
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah

Do’s and Don’ts

Do’s and Don’ts




This historic garden is ecologically very sensitive and declared as “Plastic Carry Bag Free Zone”, a site of ex-situ conservation of plant resource of India and abroad for scientific research and environmental awareness. As per directive of the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and standing other Rules of the garden.


The following activities are strictly prohibited in this garden:


1.      Organizing any Picnic or any Party and coming with pets.

2.      Film Shooting and any type of Videography, pre-wedding shoots, advertisement films, etc.

3.      Any Commercial Activity like selling of any eatable, hot and soft drinks, gutka/pan/pan masala, tobacco, etc.

4.      Entry and use of plastic carry bags, cup, plate, bowl, glass, pouches, plastic bottles, etc. or any of such item(s) made of thermo-coal/non-biodegradable materials.

5.      Entry of light vehicle (like Bicycle, Pedal Rickshaw, Motor Bike/Scooter, Tempo, Car, Taxi, etc.) and heavy vehicle (like Bus, Truck, etc.) without permission.

6.      Entry and use of Alcohol and or any drugs/narcotics and arm & ammunition, etc.

7.      Walking on Lawn, swinging and seating on any tree and buildings.

8.      Gambling/playing any outdoor game(s) over road, lawn and or in water-bodies. 

9.      Damaging any plant/tree on land and or in water in any form either whole or in part(s) like stem, branch, leaf, flower, fruits, roots, rhizome, bulb, bark, etc. and or any building and or infra-structure.

10.   Playing music, lighting fire and or cooking, hunting and fishing.

11.   Disposal of any kind of solid, liquid and or gaseous pollutant(s) within the garden premises by any means.

12.   Encroachment within garden premises and or along the boundary wall/fence, etc.

13.   Construction/Erection of any dummy model/building, etc.