Associated Garden
Despite the enormously important role of plants in human life and survival, their conservation has been largely neglected. Plants being the key elements, they dominate our landscape and form the frame work of natural ecosystems that provide the habitats for most of the animal species. However, because of the phenomenal rise in population, increasing consumption of plant resources and developmental activities, a massive loss of plants diversity is foreseen. If these processes continue unabated, it is likely that many species will be at risk of extinction while many more will be losing their genetic variability to some extent. Besides, untold scientific and economical potential may well be lost as species yet unknown disappear before they are even discovered and described. Hence, the role of botanical gardens in conserving the plant diversity is of paramount important.
The Botanical Survey of India is maintaining the Experimental garden cum Arboretum at Dhanikhari, Naya Sahar, about 16 km from Port Blair with a focus on both in-situ and ex-situ conversation of over 500 plant species with some economically important species. Comprising an area of ca 30 h. of forest land, with 2 h. of cleared land earmarked for nurseries, the garden has become an important conversation centre for several rare and endangered plant species collected and introduced from vulnerable areas and islands with a view of multiplication and propagation for the germplasm conservation.
This garden is also a natural abode of many of the important endemic plants including orchids, zingibers, canes, rattans, bananas, ferns, etc. Our scientists and researchers venture the remote localities of the islands and collect the germplasm in the form of whole plants, seedlings, propagules, rhizomes, seeds and fruits for introduction and multiplication in the garden. Inside the garden, different sections such as Medicinal plot, Pomological plot, Cane plot, Palm plot, Endemic plants plots, Orchidarium, Ornamental plants, Cactarium, Nursery and Green house are being maintained. Besides concentrating on the plants of adjacent areas of the Dam, rare and endangered plants collected from different areas of mainland are also being introduced in the garden. Some of the noteworthy plants successfully propagated in the garden are Carissa andamanensis L.J. Singh & Murugan (endemic), Dillenia andamanica C.E.Parkinson, Etlingera fenzlii (Kurz) Škorničk. & M.Sabu, Garcinia dhanikhariensis S.K.Srivast., Geophila reniformis (rare), Knema andamanica (Warb.) Wilde, Mangifera andmanica (endemic), Mangifera camptosperma Pierre, Musa indandamanensis L.J. Singh (endemic), Musa paramjitiana L.J.Singh, Sphaeropteris albosetacea (Bedd.), R.M. Tryon, Zeuxine andamanica (rare), and, Vanilla andamanica Rolfe (endemic) Zingiber pseudosquarrosum L.J. Singh & P. Singh (endemic),besides ca. 600 other curious plant species are under conservation. Since the botanic gardens are an essential network of botanical resource centre, vital for environmental conservation, the BSI, at Port Blair is growing large collections of endangered plants, holding them safely in cultivation or seed bank. The BSI circle in Port Blair is also reintroducing plants to the wild after multiplication as part of species recovery projects for effective conservation.
This garden undertakes botanical research to document and record the plants of the respective region, promote environmental awareness among the general public through their education work, help to conserve natural vegetation by maintaining nature reserves and work with others to study, monitor and conserve plants and their ecologies in the wild. It is noteworthy to point out that the gardens receive more than 1500 visitors every year.
Sl. No. |
Name of Plants |
Family |
1. |
Abrus precatorius L. |
Fabaceae |
2. |
Acacia auriculiformis Benth. |
Mimosaceae |
3. |
Acalypha hispida Burm.f. |
Euphorbiaceae |
4. |
Acalypha indica L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
5. |
Acalypha wilkesiana Müll.Arg. |
Euphorbiaceae |
6. |
Acampe rigida (Buch.-Ham. ex Sm) P.F. Hunt |
Orchidaceae |
7. |
Achyranthe saspera L. |
Amaranthaceae |
8. |
Achyranthes bidentata Blume |
Amaranthaceae |
9. |
Acmella paniculata (Wall. ex DC.) R.K. Jansen |
Asteraceae |
10. |
Acorus calamus L. |
Araceae |
11. |
Actephila excelsa (Dalzell) Müll.Arg. |
Euphorbiaceae |
12. |
Adenanthera pavonina L. |
Fabaceae |
13. |
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa |
Rutaceae |
14. |
Aerides emericii Rchb.f. |
Orchidaceae |
15. |
Aerides multiflora Roxb. |
Orchidaceae |
16. |
Aganope heptaphylla (L.) Polhill |
Fabaceae |
17. |
Ageratum conyzoides(L.) L. |
Compositae |
18. |
Aglaia lawii (Wight) C.J. Saldanha |
Meliaceae |
19. |
Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall. ex Lindl.) Rchb.f. |
Orchidaceae |
20. |
Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. |
Fabaceae |
21. |
Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr. |
Mimosaceae |
22. |
Allamanda cathartica L. |
Apocynaceae |
23. |
Alocasia decipiens Schott |
Araceae |
24. |
Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f |
Liliaceae |
25. |
Alstonia kurzii Hook.f. |
Apocynaceae |
26. |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. |
Amaranthaceae |
27. |
Alternanthera brasiliana |
Amaranthaceae |
28. |
Alternanthera ficoidea |
Amaranthaceae |
29. |
Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. |
Fabaceae |
30. |
Amaranthus hybridus L. |
Amaranthaceae |
31. |
Amaranthus viridis L. |
Amaranthaceae |
32. |
Ammannia baccifera L. |
Lythraceae |
33. |
Amomum aculeatum Roxb. |
Zingiberaceae |
34. |
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson |
Araceae |
35. |
Anacardium occidentale L. |
Anacardiaceae |
36. |
Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. |
Bromiliaceae |
37. |
Anaxagorea javanica Blume |
Annonaceae |
38. |
Anaxagorea luzonensis A. Gray |
Annonaceae |
39. |
Ancistrocladus tectorius (Lour.) Merr. |
Ancistrocladaceae |
40. |
Andrographis paniculate (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees |
Acanthaceae |
41. |
Angiopteris evecta (G. Forst.) Hoffm. |
Angiopteridaceae |
42. |
Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze |
Lamiaceae |
43. |
Annona reticulata |
Annonaceae |
44. |
Anodendron paniculatum A.DC. |
Apocynaceae |
45. |
Anthocephalus chinensis Walp. |
Rubiaceae |
46. |
Antidesma montanum Blume |
Euphorbiaceae |
47. |
Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker |
Meliaceae |
48. |
Aporosa octandra (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Vickery |
Euphorbiaceae |
49. |
Ardisia solanacea (Poir.) Roxb. |
Myrsinaceae |
50. |
Areca triandra Roxb. ex Buch.-Ham. |
Arecaceae |
51. |
Areca catechu |
Arecaceae |
52. |
Areca triandra |
Arecaceae |
53. |
Artabotrys speciosus Kurz ex Hook.f. & Thomson |
Annonaceae |
54. |
Artocarpus chaplasha Roxb |
Moraceae |
55. |
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. |
Moraceae |
56. |
Asparagus racemosus Willd. |
Liliaceae |
57. |
Asplenium nidus L. (= A. nidus var. nidus) |
Aspleniaceae |
58. |
Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anderson |
Acanthaceae |
59. |
Averrhoa carambola L. |
Averrhoaceae |
60. |
Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv. |
Poaceae |
61. |
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. |
Meliaceae |
62. |
Baccaurea ramiflora |
Phyllanthaceae |
63. |
Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. |
Scrophulariaceae |
64. |
Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. |
Poaceae |
65. |
Barleria prionitis L. |
Acanthaceae |
66. |
Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz |
Barringtoniaceae |
67. |
Barringtonia racemosa |
Lecythidaceae |
68. |
Bauhinia acuminata |
Fabaceae |
69. |
Bentinckia nicobarica (Kurz) Becc. |
Arecaceae |
70. |
Blechnum finlaysonianum |
Blechnaceae |
71. |
Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC. |
Asteraceae |
72. |
Boerhavia diffusa L. |
Nyctaginaceae |
73. |
Boesenbergia siphonantha |
Zingiberaceae |
74. |
Bombax insigne Wall. |
Bombacaceae |
75. |
Bouea oppositifolia (Roxb.) Meisn. |
Anacardiaceae |
76. |
Bougainvillea glabra Choisy |
Nyctaginaceae |
77. |
Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf |
Poaceae |
78. |
Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf |
Poaceae |
79. |
Breynia vitis-idaea (Burm.f.) C.E.C. Fisch. |
Euphorbiaceae |
80. |
Bridelia ovata Decne |
Euphorbiaceae |
81. |
Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken |
Crassulaceae |
82. |
Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng. |
Orchidaceae |
83. |
Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris (J. König) Aver. |
Orchidaceae |
84. |
Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. |
Caesalpiniaceae |
85. |
Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. |
Caesalpiniaceae |
86. |
Cajanus cajan |
Fabaceae |
87. |
Calamus andamanicus Kurz |
Arecaceae |
88. |
Calamus palustris Griff. |
Arecaceae |
89. |
Calamus viminalis Willd. |
Arecaceae |
90. |
Calanthe triplicata (Willemet) Ames |
Orchidaceae |
91. |
Calanthe triplicata (Willemet) Ames |
Orchidaceae |
92. |
Calophyllum inophyllum L. |
Clusiaceae |
93. |
Calophyllum soulattri Burm.f. |
Clusiaceae |
94. |
Calophyllum inophyllum |
Clusiaceae |
95. |
Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. |
Asclepiadaceae |
96. |
Canarium denticulatum Blume |
Burseraceae |
97. |
Canarium euphyllum Kurz |
Burseraceae |
98. |
Canavalia cathartica Thouars |
Fabaceae |
99. |
Cansjera rheedii Blanco |
Opiliaceae |
100. |
Canthium glabrum Blume |
Rubiaceae |
101. |
Capparis sepiaria L. |
Capparaceae |
102. |
Capsicum annuum L. |
Solanaceae |
103. |
Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. |
Rhizophoraceae |
104. |
Cardiospermum halicacabum L. |
Sapindaceae |
105. |
Carica papaya L. |
Caricaceae |
106. |
Carissa andamanensis L.J. Singh & Murugan |
Apocynaceae |
107. |
Cascabela thevetia |
Apocynaceae |
108. |
Cassia fistula |
Fabaceae |
109. |
Casuarina equisetifolia L. |
Casuarinaceae |
110. |
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don |
Apocynaceae |
111. |
Cayratia pedata (Lam.) Gagnep. |
Vitaceae |
112. |
Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin |
Vitaceae |
113. |
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. |
Bombacaceae |
114. |
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. |
Apiaceae |
115. |
Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv. |
Poaceae |
116. |
Centratherum punctatum |
Asteraceae |
117. |
Centrosema pubescens Benth. |
Fabaceae |
118. |
Ceratophyllum demersum L. |
Ceratophyllaceae |
119. |
Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn. |
Parkeriaceae |
120. |
Cerbera odollam |
121. |
Champereia manillana (Blume) Merr. |
Opiliaceae |
122. |
Chasallia ophioxyloides |
Rubiaceae |
123. |
Cheilocostus speciosus (J. König) C. Specht |
Costaceae |
124. |
Chloris barbata Sw. |
Poaceae |
125. |
Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy |
Thelypteridaceae |
126. |
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H.Rob. |
Asteraceae |
127. |
Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retz.) Trin. |
Poaceae |
128. |
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume |
Lauraceae |
129. |
Cissus quadrangularis L. |
Vitaceae |
130. |
Cissus repens Lam. |
Vitaceae |
131. |
Citrus medica L. |
Rutaceae |
132. |
Claoxylon rostratum Airy Shaw |
Euphorbiaceae |
133. |
Cleidion nitidum (Müll.Arg.) Thwaites ex Kurz |
Euphorbiaceae |
134. |
Cleome rutidosperma DC. |
Capparaceae |
135. |
Cleome viscosa L. |
Capparaceae |
136. |
Clerodendrum infortunatum L. |
Verbenaceae |
137. |
Clerodendrum paniculatum L. |
Verbenaceae |
138. |
Clitoria ternatea |
Leguminosae |
139. |
Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt |
Cucurbitaceae |
140. |
Cocos nucifera L. |
Arecaceae |
141. |
Codiocarpus andamanicus (Kurz) R.A. Howard |
Icacinaceae |
142. |
Colocasia esculenta |
Araceae |
143. |
Commelina benghalensis L. |
Commelinaceae |
144. |
Commelina diffusa Burm.f. |
Commelinaceae |
145. |
Corchorus capsularis |
Malvaceae |
146. |
Cordia subcordata Lam. |
Boraginaceae |
147. |
Costus pictus |
148. |
Crateva religiosa G. Forst. |
Capparaceae |
149. |
Crinum asiaticum L. |
Amaryllidaceae |
150. |
Crinum latifolium L. |
Amaryllidaceae |
151. |
Crotalaria pallida Aiton |
Fabaceae |
152. |
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. |
Hypoxidaceae |
153. |
Curcuma mangga Valeton & Zijp |
Zingiberaceae |
154. |
Curcuma zedoaria |
Zingiberaceae |
155. |
Cyanthillium cinereum |
Araceae |
156. |
Cycas dharmrajii L.J. Singh |
Cycadaceae |
157. |
Cycas pschanne R.C. Srivast. & L.J. Singh |
Cycadaceae |
158. |
Cycas zeylanica (J. Schust.) A. Lindstr. & K.D. Hill |
Cycadaceae |
159. |
Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson |
Menispermaceae |
160. |
Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw. |
Orchidaceae |
161. |
Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle |
Poaceae |
162. |
Cymbopogon citratus |
163. |
Cynodon dactylon(L.) Pers. |
Poaceae |
164. |
Cyperus difformis L. |
Cyperaceae |
165. |
Cyperus diffusus Vahl |
Cyperaceae |
166. |
Cyperus rotundous L. |
Cyperaceae |
167. |
Cyrtococcum longipes (Hook.f) A. Camus |
Poaceae |
168. |
Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum (Steud.) Stapf |
Poaceae |
169. |
Cyrtococcum patens (L.) A. Camus) |
Poaceae |
170. |
Datura metel L. |
Solanaceae |
171. |
Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf. |
Caesalpiniaceae |
172. |
Dendrobium anceps Sw. |
Orchidaceae |
173. |
Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C.E.C. Fisch. |
Orchidaceae |
174. |
Dendrobium crumenatum Sw. |
Orchidaceae |
175. |
Dendrobium formosum Roxb. ex Lindl. |
Orchidaceae |
176. |
Dendrobium plicatile Lindl. |
Orchidaceae |
177. |
Dendrobium secundum (Blume) Lindl. ex Wall. |
Orchidaceae |
178. |
Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC. |
Fabaceae |
179. |
Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.) Stapf |
Poaceae |
180. |
Digitaria abludens (Roem. & Schult.) Veldkamp |
Poaceae |
181. |
Digitaria bicornis (Lam.) Roem. & Schult. |
Poaceae |
182. |
Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler |
Poaceae |
183. |
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. |
Poaceae |
184. |
Dillenia andamanica C.E. Parkinson |
Dilleniaceae |
185. |
Dillenia indica L. |
Dilleniaceae |
186. |
Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. |
Dilleniaceae |
187. |
Dillenia andamanica |
Dilleniaceae |
188. |
Dillenia indica |
Dilleniaceae |
189. |
Dinochloa scandens (Blume ex Nees) Kuntze |
Poaceae |
190. |
Dioscorea bulbifera L. |
Dioscoreaceae |
191. |
Dioscorea glabra Roxb. |
Dioscoreaceae |
192. |
Dioscorea pentaphylla L. |
Dioscoreaceae |
193. |
Diospyros marmorata R. Parker |
Ebenaceae |
194. |
Diospyros pyrrhocarpa Miq. |
Ebenaceae |
195. |
Diospyros ridleyi Bakh. |
Ebenaceae |
196. |
Diploclisia glaucescens (Blume) Diels |
Menispermaceae |
197. |
Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. ex G. Don |
Dipterocarpaceae |
198. |
Dipterocarpus grandiflorus (Blanco) Blanco |
Dipterocarpaceae |
199. |
Dischidia major (Vahl) Merr. |
Asclepiadaceae |
200. |
Dischidia nummularia R. Br. |
Asclepiadaceae |
201. |
Donax canniformis (G. Forst.) K. Schum. |
Marantaceae |
202. |
Dracaena angustifolia |
Asparagaceae |
203. |
Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Sm. |
Drynariaceae |
204. |
Echinochloa colona (L.) Link |
Poaceae |
205. |
Ecliptaprostrata (L.) L. |
Asteraceae |
206. |
Ehretia microphylla Lam. |
Boraginaceae |
207. |
Elaeis guineensis Jacq. |
Arecaceae |
208. |
Elaeocarpus macrocerus (Turcz.) Merr. |
Elaeocarpaceae |
209. |
Elaeocarpus rugosus Roxb. ex G. Don |
Elaeocarpaceae |
210. |
Elephantopus scaber L. |
Asteraceae |
211. |
Eleunanthera ruderalis |
Asteraceae |
212. |
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. |
Poaceae |
213. |
Entada rheedii Spreng. |
Mimosaceae |
214. |
Enydra fluctuans Lour. |
Asteraceae |
215. |
Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl. |
Araceae |
216. |
Eragrostis amabilis (L.) Wight & Arn. |
Poaceae |
217. |
Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) Nees ex Steud. |
Poaceae |
218. |
Eranthemum suffruticosum Roxb. |
Acanthaceae |
219. |
Eria andamanica Hook.f. |
Orchidaceae |
220. |
Eria bractescens Lindl. |
Orchidaceae |
221. |
Eriocaulon truncatum Buch.-Ham. ex Mart. |
Eriocaulaceae |
222. |
Eriocaulon xeranthemum Mart. |
Eriocaulaceae |
223. |
Erycibe paniculata Roxb. |
Convolvulaceae |
224. |
Eryngium foetidum |
Apiaceae |
225. |
Etlingera fenzlii (Kurz) Škorničk. & M. Sabu |
Zingiberaceae |
226. |
Eulophia andamanensis Rchb.f. |
Orchidaceae |
227. |
Eulophia nicobarica N.P. Balakr. & N.G. Nair |
Orchidaceae |
228. |
Euphorbia epiphylloides Kurz |
Euphorbiaceae |
229. |
Euphorbia hirta L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
230. |
Euphorbia prostrata Aiton |
Euphorbiaceae |
231. |
Euphorbia thymifolia L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
232. |
Euphorbia tirucalli Mill. |
Euphorbiaceae |
233. |
Euphorbia tithymaloides |
Euphorbiaceae |
234. |
Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. |
Convolvulaceae |
235. |
Fagraea fragrans Roxb. |
Loganiaceae |
236. |
Ficus arnottiana (Miq.) Miq. |
Moraceae |
237. |
Ficus benjamina L. |
Moraceae |
238. |
Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem. |
Moraceae |
239. |
Ficus hederacea Roxb. |
Moraceae |
240. |
Ficus hispida L.f. |
Moraceae |
241. |
Ficus pumila L. |
Moraceae |
242. |
Ficus rumphii Blume |
Moraceae |
243. |
Ficus religiosa |
Moraceae |
244. |
Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl |
Cyperaceae |
245. |
Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl |
Cyperaceae |
246. |
Flickingeria fimbriata (Blume) Hawkes |
Orchidaceae |
247. |
Freycinetia insignis Blume |
Pandanaceae |
248. |
Ganophyllum falcatum Blume |
Sapindaceae |
249. |
Garcinia cowa Roxb. ex Choisy |
Clusiaceae |
250. |
Garcinia dhanikhariensis S.K. Srivast. |
Clusiaceae |
251. |
Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz |
Clusiaceae |
252. |
Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr. |
Orchidaceae |
253. |
Geophila repens |
Rubiaceae |
254. |
Gliricidia sepium |
Fabaceae |
255. |
Globba pauciflora King ex Baker |
Zingiberaceae |
256. |
Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka |
Rutaceae |
257. |
Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. |
Rutaceae |
258. |
Gnetum scandens Roxb. |
Gnetaceae |
259. |
Goniothalamus macranthus (Kurz) Boerl. |
Annonaceae |
260. |
Gouania andamanica King |
Rhamnaceae |
261. |
Heliotropium indicum |
Boraginaceae |
262. |
Heterotis rotundifolia (Sm.) Jacq.-Fel. |
Melastomataceae |
263. |
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. |
Malvaceae |
264. |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis |
Malvaceae |
265. |
Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz |
Malpighiaceae |
266. |
Homonoia riparia Lour. |
Euphorbiaceae |
267. |
Hopea odorata Roxb. |
Dipterocarpaceae |
268. |
Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb. |
Myristicaceae |
269. |
Horsfieldia glabra |
Myristicaceae |
270. |
Hoya obtusifolia Wight |
Asclepiadaceae |
271. |
Hoya parasitica Wall. ex Wight |
Asclepiadaceae |
272. |
Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl |
Hydrophyllaceae |
273. |
Hygrophila erecta (Burm.f.) Hochr. |
Acanthaceae |
274. |
Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Spreng. |
Acanthaceae |
275. |
Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. |
Lamiaceae |
276. |
Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T. Aiton |
Apocynaceae |
277. |
Impatiens balsamina L. |
Balsaminaceae |
278. |
Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch. |
Poaceae |
279. |
Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze |
Fabaceae |
280. |
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. |
Convolvulaceae |
281. |
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. |
Convolvulaceae |
282. |
Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. |
Convolvulaceae |
283. |
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. |
Convolvulaceae |
284. |
Ipomoea violacea L. |
Convolvulaceae |
285. |
Ipomoea aquatica |
Convolvulaceae |
286. |
Ipomoea quamoclit L. |
Convolvulaceae |
287. |
Isachne globosa (Thunb.) Kuntze |
Poaceae |
288. |
Ixora barbata Roxb. ex Sm. |
Rubiaceae |
289. |
Ixora finlaysoniana Wall. ex G. Don |
Rubiaceae |
290. |
Ixora grandifolia Zoll. & Moritzi |
Rubiaceae |
291. |
Jasminum multiflorum (Burm.f.) Andrews |
Oleaceae |
292. |
Jatropha curcas L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
293. |
Jatropha gossypiifolia L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
294. |
Justicia gendarussa Burm.f. |
Acanthaceae |
295. |
Knema andamanica |
Myristicaceae |
296. |
Korthalsia laciniosa (Griff.) Mart. |
Arecaceae |
297. |
Korthalsia rogersii Becc. |
Arecaceae |
298. |
Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. |
Cyperaceae |
299. |
Kyllinga nemoralis |
Cyperaceae |
300. |
Lagerstroemia hypoleuca Kurz |
Lythraceae |
301. |
Lantana camara L. |
Verbenaceae |
302. |
Lasianthus andamanicus Hook. f. |
Rubiaceae |
303. |
Lawsonia inermis L. |
Lythraceae |
304. |
Leea grandifolia Kurz |
Leeaceae |
305. |
Leea indica |
Vitaceae |
306. |
Lepisanthes rubiginosa (Roxb.) Leenh. |
Sapindaceae |
307. |
Licuala peltata Roxb. ex Buch. Ham. |
Arecaceae |
308. |
Licuala spinosa Wurmb |
Arecaceae |
309. |
Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau |
Alismataceae |
310. |
Limnophila chinensis (Osbeck.) Merr. |
Scrophulariaceae |
311. |
Limonia acidissima L. |
Rutaceae |
312. |
Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston |
Scrophulariaceae |
313. |
Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell. |
Scrophulariaceae |
314. |
Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr. |
Scrophulariaceae |
315. |
Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Rob. |
Lauraceae |
316. |
Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H. Raven |
Onagraceae |
317. |
Luisia balakrishnanii S. Misra |
Orchidaceae |
318. |
Luisia tristis (G.Forst.) Hook.f. |
Orchidaceae |
319. |
Luisia zollingeri Rchb.f. |
Orchidaceae |
320. |
Lygodium circinatum (Burm. f.) Sw. |
Lygodiaceae |
321. |
Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. |
Lygodiaceae |
322. |
Macaranga indica Wight |
Euphorbiaceae |
323. |
Macaranga peltata M.Arg. |
Euphorbiaceae |
324. |
Macaranga tanarius (L.) Müll.Arg. |
Euphorbiaceae |
325. |
Macrosolen andamanensis L.J. Singh |
Loranthaceae |
326. |
Maesa andamanica Kurz |
Myrsinaceae |
327. |
Magnolia champaca (L.) Baill. ex Pierre |
Magnoliaceae |
328. |
Malaxis latifolia Sm. |
Orchidaceae |
329. |
Mallotus peltatus (Geisel.) Muell. - Arg. |
Euphorbiaceae |
330. |
Mallotus philippensis |
Euphorbiaceae |
331. |
Mangifera camptosperma Pierre |
Anacardiaceae |
332. |
Mangifera indica L. |
Anacardiaceae |
333. |
Mangifera andamanica King |
Anacardiaceae |
334. |
Manihot esculenta |
Euphorbiaceae |
335. |
Mapania cuspidata var. |
Cyperaceae |
336. |
Maranta arundinacea |
Marantaceae |
337. |
Melastoma malabathricum |
Melastomaceae |
338. |
Melochia corchorifolia L. |
Sterculiaceae |
339. |
Memecylon ovatum |
Melastomataceae |
340. |
Mentha arvensis |
Lamiaceae |
341. |
Mesua ferrea L. |
Clusiaceae |
342. |
Mikania cordata (Burm.f.) B.L. Rob. |
Asteraceae |
343. |
Mimosa pudica L. |
Mimosaceae |
344. |
Mirabilis jalapa |
Nyctaginaceae |
345. |
Momordica charantia L. |
Cucurbitaceae |
346. |
Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. |
Cucurbitaceae |
347. |
Morinda citrifolia |
Rubiaceae |
348. |
Moringa oleifera Lam. |
Moraceae |
349. |
Mucuna gigantea (Willd.) DC. |
Fabaceae |
350. |
Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan |
Commelinaceae |
351. |
Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. |
Rutaceae |
352. |
Musa acuminata Colla |
Musaceae |
353. |
Musa balbisiana Colla |
Musaceae |
354. |
Musa indandamanensis L.J. Singh |
Musaceae |
355. |
Musa paramjithiana L.J. Singh |
Musaceae |
356. |
Musa paradisiaca L. |
Musaceae |
357. |
Mussaenda frondosa L. |
Rubiaceae |
358. |
Mussaenda macrophylla Wall. |
Rubiaceae |
359. |
Myristica andamanica |
Myristicaceae |
360. |
Myristica fragrans |
Myristicaceae |
361. |
Nageia wallichiana (C. Presl) Kuntze |
Podocarpaceae |
362. |
Najas indica (Willd.) Cham. |
Najadaceae |
363. |
Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. |
Acanthaceae |
364. |
Nervilia punctata (Blume) Makino |
Orchidaceae |
365. |
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. |
Oleaceae |
366. |
Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. |
Nymphaeaceae |
367. |
Nymphaea pubescens Willd. |
Nymphaeaceae |
368. |
Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze |
Menyanthaceae |
369. |
Oberonia iridifolia (Roxb.) Lindl. |
Orchidaceae |
370. |
Ocimum basilicum |
Lamiaceae |
371. |
Ocimum gratissimum L. |
Lamiaceae |
372. |
Ocimum tenuiflorum |
Lamiaceae |
373. |
Oldenlandia biflora L. |
Rubiaceae |
374. |
Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. |
Rubiaceae |
375. |
Oldenlandia paradoxa (Kurz) Kuntze |
Rubiaceae |
376. |
Oplismenus compositus (L.) P. Beauv. |
Poaceae |
377. |
Orophea hexandra Blume |
Annonaceae |
378. |
Orophea katschallica Kurz |
Annonaceae |
379. |
Oxalis corniculata L. |
Oxaladaceae |
380. |
Oxyceros longiflorus (Lam.) T. Yamaz. |
Rubiaceae |
381. |
Pandanus lerum Jones ex Fontane |
Pandanaceae |
382. |
Pandanus amaryllifolius |
Pandanaceae |
383. |
Panicum repens L. |
Poaceae |
384. |
Papilionanthe teres (Roxb.) Schltr. |
Orchidaceae |
385. |
Paramignya andamanica Tanaka |
Rutaceae |
386. |
Paspalum conjugatum P.J. Bergius |
Poaceae |
387. |
Paspalum scrobiculatum L. |
Poaceae |
388. |
Passiflora foetida L. |
Passifloraceae |
389. |
Passiflora edulis |
Passifloraceae |
390. |
Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) K. Heyne |
Caesalpiniaceae |
391. |
Pennisetum purpureum K. Schum. |
Poaceae |
392. |
Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth |
Piperaceae |
393. |
Peristylus parishii Rchb.f. |
Orchidaceae |
394. |
Phalaenopsis speciosa Rchb.f. |
Orchidaceae |
395. |
Pholidota imbricata Lindl. |
Orchidaceae |
396. |
Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene |
Verbenaceae |
397. |
Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. &Thonn. |
Euphorbiaceae |
398. |
Phyllanthus emblica L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
399. |
Phyllanthus urinaria L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
400. |
Physalis angulata L. |
Solanaceae |
401. |
Physalis minima L. |
Solanaceae |
402. |
Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. |
Urticaceae |
403. |
Pinanga manii Becc. |
Arecaceae |
404. |
Piper betle L. |
Piperaceae |
405. |
Piper longum L. |
Piperaceae |
406. |
Piper nigrum L. |
Piperaceae |
407. |
Piper sarmentosum Roxb. |
Piperaceae |
408. |
Pisonia umbellifera (J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Seem. |
Nyctaginaceae |
409. |
Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. |
Lamiaceae |
410. |
Plumeria rubra |
Apocynaceae |
411. |
Podocarpus neriifolius |
Podocarpaceae |
412. |
Pogonatherum paniceum (Lam.) Hack. |
Poaceae |
413. |
Pollia secundiflora (Blume) Bakh.f. |
Commelinaceae |
414. |
Pomatocalpa maculosum (Lindl.) J.J. Sm. |
Orchidaceae |
415. |
Pomatocalpa spicatum Breda, Kuhl & Hasselt |
Orchidaceae |
416. |
Pongamia pinnata |
Fabaceae |
417. |
Portulaca oleracea L. |
Portulacaceae |
418. |
Pothos scandens L. |
Araceae |
419. |
Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Benn. |
Urticaceae |
420. |
Premna serratifolia L. |
Verbenaceae |
421. |
Pseuderanthemum album (Roxb.) Merr. |
Acanthaceae |
422. |
Psidium guajava L. |
Myrtaceae |
423. |
Psychotria andamanica Kurz |
Rubiaceae |
424. |
Psychotria platyneura Kurz |
Rubiaceae |
425. |
Pteris vittata L. |
Pteridaceae |
426. |
Pterocarpus dalbergioides Roxb. ex DC. |
Fabaceae |
427. |
Pteroceras unguiculatum (Lindl.) H.A. Pedersen |
Orchidaceae |
428. |
Pterocymbium tinctorium Merr. |
Malvaceae |
429. |
Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. |
Malvaceae |
430. |
Pterygota alata (Roxb.) R.Br. |
Sterculiaceae |
431. |
Pyrrosia adnascens (Sw.) Ching |
Polypodiaceae |
432. |
Quisqualis indica L. |
Combretaceae |
433. |
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. |
Apocynaceae |
434. |
Rhaphidophora calophylla Schott |
Araceae |
435. |
Rhopaloblaste augusta (Kurz) H.E. Moore |
Arecaceae |
436. |
Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume |
Orchidaceae |
437. |
Ricinus communis L. |
Euphorbiaceae |
438. |
Rinorea bengalensis (Wall.) Gagnep. |
Violaceae |
439. |
Rourea minor (Gaertn.) Alston |
Connaraceae |
440. |
Ruellia elegans Hook. |
Acanthaceae |
441. |
Sacciolepis indica (L.) A. Chase |
Poaceae |
442. |
Sansevieria trifasciata Prain |
Liliaceae |
443. |
Saraca asoca |
Caesalpiniaceae |
444. |
Sarcolobus carinatus Wall. |
Asclepiadaceae |
445. |
Sarcolobus globosus Wall. |
Asclepiadaceae |
446. |
Sauropus rhamnoides Blume |
Euphorbiaceae |
447. |
Schizostachyum andamanicum M. Kumar & Remesh |
Poaceae |
448. |
Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw. |
Cyperaceae |
449. |
Scleria scrobiculata Nees & Mey. ex Nees |
Cyperaceae |
450. |
Scoparia dulcis L. |
Scrophulariaceae |
451. |
Scurrula paramjitii L. J. Singh |
Loranthaceae |
452. |
Semecarpus kurzii |
Anacardiaceae |
453. |
Senna alata (L.) Roxb. |
Caesalpiniaceae |
454. |
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link |
Caesalpiniaceae |
455. |
Senna tora |
Fabaceae |
456. |
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir. |
Fabaceae |
457. |
Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L. |
Aizoaceae |
458. |
Setaria palmifolia (J. Koenig) Stapf |
Poaceae |
459. |
Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. |
Poaceae |
460. |
Sida acuta Burm.f. |
Malvaceae |
461. |
Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. |
Smilacaceae |
462. |
Smilax aspericaulis |
Smilacaceae |
463. |
Solanum rudepannum Dunal |
Solanaceae |
464. |
Solanum torvum Sw. |
Solanaceae |
465. |
Sophora tomentosa L. |
Fabaceae |
466. |
Spermacoce laevis Lam. |
Rubiaceae |
467. |
Sporobolus diandrus (Retz.) P. Beauv. |
Poaceae |
468. |
Sporobolus fertilis (Steud.) Clayton |
Poaceae |
469. |
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl |
Verbenaceae |
470. |
Stenochlaena palustris (Burm. f.) Bedd. |
Stenochlaenaceae |
471. |
Streblus asper Lour. |
Moraceae |
472. |
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn |
Asteraceae |
473. |
Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & Perry |
Myrtaceae |
474. |
Syzygium aromaticum |
Myrtaceae |
475. |
Syzygium cumini |
Myrtaceae |
476. |
Tabernaemontana crispa Roxb. |
Apocynaceae |
477. |
Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze |
Taccaceae |
478. |
Tamarindus indica L. |
Fabaceae |
479. |
Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth |
Bignoniaceae |
480. |
Tectaria polymorpha (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel. |
Aspidiaceae |
481. |
Terminalia catappa L. |
Combretaceae |
482. |
Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight &Arn. |
Combretaceae |
483. |
Terminalia citrina |
Combretaceae |
484. |
Terminalia procera Roxb. |
Combretaceae |
485. |
Tetracera scandens (L.) Merr. |
Dilleniaceae |
486. |
Tetracera sarmentosa (L.) Vahl |
Dilleniaceae |
487. |
Tetrastigma andamanicum (King) Suess. |
Vitaceae |
488. |
Thelasis pygmaea (Griff.) Lindl. |
Orchidaceae |
489. |
Themeda triandra Forssk. |
Poaceae |
490. |
Thottea tomentosa (Blume) Ding Hou |
Aristolochiaceae |
491. |
Thunbergia laurifolia Lindl. |
Acanthaceae |
492. |
Thysanolaena latifolia (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Honda |
Poaceae |
493. |
Tinomiscium petiolare Hook. f. & Thomson |
Menispermaceae |
494. |
Tinospora cordifolia(Willd.) Miers |
Menispermaceae |
495. |
Torenia violacea (Azaola ex Blanco) Pennell |
Scrophulariaceae |
496. |
Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour. |
Cucurbitaceae |
497. |
Tridax procumbens(L.) L. |
Asteraceae |
498. |
Triphasia trifolia (Burm.f.) P. Wilson |
Rutaceae |
499. |
Triumfetta annua L. |
Tiliaceae |
500. |
Triumfetta repens (Blume) Merrill & Rolfe |
Tiliaceae |
501. |
Tropidia curculigoides Lindl. |
Orchidaceae |
502. |
Tylophora indica (Burm. f.) Merr. |
Asclepiadaceae |
503. |
Typhonium flagelliforme (Roxb. ex Lodd.) Blume |
Araceae |
504. |
Uncaria cordata var. ferruginea (Blume) Ridsdale |
Rubiaceae |
505. |
Urena lobata L. |
Malvaceae |
506. |
Urena lobata |
Malvaceae |
507. |
Uvaria andamanica King |
Annonaceae |
508. |
Vanilla andamanica Rolfe |
Orchidaceae |
509. |
Vernonia cineria (L.) Nees |
Asteraceae |
510. |
Vitex negundo L. |
Verbenaceae |
511. |
Vitex trifolia L. |
Verbenaceae |
512. |
Wedelia biflora (L.) DC. |
Asteraceae |
513. |
Zephyranthes minuta (Kunth) D. Dietr. |
Amaryllidaceae |
514. |
Zeuxine andamanica King & Pantl. |
Orchidaceae |
515. |
Zingiber odoriferum Blume |
Zingiberaceae |
516. |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe |
Zingiberaceae |
517. |
Zingiber pseudosquarrosum L. J. Singh & P. Singh |
Zingiberaceae |
518. |
Zingiber spectabile Griff. |
Zingiberaceae |
519. |
Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex Sm. |
Zingiberaceae |
520. |
Zingiber pseudosquarrosum L. J. Singh & P. Singh. |
Zingiberaceae |
521. |
Zingiber squarrosum |
Zingiberaceae |
522. |
Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. |
Rhamnaceae |
523. |
Ziziphus oenopolia (L.) Mill. |
Rhamnaceae |