMARIA, A. PARIHAR, A. GHOSH, T.W. HENKEL, V. HOFSTETTER, É. RANDRIANJOHANY, A. VIZZINI, X-H. WANG & B. BUYCK. 2020. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 91-100. Cryptogamie Mycologie 41(4): 69–107.
5. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY & V. ANTONÍN. 2019. A novel species of Marasmius sect. Globulares (Marasmiaceae) from Indian Himalaya. Kew Bull. 74: 2 DOI: 10.1007/s12225-019-9805-6
6. BERA, I. & K. DAS. 2019. One new species and two new records in the Lactifluus volemus complex from India. Nordic J. Bot. DOI:10.1111/njb.02483
7. BERA, I., P. UNIYAL & K. DAS. 2019. A novel species in Lactarius sect. Atroviridi from Indian Himalaya. Phytotaxa 415(1): 058–064.
8. SINGH, U., M.E. HEMBROM, R.P. BHATT & K. DAS. 2019. A new species of Bondarzewia (Russulales) from Indian Himalaya. Nova Hedwigia 109(3-4): 441–456.
9. PARIHAR, A., K. DAS, P.V. PRASANNA, Y.V. RAO, S.B. PADAL & M.E. HEMBROM. 2019. Inventory of woody and fleshy poroid macrofungi from Koderma wildlife sanctuary, Jharkhand. Trop. Pl. Res. 6(3): 452–461.
10. PARIHAR, A., Y.V. RAO, S.B. PADAL, K. DAS & M.E. HEMBROM. 2019. Taxonomy and diversity of the Genus Phellinus Quél. s.s. (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetaceae) in Koderma wildlife sanctuary, Jharkhand, India. Trop. Pl. Res. 6(3): 472–485.
11. SINGH, U. & K. DAS. 2019. Hericium rajendrae sp. nov. (Hericiaceae, Russulales): an edible mushroom from Indian Himalaya. Nova Hedwigia DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/ 2019/0527
12. UNIYAL, P., K. DAS & R.P. BHATT. 2019. Lactarius pleuromacrocystidiatus (Russulaceae), a novel species from India. Kew Bull. 74: 8 DOI 10.1007/S12225-019-9799-0
13. ADAMCIK, S., B. LOONEY, M. CABON, S. JANCOVICOVA, K. ADAMCIKOVA, P.G. AVIS, M. BARAJAS, R.P. BHATT, A. CORRALES, K. DAS & al. 2019. The quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language. Fungal Diversity DOI: 10.1007/s13225-019-00437-2
14. SINGH, U., M.E. HEMBROM, R.P. BHATT & K. DAS. 2019. A new species of Bondarzewia (Russulales) from Indian Himalaya. Nova Hedwigia 109(3-4): 441–456.
15. WANG, X., K. DAS, I. BERA, Y-H. CHEN, R.P. BHATT, A. GHOSH, M.E. HEMBROM, V. HOFSTETTER, A. PARIHAR, A. VIZZINI, T-M. XU, C-L. ZHAO & B. BUYCK. 2019. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 81–90. Cryptogamie Mycologie 40(5): 57–95.
16. DAS, K., W. ROSSI, M. LEONARDI, A. GHOSH, I. BERA, M.E. HEMBROM, R. BAJPAI, S. JOSEPH, S. NAYAKA, D.K. UPRETI, X-H. WANG, V. HOFSTETTER & B. BUYCK. 2018. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 61–70. Cryptogamie Mycologie 39(4): 381–418.
17. WANG, X-H, K. DAS, J. HORMAN, V. ANTONIN, D. CHAKRABORTY, M.E. HEMBROM, K. NAKASONE, B.O. SANTANA, A. VIZZINI & B. BUYCK. 2018. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 51–60. Cryptogamie Mycologie 39(2): 211–257.
18. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, A. VIZZINI & K. DAS. 2018. Indoporus shoreae gen. et sp. nov. (Boletaceae) from tropical India. Cryptogamie Mycologie 39(4): 447–466.
19. DAS, K., M.E. HEMBROM, A. GHOSH, A. PARIHAR & F. KUHAR. 2018. Thelephora sikkimensis sp. nov. (Thelephoraceae) from the Eastern Himalayas (India). Nova Hedwigia DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2018/0475.
20. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM, A. VIZZINI & K. DAS. 2018. A new species of Boletellus (Boletaceae, Basidiomycota) from tropical India. Nordic J. Bot. DOI: 10.1111/njb.02089.
21. HOSEN, M.I., T. MEHMOOD, K. DAS, L.V. KUDZMA & R.P. BHATT. 2018. Amanita tullossiana, a new species, and two new records of Amanita section Lepidella from north-western Himalaya, India. MycoKeys 37: 73–92.
22. CHAKRABORTY, D., K. DAS & A. VIZZINI. 2018. Gliophorus glutinosus sp. nov. (Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales) from Eastern Himalayan region of India. MycoKeys Doi:10.3897/mycoKeys.33.23703.
23. PALOI, S., K. DAS & K. ACHARYA. 2018. Russula darjeelingensis, a new species from Eastern Himalaya, India. Phytotaxa 358(1): 83–90.
24. BUYCK, B., V. ANTONIN, D. CHAKRABORTY, A. BAGHELA, K. DAS & V. HOFSTETTER. 2018. Cantharellus sect. Amethystini in Asia. Mycol. Progr.
25. DAS, K., A. GHOSH, R.P. BHATT, D. CHAKRABORTY, V. HOFSTETTER & B. BUYCK. 2017. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 41–50. Cryptogamie Mycologie 38(4): 527–547.
26. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY & A. VIZZINI. 2017. Morphological and phylogenetic evidences unveil a novel species of Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae, Boletales) from Indian Himalaya. Nordic J. Bot. 35: 669–675.
27. DAS, K., A. VERBEKEN, D. CHAKRABORTY, R. AVCHAR & A. BAGHELA. 2017. Morphological and phylogenetic evidence for two new Lactarius species (Russulales, Basidiomycota) from India. Cryptogamie Mycologie 38(4): 453–467.
28. D. CHAKRABORTY, A. VIZZINI & K. DAS. 2017. Two new species and a new record of the genus Tylopilus (Boletaceae) from Indian Himalaya with morphological details and phylogenetic estimations. MycoKeys 33: 103–124.
30. DAS, K., A. GHOSH, A. BAGHELA, R. AVCHAR, R.P. BHATT & B. BUYCK. 2017. Morphological and phylogenetic evidence for Russula butyroindica sp. nov. (Russulaceae) from the Indian Himalaya. Nova Hedwigia DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2017/0436
31. GHOSH, A. & K. DAS. 2017. Russula (Russulaceae) in western Himalaya 1: Two new species from subg. Russula. Phytotaxa 323: 237–252.
32. DAS, K., A. GHOSH, S. SANTHOSH & A. VIZZINI. 2017. Morphology and molecular phylogeny uncover the first collection of Paxillus orientalis (Paxillaceae) from India. Kavaka 49: 6–9.
33. UNIYAL, P., K. DAS, R.P. BHATT, U. SINGH & T. MEHMOOD. 2017. Lactarius kumaonensis sp. nov. (Russulaceae) from Uttarakhand, India. Nordic J. Bot. doi: 10.1111/njb.01604
34. TIBPROMMA, S., K.D. HYDE, R. JEEWON, S.S.N. MAHARACHCHIKUMBURA, J-K. LIU, D.J. BHAT, E.B.G. JONES, E.H.C. MCKENZIE, E. CAMPORESI, T.S. BULGAKOV, M. DOILOM, A.L.C. MONTEIRO DE AZEVEDO SANTIAGO, K. DAS, P. MANIMOHAN, T.B. GIBERTONI, Y.W. LIM, A.H. EKANAYAKA, B. THONGBAI, H.B. LEE, J-B. YANG, P.M. KIRK, P. SYSOUPHANTHONG & al. 2017. Fungal Diversity Notes 491–602: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity. DOI 10.1007/s13225-017-0378-0
35. UNIYAL, P., K. DAS, R.P. BHATT, U. SINGH & T. MEHMOOD. 2017. Lactarius olivaceoumbrinus: a new addition to Indian mycobiota from Uttarakhand, India. J. New Biological Reports 6(1): 52–57.
36. CHAKRABORTY, D., K. DAS, A. BAGHELA, S. ADHIKARI & R.E. HALLING. 2017. A new species of porcini mushroom from India with morphology and phylogeny. Nova Hedwigia DOI: nova_hedwigia /20170405.
37. CHAKRABORTY, D., K. DAS, A. PARIHAR, S. ADHIKARI, S.K. MUKHERJEE, J. KARMAKAR & T.K. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2017. Morphology and phylogeny of Retiboletus kauffmanii (boletaceae): a new record of wild mushroom from Indian Himalaya. Indian J. Pl. Sci. 6(1): 5–11.
38. GHOSH, A., K. DAS & R.P. BHATT. 2017. Russula sarnarii sp. nov. (Russulaceae, Basidiomycota) from Indian Himalaya. Current Res. Environmental & Applied Mycology 7(1): 64–72.
39. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, S. ADHIKARI, A. PARIHAR & B. BUYCK. 2017. First report of Pterygellus from Rajmahal hills of Jharkhand (India) and its relation to Craterellus (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales). Phytotaxa 306(3): 201–210.
40. CHAKRABORTY, D., K.C. SEMWAL, S. ADHIKARI, S.K. MUKHERJEE & K. DAS. 2017. Morphology and phylogeny reveal new reports (a genus and two species) of boletoid mushrooms for Indian mycobiota. Trop. Pl. Res. 4(1): 62–70
41. CHAKRABORTY, D, A. PARIHAR, N. MEHTA, A. BAGHELA, & K. DAS. 2017. A new species of Xerocomus (Boletaceae) from India. Mycosphere 8(1): 44–50.
42. CHAKRABORTY, D., S.K. MUKHERJEE & K. DAS. 2017. First report of Hygrophorus pudorinus (A wild edible Mushroom) from India with macro- and micro-morphology. Nelumbo 59(1): 95–99.
43. CHAKRABORTY, D., K. DAS, A. BAGHELA, N. MEHTA, S.K. SINGH, S.K. MUKHERJEE & R.L. ZHAO. 2017. Morphological and phylogenetic studies of Lycoperdon rupicola: first report for the Indian mycobiota. Taiwania 62(1): 93–98.
44. HEMBROM, M.E., K. DAS, R.H. NILSSON, A. PARIHAR, A. BAGHELA, N. MEHTA, S.K. SINGH & N. HALLENBERG. 2017. Morphology and phylogeny reveal a novel hydnoid taxon from India: Neomycorrhaphium stalpersii gen. and sp. nov. Nordic J. Bot. 35: 85–94.
45. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY, A. BAGHELA, S.K. SINGH & B.T.M. DENTINGER. 2016. New species of xerocomoid boletes (Boletaceae) from Himalayan India based on morphological and molecular evidence. Mycologia 108(4): 753–764; doi:10.3852/15-206
46. UNIYAL, P., K. DAS, S. ADHIKARI, U. SINGH & T. MEHMOOD. 2016. Lactifluus rajendrae sp. nov. (Russulaceae) from India. Phytotaxa 278(3): 257–264.
47. ATRI, N.S., S. SHARMA, M.K. SAINI & K. DAS. 2016. Researches on Russulaceous Mushrooms-An Appraisal. Kavaka 47: 63–82.
48. GHOSH, A., K. DAS, S. ADHIKARI & R.P. BHATT. 2016. A novel species of Russula (Russulaceae) from Indian Himalaya. Mycosphere 7(6): 778–785.
51. WISITRASSAMEEWONG, K., B.P. LOONEY, H.T. LE, E. DE CROP, K. DAS, K. VAN DE PUTTE, U. EBERHARDT, G. JIAYU, D. STUBBE, K.D. HYDE, A. VERBEKEN & J. NUYTINCK. 2016. Lactarius subgenus Russularia (Basidiomycota, Russulales): novel Asian species, worldwide phylogeny and evolutionary relationships. Fungal Biology 30: 1–28.
52. DAS, K., M.E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR & R.L. ZHAO. 2016. A new species of Cyathus (Agaricaceae) from India. Turkish J. Bot. 40: 97–103.
53. DAS, K., M.E. HEMBROM, A.K. DUTTA, A. PARIHAR & K. ACHARYA. 2016. Ramaria subalpina (Gomphaceae): a new edible fungus from India. Phytotaxa 246(2): 137–144.
54. DAS, K., K.C. SEMWAL & D. CHAKRABORTY. 2016. Two new records of Himalayan wild mushrooms for Indian mycobiota. Kavaka 46: 14–17.
55. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR & K. DAS. 2016. Three interesting wood rotting macrofungi from Jharkhand (India). J. Threatened Taxa 8(2): 8518–8525.
56. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY, A. BAGHELA, S.K. SINGH & B.T.M. DENTINGER. 2015. Boletus lakhanpalii, a new species in Boletaceae from Sikkim (India) with uncertain phylogenetic placement. Sydowia 67: 11–19.
57. ADAMČÍK, S., L. CAI, D. CHAKRABORTY, X.H. CHEN, H.V.T. COTTER, D.Q. DAI, Y.C. DAI, K. DAS, C.Y. DENG, M. GHOBAD-NEJHAD, K.D. HYDE, E. LANGER, K.P.D. LATHA, F. LIU, S.L. LIU, T.T. LIU, W. LV, S-X. LV, A.R. MACHADO, D.B. PINHO, O.L. PEREIRA, I.B. PRASHER, A.W.C. ROSADO, J. QIN, W.M. QIN, R.K. VERMA, Q. WANG, Z.L. YANG, X-D. YU, L.W. ZHOU & B. BUYCK. 2015. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 1–10. Cryptogamie Mycologie 36(2): 121–166.
58. DAS, K., V. HOFSTETTER, D. CHAKRABORTY, A. BAGHELA, S.K. SINGH & B. BUYCK. 2015c. Cantharellus sikkimensis sp.nov. (Cantharellales, Agaricomycetes) from the Indian Himalayas. Phytotaxa 222(4): 267–275.
59. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY & H.V.T. COTTER. 2015. Suillus adhikarii: a new species from the subalpine Himalaya of India and Nepal associated with Larix. Phytotaxa 219(3): 289–295.
60. CHAKRABORTY, D. & K. DAS. 2015. A new generic record of Boletaceae for Indian mycobiota. Current Res. Environmental & Appl. Mycol. 5(2): 138–144.
61. DUTTA, A.K., K. DAS & K. ACHARYA. 2015. A new species of Marasmius sect. Globulares from Indian Himalaya with tall basidiomata. Mycosphere 6(5): 560–567.
62. DAS, K. & D. CHAKRABORTY. 2015. Lactarius vesterholtii, a new species from India. Mycotaxon 129(2): 477–484.
63. DAS, K. & B.T.M. DENTINGER. 2015. Austroboletus olivaceoglutinosus, a new mushroom species from Sikkim, India with a distinctive green, glutinous pileus. Kew Bull. 70(1): 15.
64. DAS, K., A. VERBEKEN & J. NUYTINCK. 2015. Morphology and phylogeny of four new Lactarius species from Himalayan India. Mycotaxon 130(1): 105–130.
65. CHAKRABORTY, D., K. DAS, A. BAGHELA, S.K. SINGH & B.T.M. DENTINGER. 2015. Boletus recapitulatus, a new mushroom species from India with peculiar mushroom-shaped cells. Phytotaxa 236(2): 150–160.
66. DAS, K. & D. CHAKRABORTY. 2015. Two new records of Cortinarius from Sikkim (India). J. New Biological Reports 4(1): 1–6.
67. DAS, K., A. PARIHAR & M.E. HEMBROM. 2015. A new species of Bondarzewia from India. Turkish J. Bot. 39: 128–133.
68. DAS, K., N.J. DOWIE, G.J. LI & S.L. MILLER. 2014. Two new species of Russula (Russulales) from India. Mycosphere 5(5): 612–622.
69. DAS, K., M.E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR, D. MISHRA AND J.R. SHARMA. 2014. Strobilomyces polypyramis – rediscovery of a wild mushroom from Sikkim, India. Indian J. Pl. Sci. 3(2): 13–18.
70. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM & K. DAS. 2014. Borofutus dhakanus (Boletaceae), an addition for Indian mycobiota. Nelumbo 56: 342–345.
71. DAS, K. & D. CHAKRABORTY. 2014. Cortinarius flammeus– A poorly known species. NeBIO 5(2): 9–12.
72. DAS, K. & D. CHAKRABORTY. 2014. Boletus sharmae, a new species from Sikkim (India). Indian J. Pl. Sci. 3(1): 19–24.
73. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR & K. DAS. 2014. Gyrodontium sacchari (Spreng.) Hjortstam– a new record of wood-inhabiting hydnoid fungus from India. J. New Biol. Reports 3(2): 71–74.
74. DAS, K. & D. CHAKRABORTY. 2014. Three interesting species of wild mushrooms from Sikkim (India). Indian J. Pl. Sci. 3(1): 101–108.
75. DAS, K. & D. CHAKRABORTY. 2014. New record of parasitic macrofungus from India. Indian J. Pl. Sci. 2(4): 73–75.
76. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR, M.P. MARTIN, R. WATLING & K. DAS. 2014. First report of Astraeus odoratus from India. Kavaka 42: 16-19.
77. PARIHAR, A., M.E. HEMBROM & K. DAS. 2014. New distributional records of Ganoderma colossus (Ganodermataceae) from Jharkhand and Rajasthan. Indian J. Pl. Sci. 2(4): 49–53.
78. DAS, K., J. STALPERS & J.B. STIELOW. 2013. Two new species of hydnoid-fungi from India. IMA Fungus 4(2): 359–369.
79. DAS, K. & R. ZHAO. 2013. Nidula shingbaensis sp. nov.: a new bird‘s nest fungus from India. Mycotaxon 125: 53–58.
80. DAS, K., N.S. ATRI & B. BUYCK 2013. Three new species of Russula (Russulales) from India. Mycosphere 4(4): 707–717.
81. HEMBROM, M.E., A. PARIHAR & K. DAS. 2013. A new species of Poronia from India. Current Res. Environmental & Appl. Mycol. 3(2): 182–185.
82. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY & A. PARIHAR. 2013. Cortinarius trivialis, a new record of wild mushroom showing intercontinental conspecificity. NeBIO 4(5): 91–93.
83. DAS, K., M. HEMBROM & A. PARIHAR. 2013. Two interesting species of stinkhorns from India. NeBIO 4(4): 1–6.
84. DAS, K. 2013. Retiboletus ornatipes (Peck) Binder & Bresinsky (Boletaceae), a new record of wild mushroom from India. Indian J. Pl. Sci. 2(1): 1–5.
85. SHARMA, J.R., K. DAS & D. MISHRA. 2013. The genus Inonotus and its related species in India. Mycosphere 4(4): 809–818.
86. DAS, K. 2013. Lactarius fennoscandicus Verbeken & Vesterh. (Russulaceae) – A new record for India. Nelumbo 55: 214–218.
87. DAS, K. & A. VERBEKEN. 2012. New species of Lactarius subg. Plinthogalus and new records of Lactifluus subg. Gerardii (Russulaceae) from Sikkim, India. Taiwania 57(1): 37–48.
88. VAN DE PUTTE, K., J. NUYTINCK, K. DAS & A. VERBEKEN. 2012. Exposing hidden diversity by concordant genealogies and morphology—a study of the Lactifluus volemus (Russulales) species complex in Sikkim Himalaya (India). Fungal Diversity 55: 171–194.
89. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & D. MISHRA. 2012. Tylopilus pseudoscaber (Secretan) Smith & Thiers – an addition to Indian mycoflora. Nelumbo 54: 269–272.
90. DAS, K. & A. VERBEKEN. 2011. Three new species of Lactarius (Russulaceae) from Sikkim, India. Cryptogamie Mycologie 32(4): 365–381.
91. DAS, K., J. STALPERS & U. EBERHARDT. 2011. A new species of Hericium from Sikkim Himalaya (India). Cryptogamie Mycologie 32(3): 285–293.
92. DAS, K., K. VAN DE PUTTE & B. BUYCK. 2010. New or interesting Russula from Sikkim Himalaya (India). Cryptogamie Mycologie 31(4): 373–387.
93. DAS K. 2010. Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Schaeff.) Singer & A.H. Sm.; a new record for India. Phytotaxonomy 10: 109–111.
94. DAS, K. & D. MISHRA. 2010. Leratiomyces squamosus var. thraustus (Kalchbr.) Bridge & Spooner: a new record for India. Phytotaxonomy 10: 106–108.
95. DAS, K. 2010. Diversity and conservation of wild mushrooms in Sikkim with special reference to Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary. NeBIO 1(2): 1–13.
96. DAS, K. & D. MISHRA. 2010. Pallus calongei G Moreno & Khalid– a new record for India. Nelumbo 51: 225–226.
97. DAS, K. &, J.R. SHARMA. 2010. Hericium cirrhatum (Pers.) Nikol., a new record to Indian mycoflora. Kavaka 37: 47–49.
98. DAS, K., S.L. MILLER, J.R. SHARMA & J. HEMENWAY. 2008. Two new species of Russula from Western Ghats in India. Indian J. Forest. 31(3): 473–478.
99. DAS, K., S.K. SINGH & F.D. CALONGE. 2007. Gasteromycetes of Western Ghats: I. A new form of Phallus indusiatus. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 31: 135–138.
100. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & R.P. BHATT. 2007. Ecological studies on the family Russulaceae of Kumaon Himalaya. Indian J. Forest. 30: 543–549.
101. SHARMA, J.R., K. DAS & D. BISHT. 2007. Macrofungal communities in temperate Himalayan Forests. Phytotaxonomy 7: 13-20.
102. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2007. Worth seeing “Fairy Ring” in the forest bed of Kumaon Himalaya. BSI ENVIS Newsletter 12: 7.
103. DAS, K., S.L. MILLER & J.R. SHARMA. 2006. Russula in Himalaya 2: Four new taxa. Mycotaxon 95: 205–215.
104. DAS, K., S.L. MILLER, J.R. SHARMA, P. SHARMA & R.P. BHATT. 2006. Russula in Himalaya 1: A new species of subgenus Amoenula. Mycotaxon 94: 85–88.
105. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & N.S. ATRI. 2006. Russula in Kumaon Himalaya 3: A new species of subgenus Ingratula. Mycotaxon 95: 271–275.
106. BISHT, D., J.R. SHARMA, H. KRIESEL & K. DAS. 2006. A new species and a new record of Lycoperdaceae from India. Mycotaxon 95: 91–96.
107. BISHT, D., J.R. SHARMA & K. DAS. 2006. An incompletely known Vascellum from India. Indian J. Forest. 29: 197–198.
108. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA, M.T. BASSO & R.P. BHATT. 2005. Lactarius in Kumaon Himalaya 4: A new species of subgenus Piperites. Mycotaxon 91: 1–7.
109. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2005. New records of Lactarius from India. Ann. Forest. 13(1): 1–8.
110. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & D. BISHT. 2005. A parasitic mushroom. BSI ENVIS Newsletter 10(1&2): 1.
111. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & R.P. BHATT. 2005. Two new varities of Russula from India. Ann. Forest. 13(2): 281–286.
112. SHARMA, J.R., K. DAS & S. KUKRETI. 2005. New records of fleshy fungi from India. Indian J. Forest. 28(1): 78–80.
113. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & L. MONTOYA 2004. Lactarius (Russulaceae) in Kumaon Himalaya. 1. New species of subgenus Russularia. Fungal Diversity 16: 23–33.
114. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2004. Lactarius in Kumaon Himalaya 2: New and Interesting species of subgenus Plinthogali. Mycotaxon 89(2): 289–296.
115. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & L. MONTOYA. 2004. Lactarius in Kumaon Himalaya 3: A new species of subgenus Lactifluus. Mycotaxon 90: 285–290.
116. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2004. Russulacean macrofungi in north western Himalaya. Phytotaxonomy 4: 1–10.
117. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2004. Russula compacta Frost & Peck– a new record from India. J. Myco. Pl. Path. 34(1): 149–150.
118. SHARMA, J.R. & K. DAS. 2003. New and interesting species of Lactarius from India. Mycotaxon 88: 377–385.
119. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & A. VERBEKEN. 2003. New species of Lactarius from Kumaon Himalaya. Mycotaxon 88: 333–342.
120. DAS, K., & J.R. SHARMA. 2003. New records of Russula from Kumaon Himalaya. Indian J. Forest. 26: 320–326.
121. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2002. The Genus Lactarius in India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 44: 75–88.
122. DAS, K., J.R. SHARMA & R.P. BHATT. 2002. Russula flavida Frost– an addition to the Indian Ectomycorrhizic fungi. Mushroom Res. 11(1): 9–10.
123. SHARMA, J.R. & K. DAS. 2002. New records of Russulaceae from India. Phytotaxonomy 2: 11–15.
124. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2001. Russula rhodomelanea Sarnari– a new record for India. Mushroom Res. 10(2): 109–111.
125. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2001. A new record of Lactarius from India. Ann. Forest. 9(2): 284–286.
126. SHARMA, J.R. & K. DAS. 2001. Mycological trip to Pindari glacier. Indian J. Forest. 24(2): 239–244.
B. Books: Four (4)
1. DAS, K., A. PARIHAR & M.E. HEMBROM. 2019. Macrofungi of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden: A Pictorial Guide. ENVIS RP on Biodiversity, BSI, MoEF & CC, Govt. of India, Howrah. (ISBN: 978-81-941140-2-4)
2. DAS, K. & P. MARSTAD, 2014. 100 Wild Mushrooms of Slovakia. Tønsberg, Norway, pp. 126. (ISBN: 978-82-996854-2-9)
3. DAS, K. 2009. Mushrooms of Sikkim I: Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary. Sikkim State Biodiversity Board, Department of Forest, Environment & Wildlife Management, Gangtok & Botanical Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, Kolkata, pp.160. (ISBN: 978-81-909680-0-3)
4. DAS, K. & J.R. SHARMA. 2005. Russulaceae of Kumaon Himalaya. Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment, Forests Climate Change, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, pp. 255 (27 pl., 79 fig.). (ISBN: 978-81-8177-012-9)
C. Book chapters: Seven (7)
1. GANTAIT, S., K. DAS & S. BANDYOIPADHYAY. 2020. Bibliography and Abstract of Papers on Flora of Himachal Pradesh. ENVIS RP on Biodiversity, BSI, Howrah. (ISBN 978819452293-5)
2. CHAKRABORTY, D., K. DAS & T. LAKHANPAL. 2018. Reappraisal in the family Boletaceae in Indian Himalaya—Present scenario and future challenges In: Maity, D. (Ed.), Taxonomy: Theory and Practice. Proceeding of the First International Workshop under Taxonomy training centre, AICOPTAX, MoEF&CC, Govt. of India, Ruby Das, Hooghly, pp. 205–228. (ISBN 978-81-922797-8-7).
3. DAS, K. 2013. Promising Wild Mushrooms from Sikkim Himalaya with ethnomycological significance and potentialities. In: Kumar, S. (Ed.), Ethnobotanical Studies in India. Deep Publications, New Delhi, pp. 168–186.
4. DAS, K. 2013. Diversity of ectomycorrhizal macrofungi in Sikkim Himalaya with special reference to the genera Lactarius and Russula. In: Sheikh, M.M. (Ed.), Biodiversity & Environmental Issues. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, pp. 224–263.
5. DAS, K. 2013. Promising Wild Mushrooms from Sikkim Himalaya with ethnomycological significance and potentialities. In: Kumar, S. (Ed.), Ethnobotanical Studies in India. Deep Publications, New Delhi, pp. 168–186.
6. DAS, K. & R. ZHAO. 2012. Bird‘s Nest fungi in India: a new record from Sikkim. In: Biju Kumar, A. (Ed.), Biodiversity & Taxonomy. Proceedings of the First Indian Biodiversity Congress, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp. 61–68.
7. SHARMA, J.R., K. DAS & D. BISHT. 2006. Fungi. In: Jairath, N., Puja & Chadda, J. (Eds.), Plant Diversity in Shivalik Ecosystem of Punjab, India. Punjab State Council of Science and Technology, Chandigarh, pp. 86–222.
D. Hindi articles: One (1)
1. BISHT, D., J.R. SHARMA & K. DAS. 2004. Gasteromycetes– vichitra aakrity wale kavakon ka samooh. Vanaspati Vani 14: 58–60.
E. Popular articles: One (1)
1. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY, A. GHOSH, M.E. HEMBROM, A. PARIHAR, & I. BERA. 2020. Demystifying 102 Indian Mushrooms. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, Botanical Survey of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India. 36 pp.
A. New taxa described: 130 (2 New Genera, 126 New Species, 2 New Varieties)
New Genera described: Two (2)
1. Mycorrhaphoides Hembrom, K. Das & Hallenb. (Nordic Journal of Botany)
2. Indoporus A. Parihar, K. Das, Hembrom & Vizzini (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
New Species and Varieties described: 128 (126 New Species, 2 New Varieties)
1. Hericium bharengense K. Das, Stalpers & Eberhardt; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
2. H. yunthangense K. Das, Stalpers & Stielow; (IMA Fungus)
3. Mycoleptodonoides sharmae K. Das, Stalpers & Stielow; (IMA Fungus)
4. Lactarius abbotanus K. Das & J.R. Sharma; (Mycotaxon)
5. L. byssaceus K. Das & Verbeken; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
6. L. capitatus K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Montoya; (Mycotaxon)
7. L. sanjappae K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Montoya; (Fungal Diversity)
8. L. verbekenae K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Montoya; (Fungal Diversity)
9. L. dafianus K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Verbeken; (Mycotaxon)
10. L. dhakurianus K. Das, Basso & J.R. Sharma; (Mycotaxon)
11. L. dwaliensis K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Verbeken; (Mycotaxon)
12. L. elaioviscidus K. Das & Verbeken; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
13. L. ermineus K. Das & Verbeken; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
14. L. maitlyensis K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Verbeken; (Mycotaxon)
15. L. mayawatianus K. Das & J.R. Sharma; (Mycotaxon)
16. L. montoyae K. Das & J.R. Sharma; (Mycotaxon)
17. L. mukteswaricus K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Montoya; (Fungal Diversity)
18. L. crenulatus K. Das & Verbeken; in Taiwania; (Taiwan)
19. L. croceigalus K. Das & Verbeken; in Taiwania; (Taiwan)
20. L. indochrysorrheus K. Das & Verbeken; (Mycotaxon)
21. L. olivaceoglutinus K. Das & Verbeken; (Mycotaxon)
22. L. pyriodorus K. Das & Verbeken; (Mycotaxon)
23. L. yumthangensis K. Das & Verbeken; (Mycotaxon)
24. L. vesterholtii K. Das & D. Chakraborty; (Mycotaxon)
25. Lactifluus dissitus Van de Putte, K. Das & Verbeken; (Fungal Diversity)
26. L. leptomerus Van de Putte, K. Das & Verbeken; (Fungal Diversity)
27. L. versiformis Van de Putte, K. Das & Verbeken; (Fungal Diversity)
28. Russula mayawatiana K. Das, S.L. Mill. & J.R. Sharma; (Mycotaxon)
29. R. appendiculata K. Das, S.L. Mill. & J.R. Sharma; (Mycotaxon)
30. R. tsokae K. Das, Van de Putte & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
31. R. khanchanjungae Van de Putte, K. Das & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
32. R. amoenicolor var. ramgarhensis K. Das, J.R. Sharma & R.P. Bhatt; (Russulaceae of Kumaon Himalaya)
33. R. dafianus K. Das & J.R. Sharma; (Russulaceae of Kumaon Himalaya)
34. R. mukteshwarica K. Das, S.L. Mill., J.R. Sharma & R.P. Bhatt; (Mycotaxon)
35. R. natarajanii K. Das, J.R. Sharma & Atri; (Mycotaxon)
36. R. vaurasiana K. Das & J.R. Sharma; in Russulaceae of Kumaon Himalaya
37. R. flavida var. dhakurianus K. Das, J.R. Sharma & R.P. Bhatt; (Russulaceae of Kumaon Himalaya)
38. R. koeleggiensis K. Das, S.L. Mill., J.R. Sharma, J. Hemenway; (Indian J. For.)
39. R. netrabaricus K. Das, S.L. Mill., J.R. Sharma & J. Hemenway; (Indian J. For.)
40. R. puellaris var. atrii K. Das, S.L. Mill. & J.R. Sharma; (Mycotaxon)
41. R. sharmae K. Das, Atri & Buyck; (Mycosphere)
42. R. dubdiana K. Das, Atri & Buyck; (Mycosphere)
43. R. sikkimensis K. Das, Atri & Buyck; (Mycosphere)
44. R. shingbaensis K. Das & S.L. Miller; (Mycosphere)
45. R. thindii K. Das & S.L. Miller; (Mycosphere)
46. Nidula shingbaensis K. Das & R.L. Zhao; (Mycotaxon)
47. Inonotus ryvardenii J.R. Sharma & D. Mishra; (Mycosphere)
48. Austroboletus olivaceoglutinosus K. Das & Dentinger; (Kew Bulletin)
49. Boletus sharmae K. Das & D. Chakraborty; (Indian Journal of Plant Sciences)
50. B. lakhanpalii K. Das, D. Chakr., A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger; (Sydowia)
51. B. recapitulatus D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger; (Phytotaxa)
52. Bondarzewia zonata K. Das, A. Parihar & Hembrom; (Turk. J. Bot.)
53. Poronia radicata Hembrom, A. Parihar & K. Das; (CREAM)
54. Suillus lariciphillus K. Das, D. Chakr., K.P.D. Latha & Cotter; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
55. Suillus adhikarii K. Das, D. Chakr. & Cotter; (Phytotaxa)
56. Cyathus thindii K. Das, Hembrom, A. Parihar & R.L. Zhao; (Turk. J. Bot.)
57. Cantharellus sikkimensis K. Das, Buyck, D. Chakr., A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & V. Hofstetter; (Phytotaxa)
58. Marasmius indopurpureostriatus K. Das, A.K. Dutta & K. Acharya; (Mycosphere)
59. Lycoperdon ovalicaudatum D. Bisht, J.R. Sharma & Kreisel; (Mycotaxon)
60. Ramaria subalpina K. Das & K. Acharya; (Phytotaxa)
61 Cyanoboletus hymenoglutinosus D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger; (Fungal Diversity)
62 Leccinellum indoaurantiacum D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger; (Fungal Diversity)
63 Xerocomus doodhcha K. Das, D. Chakr., A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger; (Mycologia)
64 Hortiboletus indorubellus D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger; (Mycologia)
65 Xerocomus longistipitatus K. Das, A. Parihar, D. Chakr. & A. Baghela; (Mycosphere)
66 Mycorrhaphoides stalpersii Hembrom, Nilsson, A. Parihar, K. Das, A. Baghela & S. K. Singh; (Nordic Journal of Botany)
67 Lactarius atrii Van de Putte & K. Das; (Fungal Biology)
68 L. flavigalactus Verbeken & K. Das; (Fungal Biology)
69 L. sikkimensis Verbeken & K. Das; (Fungal Biology)
70 Russula indoalba A. Ghosh, B. Buyck, A. Baghela, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (Fungal Diversity)
71 R. pseudoamoenicolor A. Ghosh, B. Buyck, K. Das, A. Baghela & R.P. Bhatt; (Fungal Diversity)
72 Lactarius dirkii Uniyal, K. Das, A. Baghela & R.P. Bhatt; (Fungal Diversity)
73 Lactifluus rajendrae Uniyal & K. Das; (Phytotaxa)
74 Boletus indoedulis D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S. Adhikari & Halling; (Nova Hedwigia)
75 Russula indoarmeniaca A. Ghosh, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (Mycosphere)
76 Amanita emodotrygon Mehmood, Tulloss, K. Das, Iqbal Hosen & R.P. Bhatt; (Fungal Diversity)
77 A. cornelii Mehmood, K. Das, Iqbal Hosen, Tulloss, & R.P. Bhatt; (Fungal Diversity)
78 Russula sarnarii A. Ghosh, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (CREAM)
79 Strobilomyces longistipitatus D. Chakr., K. Das & S. Adhikari; (Fungal Diversity)
80 Austroboletus appendiculatus Semwal, D. Chakr., K. Das, Indoliya, D. Chakrabarty, S. Adhikari & Karunarathna; (Fungal Diversity)
81 Russula butyroindica K. Das & Buyck; (Nova Hedwigia)
82 Craterellus shoreae Hembrom, K. Das, A. Parihar & Buyck; (Phytotaxa)
83 Lactarius rajmahalensis Hembrom, K. Das & A. Parihar; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
84 Thelephora sikkimensis K. Das, Hembrom & Kuhar; (Nova Hedwigia)
85 Gliophorus flavoviridis U. Singh, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (Phytotaxa)
86 Gyroporus paramjitii K. Das, D. Chakr. & Vizzini; (Nordic Journal of Botany)
87 Amanita rajendrae Mehmood, K. Das, Uniyal; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
88 Russula aureorubra K. Das, A.Ghosh, A. Baghela & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
89 Russula pauriensis Ghosh, K. Das & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
90 Russula rajendrae A. Ghosh & K. Das; (Phytotaxa)
91 Russula petersenii A. Ghosh & K. Das; (Phytotaxa)
92 Lactarius ferruginascens K. Das & Verbeken; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
93 Lactarius indoaquosus K. Das, Verbeken & A. Baghela; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
94 Craterellus parvogriseus U. Singh, K. Das & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
95 Russula pseudocompacta A. Ghosh, K. Das, R.P. Bhatt & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
96 Russula compactoides K. Das, A. Ghosh & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
97 Lactarius kumaonensis Uniyal, K. Das, R. P. Bhatt & U. Singh; (Nordic Journal of Botany)
98 Hygrocybe rajendrae U. Singh, K. Das, Uniyal & Mehmood; (Nordic Journal of Botany)
99 Russula kewzingensis K. Das, D. Chakr., & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
100 Tylopilus pseudoballoui K. Das, D. Chakr & Vizzini; (MycoKeys)
101 Tylopilus himalayanus D. Chakr., K. Das & Vizzini; (MycoKeys)
102 Lactifluus maenamensis K. Das, D. Chakr. & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
103 Russula obscuricolor K. Das, A. Ghosh & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
104 Hydnum berkeleyanum K. Das, Hembrom, A. Baghela & Vizzini; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
105 Marasmius pseudohypochroides K. Das & Antonín; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
106 Urnula himalayana K. Das & D. Chakr.; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
107 Amanita tullosiana Mehmood, Iqbal Hosen, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (MycoKeys)
108 Russula darjeelingensis S. Paloi, K. Acharya & K. Das; (Phytotaxa)
109 Russula indohimalayana K. Das, I. Bera, A. Ghosh & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
110 Russula gnathangensis K. Das, Hembrom & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
111 Russula pseudokrombholzii K. Das, Hembrom, A. Ghosh & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
112 Russula subalpinogrisea K. Das, I. Bera, A. Ghosh & Buyck; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
113 Lactarius pleuromacrocystidiatus Uniyal, K.Das & R.P.Bhatt; (Kew Bulletin)
114 Hericium rajendrae U. Singh & K. Das; (Nova Hedwigia)
115 Hymenochaete sharmae Hembrom, K. Das & A. Parihar; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
116 Laccaria indohimalayana K. Das, I. Bera & Vizzini; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
117 Russula clavatohyphata R.P. Bhatt, A. Ghosh, Buyck & K. Das; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
118 Russula olivaceohimalayensis A. Ghosh, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (Fungal Diversity)
119 Lactifluus indovolemus I. Bera & K. Das; (Nordic Journal of Botany)
120 Lactarius viridinigrellus K. Das, I. Bera & Uniyal; (Phytotaxa)
121 Bondarzewia indohimalayana U. Singh, Hembrom, R.P. Bhatt & K. Das; (Nova Hedwigia)
122 Russula lakhanpalii A. Ghosh, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (Nova Hedwigia)
123 Russula indocatillus A. Ghosh, K. Das & R.P. Bhatt; (Nova Hedwigia)
124 Gomphidius pseudoglutinosus K. Das, Hembrom, A. Parihar & Vizzini; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
125 Hymenochaete boddingii Hembrom, A. Parihar, K. Das & A. Ghosh; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
126 Ramaria thindii K. Das, Hembrom, A. Parihar & A. Ghosh; (Cryptogamie Mycologie)
127 Lactarius brunneoautantiacus K. Das & I. Bera; (Nordic Journal of Botany)
128 Lactarius indoscrobiculatus K. Das & I. Bera; (Nordic Journal of Botany)
B. New distributional records to India: 44
1. Lactarius subindigo Verbeken & E. Horak; (Mycotaxon)
2. Calvatia longicauda (Henn.) Lloyd; (Mycotaxon)
3. Russula griseocarnosa X.H. Wang, Zhu L. Yang & Knudsen; (Cryptogamie mycologie)
4. Lactarius lignyotus var. canadensis A.H. Sm. & Hesler; (Mycotaxon)
5. Lactarius lignyotus var. lignyotus Fr.; (Ann. For.)
6. Lactarius subvellereus var. subdistans Hesler & A.H. Sm.; (Ann. For.)
7. Lactarius gerardii var. subrubescens (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Hesler & A.H. Sm.; (Ann. For.)
8. L. fennoscandicus Verbeken & Vesterh.; (Nelumbo)
9. Astraeus odoratus Phosri, Watling, M.P. Martín & Whalley; (Kavaka)
10. Borofutus dhakanus Hosen & Zhu L. Yang; (Nelumbo)
11. Hericium cirrhatum (Pers.) Nikol.; (Kavaka)
12. Nidula candida (Peck) V.S. White; (Biodiversity & Taxonomy)
13. Cortinarius variicolor (Pers.) Fr.; (Journal on New Biological Reports)
14. C. salor Fr.; (Journal on New Biological Reports)
15. C. trivialis J.E. Lange; (NeBIO)
16. Agaricus abruptibulbous Peck; (Indian Journal of Plant Sciences)
17. Lycoperdon perlatum var. dobremezianum Kreisel; (Indian Journal of Plant Sciences)
18. Rugiboletus brunneiporus G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang; (CREAM)
19. Gyrodontium sacchari (Spreng.) Hjortstam; (Journal on New Biological Reports)
20. Hypomyces luteovirens (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul.; (Indian Journal of Plant Sciences)
21. Phallus atrovolvatus Kreisel & Calonge; (NeBIO)
22. Phallus calongei G. Moreno & Khalid; (NeBIO)
23. Russula compacta Frost; (Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology)
24. R. praetervisa Sarnari; (Indian Journal of Forestry)
25. Hygrophorus pudorinus (Fr.) Fr.; (Nelumbo)
26. Russula decolorans (Fr.) Fr.; (Indian Journal of Forestry)
27. Leccinum insigne A.H. Sm.; (Indian Journal of Plant Sciences)
28. Tylopilus pseudoscaber Secr. ex A.H. Sm. & Thiers; (Nelumbo)
29. Lactifluus leae (D. Stubbe & Verbeken) Verbeken; (Taiwania)
30. L. ochrogalactus (Hashiya) X.H. Wang; (Taiwania)
31. L. acicularis (Van de Putte & Verbeken) Van de Putte; (Nordic. J. Bot.)
32. L. pilosus (Verbeken, H.T. Le & Lumyong) Verbeken; (Indian Phytopathology)
31. Strobilomyces mirandus Corner; (Tropical Plant Research)
32. Retiboletus kauffmanii (Lohwag) N.K. Zeng & Zhu L. Yang; (Indian Journal of Plant Sciences)
33. Aureoboletus nephrosporus G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang; (Tropical Plant Research)
34. Lycoperdon rupicola Jeppson, E. Larss. & M.P. Martín; (Taiwania)
35. Russula olivobrunnea Routs. & Vauras; (Indian Phytopathology)
36. Boletus rubripes Thiers; (Taiwania)
37. Amanita farinosa Schwein.; (Indian Phytopathology)
38. Amanita sepiacea S. Imai; (Indian Phytopathology)
39. Hypomyces lateritius (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul.; (Indian Phytopathology)
40. Lactarius horakii Nuytinck & Verbeken; (Indian Phytopathology)
41. L. laeticolor (S. Imai) Imazeki ex Hongo; (Indian Phytopathology)
42. Aureoboletus thibetanus (Pat.) Hongo & Nagas; (Indian J. For.)
43. Lactarius olivaceoumbrinus Hesler & Smith; (Journal on New Biological Reports)
44. Retiboletus kauffmanii (Lohwag) N.K. Zeng & Zhu L. Yang; (Indian Journal of Plant Sciences)
Name of the Scientific Staff: Dr. M. PALANISAMY, M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Designation (with department/unit/Centre): Scientist –‘E’
Date of Joining in BSI
As a Research Fellow :--
As a staff : 16/07/2002
Total tenure in BSI (including fellowship tenure) : 18 years 5 months
Field of work/specialisation : Algal Taxonomy (Marine Macro Algae)
Projects handled : 8+1
a. Annual Action Plan
1. Seaweeds of Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, South Andaman.
2. Seaweeds of Chidayatapu, North Bay & Viper Island, South Andaman.
3. Seaweeds of Tamil Nadu, Southeast coast of India.
4. Diatoms of Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica (Expedition to Antarctica)
5. Seaweeds of Kerala Coast, India
6. Seaweed flora of Karnataka, India
7. Seaweed flora of Goa Coast
8. Marine Macro Algal Flora of India. (On Going Project)
b. Others
1. Study of Diversity of marine macro algae of Andhra Pradesh, Sponsored by MoEF & CC, New Delhi under AICOPTAX scheme.
8. Contribution
KAMBOJ R.D., LOPAMUDRA DAS AND PALANISAMY M. 2019. “Pictorial Guide to Seaweeds of Gulf of kachchh, Gujarat”. Published by GEEER Foundation. pp 376.
PALANISAMY M & ARON SANTHOSH KUMAR Y, 2019. Field manual: “Marine Macroalgal collection, preservation, identification, cultivation and utilization”. Published by Botanical Survey of India, supported by MoEF & CC. New Delhi. pp 88.
VIVEK S., Y. ARON SANTHOSH KUMAR, AND M. PALANISAMY. 2020. Assessment of Secondary Metabolites in the Yams of Dioscorea oppositifolia L. & Dioscorea pentaphylla L. In Phytomedicine Research and Development (edt.) Parimelazhagan Thangaraj . Published by CRC Press (Taylor& Francis Group) ISBN: 9781003014898. Pp. 197-202.
PALANISAMY, M. & S.K. YADAV, 2019. Diversity and distribution of Seaweeds at Surathkal coast, Karnataka. In: S. Nagaraj (Ed.) Algae (Biodiversity, Biology & Biotechnoogy) Published by Centre for advance studies in Botany, Madras Univeristy. ISBN: 978-93-88680-29-9, Pp. 105 – 136.
PALANISAMY, M, KABEER, K. A. A. and YADAV, S.K. 2017. Has Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman, widened its habitat as an epiphyte?. In: Dr. P. Sreevani (Ed.) National Seminar - Green Wealth For Global Health Published by: Paramount Publishing House, New Delhi, Hyderabad. ISBN : 978-93-85101-47-2. Pp. 202-203.
YADAV, S.K., M. PALANISAMY & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2016. “Seaweed Resources of Kerala coast and its economic potential. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Plant Biomass: Bioproducts, Biocatalysts and Biorefinery (SutB4): 14 – 18.
PALANISAMY, M., S. K. YADAV & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2015. Diversity and distribution of seaweeds at Varkala coast: A strategy for conservation. In A. Thahira Banu & Somishon Keishing (Eds.), Therapeutics of Marine Bioactive Compounds. Write & Print Publications, New Delhi (ISBN -13-978-9384-64914-2), 12-28.
PALANISAMY, M., S. K. YADAV & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2015. Diversity and distribution of seaweeds at Thikkodi coast, Kerala, South India. Biodiversity Conservation: Aspects and Prospects, (Eds.) A.Rajendran & V. Aravindhan. ISBN: 978-3-659-69584-1, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. 28-51.
YADAV, S. K., M. PALANISAMY & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2015. Distribution, diversity and conservation of seaweeds of Thiruvananthapuram coast, Kerala. Biodiversity Conservation: Aspects and Prospects, (Eds.) A. Rajendran & Aravindhan Veerasamy.ISBN: 978-3-659-69584-1, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. 52-62.
PALANISAMY, M. 2013. Freshwater Diatom communities of Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica, Twenty Fifth Indian Scientific Antarctic Expedition (2005-2007), Ministry of Earth Science, Tech. Publ. No. 23, pp.225 -233.
PALANISAMY, M. 2010. Studies on Diatom Flora of Schirmacher Oasis , East Antarctica, Twenty Third Indian Scientific Antarctic Expedition (2003-2005), Scientific Report, Ministry of Earth Science, Tech.Publ. No.20: 15-36.
SINGH.D.K., SHARMA,J.R., GUPTA,R.K. & PALANISAMY,M. 2013. Plant diversity in Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica with special reference to Bryophytes, Fungi and Diatoms; In : Sarat Chandra Tripathy et al., (Eds.), Studies in biological Sciences and Human Physiology(Three decades of Indian Scientific Activities in Antarctica), published by NCAOR, Goa. Pp 117-137.
YADAV, S. K. AND M. PALANISAMY. 2020. Eleven New Additions to Marine Macro Algal Flora of Karnataka Coast, India. Nelumbo Vol 62 (1): 90-102
PALANISAMY, M. AND S.K.YADAV 2017. Eight new additions to marine macro algae flora of Karnataka coast, India. Nelumbo. 59 (2): 187-194.
YADAV, S.K., M. PALANISAMY & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2018. New records of two red seaweeds from Kerala coast, India. Indian J. Mar.Sci. 47(05): 1042-1046
YADAV, S.K. & M. PALANISAMY, 2018. Martensia fragilis Harv. (Delesseriaceae): A new record to seaweed flora of Karnataka coast, India. J. Algal Biomass Utiln. 9(2): 55-58.
PALANISAMY M., S.K. YADAV & K.A.A.KABEER, 2018. Seaweed resources of India and its economic importance.Eco Chronicle12 (3): 83-91. (15.06.2018).
YADAV, S. K., M. PALANISAMY AND G.V.S. MURTHY 2017. Additions of two red algae to marine macro algal flora of Kerala coast, India. Nelumbo 59 (1): 100-104.
GNANASEKARAN, G., S.K. YADAV, W. ARISDASON, M. PALANISAMY AND G.V.S. MURTHY 2016. (197) Proposal to add a new paragraph to Recommendation 7A. Taxon 65 (2): 408-409.
YADAV, S.K., M. PALANISAMY & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2015. Economically important seaweeds of Kerala coast, India – A Review. Elixir Biosciences, 82: 32147-32152. (
KARTHICK, P., R. MOHANRAJU, KADA NARAYANA MURTHY, CH. RAMESH AND M. PALANISAMY. 2015. Occurrence of rare coralline red algae Mastophora rosea (C. Agardh) Setchell, from Little Andaman, India. Indian J. Geo-Marine Science. Vol. 44(12). Pp.1894-1896.
PALANISAMY, M., S.K. YADAV & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2014. Distribution and diversity of marine macro algae of Kasaragod coast, Kerala; Seaweed Res. Utiln.,36 (1&2): 1-5.
PALANISAMY M., S.K.YADAV & G.V.S. MURTHY, 2013. Marine Macro Algal Diversity of Mahe Coast in Kerala. Seaweed Res. Utiln., 35(1&2): 22-30.
PALANISAMY, M. 2012. Seaweeds of S. Andaman: Chidayatapu, North Bay and Viper Island. Souvenir: National Biodiversity Authority, Uttra Pradesh State: pp. 49-58”
PALANISAMY, M. AND SAMPATH KUMAR, V.2012. Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb.-A new addition to legumes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, Vol.35 (1):99-100.
NEWMASTER, A. F., K .J. BERG, S. RAGUPATHY, M. PALANISAMY, K .SAMBANDAN AND S. G. NEWMASTER, 2011. Local Knowledge and Conservation of Seagrasses in the Tamil Nadu State of India. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 7:37 pp. 1-17.
PALANISAMY, M. 2010. Nutritive properties of seaweeds of the Chidiyatapu, South Andaman. Seaweed Res. Utiln., 32(1&2): 15-21
PANDEY, R.P., P.G. DIWAKAR, L. RASINGAM & PALANISAMY, M. 2010. A reassessment of Biological spectrum of the flora of Andaman & Nicobar Islands - India J. Econ. Tax. Bot. Vol.34, No.3, 682-692.
PALANISAMY, M.2009. Avrainvillea amadelpha(Montagne) Gepp&Gepp-A new addition to Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Seaweed Res.Utiln., 31(1&2):29-31.
PALANISAMY, M. 2008. Neurymenia fraxinifolia (Mert.ex Turn.) J. Ag. – A new record of marine alga for Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Bull. Bot. Surv. India.Vol.50, Nos.1-4: 199-200.
PALANISAMY, M.2007. Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg: A new generic record in Schirmacher Oasis, Antarctica. Current Science, Vol.92 No.2, pp.178-181.
यादव,2 एस.के., एम. पलनिसामी एवं जे.वी. सुधाकर. 2017. सेंट मैरी द्वीप, कर्नाटक की वानस्पतिक विविधता. वनस्पति वाणी 26: 41-45.
यादव, एस.के. एवं एम.पलनिसामी, 2014. भारतीय शैवाल अनुसंधान के क्षेत्र में प्रो. एम. उमामहेश्वर राव का योगदान, वनस्पति वाणी 23: 146.
पलनिसामी, एम. एवं एस.के. यादव, 2014. केरल की समुद्री शैवाल विविधता: एक अवलोकन, वनस्पति वाणी 23: 50-52.
पलनिसामी, एम., एस.के. यादव एवं जी. वी. एस. मूर्ति, 2013. भारत की समुद्री दीर्घ शैवाल विविधता, वनस्पति वाणी, अंक 22: 43-48.
PALANISAMY M, 2019. “Collection, Preservation & Identification of Marine Macro Algae”. Proceeding book of 2nd National Workshop on Algal Taxonomy & Culturing organised by Postgraduate & Research Department of Botany, Catholic college, Pathanamthitta. 31 – 47.
PALANISAMY M, ARON SANTHOSH KUMAR Y, VIANNY ANIMICA F & VIVEK S, 2019. “Advanced Trends in Marine Macro Algal Taxonomy, Cultivation & Utilization”. Published by Botanical Survey of India, supported by MoEF & CC. New Delhi.pp.111
GUPTA R K, DAS S K, PALANISAMY M & S.K.YADAV, 2017. Glimpse of Algae In India. Published by BSI ENVIS, Kolkata. pp4.
Family Orchidaceae on selected genera (Anthogonium, Apostasia, Arundina, Bulleyia, Cephalanthera, Cephalantheropsis, Ceratostylis, Cleisocentron, Cleisomeria, Coelogyne, Cryptostylis, Cypripedium, Cyrtosia, Dendrobium, Dickasonia, Diploprora, Eriodes, Esmeralda, Micropera, Neogyna, Paphiopedilum, Pelatantheria, Pennilabium, Polystachya, Porpax, Renanthera, Rhynchostylis, Saccolabiopsis, Sarcoglyphis, Satyrium,Smitinandia, Spiranthes, Stereochilus, Stigmatodactylus, Uncifera,Vandopsis) for flora of India project.
ON GOING OTHER PROJECTS: Family Orchidaceae on selected genera (Anthogonium, Apostasia, Arundina, Bulleyia, Cephalanthera, Cephalantheropsis, Ceratostylis, Cleisocentron, Cleisomeria, Coelogyne, Cryptostylis, Cypripedium, Cyrtosia, Dendrobium, Dickasonia, Diploprora, Eriodes, Esmeralda, Micropera, Neogyna, Paphiopedilum, Pelatantheria, Pennilabium, Polystachya, Porpax, Renanthera, Rhynchostylis, Saccolabiopsis, Sarcoglyphis, Satyrium, Smitinandia, Spiranthes, Stereochilus, Stigmatodactylus, Uncifera, Vandopsis) for flora of India project.
1 Flora of West and South West Khasi hills district of Meghalaya with reference to the sacred groves (2016-2019). The project has been completed in March, 2019 as per annual action plan target and Finalized manuscript comprising of 1150 species for Angiosperms, Gymnosperms and Pteridophytes along with photoplates for submission.
2. Laokhowa wildlife Sanctuary (2013-2016): Altogether a total of 409 taxa documented under 93 families.
3. Flora of Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary (2010-2013): A total of 459 taxa of Angiosperm under 110 families were documented.
4. Herbaceous flora of Meghalaya [Volume 1 & 2(2006-2010)]. Altogether a total 1628 taxa, 640 genera and 155 families belonging to Pteridophytes and Angiosperms have been documented.
A. Research articles/papers: 56(fifty six)
1. ODYUO, D.K. ROY, RANJIT DAIMARY, ASHIHO ASOSII MAO AND CHAYA DEORI. 2019. Porpax lanii (Orchidaceae): A new addition to the orchid flora of India. J. Jpn. Bot. 94(1): 47-50.
2. ODYUO, N., D.K. ROY, CHAYA DEORI AND ASHIHO ASOSII MAO. 2019. Two new additions to the orchid flora of India from Nagaland. J. Jpn. Bot. 94(1): 51-55.
3. DEORI, C., B.B.T.THAM, S.R.TALUKDAR, W. ADAMOWSKi AND RAJIB Gogoi.2018. Lectotypification of Impatiens acuminata Benth. ex Hook.f. & Thomson and notes on its geographical distribution. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 50:33-38.
4. ODYUO, N., D.K.ROY, C.DEORI AND R.DAIMARY. 2018. Cheirostylis tabiyahanensis (Hayata) N.Pearce & P.J.Cribb (Orchidaceae) A new addition to ther Orchid Flora of India The MIOS J. 19(10): 2-6.
5. MEITEI, L.R, N.P.Devi, C. DEORI AND A. A. MAO. 2018. Additions to the Orchid flora of Manipur, India. The MIOS J. 19(2):2-8.
6. LYNGWA, C., M. MURUGESAN, L. R. MEITEI AND C. DEORI. 2018. A new generic record of Cephalanthera R. Brown (Orchidaceae) and its species to Meghalaya, India. The MIOS J. 19(11):5-7.
7. ODYUO, N., R. DAIMARY AND C.DEORI. 2017. Liparis formosana (Orchidaceae)-A New Addition to the Orchid Flora of India. J.Jpn. Bot. 92 (1): 53-56.
8. DEORI, C AND S. R. TALUKDAR. 2017. Checklist of the Monocot Flora of Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India. Journal of Advanced Plant Sciences 9(2):16-20.
9. DEORI, C., S. R. TALUKDAR, A.H. MIRA, AND K. UPADHAYA. 2017. Liparis sootenzanensis Fukuy. (Orchidaceae): A new addition to the Orchid Flora of India. MIOS J. 18(8): 9-12.
10. DEORI, C. AND S.R. TALUKDAR. 2017. Floristic Diversity of Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam. Nelumbo 59 (2): 168-177.
11. MURUGESAN, M., L.R. MEITEI, C. DEORI AND A. A. Mao. 2017. Eulophia pauciflora Guillaumin (Orchidaceae): an addition to the orchid flora of India. NeBio 8(3): 147-149
12. ODUYO N., DAIMARY R., ROY D.K., ASOSII MAO A. & C. DEORI. 2017.- Additions to the orchid flora of Nagaland, India L’Orchidophile 215: 349-35
13. MEITEI, L.R., A. A. MAO AND C. DEORI. 2016. Orchids of Yangoupokpi Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary, Manipur, India.D’Orchidophilie 47(4): 317-333
14. ODYUO, N., C. DEORI AND D. Kr. ROY. 2016. Oberonio pumilio Rchb.f.-A new addition to the orchid flora of Meghalaya. NeBio 7(2): 42 – 44.
15. TALUKDAR, S.R. AND C.DEORI. 2016. Life forms and biological spectrum of the flora of Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India. Nebio 4: 151-165.
16. TALUKDAR, S.R. AND C. DEORI. 2016. Biodiversity potential of the wetlands of Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India. NeBio 7(3): 82-92.
17. ODYUO, N., C. DEORI AND R. DAIMARY. 2016. Dendrobium tuensangense, a new species of Orchidaceae from Nagaland, Northeast India. Phytotaxa 311(2):185-189
18. ODYOU, N., C. DEORI AND R. DAIMARY. 2016. Coelogyne calcicola (Orchidaceae): an addition to the flora of India. Richardiana 16:343-346.
19. ODYUO, N., C. DEORI AND R. DAIMARY. 2016. Panisea panchaseensi (Orchidaceae): an addition to the flora of India. Richardiana 16: 141-145.
20. DEORI, C. AND S.R. TALUKDAR. 2015. Floristic Diversity of Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam. Nelumbo 57: 19-28.
21. DEORI, C., N.ODYUO AND A.A. MAO. 2015. Pennilabium labanyaenum (Orchidaceae), a new species from Meghalaya, Northeast India. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 67(1): 143-149. 2015.
22. DEORI, C. 2015. Morphological diversity within the genus Dendrobium Swartz (Orchidaceae) in Northeast India. Richardiana 16: 85-110.
23. TALUKDAR, S.R. AND C. DEORI. 2015. Life form and biological spectrum of the flora of Barnadi wildlife sanctuary, Assam, India. Ind. for. 141(11):1161-1171.
24. ODYUO, N., C. DEORI AND R. GOGOI. 2015. Rediscovery of Impatiens khasiana Hook.f. after more than a centuary. Telopea 18: 85-89.
25. DEORI, B.B., C. DEORI AND S.R. TALUKDAR. 2015. Traditional knowledge associated with hukati-an ethnic dry fish product by Deori tribes of Assam, Northeast India with special reference to its importance in their socio-cultural life. NeBio 6 (4): 13-18.2015.
26. DEORI, C. 2014. Dendrobium meghalayense Yogendra Kumar and Chowdhury (Orchidaceae)–A taxonomic synonym to Dendrobium sulcatum Lindl. Richardiana 14: 191-197.
27. TALUKDAR, S. R. AND C. DEORI. 2014. Centratherum punctatum Cass. ssp. punctatum A newly naturalized sunflower species in India. NeBio 5(1): 22-24.
28. MEITEI, L.R., N. N. RABHA, C. DEORI AND A.A.MAO. 2014. A new generic record and distribution notes on two orchid species from Manipur, India. Richardiana 14:274-279.
29. ODYUO, N., DILIP KR. ROY, C. DEORI AND RANJIT DAIMARY. 2013. Ceratostylis radiata (Orcidaceae)-A new record to Indian flora. Rheedea 23(1): 43-45.
30. DEORI, C., D. Kr. ROY, S. R. TALUKDAR, K. PAGAG AND N. SARMA. 2013. Diversity of the genus Clerodendrum Linnaeus (Lamiaceae) in Northeast India with special reference to Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam. Pleione 7(2): 473-488.
31. ODYUO, N., D. KR. ROY, C. DEORI AND RANJIT DAIMARY. 2013. Recollection of Epigeneium treutleri (Orchidaceae) from Assam, Northeast India. Rheedea 23(2): 98-101
32. BARBHUIYA, H.A., C. DEORI, B.K. DUTTA, A.Kr. DAS, A.K. BAISHYA AND A. SCHUITEMAN. 2012. Ornithochilus cacharensis (Orchidaceae), a new species from India (Assam). Kew Bulletin 67: 1-6.
33. DEORI, C., D. Kr. ROY, AND V.KUMAR, B. K. SINHA. 2012. Note on an interesting little known rare genus Cryptostylis Br.(Orchidaceae) of Northeast India. J.Orch. Soc. India 26(1-2):21-23.
34. DEORI, C. AND N. ODYUO. 2012. Cleisostoma tenuifolium (L.) Garay, a new record to Northeast India from Arunachal Pradesh. J.Orch. Soc. India. 26(1-2): 59-61.
35. DEORI, C., D. KR. ROY AND S. R. TALUKDAR. 2012. Clerodendrum paniculatum L.(Verbenaceae). A new record to Northeast India from Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 36(4): 835-836.
36. SINHA, B. K., S.DEY, J.SARMA, & C. DEORI. 2012. On a collection of Indofevillea khasiana Chatterjee- A very rare species from Borajan Wildlife Sanctuary, Tinsukia, Assam. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 36(1): 62-63.
37. ZOTE, S., H. LALRAMNGHINGLOVA, C. DEORI. AND S. J. PHUKAN. 2011. Habenaria rhodocheila Hance-A new record to India from Mizoram. J. Orchid. Soc. India, 25(1-2): 41-43.
38. TALUKDAR, S. R., D. Kr. ROY AND C. DEORI. 2011. Fraxinus floribunda Wall. (Oleaceae): A New record for Mizoram, India. in J.Econ. Taxon. Bot. 35(1): 203-205
39. BHAUMIK, M. AND C. DEORI. 2010. Rediscovery of Appendicula cornuta Blume (Orchidaceae) from Meghalaya, India. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 17(2): 199-202.
40. DEORI, C. AND, M. BHAUMIK. 2010. Eria arunachalensis A. N. Rao. A new distributional record for Meghalaya. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 34(3): 597-599.
41. DEORI, C. S. K. SARMA AND T.M. HYNNIEWTA. 2009. Distribution of Dendrobium species found in North East Region of India in different climatic zones with respect to altitude. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33(3): 635-642.
42. DEORI, C., N. DAM AND T.M. HYNNIEWTA. 2009. Note on the occurrence of Dendrobium tortile Lindl. (Orchidaceae) in Meghalaya, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 3(1): 75-77.
43. ZOTE, S., H. LALRAMNGHINGLOVA AND C. DEORI. 2009. Dendrobium salaccense (Blume) Lindl.(Orchidaceae) From Mizoram: A new record for India. J. Orchid Soc. India 23(1- 2): 91-92.
44. ZOTE S., H. LALRAMNGHINGLOVA AND C. DEORI. 2009. Recollection of Eria lacei Summerh (Orchidaceae) From Mizoram, India. J. Orchid Soc. India 23(1- 2): 99-101
45. DEORI, C., S. K. SARMA AND T.M. HYNNIEWTA. 2008. Dendrobium herbaceum Lindl. a new record to Northeast India J. Orch. Soc. India 22(1-2): 29-30.
46. DEORI, C., R.SHANPRU AND S. J. PHUKAN. 2007. A Dendrobium new to India. Orch. Rev. 115 (1273): 44-45.
47. DEORI, C. AND S. J. PHUKAN. 2007. Dendrobium fimbriatum, a little known, rare variety of Dendrobium. Orch. Rev. 115 (1276): 201-203.
48. DEORI, C., S. K. SARMA, T.M. HYNNIEWTA AND S. J. PHUKAN. . 2006. A new species of Dendrobium Sw.(Orchidaceae) from Meghalaya, India. Rheedea. 16(1): 55-58.
49. DEORI, C., S. K. SARMA, S. J. PHUKAN AND A. A. MAO. 2006. Dendrobium arunachalense sp. nov. (Orchidacea)-A new species from Arunachal Pradesh. J. Orchid Soc. India 20(1- 2):81-85.
50. DEORI, C., A. A. MAO AND S. J. PHUKAN. 2006. Dendrobium dantaniense Guill. A new addition to the Indian orchid flora. Orch. Rev.114 (1268): 91-93.
51. DEORI, C., S. K. SARMA AND T.M. HYNNIEWTA. 2006. On a collection of Dendrobium aurantiacum Rchb.f.(Orchidaceae) from Meghalaya, India J. Orchid Soc. India 20(1-2):17- 19.
52. DEORI, C., T. M. HYNNIEWTA AND S. J. PHUKAN. 2004. Dendrobium numaldeorii – a new species from India in Orch. Rev. 112(1259): 279-282.
53. DEORI, C. AND S. J. PHUKAN. 2004. Rediscovery of Dendrobium pycnostachyum Lindl. from Mizoram, India. J. Orchid Soc. India. 18(1-2):53-57.
54. DEORI, C., S. BEGUM AND A. A. MAO. 2004. Ethnobotany of Sujen-A local rice beer of Deori tribe of Assam. Indian Journal Traditional Knowledge. 6(1):121-125.
55. DEORI, C. 2002. Distribution pattern of the genus Dendrobium Sw. (Orchidaceae) in Kaziranga National Park and Manas Biosphere Reserve. Proc. Botanical Researches in Wild Life Sanctuaries and National Parks of Assam. Guwahati. Pp. 42-46.
56. DEORI, C. 2002. Diversity of the Genus Dendrobium Sw. (Orchidaceae) in Meghalaya India. Proc. Regional Seminar on the ‘Role of Biodiversity and Environment Strategies in North East India for Sustainable Development’ Shillong. Pp.54-57.
B. Books:1(one)
57. MAO, A. A. AND C. DEORI. 2018. Check-list of Orchids of Manipur-A Pictorial Handbook, Forest Department, Government of Manipur and Botanical Survey of India, Government of India. MRB publisher, Guwahati.
C. Book chapters: 2(two)
58. DEORI, C AND N. ODYUO. 2019. Orchid Diversity of Meghalaya, Northeast India and its Conservation. In Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Northeast India. Edited by Bapan Banik. Eastern Book House, Publisher India. Chapter 5.Pp.41-49.
59. DEORI, C AND S. R. TALUKDAR. 2019. Floristic diversity and Medicinal Plants from the West and South West Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. In Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Northeast India. Edited by Bapan Banik, Eastern Book House, Publisher India. Chapter 3. Pp.24-32.
D. Hindi articles: 1(one)
60. DEORI, C. AND T.M. HYNNIEWTA. 2008. Pechli Adhashatabdi Mei Purvatar Bharat Se Dendrobium Vansh Par Yogdan. Vanaspati Vani 17: 26-30.
A. New taxa described: 5(five)
1. Dendrobium numaldeorii (Orchidaceae)
2. Dendrobium tuensangense(Orchidaceae)
3. Dendrobium arunachalense (Orchidaceae)
4. Ornithochilus cacharensis(Orchidaceae)
5. Pennilabium labanyaeanum(Orchidaceae)
B. New distributional records to India and region: 15(fifteen)
1. Dendrobium dantaniense (Orchidaceae)
2. Dendrobium sociale (Orchidaceae)
3. Dendrobium salaccense (Orchidaceae)
4. Habenaria rhodocheila (Orchidaceae)
5. Ceratostylis radiata (Orchidaceae)
6. Panisea panchaseensis (Orchidaceae)
7. Liparis formosana (Orchidaceae)
8. Liparis sootenzanensis (Orchidaceae)
9. Eulophia pauciflora (Orchidaceae)
10. Coelogyne calcicola (Orchidaceae)
11. Porpax lanii (Orchidaceae)
12. Sarcoglyphis mirabilis (Orchidaceae)
13. Oberonia gigantea (Orchidaceae)
14. Cheirostylis tabiyahanensis (Orchidaceae).
15. Cleisomeria pilosulum (Orchidaceae)- new generic record
C. New records to Northeast India:2(two)
16. Dendrobium herbaceum (Orchidaceae).
17. Clerodendrum paniculatum (Verbenaceae)
D. Rediscoveries-8(Eight)
1. Dendrobium pycnostachyum from Mizoram, India
2. Dendrobium aurantiacum (Orchidaceae) from Meghalaya, India
3. Dendrobium tortile (Orchidaceae) in Meghalaya, India
4. Eria lacei (Orchidaceae) From Mizoram, India
5. Appendicula cornuta (Orchidaceae) from Meghalaya, India
6. Epigeneium treutleri (Orchidaceae) from Assam, Northeast India
7. Impatiens acuminata (Balsaminaceae) Lectotypification/ endemic species from Meghalaya
8. Impatiens khasiana (Balsaminaceae) Lectotypification/ Endemic species from Meghalaya
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Taxonomy of Angiosperms
SPECIAL INTEREST: Orchidaceae (subtribe Goodyerinae; genus Calanthe, Gastrochilus), Asteraceae (tribe Vernonieae, Coreopsideae, Gnaphalieae; subtribe Conyzinae; genus Aster), Botanical Nomenclature, IUCN Red Listing (Plants), CITES (Plants), Molecular Systematics (Plants).
PRESENTLY WORKING ON FAMILY / TRIBE / GENUS OR FLORA OF (AREA): Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, CITES listed plants of India.
PHONE: 033-26687238 (Office)
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs) of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. (Agarwood) in India: A high priority project funded by the MoEF&CC, Government of India (September 2023 to January 2024, report submission in February, 2024; as PI).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Investigation on Indian Aster L. (Asteraceae: Astereae) with emphasis on morpho-anatomical studies of cypsela: SERB Core Research Grant (2021–2024; as PI).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Study of Floral Diversity of the Medicinal Plant Conservation Area at Jhalda, Purulia, West Bengal: Collaborative project of BSI with West Bengal Forest Department (2022–2023; as Co-PI).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->Wild Orchids of West Bengal: Collaborative project of BSI with West Bengal Forest Department (2021–2022).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->Revision of the genus Gastrochilus D. Don (Orchidaceae) in India: Action Plan project of BSI (2018 – 2022; as PI).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Flora of India (Hydrocharitaceae to Orchidaceae; vol. 25 & 26): Action Plan Project of BSI (2019–2021).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs) of Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. and D. sissoo DC. in India: MoEFCC (WL), Govt. of India funded project under the scheme ‘Wildlife Crime Control Bureau’ (April 2018–October 2018; as PI).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->Flora of Bihar, Vol. II (Apiaceae, Araliaceae, Alangiaceae): Action Plan project of BSI (2015–2017).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->9. <!--[endif]-->Flora of Jharkhand, Vol. II (Apiaceae, Araliaceae, Alangiaceae): Action Plan project of BSI (2015–2017).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->Inventorization of Indian Calanthe (Orchidaceae) with focus on micro-morphology of pollinia: SERB - DST funded Fast Track ‘Young Scientist’ project (2013–2016; as PI).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->Advanced Research in DNA Finger Printing and Diagnostics of Medicinal Potential in Plants from Eastern and North East India: ICMR funded collaborative project with Bose Institute, Kolkata (2009–2013; as Research Associate).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->Revision of the subtribe Goodyerinae (Orchidaceae) in India: ‘Flora of India’ project of BSI (2003–2008; as Research Fellow).
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Represented India as a member of Indian Delegation to the 27th meeting of the CITES Plants Committee held in Geneva from 8–13 July, 2024.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Represented the country in the CITES ‘International Expert Workshop on Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs)’ held in United Nations Complex, UN Avenue in Nairobi, Kenya (4 to 8 December, 2023) as a member of Indian Delegation.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Represented the country (21–26 August, 2019) as a member of Indian delegation in the 18th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (CoP18) to the CITES held in Geneva, Switzerland.
I. New taxa described: 8
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Amitostigma pathakianum Av. Bhattacharjee
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Asystasia indica H.J. Chowdhery & Av. Bhattacharjee
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Asystasia venui Anant Kumar, G. Krishna & Av. Bhattacharjee
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->Gastrochilus pseudocalceolaris S. Dey, L. Phom, Av. Bhattacharjee, Moaakum & K. Eshuo
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->Rhomboda monensis Odyuo, D.K Roy, Av. Bhattacharjee & Ormerod
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Strobocalyx mastersii B. Bhattacharjee, Lakshmin., S.K. Mukherjee & Av. Bhattacharjee
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->Zeuxine chowdheryi Av. Bhattacharjee & C.M. Sabap.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->Zeuxine pantlingii Av. Bhattacharjee & H.J. Chowdhery
II. New combinations/ status (comb. nov./ comb. et stat. nov.): 5
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Odontochilus tetrapterus (Hook. f.) Av. Bhattacharjee & H.J. Chowdhery
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->Rhomboda pulchra (King & Pantl.) Ormerod & Av. Bhattacharjee
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->Tainia megalantha (Tang & F.T. Wang) R.C. Srivastava & Av. Bhattacharjee
III. New distributional records for India: 13
IV. New distributional records for China: 1
V. Taxa excluded from India: 6
VI. Taxa synonymised: 21
VII. Taxa reinstated/ excluded from synonymy: 4
VIII. Typification of names: 35
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Anoectochilus grandiflorus Lindl. [= Odontochilus grandiflorus (Lindl.) Benth. ex Hook.f.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Calanthe alpina Hook. f. ex Lindl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Calanthe biloba Lindl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->Calanthe trulliformis King & Pantl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Calanthe whiteana King & Pantl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->9. <!--[endif]-->Cirrhopetalum nodosum Rolfe [= Bulbophyllum nodosum (Rolfe) J.J. Sm.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->Chrysobaphus roxburghii Wall. [= Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->Championia multiflora Clarke [= Leptoboea multiflora (Clarke) Benth. ex Gamble]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->Erigeron jaeschkei Vierh.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->13. <!--[endif]-->Gastrochilus affinis King & Pantl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->14. <!--[endif]-->Gastrodia dyeriana King & Pantl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->15. <!--[endif]-->Geodorum laxiflorum Griff.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->16. <!--[endif]-->Goodyera affinis<!-- [if supportFields]> XE "Goodyera affinis" <![endif]--><!-- [if supportFields]><![endif]--> Griff. [= Hetaeria affinis (Griff.) Seidenf. & Ormerod]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->17. <!--[endif]-->Goodyera hemsleyana King & Pantl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->18. <!--[endif]-->Goodyera hirsuta<!-- [if supportFields]> XE "Goodyera hirsuta" <![endif]--><!-- [if supportFields]><![endif]--> Griff. [= Erythrodes hirsuta (Griff.) Ormerod]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->19. <!--[endif]-->Goodyera macrantha Maxim. ex Regel [= Goodyera biflora (Lindl.) Hook. f.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->20. <!--[endif]-->Habenaria dyeriana King & Pantl. [= Platanthera dyeriana (King & Pantl.) Kraenzl.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->21. <!--[endif]-->Herminium gracile King & Pantl. [= Androcorys gracilis (King & Pantl.) Schltr.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->22. <!--[endif]-->Herpysma longicaulis Lindl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->23. <!--[endif]-->Hetaeria albida Blume [= Vrydagzynea albida (Blume) Blume]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->24. <!--[endif]-->Hetaeria fusca Lindl. [= Goodyera fusca (Lindl.) Hook. f.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->25. <!--[endif]-->Neottia viridiflora Blume [= Goodyera viridiflora (Blume) Lindl. ex D. Dietr.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->26. <!--[endif]-->Odontochilus tortus King & Pantl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->27. <!--[endif]-->Psychechilos gracile Breda [= Zeuxine gracilis (Breda) Blume]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->28. <!--[endif]-->Saccolabium pseudodistichum King & Pantl. [= Gastrochilus pseudodistichus (King & Pantl.) Schltr.]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->29. <!--[endif]-->Stenactis multiradiata Lindl. ex DC [= Erigeron multiradiatus (Lindl. ex DC) Benth. ex C.B. Clarke]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->30. <!--[endif]-->Vernonia fysonii Calder
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->31. <!--[endif]-->Vernonia shevaroyensis Gamble
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->32. <!--[endif]-->Zeuxine agyokuana Fukuy.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->33. <!--[endif]-->Zeuxine pulchra King & Pantl. [Rhomboda pulchra (King & Pantl.) Ormerod & Av. Bhattacharjee]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->34. <!--[endif]-->Zeuxine reflexa King & Pantl.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->35. <!--[endif]-->Zeuxine rolfiana King & Pantl.
IX. Rediscovery: 4
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Erigeron jaeschkei Vierh. [after >150 years]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Goodyera alveolata Pradhan [after 49 years]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Sonerila squarrosa Wall. [after 110 years]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->Zeuxine rolfiana King & pantl. [after 121 years]
X. Proposals (published) to amend the Code (ICN): 23
XI. Proposals included in the main volume of Code (ICN): 7 [3 (Shenzhen) + 4 (Madrid)]
XII. IUCN Red Listing (published on IUCN website): 4
As Assessor: 1
Zeuxine rolfiana King & Pantl.
As Contributor: 3
A. Research papers/ articles (chronologically arranged): 145 (81 in Scopus, 64 in SCI journals)
2025: 1+
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->CHAKRABORTY, S., SENGUPTA, S., CHAKRABORTY, O., AGRAWALA, D.K., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & MAITY, D. 2024. Lectotypification of Gastrodia dyeriana King & Pantl. (Orchidaceae), its threat status assessment as per IUCN guidelines and notes on its first authentic voucher specimen from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Phytotaxa 682 (2): 185–191. [IF: 1.0]
2024: 9
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2024. Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula (Annonaceae) – Not a validly published name. Pleione 18(3): 393–394.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->CHAKRABORTY, K., B. BHATTACHARJEE, A. GHOSH & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2024. Rediscovery of Erigeron jaeschkei (Asteraceae: Astereae: Conyzinae) and notes on its correct protologue and typification. Phytotaxa 674(3): 275–280. [IF: 1.0]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., BHATTACHARJEE, B., CHAKRABORTY, K., BANU, F., SHERPA, N. & R. LAYOLA. 2024. Resolving the ongoing confusion between Erigeron multiradiatus and Tibetiodes himalaica (Asteraceae). Phytotaxa 670(2): 133–147. [IF: 1.0]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->HEPUNI, L., JALAL, J.S., BHATTACHARJEE, A., LOKHO, A. & A. A. MAO. 2024. Extended distribution of Calanthe lamellosa (Orchidaceae) in Manipur, India. Indian. J. Forest. 47(1): 24–27.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->KHANAL, M, SARKAR, S, RAI, S.K., KUMAR, D. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2024. Cheirostylis tortilacinia C.S. Leou (Orchidaceae), a new record for India and its typification. Feddes Repert. 2024;00: 1–5. DOI:
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->TSERING, J., KUSHWAHA, P.S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2024. Herminium humidicola (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae), an addition to the orchid Flora of India. Rheedea 34(2): 50–52.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->SENGUPTA, S., AGRAWALA, D.K., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & MAITY, D. 2024. Notes on the exclusion of Ascocentrum semiteretifolium Seidenf. (Orchidaceae) from India and range extension of Holcoglossum nagalandense (Phukan & Odyuo) X.H. Jin. Nelumbo 66(1): 74–78.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->9. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & M. SANJAPPA. 2024. The Ashoka: Popular Myths and a Confused Nomenclature. Vanashobha 2021–2023: 77–79.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2024. Rafflesia arnoldii vs. Rafflesia arnoldi (Rafflesiaceae). BSI-EIACP Newslett. 28(4): 4.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->KUMAR, A., KRISHNA, G. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2023. Asystasia venui (Justicieae: Acanthaceae): A new species from West Bengal, India. Phytotaxa 600 (4): 239–247. [IF: 1.050]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->MONDAL, S, CHAKRABORTY, K., CHAKRABORTY, S., SARKAR, S., SARDAR, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2023. Geodorum laxiflorum (Orchidaceae) relectotypified. Nordic J. Bot. 2023: e03908. doi: 10.1111/njb.03908 [IF: 0.931]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->13. <!--[endif]-->LOKHO, K., HALDER, A.K. , AGRAWALA D.K., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & D. MAITY. 2023. New distributional record of Herpysma longicaulis (Orchidaceae) from Manipur, India. Nelumbo 65(1): 204–206.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->14. <!--[endif]-->TSERING, J., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & K. RINYA. 2023. Zeuxine agyokuana (Orchidaceae), a new record for Arunachal Pradesh, India. Nelumbo 65(1): 191–193.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->15. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., TSERING, J., LAYOLA M.R., BANU, F. & A. KUMAR. 2023. Elucidating taxonomic status of Goodyera medogensis (Orchidaceae) based on morpho-molecular data. Phytotaxa 595 (2): 209–218. [IF: 1.050]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->16. <!--[endif]-->CHOWLU, K., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & A.N. RAO. 2023. Anoectochilus medogensis, an Endangered ‘Jewel orchid’, reported for the first time from India. J. Jap. Bot. 98(2): 82–85.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->17. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., BANDYOPADHYAY, S., CHAKRABORTY, K., SARDAR, S., MONDAL, S., CHAKRABORTY, S., & S. SARKAR. 2023. Nomenclatural consequences of some new combinations and replacement names in Eulophia (Orchidaceae: Eulophiinae). Rheedea 33(3): 116–117.
2022: 12
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->18. <!--[endif]-->DEY, S, PHOM, L., BHATTACHARJEE, A., MOAAKUM & K. ESHUO. 2022. Gastrochilus pseudocalceolaris, a new species of epiphytic orchid from India. Phytotaxa 574 (4): 295–300. [IF: 1.050]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->19. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2022. Homonymy: Legitimacy vs. Illegitimacy. Harvard Pap. Bot. 27(2): 157–159.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->20. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., TSERING, J. & K. Rinya. 2022. On the first authentic report of Goodyera alveolata (Orchidaceae) from India. Nelumbo 64(2): 187–191.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->21. <!--[endif]-->SENGUPTA, S., AGRAWALA, D.K., BHATTACHARJEE, A., DEORI, C, MAITY, D. & S. CHOUDHURY. 2022. Notes on the correct identity of Phalaenopsis arunachalensis (Orchidaceae). Nelumbo 64(2): 177–180.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->22. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2022. Elucidating the use of the term homonym in plant taxonomy. Harvest 7(2): 43–44.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->23. <!--[endif]-->MOAAKUM, DEY S., BHATTACHARJEE A. & T. NEIKHA. 2022. On the first record of Calanthe lamellosa (Orchidaceae) from India with notes on typification. Rheedea 32(3): 190–195.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->24. <!--[endif]-->AHMEDULLAH, M., BARSTOW, M., BHATTACHARJEE, A., RASINGAM, L. & J. SWAMY. 2022. Dalbergia sissoides. In: AHMEDULLAH, M. (Assessor), The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T62022606A62022610. Accessed on 22 August 2022.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->25. <!--[endif]-->BARSTOW, M., AHMEDULLAH, M. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2022. Dalbergia tinnevelliensis. In: BARSTOW, M. (Assessor), The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T146909433A149821991. Accessed on 22 August 2022.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->26. <!--[endif]-->BARSTOW, M., AHMEDULLAH, M. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2022. Dalbergia wattii. In: BARSTOW, M. (Assessor), The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T172349779A192255172. Accessed on 22 August 2022.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->27. <!--[endif]-->CHAKRABORTY, K., SARDAR, S., DEY, M. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2022. Some teratological variations in Erigeron karvinskianus DC. (Asteraceae). BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 27(1): 4–5.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->28. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2022. (149) Proposal to add an Example under Article 8 Note 1 to show that an apparent collecting number does not necessarily denote the same gathering. Taxon 71(3): 707. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->29. <!--[endif]-->NAYAK, S., D.K. AGRAWALA, S. CHAKRABORTY, R. ROY, A. BHATTACHARJEE & D. MAITY. 2022. Notes on the taxonomy, typification, extended distribution and Red list assessment of Bulbophyllum nodosum - an endemic and endangered orchid from India. Bot. Lett. 169(2): 259–267. DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2022.2043182 [IF: 1.744]
2021: 11
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->30. <!--[endif]-->SINGH, M., NEGI, H., J.S. JALAL & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2021. On the recent collection of the ‘Alpine Calanthe’, a beautiful terrestrial orchid from Garhwal Himalaya. BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 26(2): 4–5.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->31. <!--[endif]-->CHAUDHARY, K.L., S.K. SINGH, A. BHATTACHARJEE & M. MURUGESAN. 2021. Re-collection and population studies of Threatened Sonerila squarrosa in India. Indian Forester 147 (12): 1226–1228.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->32. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., G. KRISHNA & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2021. (117) Proposal to add a new paragraph to Recommendation 40A encouraging the publication of accessory types and type illustrations. Taxon: 70(6): 1390–1391. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->33. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., S. BANDYOPADHYAY & D.K. AGRAWALA. 2021. (110) Proposal to add a new Note to Article 9 to clarify the status of duplicates of types. Taxon: 70(6): 1386. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->34. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., D.K. AGRAWALA, J.S. JALAL & C. DEORI. 2021. Three new synonyms in Gastrochilus (Orchidaceae) with notes on typification of Gastrochilus calceolaris and misreport of Gastrochilus changjiangensis from India. Bot. Lett. 169(1): 106–118. DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2021.2000889 [IF: 1.744]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->35. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., D.K. AGRAWALA, J.S. JALAL & C. DEORI. 2021. Status of Gastrochilus minimus (Orchidaceae) – a recently described species from China. Rheedea 31(3): 181–185.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->36. <!--[endif]-->TIWARI U.L., A. BHATTACHARJEE, H.Z. TIAN, T. YUKAWA & P. KUMAR. 2021. Chamaegastrodia poilanei – an interesting mycoheterotrophic orchid from India. Rheedea 31(3): 191–196.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->37. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., A. BHATTACHARJEE & T. CHAKRABARTY. 2021. Nomenclatural notes on ‘Cycas bglswamyii D.D. Pant ex P.K. Agrawal, M. Akhtar and R.C. Srivast.’ (Cycadaceae) – an invalid name. Ann. Pl. Sci. 10(5): 4219–4221.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->38. <!--[endif]-->AGRAWALA, D.K., A. BHATTACHARJEE, J.S. JALAL & C. DEORI. 2021. Gastrochilus yei (Orchidaceae) – a new addition to the orchid flora of India. Nelumbo 63(1): 29–32.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->39. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, B. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2021. Notes on identity of some Indian Vernonia (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) and lectotypification of Vernonia fysonii. Nelumbo 63(1): 102–110.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->40. <!--[endif]-->NOLTIE, H.J., A. KUMAR, K.A. BHARATI, A. BHATTACHARJEE & G. KRISHNA. 2021. Specimens of William Roxburgh in the Central National Herbarium at the A.J.C. Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah. Curr. Sci. 120(6): 997–1006. [IF: 1.102]
2020: 22
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->41. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2020. Hemsley’s Jewel orchid. BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 25(2): 3.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->42. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., A. BHATTACHARJEE & M.N. MITTA. 2020. Marketing of achievements through fake awards – A ‘novel’ trend in modern academic and research systems. Ann. Pl. Sci. 9 (12): 4103–4104.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->43. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, B., P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, S.K. MUKHERJEE, S. KALIAMOORTHY & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2020. Notes on the identity of Vernonia shevaroyensis (Asteraceae) and its neotypification. Nelumbo 62 (2): 148–153.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->44. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., BHATTACHARJEE, A. & K. KARTHIGEYAN. 2020. Hoya edeni King ex Hook. f. (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae): Notes on its overlooked first drawing, original material at CAL and etymology. Nelumbo 62 (2): 192–196.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->45. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., S. BANDYOPADHYAY & D. MAITY. 2020. (029) Proposal to add a new Example after Article 9.1. Taxon 69(6): 1382. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->46. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., R. BHADRA & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (050) Proposal to amend the definition of “synonym” in the Glossary. Taxon 69(6): 1393. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->47. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., M. DEY & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (034–035) Proposals to amend Article 9.6 and Example 6. Taxon 69(6): 1384. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->48. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., S. DEY & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (044) Proposal to amend Recommendation 40A.1. Taxon 69(6): 1389. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->49. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., G. KRISHNA & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (025) Proposal to clarify that a circumscription applies to a taxon, not to a name. Taxon 69(6): 1379. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->50. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., G. KRISHNA & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (043) Proposal to amend the definition of “diagnosis” in Article 38.2. Taxon 69(6): 1388. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->51. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., A. BHATTACHARJEE & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (039) Proposal to add a new paragraph to Recommendation 9A. Taxon 69(6): 1386. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->52. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., A. BHATTACHARJEE & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (047) Proposal to add a new paragraph with a new Example to Recommendation 50D. Taxon 69(6): 1390. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->53. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., A. BHATTACHARJEE, W. ARISDASON & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (042) Proposal to add a new Example under Article 36.1. Taxon 69(6): 1388. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->54. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., S. BANDYOPADHYAY & M.N. Mitta. 2020. Soft copy of unpublished Ph.D. theses in the internet – A serious concern. Harvest 5(2): 87.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->55. <!--[endif]-->KUMAR, A., T. CHAKRABARTY, S. BANDYOPADHYAY & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2020. Notes on nomenclature and typification of Heteropogon fischerianus and H. contortus var. distichus (Poaceae). Rheedea 30(3): 388–390.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->56. <!--[endif]-->RANJAN, V., G. KRISHNA, A. BHATTACHARJEE & A. KUMAR. 2020. Addition of two rare ground orchids in flora of West Bengal (India). Richardiana 4: 147–155.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->57. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., S. DEY & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. (012) Proposal to modify Article 9.12. Taxon 69(3): 630. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->58. <!--[endif]-->MAZUMDAR, J., S. BANDYOPADHYAY & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2020. (013) Proposal to amend Article 9.20. Taxon 69(3): 631. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->59. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., A. BHATTACHARJEE, S. BANDYOPADHYAY & M. SANJAPPA. 2020. (021) Proposal to amend Recommendation 46C.2. Taxon 69(3): 636. [IF: 2.338]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->60. <!--[endif]-->JALAL, J.S., I. DATT RAI, A. BHATTACHARJEE & G. SINGH. 2020. New distributional record of Gastrochilus affinis (Orchidaceae) from Western Himalaya with notes on a new synonym and typification. Nelumbo 62 (1): 12–15.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->61. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2020. Jaideep Mazumdar: a passionate, silent researcher who left treasures behind. Phytotaxa: 470 (1): 117–120. [IF: 1.281]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->62. <!--[endif]-->AGRAWALA, D.K., S. PANDAY, M. BHAUMIK & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2020. Occurrence and Red List assessment of Hemipilia purpuropunctata (Orchidaceae) in India. Richardiana 4: 1–8.
2019: 3
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->63. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., S. PHUKAN & R.S. BARUA. 2019. Zeuxine parvifolia (Orchidaceae) – a new addition to the Orchid flora of India. Nelumbo 61(1): 18–20.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->64. <!--[endif]-->ODYUO, N., D.K. ROY, A. BHATTACHARJEE & P. ORMEROD. 2019. Rhomboda monensis (Orchidaceae), a new species of terrestrial orchid from India. Phytotaxa 405 (1): 061–064. [IF: 0.978]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->65. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, B, A. BHATTACHARJEE, K. KARTHIGEYAN & A. DEY. 2019. Vigna marina (Fabaceae) – A new addition to the flora of West Bengal. Int. J. Adv. Res. Bot. 5(2): 45–47.
2018: 3
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->66. <!--[endif]-->CHOWLU, K., A. BHATTACHARJEE & P. KUMAR. 2018. Notes on the occurrence of orchids Bulbophyllum medioximum, Herminium edgeworthii and H. macrophyllum (Orchidaceae) in Arunachal Pradesh, India. J. Threat. Taxa 10(15): 13039–13043.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->67. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2018. Request to avoid unpronounceable epithets for new plant names. Int. J. Adv. Res. Bot. 4(2): 6–7.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->68. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2018. Doctoral studies carried out at Botanical Survey of India – Part III. Int. J. Adv. Res. Bot. 4(2): 14–19.
2017: 8
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->69. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, B., P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, S.K. MUKHERJEE & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2017. A new species of Strobocalyx (Asteraceae: Cichorioideae: Vernonieae) from India. Phytotaxa: 299 (2): 280–284. [IF: 1.244]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->70. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & P. ORMEROD. 2017. Reinstatement of Vrydagzynea viridiflora Hook.f. (Orchidaceae: Goodyerinae) with a note on misreport of V. nuda Blume from India. Phytotaxa 295(1): 95–97. [IF: 1.244]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->71. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., S. BANDYOPADHYAY, A. BHATTACHARJEE & P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN. 2017. The correct lectotypification of Championia multiflora (Gesneriaceae). Phytotaxa 328 (2): 198–200. [IF: 1.244]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->72. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2017. Responding to requests. Curr. Sci. 113(2): 197. [IF: 1.149]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->73. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2017. Doctoral studies carried out at Botanical Survey of India – Part I. Phytotaxonomy 16: 143–146.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->74. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., A. BHATTACHARJEE &. P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN. 2017. Doctoral studies carried out at Botanical Survey of India – Part II. Int. J. Adv. Res. Bot. 3(3): 8–14.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->75. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, B., G. KRISHNA, A. BHATTACHARJEE & K. CHOWLU. 2017. Notes on Rhynchoglossum lazulinum (Gesneriaceae): A species endemic to Northeast India. BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 21(2): 14.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->76. <!--[endif]-->CHOWLU, K., A. BHATTACHARJEE, S. BORAH & K.S. RAB. 2017. Zeuxine reflexa (Orchidaceae) - a new distributional record for Arunachal Pradesh, India with a note on its threat status in India. Indian J. Forest. 40(2): 205–207.
2016: 6
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->77. <!--[endif]-->HU C., H. TIAN, H. LI, A. HU, F. XING, A. BHATTACHARJEE, T. HSU, P. KUMAR & S. CHUNG. 2016. Phylogenetic analysis of a ‘Jewel Orchid’ genus Goodyera (Orchidaceae) based on DNA sequence data from Nuclear and Plastid regions. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0150366. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150366 [IF: 3.179]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->78. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., RANKOU, H. & P. SINGH. 2016. Zeuxine rolfiana. In: BHATTACHARJEE, A. (Assessor), The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T72010421A72010424. Downloaded on 30 June 2016. []
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->79. <!--[endif]-->KAMBALE, S.S., A.R. GHOLAVE, A. BHATTACHARJEE & S.R. YADAV. 2016. Typifications and validations of taxa in the genus Decalepis: An economically and ethnobotanically important genus of Gymnanthereae (Apocynaceae: Periplocoideae). Taxon 65(4): 875–877. [IF: 2.040]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->80. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2016. (202) Proposal to add a new Example after Art. 9.19. Taxon 65(2): 411. [IF: 2.040]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->81. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., A. BHATTACHARJEE & G. KRISHNA. 2016. Lectotypification of plant names. Curr. Sci. 111(9): 1437. [IF: 1.177]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->82. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., S. MAJUMDAR, S. BANDYOPADHYAY & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2016. Publication of nomenclatural novelties. Curr. Sci. 111(3): 454. [IF: 1.177]
2015: 11
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->83. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2015. A new species of Amitostigma (Orchidinae, Orchidaceae) from India. Phytotaxa 230(3): 267–273. [IF: 1.215]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->84. <!--[endif]-->SINGH, S.K., R. KUMAR, A. BHATTACHARJEE & S. SHARMA. 2015. Eria merguensis Lindl. (Orchidaceae) – a new addition to the Indian flora. Telopea 18: 171–176. [IF: 0.472]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->85. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2015. (101) Proposal to add a new Recommendation to Rec. 9B. Taxon 64(6): 1338. [IF: 2.373]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->86. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., A. BHATTACHARJEE & S. DEY. 2015. (058–059) Proposals to add a new Recommendation and two Examples to Rec. 46D. Taxon 64(3): 656–657. [IF: 2.373]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->87. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., S. DEY, S. BANDYOPADHYAY & P. SINGH. 2015. (086) Proposal to amend Art. 9.19. Taxon 64(4): 862–863. [IF: 2.373]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->88. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2015. Updating of records. Curr. Sci. 109(8): 1377. [IF: 1.241]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->89. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2015. Ph D thesis title. Curr. Sci. 109(6): 1009. [IF: 1.241]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->90. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN. 2015. Status and distribution of Panax bipinnatifidus (Araliaceae) in Mayudia area of Lower Dibang Valley district, Arunachal Pradesh. BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 20(1): 11.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->91. <!--[endif]-->DASH, P.K., A. BHATTACHARJEE, P. KUMAR & P. MOHAPATRA. 2015. Cheirostylis Blume (Orchidaceae), a new generic record for Eastern Ghats, India. J. Threat. Taxa 7(1): 6826–6829.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->92. <!--[endif]-->KUMAR, R., A. BHATTACHARJEE, S.K. SINGH & S. SHARMA. 2015. Cheirostylis griffithii (Orchidaceae) – a new record for Mizoram. BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 20(1): 5.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->93. <!--[endif]-->SUJANA, K.A, A. BHATTACHARJEE, D.K. AGRAWALA & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2015. Miscellaneous notes on Bauhinia phoenicea (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae). Int. J. Innov. Res. Rev. 3(3): 58–61.
2014: 12
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->94. <!--[endif]-->KUMAR, R., A. BHATTACHARJEE, S. SINGH & S. SHARMA. 2014. A rare species of Calanthe R. Br. recorded for the first time from India. Telopea 16: 213–217. [IF: 0.364]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->95. <!--[endif]-->ORMEROD, P. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2014. The generic identity of Zeuxine pulchra King & Pantl. (Orchidaceae: Goodyerinae). Phytotaxa 191(1): 177–180. [IF: 1.388]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->96. <!--[endif]-->TIAN, H.Z., Z.Q. CHENG, A.Q. HU, A. BHATTACHARJEE & Q.X. LIU. 2014. A new synonym of Odontochilus saprophyticus (Goodyerinae: Orchidoideae: Orchidaceae). Taiwania 59(2): 193–196. [now SCI journal, but not in 2014]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->97. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2014. Lectotypification of the name Chrysobaphus roxburghii (Orchidaceae). Taxon 63(5): 1114–1116. [IF: 2.448]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->98. <!--[endif]-->KUMAR, P., S.W. GALE, A. KOCYAN, G.A. FISCHER, G.A. ROMERO-GONZÁLEZ, L. AVERYANOV, R. BOROSOVA, A. SCHUITEMAN, A. BHATTACHARJEE, J. LI, A.Q. HU & K.S. PANG. 2014. Gastrochilus kadooriei (Orchidaceae), a new species from Hong Kong, with notes on allied taxa in section Microphyllae found in the region. Phytotaxa 164 (2): 091–103. [IF: 1.388]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->99. <!--[endif]-->MADHAVAN, M.K., A. BHATTACHARJEE & S. NAMPY. 2014. Rediscovery of Zeuxine rolfiana King & Pantl., a ‘Critically Endangered’ endemic Indian orchid from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with a note on its typification. Ann. Bot. Fennici 51: 409–413. [IF: 0.853]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->100. <!--[endif]-->SINGH, S.K., A. BHATTACHARJEE, R. KUMAR & P. EFIMOV. 2014. Lectotypification of Habenaria dyeriana King & Pantl. (Orchidaceae). Ann. Bot. Fennici 51: 267–271. [IF: 0.853]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->101. <!--[endif]-->TIAN, H.Z., A. BHATTACHARJEE, P. KUMAR, T.C. HSU, & H. Æ. PEDERSEN. 2014. Neotypification of Zeuxine agyokuana Fukuy. (Goodyerinae, Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) with a new synonym. Ann. Bot. Fennici 51: 101–105. [IF: 0.853]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->102. <!--[endif]-->BANDYOPADHYAY, S., A. BHATTACHARJEE, B. BHATTACHARJEE & P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN. 2014. (012–013) Proposals to add two new paragraphs to Rec. 40A and Rec. 9D. Taxon 63(1): 206–207. [IF: 2.448]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->103. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., B. BHATTACHARJEE, S. BANDYOPADHYAY & P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN. 2014. (014) Proposal to amend Rec. 31B.1. Taxon 63(1): 207. [IF: 2.448]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->104. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, B., S. BANDYOPADHYAY, A. BHATTACHARJEE & P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN. 2014. (011) Proposal to add a new Recommendation to Rec. 30A. Taxon 63(1): 206. [IF: 2.448]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->105. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., B. BHATTACHARJEE, S. BANDYOPADHYAY, A. BHATTACHARJEE & P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN. 2014. (015) Proposal to add a new paragraph to Rec. 40A. Taxon 63(1): 207. [IF: 2.448]
2013: 8
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->106. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2013. A note on the identity of Anoectochilus roxburghii (Orchidaceae). McAll. Int. Orch. Soc. J. 14(6): 8–13.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->107. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2013. Two frequently confused species of 'Jewel Orchid' (Orchidaceae - Goodyerinae) from India. Taiwania 55(3): 213–216. [now SCI journal, but not in 2013]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->108. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2013. Epitypification of Goodyera affinis Griff. (Orchidaceae). J. Jap. Bot. 88(5): 286–290.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->109. <!--[endif]-->LAWKUSH, A. BHATTACHARJEE & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2013. Lectotypification of Herminium gracile G. King & R. Pantling (Orchidaceae). Richardiana 14(2): 19–22.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->110. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2013. Cheirostylis parvifolia – a ‘Jewel orchid’ of Western Ghats and Sri Lanka needs conservation. IUCN-SSC-OSG Orch. Conserv. News 2: 4–5.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->111. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & B. BHATTACHARJEE. 2013. Botanical Nomenclature – concept, history and its journey to Melbourne Code. Petals 1(2): 27–34.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->112. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, B., P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, A. BHATTACHARJEE, D.K. AGRAWALA & M.K. PATHAK. 2013. Vernonia amygdalina Delile (Asteraceae) – An African medicinal plant introduced in India. Zoo. Pr. 28(5): 18–20.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->113. <!--[endif]-->KUMAR, A., A. BHATTACHARJEE, P. VENU & Y.V. RAO. 2013. Zeuxine reflexa King & Pantl.– a report on its occurrence and conservation status in India. Richardiana 13: 283–294.
2012: 8
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->114. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2012. Notes on two species of Goodyera (Orchidaceae). Kew Bull. 67(3): 503–510. [IF: 0.503]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->115. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2012. Taxonomic notes on the genus Cheirostylis Blume (Orchidaceae) in India. Candollea 67(1): 31–35. [IF: 0.426]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->116. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2012. On the status of two Indian species of Zeuxine (Orchidaceae). Kew Bull. 67(1): 97–102. [IF: 0.503]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->117. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2012. The genus Myrmechis Blume (Orchidaceae) in India. Richardiana 13: 26–38.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->118. <!--[endif]-->KUMAR, A., A. BHATTACHARJEE & P. VENU. 2012. On the distribution of Zeuxine lindleyana, an endemic orchid of India. Richardiana 12(4): 194–200.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->119. <!--[endif]-->PRAMANIK, A. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2012. ‘Andaman-Eulophia’ in the roof-top garden of Central Botanical Laboratory, Howrah. BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 17(1): 3.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->120. <!--[endif]-->RAMANA, M.V., J.K. TAGORE & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2012. Report of two medicinal and aromatic gingers from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. J. Threat. Taxa. 4(5): 2582–2586.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->121. <!--[endif]-->SRIVASTAVA, R.C. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2012. Les orchidées du Nord-Est de l'Inde : inventaire actualisé et conservation. Richardiana 12(3): 116–150.
2011: 8
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->122. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H. J. CHOWDHERY. 2011. On the identity of Zeuxine Goodyeroides Lindl. and Zeuxine Nervosa (Wall. ex Lindl.) Trimen. Indian J. Forest. 34(4): 75–76.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->123. <!--[endif]-->RAMANA, M.V., P. PRASNNA, P. VENU & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2011. Some critical notes on Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. var. africana (P. Beauv.) J.K. Morton (Lamiaceae). Taiwania 56(3): 254–256. [now SCI journal, but not in 2011]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->124. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H. J. CHOWDHERY. 2011. Transfer of Anoectochilus tetrapterus to Odontochilus (Orchidaceae). Novon 21(1): 20–22. [IF: 0.271]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->125. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., P. KUMAR, H.J. CHOWDHERY & G.S. RAWAT. 2011. A new synonym of Zeuxine grandis (Orchidaceae). Richardiana 11(2): 98–103.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->126. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & S.K. SINGH. 2011. On the occurrence of Zeuxine bidupensis (Orchidaceae) with discussion on its identity. Richardiana 11(3): 122–128.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->127. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2011. Lecto- and epitypification of Goodyera hirsuta Griff. (Orchidaceae). J. Jap. Bot. 86(3): 162–165.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->128. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., H.J. CHOWDHERY & R.K. BHAKAT. 2011. Lectotypification in Zeuxine Lindl. (Orchidaceae). Taiwania 56(2): 153–156. [now SCI journal, but not in 2011]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->129. <!--[endif]-->KRISHNA, G., A. BHATTACHARJEE & P. VENU. 2011. Zeuxine clandestina Blume (Orchidaceae) – a rare orchid from West Bengal, India. Richardiana 11(4): 164–171.
2010: 7
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->130. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & C.M. SABAPATHY. 2010. A new species of Zeuxine Lindl. (Orchidaceae) from India. Taiwania 55(4): 342–345. [now SCI journal, but not in 2011]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->131. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H. J. CHOWDHERY. 2010. Zeuxine grandis Seidenf. – an addition to the orchid flora of India. Taiwania 55(3): 315–317. [now SCI journal, but not in 2011]
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->132. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & R.K. BHAKAT. 2010. Lectotypifications in Goodyera R. Br. (Orchidaceae). Rheedea 20(2): 73–75.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->133. <!--[endif]-->AGRAWALA, D.K., H.J. CHOWDHERY & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2010. Is Pecteilis rawatii Kumar & Veldkamp (Orchidaceae) - a valid species?. Indian J. Forest. 33(3): 443–444.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->134. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., H.J. CHOWDHERY, D.K. AGRAWALA, & C.M. SABAPATHY. 2010. Zeuxine affinis (Lindl.) Benth. ex Hook.f. – first report of its occurrence in Arunachal Pradesh. Indian J. Forest. 32(4): 649–652.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->135. <!--[endif]-->BHAUMIK, M. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2010 (publ. 2012). On the Occurrence of two rare species of Odontochilus Blume (Orchidaceae) in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Bull. Arunachal Forest Res. 26(1-2): 68–72.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->136. <!--[endif]-->MAJUMDAR, J., A. BHATTACHARJEE, C. DAS & R. MUKHOPADHYAY. 2010. Phytoliths of Ferns V: in some Horsetails. Indian Fern J. 27(1–2): 78–87.
2009: 2
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->137. <!--[endif]-->AGRAWALA, D.K., H.J. CHOWDHERY & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2009. Goodyera biflora (Lindl.) Hook.f. - An interesting Jewel Orchid from Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand. J. Non-Timb. Forest Prod. 16(2): 155–157.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->138. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2009. Notes on Zeuxine bidupensis Aver. (Orchidaceae) in India. J. Non-Timb. Forest Prod. 16(2): 158.
2008: 3
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->139. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2008 (publ. 2009). Odontochilus clarkei Hook.f. – a new record for Sikkim. J. Orchid Soc. India 22(1–2): 59–61.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->140. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & R.K. BHAKAT. 2008. Pollinarium morphology of some Indian members of subtribe Goodyerinae Klotzsch (Orchidaceae). Indian J. Forest. 31(2): 295–298.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->141. <!--[endif]-->PAUL, T.K. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2008. Cheirostylis yunnanensis Rolfe – A rare orchid recorded from West Bengal for the first time. BSI-ENVIS Newslett. 13 (1): 7.
2007: 1
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->142. <!--[endif]-->CHOWDHERY, H.J., A. BHATTACHARJEE & D.K. AGARWALA. 2007. Didymoplexis Griff. – a rare and interesting genus of saprophytic orchid in India. Indian J. Forest. 30(1): 113–120.
2006: 2
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->143. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2006. Zeuxine pantlingii, sp. nov. (Orchidaceae), a new species from India. Sida 22(2): 935–940.
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->144. <!--[endif]-->CHOWDHERY, H.J. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2006. Asystasia indica sp. nov. (Acanthaceae), a new species of the genus Asystasia Blume from west Bengal, India. Indian J. Forest. 29(2): 211–215.
2004: 1
<!-- [if !supportLists]-->145. <!--[endif]-->DAS, D., A. BHATTACHARJEE, I. BISWAS & A. MUKHERJEE. 2004. Foliar Characteristics of some Medicinal Plants of Zingiberaceae. Phytomorphology 54 (3–4): 291–302.
B. Books: 4
C. Book chapters (chronologically arranged): 8
1. BHATTACHARJEE, A. & A. ANSARI. 2020. Lauraceae. In: LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, P., S.S. DASH, P. SINGH AND H.J. CHOWDHERY (eds.), Flora of West Bengal, vol. 4. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, pp. 431–463.
2. BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2020. Basic concept on orchids and their identification. In: MAITY, D. (Ed.), Plant Systematics and Ethnobotany: Methods and Practices. UBI, Uluberia, pp. 45–58.
3. BHATTACHARJEE, B., LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, P., MUKHERJEE, S.K. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2019. A conspectus of the Tribe Vernonieae (Asteraceae) in India. In: AGNIHOTRI, P. & J.S. KHURAIJAM (eds.), Angiosperm Systematics: Recent trends and emerging issues (Felicitation volume in honour of Dr. Tariq Husain). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, pp. 107–123.
4. BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2018. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria with special reference to Threatened flora of specific region. In: Training manual of GSDP-Certificate Course on “Para-taxonomy [including People’s Biodiversity Register (PBR)]”. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah, pp. 398–400.
5. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, P., DEY, S. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2016. Importance of Taxonomy in the study of Medicinal Plants – case studies with Panax L. (Araliaceae) and Picrorhiza Royle ex Benth. (Scrophulariaceae). In: CHOURASIA, H.K. (ed.), Conservation of Medicinal Plants: Conventional and Modern Approaches. Omega Publications, New Delhi, pp. 1–6.
6. AGRAWALA, D.K., CHOWDHERY, H.J., SABAPATHY, C.M. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2012. Novel method of making Botanical Illustrations with special reference to Indian Orchids. In: MAITI, G. & S.K. MUKHERJEE (eds.), Multidisciplinary Approaches of Angiosperm Systematics, vol. 1. University of Kalyani, Kalyani, pp. 306–312.
7. BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2012. Jewel Orchids of India. In: MUKHERJEE, P.S., BISWAS, I. & P. MALLICK (eds.), Biodiversity the natural wonder – issues and concerns. Levant Books, Kolkata, pp. 91–95.
8. BHATTACHARJEE, A. & H.J. CHOWDHERY. 2012. Jewel Orchids of India – an overview. In: MAITI, G. & S.K. MUKHERJEE (eds.), Multidisciplinary Approaches of Angiosperm Systematics, vol. 2. University of Kalyani, Kalyani, pp. 554–556.
D. Hindi articles (chronologically arranged): 2
1. BHATTACHARJEE, B., P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2013. Ghans aur uski upyogita. Banaspati Vani 21: 98–99.
2. BHATTACHARJEE, A., H.J. CHOWDHERY & D.K. SAH. 2009. Bharat Ke ‘Jewel Orchid’. Banaspati Vani 18: 88–91.
E. Popular articles in regional language (chronologically): 2
1. BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2019. ‘অর্কিড নিয়ে কিছু কথা’. Brochure of ‘Educational and Environmental Awareness Programme’. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
2. BHATTACHARJEE, A. 2017. ‘উদ্ভিদের বিজ্ঞানসম্মত নামকরণের উপযোগিতা ও পদ্ধতি’. Brochure of ‘Educational and Environmental Awareness Programme’. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
F. Scientific reports submitted to MoEF&CC: 2
<!-- [if !supportLists]--> i. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., G. KRISHNA, A. KUMAR, S. SENGUPTA, S. CHAKRABORTY, R. DHANAVATE, S. SARKAR, R.K. SAHU, A.K. SONI, O. CHAKRABORTY, B. MALLICK & K. PRASAD. 2018 (2019). Report on Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs) of Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. in India. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, 70 pp.
<!-- [if !supportLists]--> ii. <!--[endif]-->BHATTACHARJEE, A., G. KRISHNA, A. KUMAR, S. SENGUPTA, S. CHAKRABORTY, R. DHANAVATE, S. SARKAR, R.K. SAHU, A.K. SONI, O. CHAKRABORTY, B. MALLICK & K. PRASAD. 2018 (2019). Report on Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs) of Dalbergia sissoo DC. in India. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, 50 pp.
G. Brochure published by BSI: 1
SINGH, B.K. & A. BHATTACHARJEE. 2020. Some Immunity Boosting Medicinal Plants for Preventive Health Measures in context of COVID-19 Pandemic (as per Ministry of AYUSH’s guidelines). ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah, 26 pp.
SPECIAL INTEREST : Plant taxonomy and Scientometrics
Family Rosaceae for Flora of Bihar, vol. 2 and Flora of Jharkhand, vol. 2
Family Scrophulariaceae for Flora of Bihar, vol. 2 and Flora of Jharkhand, vol. 2
Supervising data-centre
PHONE : 033-26680142
E-MAIL : avinash[dot]bharati[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
1. Databasing of e-Flora of India
2. Digitization of herbarium specimens of Family Balsaminaceae
3. Development of application for herbarium databases of BSI
1. Digitization of Type Specimens and released online databases It contains about 29,000 type specimens, 5,800 botanical paintings, 23,000 economic botany, 1,782 textile designs and 3,000 natural dyes.
2. Databasing of e-Plant Checklist of India It contains about 2,50,000 names of angiosperms.
In addition, the checklist also includes 9,066 taxa of algae, 3,005 taxa of Lichen, 926 taxa of Liverworts & Hornworts and 146 taxa of Gymnosperm
2. Flora of Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Bihar (2016-2019): A total of 180 spp. of angiosperm were documented. In addition to angiosperm, 36 species of algae were collected. Out of them, 4 taxon are new to India [Sphaerellocystis ampla (Kütz.) Nováková, Oedogonium mediale Tiffany, Oedogonium pratense Transeau f. minus Mrozińska-Webb and Trochiscia sporoides (Reinsch) Hansg.]. (Indian Journal of Forestry 42(2019): 91 ‒ 98; Indian Journal of Forestry 41(2018) 319 ‒ 327)
3. Prepared taxonomic account for selected genera of Family Asteraceae for Flora of Bihar (16 genera and 22 species), vol. 2 and Flora of Jharkhand (16 genera and 34 species), vol. 2
4. Indicative flora of the two eco-sensitive zones:
i. Baraila Lake Salim Ali Jubba Sahni Bird Sanctuary, Vaishali District, Bihar
ii. Nakti Dam Bird Sanctuary, Jamui District, Bihar
1. Sureshkumar J., Silambarasan R., Bharati K.A., Krupa J., Amalraj S. and Ayyanar M. 2018. A review on ethnomedicinally important pteridophytes of India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 219: 269-287. IF: 3.41
2. Angami T., Bhagawati R., Touthang L., Makdoh B., Bharati K.A., Silambarasan R. and Ayyanar M. 2018. Traditional uses, phytochemistry and biological activities of Parkia timoriana (DC.) Merr., an underutilized multipurpose tree bean: a review. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 65(2):679 ‒ 692. IF: 1.29
3. Chaudhury S., Singh H. and Bharati K. A. 2017. Quantitative analyses on ethnogynecological remedies used by Lodhas of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 16 (2): 325-332. IF: 0.92
4. Shah A., Bharati K. A., J. Ahmad and M. P. Sharma. 2015. New ethnomedicinal claims from Gujjar and Bakerwals tribes of Rajouri and Poonch districts of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 166: 119-128. IF: 3.41
5. Bharati K. A and Mukesh Kumar. 2014. Traditional Drugs sold by Herbal Healers in Haridwar, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 13(3): 600-605. IF: 0.92
6. Manohar Pathak and Kumar Avinash Bharati. 2014. Mapping of Botanical Survey of India (1971-2010): a scientometrics analysis. Current Science, 106 (7): 964-971. IF: 0.75
7. Rajesh Kumar and Bharati K. A. 2013. New claims in folk veterinary medicines from Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 146(2):581-593. IF: 3.41
Central National Herbarium
Botanical Survey of India
4. B. Garden , Shalimar, Howrah - 711103
Email- cnh[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
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