FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Ethnobotany & Taxonomy of Angiosperms
SPECIAL INTEREST: Nutraceutical studies
E-MAIL : pankajdhole[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
1. Ethnobotanical study of some tribal populated districts of Bihar (2018-2021): During this investigation, a total of 1159 field numbers were collected with 1210 ethnobotanical information, which are being used by the tribal and other rural people for different purposes of Bihar.
2. Ethnobotanical study of Odisha (2013-2017): A total number of 1,158 plant species under 615 genera belonging to 142 families with 8,718 ethnobotanical information’s was documented, which are being used by the tribal and other rural people for different purposes.
3. Flora and Ethnobotany of Balasore District, Odisha (2013-2016): The present taxonomic studies of plants in Balasore resulted in the collection, identification and description of 812 taxa of angiosperms are belongs to 494 genera under 115 families. Ethnobotanical information collected on 374 plant species used by tribes and rural people of Balasore district of Odisha.
A. Research articles/papers:
1) DHOLE, P.A. 2021. Wild edible plants with its socio-economic importance used by tribes of Gaya District, Bihar. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 8(1):51-58.
2) MISHRA, A.K., A.H. IMTIYAZ, P.A. DHOLE AND V.V. WAGH 2021. Lectotypification of Glycine aurea, the basionym of Rhynchosia aurea (Fabaceae). Phytotaxa 528(1):062–064.
3) BASKE, P. K., A. C. HALDER AND P.A. DHOLE 2021. Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribes of Nayagarh district, Odisha. International Journal of Botany Studies 6: (5)-1318-1326.
4) SINGH, H. AND P.A. DHOLE 2020. Comparative study of Ethnomedicinal uses for cold cough and fever in Odisha India. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 27(4):202-219.
5) DHOLE, P.A., P.Y. BHOGAONKAR, V.N. CHAVHAN, P.P. KSHIRSAGAR. 2021. Some Ethnomedicinal plants from Amravati District (M. S.) India. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 8(1):65-71.
6) DHOLE, P.A., M. MISHRA AND K.A. SUJANA 2020. Wild edible plants traditionally used by the tribes in Malkangiri district, Odisha, India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot., 44(1-4):5-13.
7) SINGH, H., M. MISHRA AND P.A. DHOLE 2018. Ethnomedicinal uses of plants from Kaimur and Rohtas districts of Bihar India. Ethnobotany 30:10-21. (Published in 2020)
8) SINGH, H., M. MISHRA AND P.A. DHOLE 2020. Ethnomedicinal Plants Used by the Tribal Communities of West Champaran District of Bihar, India. Pla. Sci. 3(4):38-44.
9) CHAVHAN V.N., P.Y. BHOGAONKAR, P.A. DHOLE AND P.P. KSHIRSAGAR 2020. Ethno-medicobotany of Yavatmal District (M.S.) India. Pla. Sci. 03(06):82-88.
10) SINGH, HARISH, M. MISHRA AND P.A. DHOLE 2019. Abutilon pannosum (G. Forst.) Schlect. (Malvaceae)- A New Addition to the Flora of Bihar, India. Indian Journal of Forestry 42(4) 105-106.
11) H. SINGH, P.A. DHOLE AND R. SARAVANAN 2018. Unreported Ethnomedicinal uses of some plants in Nuapada district, Odisha, India. Ethnobotany 29:1-7.
12) H. SINGH, P.A. DHOLE, G. KRISHNA, R. SARAVANAN. AND P.K. BASKE 2018. Ethnomedicinal plants used in malaria in tribal areas of Odisha, India. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, 9(2):160-167.
13) HARISH SINGH, PA DHOLE, R. SARAVANAN AND PK BASKE 2017. Ethnomedicinal plants used in sexual disorder in Balangir and Deogarh districts, Odisha, India. International Journal of Current Science, 20(3): E 57-62.
14) SARAVANAN, R., KANNAN D., SUJANA K. A., DHOLE, P.A. AND MONIKA MISHRA 2017. Traditional folk medicines: in treatment of gastrointestinal diseases at Kuldhiha wildlife sanctuary, Odisha, India. International Journal of Current Research, 9 (05): 50197-50201.
15) SUJANA K. A., P. A. DHOLE AND M. MISHRA 2017. New distributional record of Toxocarpus longistigma (Apocynaceae) from Bonda hills, Odisha, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 40(3-4):165-167.
16) SUJANA K. A., M. MISHRA & P. A. DHOLE 2017. Dwarf Jatropha : New distribution record of vulnerable taxon Jatropha nana (Magnopliosida: Euphorbiaceae) to Odisha, India. Plantasia #4, In: Zoo’s Print 32(10):14-16.
17) HARISH SINGH, R. SARVANAN, P. A. DHOLE 2017. Physalis pruinosa L. (Solanaceae)— A new addition to the flora of Odisha., , ZOO’s PRINT, Volume XXXII, Number1
18) MONIKA MISHRA, K. A. SUJANA AND P. A. DHOLE 2016. Ethnomedicinal plants used for the treatment of cuts and wounds by tribes of Koraput in Odisha, India. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 5(4):14-19.
19) K.A. SUJANA, P.A. DHOLE AND MONIKA MISHRA. 2016. A note on occurrence of Aponogeton crispus Thunb (Aponogetonaceae) in Odisha. ZOO’s PRINT, Volume XXXI, Number 2.
20) HARISH SINGH, P.A. DHOLE, P.K. BASKE & R. SARAVANAN 2015. Ethnobotanical observations on Deogarh district, Odisha, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 39(2): 223-265.
21) P. K. BASKE, A. C. HALDER, P. A. DHOLE AND N. R.SIDDHABATHULA 2015. Ethno-Medicinal plants of Jajpur District, Odisha. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 39(1): 153-168.
22) BHOGAONKAR P Y, V N CHAVHAN AND P A DHOLE 2015. Some New Reports for the Flora of Yavatmal District (M.S.) India. Bioscience Discovery, 6(1):18-21.
23) DHOLE P.A., P.K. BASKE, A.C. HALDER AND K.A. SUJANA 2015. Tragia praetervisa Chakrab. & N.P. Balakr. (Euphorbiaceae) – an addition to the Flora of Odisha from Nayagarh. ZOO’s PRINT, Volume XXX, Number 12.
24) R. SARAVANAN, DHOLE P. A. & SUJANA K. A. 2014. Dysoxylum (Blume) - New Generic Record To Odisha, India. Int. J. of Advanced Research, 02(08), 543-545
25) SUJANA KA, NAGARAJU S, SARAVANAN R AND DHOLE P. A. 2014. Gymnema montanum - New Distributional Record of an Endemic Liana to Odisha, East India. Annals of Plant Sciences, 03 (07): 776-778.
26) SUJANA KA, DHOLE PA, R SARAVANAN AND MONIKA MISHRA, 2014. Rediscovery of an Endemic and Endangered Liana (Uvaria eucincta Bedd. Ex Dunn) From Odisha, India, After A Century. Annals of Plant Sciences, 03 (2):617-618.
27) BHOGAONKAR P Y AND DHOLE P A, 2014. Luffa echinata Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae) – New Distributional Record for Vidarbha (Maharashtra). Sci. Res. Rept., 4(1):21-23.
B. Books:
1) BHOGAONKAR PRABHA Y. AND DHOLE PANKAJ A. 2018. Checklist of Flora of Melghat. Chief Conservator of Forest & Field Director, Melghat Tiger Project, Amravati.
C. Book chapters:
1) DHOLE P. A., SUJANA K. A., M. MISHRA, A. D. PANDEY & A. PRAMANIK 2017. Wild Edible Plants Traditionally used by Tribes in Koraput District, Odisha, India. In: Pramod Medhi & Himu Roy (eds.) Compendium of Botanical Research in Eastern India (A Felicitation volume of Prof. S. K. Borthakur) EBH Publishers (India) Guwahati -1,Pp. 62-74.
2) DHOLE P. A., M. MISHRA, A. D. PANDEY & K. A. SUJANA 2016. Conservation of Ethnogynaecologically important plant in forests of Koraput District, Odisha. In: Durai M. V., C. Sivaperuman & K. A. Sujana (eds.) Forest, Ecosystem –Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation. Write & Print Publications, New Delhi. India. Pp.261-276.
3) HARISH SINGH, P. A. DHOLE, P. K. BASKE AND R. SARAVANAN 2016. Ethnomedicinal plants and their Traditional Conservation in Deogarh District, Odisha, India. In: H. K. Chourasia (ed.) Conservation of Medicinal Plants: Conventional and Modern Approaches. Omega Publications, New Delhi. India. Pp. 28-66.
D. Hindi articles:
1) SINGH, HARISH., MONIKA MISHRA AND P.A. DHOLE 2019. Bihar ke Pachim Champaran Jile ki Janjatiyo Dwara khai jane wali kuch jangli vanspatia Vanaspati wani 28:45-49.
E. Popular articles:
1) P. A. DHOLE, A. C. HALDER, P. K. BASKE & HARISH SINGH 2018. Muntingia calabura (Muntingiaceae): A note on its occurrence in Odisha with local uses. ENVIS Newsletter 23(1)2018:14.
2) K. A. SUJANA, MONIKA MISHRA & P. A. DHOLE 2017. Mahua- A tree with multiple uses. ENVIS Newsletter 22(1): 9-10.
3) HARISH SINGH, P. A. DHOLE & R. SARAVANAN 2017. An indigenous grain storage method in Odisha. ENVIS Newsletter 22(1): 5
4) P. A. DHOLE, P. K. BASKE, A. C. HALDER & HARISH SINGH 2016. Traditional use and processing of loincloth from the stem bark of Careya arborea (Lecythidaceae). ENVIS Newsletter, 21(1).
5) H. SINGH, P. K. BASKE, R. SARVANAN & P. A. DHOLE 2015. Traditional uses and marketing of crude oleoresin (Jhuna) of Shorea robusta (Dipterocarpaceae) by tribes in Odisha ENVIS Newsletter, 20(1).
6) H. SINGH, G. KRISHNA, R. SARVANAN, P. A. DHOLE & P. K. BASKE. 2014. Handia - The indigenous rice beer of tribal’s in Odisha ENVIS Newsletter, 19(1): 4.
A. New taxa described:
B. New distributional records to India and region:
· Rediscovered Endemic and Endangered Liana (Uvaria eucincta Bedd. Ex Dunn) From Odisha, India, After A Century.
· Rediscovered Toxocarpus longistigma (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. ex Steud., from Odisha after a span of more than 50 years in the Eastern Ghats. So far, the species has been considered endemic to Andhra Pradesh and very rare.
· Reported a threatened endemic species of India, Jatropha nana Dalzell & A.Gibson, from Malkangiri, Odisha during the ethnobotanical survey, which was considered as endemic to the western part of Maharashtra state and West Bengal.
C. Any other novelties:
· Reported 22 plants for the treatment of sexual disorder that have not recorded earlier.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Angiosperm taxonomy
SPECIAL INTEREST: Economic botany
PHONE: 03192-230120
E-MAIL: bishnudey[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
A. Research articles/papers:
DEY, B. C., NEEKUNJ RAI, SAIKAT DAS, SUKHENDU MANDAL AND VIVEKANANDA MANDAL. 2019. Partial purification, characterization and mode of action of bacteriocins produced by three strains of Pediococcus sp. J. Food Sci. Technol. 56 (11): 10.1007/s13197-019-03744-3.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Plant Taxonomy, Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation
SPECIAL INTEREST: Systematics of Grasses (Poaceae)
Flora of Cinque Wildlife Sanctuary, South Andaman.
COMPLETED PROJECTS: A taxonomic study on the Grasses of Chloridoideae (Poaceae) of Southern Peninsular India.
A. Research articles/papers:
1. PARADESI, A., M. ANIL KUMAR AND B.R.P. RAO 2021. Ipomoea triloba L. New distributional record to Eastern Ghats, India. Biosci. Discovery 12: 01-04.
2. A. SREENATH, M. ANIL KUMAR, P. ANJANEYULU AND B.R.P. RAO 2020. Three moss families (Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Hyopterygiaceae, & Pterobryaceae): new distribution records to bryoflora of Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Threat. Taxa 12. 15481–15488.
3. A. SREENATH, P. ANJANEYULU, S.M. NAGESH, M. ANIL KUMAR AND B.R.P. RAO 2020. Eight families of Bryophytes as new distributional records for Andhra Pradesh, India. Trop. Plant Res. 7(3): 565–572.
4. ANIL KUMAR, M. AND B.R.P. RAO 2020. Tripogon capillatus and Tripogon filiformis (Chloridoideae: Poaceae): New Distributional Records to Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry 43(3): 246-251.
5. ANIL KUMAR, M. AND B.R.P. RAO 2020. Additions to the Grassses (Poaceae) of Telangana State, India. Indian J. Forestry 43(3): 228-235.
6. ANIL KUMAR, M., A.M. REDDY AND B.R.P. RAO 2019. Pseudechinolaena (H.B.K) Stapf (Poaceae): new generic record for Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry 42(2): 151-154, 2019.
7. ANIL KUMAR, M. AND B.R.P. RAO 2019. Three grasses (Poaceae), additions to the flora of Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Threat. Taxa 11: 14606–14611.
8. ANIL KUMAR, M. AND B.R.P. RAO 2019. Chloris quinquesetica Bhide and Tripogon idukkianus Sunil & Pradeep (Chloridoideae: Poaceae): New distributional records to Tamil Nadu, India. J. Non-Timber Forest Prod. 26(2): 1-5.
9. RAO, B.R.P. AND M. ANIL KUMAR 2018. Tripogon uma-ganeshii (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Tripogoninae), a new species from India. Indian J. Forestry 41(1): 97-101.
10. ANIL KUMAR, M., A. SREENATH, P. ANJANEYULU, S. SARAVANAN AND B.R.P. RAO 2018. Themeda helferi (Panicoideae: Poaceae): A new record for India. Rheedea 28(1): 57-61.
11. RAO, B.R.P., M. ANIL KUMAR, B. SADASIVAIAH AND S.K. BHASHA 2018. Poa L. and Vulpia C.C. Gmel. (Poaceae): Two Generic Records for Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry 41 (2): 113-116.
12. ANIL KUMAR, M. AND B.R.P. RAO 2018. Lepturus R.Br. (Chloridoideae: Leptureae): A new generic record to Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry 41 (3): 307-310.
13. ANIL KUMAR, M., SADASIVAIAH, B., PRIYADARSHINI AND B.R.P. RAO 2017. Apocopis mangalorensis (Hochst. ex Steud.) Henrard and Sporobolus ioclados (Trin.)Nees, (Poaceae), two new records for Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry 40(1): 79-81.
14. SALAMMA, S., M.C. NAIK, M. ANIL KUMAR, A. SREENATH AND B.R.P. RAO 2017. Four species of Commelinaceae, additions to Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Threat. Taxa 9(6): 10340-344.
15. ANIL KUMAR, M., P. ANJANEYULU AND B.R.P. RAO 2017. A new record of grass Ottochloa (Poaceae). J. Threat. Taxa 9(11): 10974-10976.
16. ANIL KUMAR, M., K.V. SUBBAIAH AND B.R.P. RAO 2017. Trachys deccanensis (Poaceae): A new species from semiarid zone of peninsular India. Rheedea 27(2):79-84
17. NAIK, C.M., M. ANIL KUMAR AND B.R.P. RAO 2016. On the discovery of Dimeria hohenackeri (Poaceae) from the Andaman Islands, a hitherto known endemic and endangered grass species of south western peninsular India. J. Threat. Taxa 8(14): 9678–9680.
18. KAVITHA, G., S. SALAMMA, M. RAMESH, M.C. NAIK, M. ANIL KUMAR, A. NARAYANA SWAMY AND B.R.P. RAO 2016. Carbon Stocks of Linear Category of Trees Out Side Forest in Ananthapuramu District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry 39(4): 303-308.
19. ANIL KUMAR, M., S. SALAMMA, M.C. NAIK AND B.R.P. RAO 2016. Aristida stocksii and Dimeria bialata, (Poaceae), endemics of Peninsular India: New Records to Eastern Ghats. Rheedea 26(2): 79-82.
20. NAIK, M.C., M. ANIL KUMAR AND B.R.P. RAO 2016. Digitaria setigera Roth and Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P. Beauv. (Poaceae), two new distributional records for Andman & Nicobar Islands, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 39(3-4): 454-459.
B. Book:
A. New taxa described:
SPECIAL INTEREST: Ethno-botany and Medicinal Plants
Angiosperm flora of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
PHONE: 03192-233224
E-MAIL: gautamekkabsi[at]gov[dot]in
Flora of Kyd, Pitman and James Islands, South Andaman (2015 – 2018): A total of 469 field numbers have been documented into 386 species, of which two taxa have been recorded as new distributional record to the state flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
A. Research articles/papers:
1. 1 1. MISHRA, SANJAY, C. P. VIVEK, GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA AND LAL JI SINGH. 2019. Taxonomic notes on Grosourdya muriculata (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Vandeae: Aeridinae), a little known Orchid from the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, Vol. 11 No. 1. 13162-13167.
2. VIVEK, C.P., SANJAY MISHRA, GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA AND LAL JI SINGH. 2017. Taxonomic study of Alternanthera Forssk. (Amaranthaceae) in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands including new record of three taxa of the genus for the state flora. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany Vol. 41 (1 – 2): 24 – 30.
3. VIVEK, C.P., SANJAY MISHRA, GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA AND LAL JI SINGH. 2017. Water snowflakes [Nymphoides indica (L.) O. Kuntze], a case study with respect to the wetlands of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Phytotaxonomy 17:50 – 54.
4. MISHRA, SANJAY, C. P. VIVEK, GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA AND LAL JI SINGH. 2017. Eleocharis atropurpurea (Retz.) J. Presl & C. Presl and Eleocharis acutangula (Roxb.) Schult. (Cyperaceae): Two new distributional records for Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Tropical Plant Research 4 (1): 77–80.
5. SINGH, LAL JI, SANJAY MISHRA AND GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA. 2017. Plant Gentic Diversity of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In: K. Ravichandram, D. M. Shukla & Tarun Coomar (eds.), 50 Years of Indian Forest Service, Department of Environment and Forests, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Souvenir 50-56.
6. VIVEK C.P., LAL JI SINGH AND GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA. 2016. Wetland plant diversity in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Journal of the Andaman Science Association 21(2): 202 – 215.
7. SINGH, LAL JI, GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA AND SANJAY MISHRA. 2016. Ethnobotanical uses of plants in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. In: Chourasia, H.K. & Roy, A.K. (Eds.), Conservation, Cultivation, Diseases and Therapeutic Importance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 2016 Today and Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. Pp.165-179.
8. EKKA, GAUTAM ANUJ AND JOJU P. ALAPPATT. 2015. Note on Distribution of Nephelaphyllum pulchrum Blume (Orchidaceae) in Bay Islands. In Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 22(1) 37-38.
9. EKKA, GAUTAM ANUJ, LAL JI SINGH AND M.Y. KAMBLE. 2015. Plant Diversity and Climate change in the coastal zone of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands In: National Seminar on Harmonizing Biodiversity and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities, Port Blair.Abs. 92-93.
10. SINGH, LAL JI, GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA, SANJAY MISHRA, SANDIP KR. BEHERA AND C. P. VIVEK. 2015. Endemic pteridophytes: a conservation appraisal in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India" by on National Conference on Cryptogam Research in India: Progress and Prospects, Lucknow 28-29 September 2015. Abs. 107.
11. SINGH, LAL JI, SANJAY MISHRA, SANDIP KR. BEHERA AND GAUTAM ANUJ EKKA. 2015. “Role of DEGCA, BSI Garden in conservation of Plant Diversity of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India” on National Conference on Indian Botanic Gardens. 18-20 November, 2015, Abs. 31.
B. Book chapters:
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Diversity and systematics of cyanobacteria and microalgae.
SPECIAL INTEREST: Assessment of algal diversity from extreme habitats i.e. Thermal springs and cold deserts of Antarctica.
PRESENTLY WORKING ON FAMILY / TRIBE / GENUS OR FLORA OF (AREA): Cyanobacteria and microalgae of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
E-MAIL: skbhakta@bsi.gov.in
A. Research articles/papers:
1. BHUYAN, P.P., S.K. BEHERA, S. BHAKTA, B. PRADHAN, M. JENA, B. HANSDAH AND A.K. BASTIA 2023. Subaerial algal flora of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Odisha, India, J. Indian Bot. Soc. 103 (1): 01-12. doi: 10.5958/2455-7218.2022.00052.3.
2. BHUYAN, P.P., E. SAHOO, S. BHAKTA, B. PRADHAN, M. JENA AND A.K. BASTIA 2022. In vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activity of Scenedesmus obliquus collected from Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Odisha, India, J. Indian Bot. Soc., 102 (3): 218-228. doi: 10.5958/2455-7218.2022.00049.3
3. DUTTA, P., S. BHAKTA AND A.K. BASTIA 2022. Phycoremediation of paper mill effluents by waste grown microalgae, Plant Sc. Res., 44 (1&2): 60-65.
4. MISHRA, S., S. BHAKTA AND A.K. BASTIA 2022. New distributional records of three Naviculales (Naviculaceae) from the Bhitarakanika National Park of Odisha, India, Plant Sc. Res., 44 (1&2): 66-70.
5. BHAKTA S., B.S. SIPRA, P. DUTTA, E. SAHU, S.K. PANDA AND A.K. BASTIA 2022. Water silk (Spirogyra bichromatophora): a Natural Resource for Antimicrobial Phycochemicals. Acta Bot. Plantae 3: 08–14.
6. SURESHKUMAR, P., J. THOMAS AND S. BHAKTA 2022. Development of DNA barcode for freshwater microalgae species revealing it’s evolutionary insights on diversity in Noyyal river of Western ghats, India, Env. Sci. Poll. Res., DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1330489/v1 (IF – 4.223)
7. BHAKTA, S., T.K. ROUT, D. KARMAKAR, C. PAWAR AND P.K. PADHY 2022. Trace elements and their potential risk assessment on polar ecosystem of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Polar Sci. 31: 100788 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2022.100788 (IF = 8.35)
8. BASU, P., A. MAJI, S. BHAKTA AND K. KARTHIGEYAN 2022. Algal diversity of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India, including new distributional records, Nelumbo 64 (2): 303-311. DOI:10.20324/nelumbo/v64/2022/172503.
9. PRADHAN, B., S. MAHARANA, S. BHAKTA AND M. JENA 2021. Marine phytoplankton diversity of Odisha coast, India with special reference to new record of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Vegetos 35: 330-344. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42535-021-00301-2 (IF Scopus 0.8)
10. KUMAR, D., S. BHAKTA AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2019. Molecular phylogeny and spectral characterization of selected soil crust cyanobacteria from tea gardens of Darjeeling (India). Indian J. Biotechnol. 18 (4): 330-336.
11. MISHRA, S., S. BHAKTA AND A.K. BASTIA 2019. Pennate diatoms from Brackish water of Balaramgadi estuary, Odisha. Indian Hydrobiol. 18 (1&2):182-193.
12. DUTTA, P., S. BHAKTA AND A.K. BASTIA 2019. Growth response and biochemical composition of waste grown cyanobacteria to paper mill effluents, Indian Hydrobiol., 18 (1&2):156-163.
13. BHAKTA, S., J. PRADHAN, E. SAHU AND A.K. BASTIA 2018. Salt stress response of diazotrophic cyanobacteria Nostoc sp. for their pigments and macromolecular contents. “NPI” Int. Res. J. Ind. Env. Biotech. 01: 119-132.
14. SAHU, E., D. GIRI, S. BHAKTA, S. PANDA AND A.K. BASTIA 2017. Phytochemical screening of a corticolous cyanobacterium Hassalia byssoidea Hass. ex Born. et Flah. for antibacterial and antioxidant activity. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 6 (3): 1161-1172. DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20173-8822.
15. BHAKTA, S., S.K. DAS AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2016. Algal Diversity in hot springs of Odisha. Nelumbo 58:157-173.
16. BHAKTA, S., P. DUTTA, E. SAHU AND A.K. BASTIA 2015. Soil crust algae of Similipal Biosphere Reserve (SBR), Odisha, J. Adv. Microbiol. 2: 54-63.
17. BHAKTA, S., L. PATTANAIK, P. DUTTA, E. SAHU AND A.K. BASTIA 2014. Diversity of corticolous algae from Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Mayurbhanj, Odisha, Phykos 44: 9-16.
18. BHAKTA, S. AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2014. Algal diversity from the streams and waterfalls of eastern and north eastern regions of India, Nelumbo 56: 1-47. DOI: 10.20324/nelumbo/v56/2014/86674.
19. KUMAR, D., N. KESHARI, S.K. DAS, S. BHAKTA AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2014. Algal diversity of different habitats of Santiniketan, West Bengal, J. Bot. Soc. Bengal 68: 47-57.
20. BHAKTA, S. AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2013. Two new records of Ecballocystopsis (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae) from lotic habitats of eastern region of India, Nelumbo 55: 181-184. DOI: 10.20324/nelumbo/v55/2013/73006.
21. BHAKTA, S. AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2012. Algal diversity in two major rivers of Eastern India and phycological assessment of their pollution. The Ecoscan spl. Issue 1: 7-14.
22. BHAKTA, S., M. NAYAK, J. JENA, P.K. PANDA AND L.B. SUKLA 2011. Phyco-diversity assessment of Bahuda river mouth areas of Odisha. Rec. Res. Sci. Tech. 3 (4): 80-89.
23. NAYAK, M, J. JENA, S. BHAKTA, S. RATHA, N. PRADHAN, M. THIRUNAVOUKKARASU, S.K. MISHRA, P.K. PANDA, L.B. SUKLA AND B.K. MISHRA 2011. Screening of fresh water microalgae from eastern region of India for sustainable biodiesel production. Int. J. Green Ener. 8: 669-683. doi.org/10.1080/15435075.2011.588764 (IF – 1.3).
24. H.S. PANDA, M. NAYAK, B. DAS, B.K. PARIDA, J. JENA, S. BHAKTA, S. PANDA, P.K. PANDA, AND L.B. SUKLA 2011. Survey and documentation of brackish water algal diversity from east coast region of Odisha, India. World Environ. 1: 20-23. doi: 10.5923/j.env.20110101.04 .
25. BHAKTA, S., S.K. DAS AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2010. Freshwater algae of Sikkim. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 89: 169-184.
26. DAS, S.K., S. BHAKTA AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2010. Algae of Tripura. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 89: 434-457.
B. Book chapters:
1. DAS, S.K., S. BHAKTA AND S.P. ADHIKARY 2024. Cyanobacteria from the Himalayan Biodiversity hotspot: Diversity, Endemism, and Future Scopes, In: PULLAIAH, T. (Ed.), Biodiversity Hotspot of the Himalaya, Apple Academic Press, Inc. USA, Pp. 11-55. ISBN – 9781003455202 (ebook); ISBN – 978177491488 (Print).
2. DUTTA, P., S. BHAKTA AND A.K. BASTIA 2020. Phycoremediation of waste water, In: ARUMUGAM, M., S. KATHIRESAN, et al (Eds.), Applied algal Biotechnology, Nova Science Publishers. Pp. 341- 354. ISBN: 978-1-53617-524-0.
3. DUTTA, P., S. BHAKTA, E. SAHU, P. BHUYAN AND A.K. BASTIA 2019. Analysis of growth and biochemical contents of microalgae grown with waste water effluent of Paper Mill, Balasore. In: SUKLA, L.B., E. SUBUDHI AND D. PRADHAN (Eds) The Role of Microalgae in Wastewater Treatment, Spinger nature, Singapore Pte Ltd. Pp. 155-170. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1586-2.
4. SIPRA, B.S., E. SAHU, S. BHAKTA AND A.K. BASTIA 2019. Phytochemistry and Antibacterial Activity of Spirogyra bichromatophora (Randhawa) Transeau, Sourced from Barehipani Water Fall, In: THATOI, H AND S.K. NAYAK (Eds.) Biotechnology for Sustainable Utilization of Bioresources, Astral International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Pp. 385-392. ISBN: 978-93-88982-00-9 (HB).
5. BHAKTA, S., B.S. SIPRA AND A.K. BASTIA 2016. Secondary metabolite and perspectives of microalgae, In: Recent Advances in Natural Products, Studium Press, New Delhi, Pp 340-365. (ISBN 10: 1-62699-060-3)
6. BHAKTA, S., E. SAHU AND A.K. BASTIA 2013. Micro algae: A potential source of bioactive metabolites, In Natural Products – Drug Development, Studium press India Pvt. Ltd. Pp. 21-39. (ISBN 13: 978-93-80012-65-0).
7. BHAKTA, S., P.K. PANDA AND L.B. SUKLA 2011. Documentation and isolation of brackish water algae from east coast of Odisha, India. Extended abstract volume, IMMT-CSIR, Bhubaneswar. Pp. 37-40.
8. BHAKTA, S., H. DEY AND A.K. BASTIA 2008. Study of algal diversity from rice fields of Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Orissa. In: DAS, M.K. (Ed.), Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conservation, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India. Pp.154-163 (ISBN 978–81–7035–529-8).
9. DASH, N., S. BHAKTA AND A.K. BASTIA 2006. Freshwater algal wealth of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Mayurbhanj, Orissa. In Centenary Volume, Ravenshaw College (Autonomous), Cuttack. Pp. 13-20.
E. Popular articles:
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