DESIGNATION: Scientist - ‘E’
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Angiosperm taxonomy & Ecology
SPECIAL INTEREST: Arid Zone Ecology, Environmental Biology and Conservation of RET species.
PHONE: 0291-2740415(O)
E-MAIL: drslmeena.bsi@gmail.com
1. MEENU DHAKD, AMIT KOTIYA, KAPIL CHANDRAWAL, DHARMENDRA KHANDAL AND S.L. MEENA. 2019. Elatostemma (Urticaceae): A New Generic Record to the Flora of Rajasthan, India. J. Ind. For. 42 (1):49-51.
2. GENA, C.B., DILIP GENA AND S.L. MEENA. 2018. Oenothera laciniata (Onagraceae): A new Record for the Flora of Rajasthan. J. Ind. For. 41 (2): 205-206.
3. BALA, N., GANGARAM, RAJESH MEENA AND S.L. MEENA. 2018. Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana (Leguminosae) - An addition to the Flora of India from Gujarat and Rajasthan. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 41 (1-2): 50-53.
4. MEENA, S.L. AND P. HARI KRISHNA. 2018. Eight additions to the Flora of Gujarat State from Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Narmada District (India). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 41(3-4): 116-119.
5. MEENA, S.L. AND P. HARI KRISHNA. 2018. Additions to the Flora of Gujarat State from Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 41 (1-2): 64-66.
6. MEENA, S.L. AND P.J. PARMAR 2017. Gujarat Rajaya ki Vanaspatik Vividhta: Vartman Paridrashya. In: Bharat ki Vanispatik Vividhta ken naye Aayaam. (Eds. P. Singh, R.C. Srivastava & S.S. Dash). 109-131.
7. MEENA K.L. AND S.L. MEENA. 2015. Hygrophila ringens (L.) Steud. (Acanthaceae): A new record to the Flora of Madhya Pradesh from Malwa region, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 39 (2): 294 - 296.
8. MEENA S.L. AND P. HARI KRISHNA. 2015. A new generic record to the Flora of Gujarat State (India): Heterostemma dalzellii Hook.f. (Asclepiadaceae). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 39 (2): 305 - 309.
9. MEENA, S.L. 2014. An enumeration to the plants of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar District of Gujarat State, India. BSI, Kolkata. Nelumbo 56: 124 -182. (Published in 2015).
10. MEENA, S.L. 2014. Floral Diversity of Bhavnagar District, Gujarat State (India) - A checklist. Nelumbo 56: 183 - 224. (Published in 2015).
11. MEENA, S.L., P. HARI KRISHNA, C.R. JADHAV AND V. MAINA. 2014. A new generic record to the Flora of Gujarat State, India: Spigelia anthelmia L. (Loganiaceae). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 38 (2): 340 - 342.
12. P. HARI KRISHNA, C.S. REDDY, S.L. MEENA, AND S.S. KATEWA. 2014. Pattern of Plant species diversity in Grasslands of Rajasthan, India. Taiwania. 59 (2): 111 - 118.
13. MEENA, S.L. 2012. Floristic Diversity of Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat State, India. Biological Forum an International Journal 4 (1): 180 - 212.
14. PANDEY, R.P., S.L MEENA, P.M. PADHYE AND M.K. SINGHADIYA. 2012. A Review of Depleting Plant Resources, their present status and Conservation in Rajasthan, India. Biological Forum an International Journal. 4 (1): 213 - 220.
15. PANDEY, R.P., S.L. MEENA, P.M. PADHYE, M.K. SINGHADIYA, VINOD MAINA AND V. SINGH. 2012. Conservation of a rare and threatened species Capparis cartilaginea Decne. (Capparaceae) in Gujarat State - India. Indian Forester. 138 (7) 589 - 592.
16. REDDY, C.S., S.L. MEENA, P. HARI KRISHNA, P.D. CHARAN AND K.C. SHARMA. 2012. Conservation Threat Assessment of Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari - an economically important species. Taiwania. 57(3): 288 - 293.
17. MAINA, V. AND S.L. MEENA. 2012. A new record for the Flora of Gujarat State, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 36 (1): 54 - 56.
18. MEENA, S.L. 2012. A Checklist of the Vascular plants of Banaskantha district, Gujarat (India). Nelumbo. 54: 39 - 91.
19. MEENA, S.L. 2012. Some new plant records to the Flora of Gujarat State, India- IV. Indian Forester. 139 (2): 123 - 125.
20. PANDEY, R.P. AND MEENA, S.L. 2012. A new record for the Flora of Rajasthan State, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 36 (3): 584 - 586.
21. MEENA, S.L., PANDEY, R.P. AND PADHYE, P.M. 2011. Senna uniflora (Mill.) Irwin & Barneby - A new introductory weed to the Flora of Gujarat (India). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 35 (1): 168 - 171.
22. MEENA, S.L. & PANDEY, R.P. 2011. A new sedge record for the flora of Gujarat, India. The Indian Forestry. 34 (3): 339 - 340.
23. MEENA, S.L. 2011. Flora of Balaram - Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary (BAWLS), Banaskantha District, Gujarat (India). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 35 (4): 737 - 793.
24. PANDEY, R.P., P.M. PADHYE, SINGHADIYA, M.K. AND S.L. MEENA. 2011. Addition to the Flora of Gujarat State - VI. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 35 (3): 621 – 627.
25. REDDY, C. S., P. HARI KRISHNA, S.L. MEENA, RUCHIRA BHARDWAJ AND K.C. SHARMA. 2011.Composition of Life forms and Biological spectrum along climatic gradient in Rajasthan, India. International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1 (7): 1632 - 1639.
26. MEENA, S.L. 2008. Ethnobotany of Banaskantha dist. Gujarat State (India). J. Econ.Taxon. Bot. 32 (1): 113 - 127.
27. MEENA, S.L. 2007. Some new plants to the Flora of Gujarat, India-III. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 31 (2): 466 - 469.
28. MEENA, S.L. 2005. Some new plants to the Flora of Gujarat, India - II. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29 (2): 375 - 377.
29. PANDEY, R.P. AND S.L. MEENA. 2005. A Reassessment of Biological spectrum of the Flora of Gujarat State in India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29 (2): 328 - 337.
30. PANDEY, R.P., S.L. MEENA, P.M. PADHYE AND P.J. PARMAR. 2005. Enydra fluctuans Lour. (Asteraceae): A new record from Rajasthan, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28 (3): 527 - 528.
31. MEENA, R.L., RAJBIR SINGH, KABOOL CHAND AND S.L. MEENA. 2005. Madhuca indica Gmelin: Multipurpose tree in benefits of forest inhabitants of Gujarat State, India. Proceeding of IUFRO International Conference, AFRI, Jodhpur, pp. 214 - 216.
32. MEENA, S.L. AND K.C. SHARMA. 2004. Physico-chemical analysis of water and sediment of Panchana dam irrigation project (PIP), Karauli, Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences, Jaipur. 8 (2): 121-126.
33. MEENA, S.L. 2004. Some new plants to the Flora of Gujarat State, India - I. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot., 28 (2): 387 - 388.
34. MEENA, S.L. 2004. Two new species of Fimbristylis (Cyperaceae) from Gujarat, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28 (2): 389 - 391.
35. MEENA, S.L. AND R.P. PANDEY. 2004. A Reassessment of the Phytodiversity of Gujarat State: Floristic Composition and Floristic analysis, Vegetation, Threatened and Rare taxa and their Conservation Strategies. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28 (4): 867 - 894.
36. MEENA, S.L. AND K.C. SHARMA. 2004. Studies of the phyto-sociological attributes of the Panchana dam vicinity, Karauli, Rajasthan. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28 (4): 830 - 834.
37. MEENA, S.L., K.C. SHARMA AND R. GOPALAN. 2003. Ethno-medicinal plants of Karauli district, Rajasthan. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.. 27 (1): 177 - 180.
38. GOPALAN, R. AND S.L. MEENA. 2003. Notes on three threatened and little known endemic trees from Western Ghats, India. Ind. Journ. Forestry. 26 (1): 64 - 65.
39. MEENA, S.L. AND K.C. SHARMA. 2002. Floristic diversity in Panchana dam area (Semi-Arid zone) Karauli District, Rajasthan. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 26 (1): 78 - 81.
B. Books:
1. Collaborative Project with NRSA (ISRO): Report published entitled “Biodiversity characterization at Landscape level using Remote Sensing and GIS in Rajasthan”. (worked as Project Collaborator). A joint Project of DBT & DOS, Publisher -M/S Bishan Singh Mahandra Pal Singh 23-a, New Connaught Place, Dehradun.
C. Book chapters: 1 Article accepted for publication.
D. Hindi articles:
1. Meena, S.L. & P.J. Parmar 2017. Gujarat Rajaya ki Vanaspatik Vividhta: Vartman Paridrashya. In: Bharat ki Vanispatik Vividhta ken naye Aayaam. (Eds. P. Singh, R.C. Srivastava & S.S. Dash). 109-131.
E. Popular articles:
4. REDDY, C. S., P. HARI KRISHNA, S.L. MEENA, RUCHIRA BHARDWAJ AND K.C. SHARMA. 2011.Composition of Life forms and Biological spectrum along climatic gradient in Rajasthan, India.International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1 (7): 1632 - 1639.
A. New taxa described: Nil.
B. New distributional records to India and region: New records discovered for State/ India
· Heterostemma dalzellii Hook.f. (Asclepiadaceae).
· Hygrophila ringens (L.) Steud. (Acanthaceae).
· Hemigraphis latebrosa (Heyne ex Roth) Nees var. ebracteata (Dalzell) T. Cooke (Acanthaceae).
· Lepidagathis hamiltoniana Wall. ex Nees (Acanthaceae).
· Ventilago maderaspatana Gaertn. var. fructifida Santapau (Rhamnaceae).
· Acacia nilotica Willd. ex Delile subsp. kraussiana (Benth.) Brenan (Mimosaceae).
· Geranium mascatense Boiss. (Geraniaceae).
· Imatiens oppositifolia L. (Balsaminaceae).
· Leea aequata L. (Leeaceae)
· Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forssk. (Boraginaceae).
· Ipomoea clarkei Hook. f. (Convolvulaceae).
· Psilotrichium ferrugineum (Roxb.) Moq. (Amaranthaceae).
· Viscum capitellatum Sm. (Viscaceae).
· Iphigenia pallida Baker (Liliaceae).
· Oenothera laciniata (Onagraceae).
· Elatostema cuneatum (Urticaceae).
C. Any other novelties:
Environmental Impact Assessment studies:
1. BSI - NLC (Neyvelly Lignite Corporation, Barsingsar Thermal Power Plant, Bikaner, Rajasthan) entitled “Floral Studies in Proposed Hadla Lignite Mine area in Bikaner District, Rajasthan” (P.M. Padhey & S.L. Meena).
E-MAIL: vkrawat[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
COMPLETED PROJECTS: (1) FERNS OF MAHARSHTRA (2010 to 2013): A total of 124 spp. of Polypodiaceous Ferns were documented. Within this project three new species, one new record for India and four species rediscovered after a century and two new species are under work.
(2). TAXONOMY OF FAMILY POLYPODIACEAE OF NORTHEAST INDIA (2013-2017): A total of 89 spp. of ferns and Fern allies were documented. Within this project seven new records, and four species rediscovered after a century.
1. RAWAT V. K., BRIJESH KUMAR, SACHIN PATIL AND PUSPESH JOSHI 2018. The Genus Arthromeris in North-East India: Diversity, Distribution and Ecology. Indian Fern Journal. 35:181-15.
2. RAWAT V. K. AND A. BENNIAMIN Family Polypodiaceae of Northeast India: A Taxonomical Overview. 35:222-242.
3. C R FRASER-JENKINS, A. K. BAISHYA, RAWAT V. K. AND A. BENNIAMIN 2018. Ferns and Fern allies of Arunachal Pradesh: Checklist of Pteridophytes in all districts of Arunachal Pradesh, Pteridology Today: Challenges and opportunities, 153-156, BSI publication.
4. SINGH S. K., V. K. RAWAT, A. BENNIAMIN AND C. R. FRASER-JENKINS: Recent Observations on Ferns and Fern-Allies of Meghalaya, Pteridology Today: Challenges and opportunities, 163-165, BSI publication.
5. RAWAT V. K. 2018. Report on National Symposium on “Pteridological studies in India: Perspectives And Modern Approaches In Relation To Environment And Climate Change” At state Assembly Hall, Itanagar, February 22-23, 2018 Indian Fern J. 35 : 1-14.
6. RAWAT V. K. et al 2018. An Outline Checklist of Fern-Allies of Arunachal Pradesh, N.E. India, Indian Fern Journal. 35 :81-91).
7. PATIL SACHIN, J. MAJUMDAR AND V. K. RAWAT 2018. Identity and Lectotypification of Endemic species Tectaria Khonsaensis Sar. Singh & Panigrahi, Phytotaxa.
8. PATIL SACHIN, V. K. RAWAT AND KISHORE RAJPUT 2018. Aleuritopteris formosana (Hayata) Tagawa: A New Distributional record for Karnataka, Indian Fern Journal 35:101-105.
9. CHOWLU K. AND V. K. RAWAT. 2018. Range extended distribution of Biermannia jainiana Hegde & A.N. Rao (Orchidaceae) in Arunachal Pradesh, India. The McAllen International Orchid Society Journal. 19(9): 4-7.
10. TIWARI UMESH L. AND V. K. RAWAT 2018. Agrostemma khasiana: A New generic Record for the state of Arunachal Pradesh, Journ. Of Thretened Taxa, 2018, 10 (11): 12607-12609.
11. PATIL SACHIN, L. RAJENDRA, MEENA DONGARE AND V. K. RAWAT 2017: Pteridophytic flora of Northern Western Ghats of India. Recent status of Cryptogames in India, Pg 151-198, Edi. Book pub. by R. P. House Delhi.
B. Books: Field guide to the Pteridophytes of Northern Western Ghats (ISBN 978-81-926341-8-
C. Hindi articles: (5)
D. Popular articles: (1)
A. New Taxa described: 2
B. New distributional records to India and region: 12 FROM NORTHEAST INDIA.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Plant Taxonomy, Biodiversity Conservation
SPECIAL INTEREST: Bamboos and Grasses
E-MAIL: pushpakumari[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
1. Family Bignoniaceae for Flora of Bihar & Flora of Jharkhand (2016–2018).
2. Taxonomic Revision of Bambusoideae in India (2014–2018).
3. Preventing Extinction and Improving Conservation Status of Threatened Plants through the Applications of Biotechnological Tools (2013–2017).
4. Collection, Introduction and Multiplication of EET & E species (2012–2017).
5. Bamboos of India: Ex-situ conservation (2011–2017).
A. Research articles/papers:
1) LAKRA, R. AND P. KUMARI 2020. Apocopis collinus (Poaceae), A New Record for India from Nicobar Islands, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Nelumbo. 62(2):121–123.
2) NIRMAL DEBNATH, PUSHPA KUMARI, H.B. NAITHANI, PATOR SINGNAR, ARUN JYOTI NATH* AND ASHESH KUMAR DAS 2020. Gregarious Flowering in Bambusa pallida Munro from Assam, India.The Indian Forester, Volume 146(7).
3) P. KUMARI 2019. Bambusoideae in India: An updated Enumeration. Plantae Scientia. 6(1): 99–117.
4) KUMARI, P. AND R. LAKRA 2019. Field Study of Gregarious flowering and use of ENM in Conservation Strategies of Gigantochloa andamanica (Kurz) Kurz in Andaman Islands (India). Plantae Scientia.1(6): 81– 86.
5) SRIVASTAVA, G., T. SU, R. C. MEHROTRA, P. KUMARI AND U. SANKAR 2019. Bamboo fossils from Oligo-Pliocene sediments of northeast India with implications of their evolutionary ecology and biogeography in Asia. Elsevier-Review of Paleobotany and Palynology. 262: 17–27.
6) KUMARI, P. AND R. LAKRA 2018. A New Species of Dimeria (Poaceae: Panicoideae), from Middle Andaman, India. Int. Jour. Adv. Res. 6(7): 484–490.
7) GARG, A., P. KUMARI AND A. N. SHUKLA 2017. The awe-inspiring exhibits of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker offstage. ENVIS News Letter 22(1).
8) YEASMIN, L., MD. NASIM ALI, S. SINHA RAY & P. KUMARI 2017. Distribution, Identification and Genetic Diversity among Bamboo Species: A Phenomic Approach. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research 7(2): 00251.
9) P. KUMARI 2016. Reports of Flowering in Reed bamboos. ENVISNews Letter.
10) LAKRA, R. AND P. KUMARI 2015. Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P. Beauv (Poaceae): An addition to the grass flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Plant Science Research. 37: 18–23.
11) WAIKHOM, S.D., B. LOUIS, C.K. SHARMA, P. KUMARI, B. G. SOMKUWAR, M.W. SINGH, AND N.C. TALUKDAR 2013. Grappling the High Altitude for Safe Edible Bamboo Shoots with Rich Nutritional Attributes and Escaping Cyanogenic Toxicity. Biomed Research International, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
12) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH, 2010. Contribution to the Bamboos of eastern India (Poaceace). Nelumbo 52: 117–124.
13) DASH, S.S., P. KUMARI AND P. SINGH 2009. Notes on flowering in Schizostachyum arunachalensis Naithani (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Nelumbo. 51.
14) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH 2009. Extended Distribution of Species of Bambusa Schreb. J. Non Timb. For. Prod. 16(4): 351–358.
15) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH 2009. Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies in Bamboos – an aid in identification in Proceedings National Seminar on Conservation and Management of Bamboo Resources, Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi.
16) PUSHPA KUMARI 2009. First time flowering in Bambusa burmanica in India. ENVIS News Letter 14.
17) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH 2009. Scandent and Straggling Bamboos of North-Eastern India. J. Non Timb. For. Prod. 16(3): 253–267.
18) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH 2009. Two new species of Bambusa (Poaceae)from India. Kew Bulletin. 64: 565–571.
19) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH 2009. On the identity of Arundinaria clarkei Gamble – its recollection and present taxonomic status. Bull. Bot. Surv. India51: 233–240.
20) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH 2008. Bambusa nairiana (Poaceae) — A New Species of Bamboo from India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India50: 152–155.
21) KUMARI, P 2007. Ornamental Bamboo species.ENVIS News Letter 12.
22) KUMARI, P. AND P. SINGH 2007. Chimonobambusa quadrangularis – an addition to Indian flora. Bull. Bot.Surv. India. 49: 235–237.
B. Books:
1. PARAMJIT SINGH AND PUSHPA KUMARI2018. Endemic Bamboos of India: Conservation Status ((Botanical Survey of India).
2. PUSHPA KUMARI AND PARAMJIT SINGH 2014. Bamboos of Meghalaya (Botanical Survey of India).
3. PUSHPA KUMARI AND PARAMJIT SINGH 2013. Bamboos of AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah. (Released on 28.01.2014 published by Botanical Survey of India).
4. PUSHPA KUMARI AND PARAMJIT SINGH 2007. Common Commercial Bamboos of Eastern India – an identification manual with illustrated key (booklet published by AICOPTAX, Collaborating Unit, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata).
C. Book chapters:
1. Bambusoideae in Flowering Plants of India: An Annotated Checklist of Monocotyledon III.
2. STUDY OF BAMBOO: VEGETATIVE AND REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES Plant systematics and ethnobotany: methods and practices in The Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th National Workshops under Taxonomy Training Centre, AICOPTAX, MoEF&CC Govt. of India.
D. Hindi Articles:
E. Popular articles:
A. New taxa described:
B. New distributional records to India and region:
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
C. Any other novelties:
1. Stapletonia arunachalensis (H.B. Naithani) P.Singh, S.S.Dash & P.Kumari
Field of Specialization: Poaceae
Special Interest: Conservation of Threatened plants; Species distribution mapping with the help of Arc-GIS software;
Presently working on family/Tribe/Genus or Flora of (Area): 03 projects
1. Seedling preparation of Endemic Trees and Bamboos of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Executive official: C.S. Purohit & Vivek C.P.)
2. Flora of India (Family Poaceae): Vol. 30 – 13 genera & 20 Taxa; (Executive official: C.S. Purohit)
3. Flora of India (Family Poaceae): Vol. 31 – 19 genera & 154 Taxa; (Executive official: C.S. Purohit)
On Going Other project: 02 Projects
1. Flora of Todgarh-Raoli Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan (up to Dec. 2019); (Executive official: C.S. Purohit)
2. GIS mapping of EET species of Rajasthan (up to March, 2020); (Executive official: C.S. Purohit, Vinod Maina & Ramesh Kumar)
Completed projects: 01
1. Flora of Shingba Rhododendron Wildlife Sanctuary, Sikkim (2013-2015): A total of 530 species of angiosperms were documented. Within this project one new species (Rhododendron shingbae); one new record for India (Diapensia purpurea); Two extended distribution; one recollected after 85 years and three new records for Sikkim.
List of Publication: (88)
A. Research papers / articles: (48)
1. PUROHIT C.S. and D.K. AGRAWAL 2018. Observation on phonological behavior of orchids in Sikkim Himalaya in Full Proceeding [Current Trends in Conservation, sustainable development Biological and social benefits of medicinally and floriculturally significant orchids & orchid show, March 16-18]. page 63-69.
2. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2017. Conservation of Threatened plants in Desert Botanical Garden, Jodhpur. In Book- Indian Botanic Gardens- Role in Conservation (Eds.: P Singh & SS Dash), BSI Publication, 406-425.
3. PUROHIT C.S. 2017. Three new additions to the grass flora of Sikkim. Nelumbo 59(1): 51-53.
4. KUMAR R., S. SHARMA, B.K. SINHA and C.S. PUROHIT 2017. Recollection of some plants for Mizoram after Gage (1901) from Murlen National Park, Champhai. Indian Journal of Forestry 40(3): 295-302.
5. PUROHIT C.S., R. KUMAR and V. MAINA 2017. A Note on the Occurrence of the genus Porteresia Tateoka (Poaceae) in Gujarat. Indian Journ. Forestry 39(4): 377-380.
6. PUROHIT C.S., R. KUMAR and V. MAINA 2016. Rediscovery of Pavonia arabica var. massuriensis (Malvaceae) after sixty years. Phytotaxonomy 16: 35-37.
7. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2016. Rarity of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii and protocol for its ex-situ conservation in the Indian desert. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8(4): 2155-2163.
8. KUMAR R., V. MAINA and C.S. PUROHIT 2016. Alysicarpus roxburghianus Thoth. & Pramanik (Fabaceae) – New to Gujarat State. Indian J. Forestry 39(3): 291 – 292.
9. PUROHIT C.S., R. KUMAR and V. MAINA 2016. Calligonum comosum L’Her.- a new record for India from Indian Desert. Keanean Journal of Science 5: 53-56.
10. PUROHIT C.S. and R. KUMAR 2016. Ponerorchis puberula- a little known rare Orchid from Sikkim-Himalaya. Keanean Journal of Science 5: 49-52.
11. PUROHIT C.S. 2015. Diapensia purpurea (Diapensiaceae) a new record to India from Sikkim. Nelumbo 57: 56-59.
12. PUROHIT C.S. 2014. Rhododendron arboreum Sm.- An economic important tree of Sikkim, Popular Kheti 2(3): 193-198.
13. KULLOLI R.N., C.S. PUROHIT, S. KUMAR, S.K. JINDAL, K. RAWAT and D. ACHARYA 2014. Distribution of Commiphora wightii (Arnt.) Bhand. in Rajasthan with Special Emphasis on its Conservation Planning in Arid Areas, VEGETOS.
14. PUROHIT C.S. 2013. Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.- An Important Medicinal Plant of Sikkim. Popular Kheti 1(1): 71-75.
15. PUROHIT C.S. and N. BALA 2013. Effect of salinity and water logging on phenocycle of exotic plant Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Intl. J. Farm. & Alli. Sci. 2(8): 176-179.
16. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2012. Adaptability and phenocycle of Cordia boissieri A. DC., a new introduction in the Indian Desert. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 36(3): 587-591.
17. PUROHIT C.S. and S.C. SHARMA 2012. A check list of the grasses of north-west Rajasthan. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 36(1): 166-176.
18. PUROHIT C.S. and Sharma S.C. 2012. An analysis of grasses in North-west Rajasthan Ind. J. For. Usuf. Mngt., 13(2): 92-98.
19. PUROHIT C.S. 2012. A note on habitat of the Grasses in Indian desert Ind. J. For. Usuf. Mngt., 13(1): 39-47.
20. PUROHIT C.S. 2012. Threatened grasses of Indian desert and their economic importance, in proceedings: National Seminar on Natural Resource Management and Environmental Issues, organized by organized by Department of Geography, Govt. Lohia P.G. College, Churu on 24-25 September, 2011, Full proceeding released on July, 2012.
21. PUROHIT C.S., D. KUMAR, A.K. SHARMA and S. SMITHA 2011. Utilization and importance of Bamboo in India with special reference to Rajasthan, in proceedings: Advances in Bamboo Plantation, Management and Utilization, organized by Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, (Page 299-314).
22. SINGH G., S. SHUKLA, C.S. PUROHIT and B. RAM 2011. Bamboo growth, soil properties and tree/shrub diversity in different forest blocks of Pratapgarh division of Rajasthan, in proceedings: Advances in Bamboo Plantation, Management and Utilization, organized by Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, (Page 94-107) 17-19 March-2009.
23. SINGH G., N. BALA and C.S. PUROHIT 2011. Eragrostis tremula (Lam.) Houchst. ex Steud var. Gajanandi, a new variety from Indian Desert, Indian Forester, 796-798.
24. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2011. Adoptability and phenocycle of endangered species Guaicum coulteri A. Grey: A new in the Indian Desert. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 35(1): 77-81.
25. PUROHIT C.S. 2011. The Exotic Grasses of North-west Rajasthan Ind. J. For. Usuf. Mngt., 11(2): 104-109.
26. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2011. Cullen plicata: A rare leguminous plant and its conservation efforts. J. Arid Legume. 8: 80-85.
27. PUROHIT C.S. 2010. A note on obnoxious grasses of north-west Rajasthan Ind. J. For. Usuf. Mngt., 11(2): 104-109.
28. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2010. Conservation of rare plant Moringa concanensis Mimmo ex Dalz. & Gis. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. (34) 3: 693-698.
29. SINGH G., A. RANI and C.S. PUROHIT 2010. Plant association and diversity of herbs and grasses in a protected area in western Rajasthan, in proceedings: Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Challenges in Thar desert, 166-172.
30. KUMAR S., G. SINGH, P.J. PARMAR, R.P. PANDEY, S.C. SHARMA, S. SUNDARMOORTHY, J.P. SINGH, P. KASERA, C.S. PUROHIT and D.V. SEN 2009. Plant Diversity Conservation for Sustainability in Trends in Arid Zone Research in India (Eds: Amal Kar, BK Garg, MP Singh and S Kathju), CAZRI, Jodhpur 151-179.
31. PUROHIT C.S., K.K. SHARMA, L.K. SHARMA and S.C. SHARMA 2008. Some important medicinal plants of Churu District (Rajasthan), Proceedings of National Seminar on “Conservation and Utilization of Natural Resources and their role in Sustainable development” organized by Seth Moti Lal College, Jhunjhunu, (Page 91-95) 18-19 October-2008.
32. SINGH G., T.R. RATHOD, S.R. BALOCH and C.S. PUROHIT 2008. A note on addition to the Flora of Banswara district in Rajasthan, Indian Forester 134(8): 1087-1099.
33. SHARMA S.C., J. KANTIYA and C.S. PUROHIT 2008. Calamogrostis pseudophragmites (Hall.f.) Koeler var. tartarica (Hook.f.) Bor (Poaceae) – A New Record of Rajasthan, J Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., 105(2): 227.
34. PUROHIT C.S. and S.C. SHARMA 2008. Bothriochloa insculpta (Hochst.) A. Camus (Poaceae) A new record for Rajasthan, J Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., 105(1): 111-112.
35. SHARMA S.C., C.S. PUROHIT and J. KANTIYA 2008. Enteropogon monostachyos (Vahl) K. Schum. ex Engl. (Poaceae) A new record for Rajasthan, J Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., 105(1): 112.
36. SHARMA S.C., C.S. PUROHIT and R.K. BHATIYA 2008. Poa supina Schard. (Poaceae) A new record for Rajasthan, J Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., 105(1): 113.
37. PUROHIT C.S. 2007. Ethno-botanical plant used against diabetes at Rajasthan in India, Agrobios, 5(8): 43-44.
38. AGGARWAL R.K. and C.S. PUROHIT 2007. A new variety of Acrachne racemosa (Heyne ex Roem. & Schult.) Ohwi from Nagaur district in Rajasthan, J. Eco. Taxon. Bot. 31(2): 245-246.
39. PUROHIT C.S. and S.C. SHARMA 2007. Polypogon fugax Nees ex Steud- A new record for Rajasthan, J. Eco. Taxon. Bot. 31(2): 453-454.
40. SHARMA S.C., C.S. PUROHIT and J. KANTIYA 2007. Addition to the grasses of Bikaner and Sriganganagar district, Rajasthan, GEOBIOS, 34(4): 295-296.
41. PUROHIT C.S. and S.C. SHARMA 2007. A note on food and fodder grasses of north-west Rajasthan, GEOBIOS 34 (1): 103-104.
42. AGGARWAL R.K., C.S. PUROHIT and S.C. SHARMA 2007. Grasses of Nagaur district in Rajasthan, Planta Indica; 3(1): 37-39.
43. SHARMA S.C., C.S. PUROHIT and J. KANTIYA 2007. Aquatic Macrophytes of Bikaner District (Rajasthan), JIBS, Vol. 86 (3 & 4): 137-140.
44. SHARMA S.C., AGGARWAL R.K. and C.S. PUROHIT 2006. Grasses of medicinal value in Nagaur district of Rajasthan, GEOBIOS 33: 323-324.
45. PUROHIT C.S. and S.C. SHARMA 2006. Composition and Structure of Plant Communities of Jodhpur District (Rajasthan), GEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS, Vol. VIII, 179-182, 2006 in Proceedings of the 34th RGA National Conference on Environmental Conservation and Resource Management, 31 Oct. – 2 Nov., 2006.
46. MALI MC and C.S. PUROHIT 2006. Ethno-botanical study of some desert plants of Bikaner district, Rajasthan, Planta Indica: 2(3): 7-8.
47. MALI M.C. and C.S. PUROHIT 2006. Nutritional aspects of some desert plants of Bikaner districts, Rajasthan, Oikoassay-19(1 & 2): 7-8.
48. MALI M.C. and C.S. PUROHIT 2006. Comparative study of nutritional aspects of food grasses and some Cenchrus species growing in Rajasthan, India. Planta Indica, 2(4): 9-10.
B. Books (02)
1. SHARMA S.C. and C.S. PUROHIT 2013. Grasses of North-West Rajasthan, pp- 234 Madhu Publication, Bikaner.
2. KUMAR S. and C.S. PUROHIT 2015. Conservation of Threatened Desert Plants. pp-148, Scientific publishers, Jodhpur.
C. Book Chapters (10)
1. PUROHIT C.S., R. KUMAR, J.K. SHUKLA and V. MAINA 2018. Medicinal and Economic Importance of Rhododendron in Sikkim Himalaya: An overview in Edited book (Eds: Jha SK) Advances in Ethnobotany, Satish Serial Publishing House, pp. 357-376.
2. KUMAR R., C.S. PUROHIT and V. MAINA 2018. Ethno-medicinal Plants of Meghalaya: An account on Sustainable Utilization in Edited book (Eds: Jha SK) Advances in Ethnobotany, Satish Serial Publishing House, pp. 135-147.
3. SHUKLA J.K., C.S. PUROHIT, S. THAPA and P. DHAKAL 2018. Plants of Ethnomedicinal Importance from Sikkim Himalayan Region, India in Edited book (Eds: Jha SK) Advances in Ethnobotany, Satish Serial Publishing House, pp. 63-99.
4. PUROHIT C.S. and R. KUMAR 2016. Floristic diversity of Sikkim and their utilization: An overview. (In ed. Book Ecology and Environment Eds: J.B. Khan & Anita Jeph), Mahip Book Distributors, New Delhi. Page- 124-152.
5. PUROHIT C.S., R. KUMAR, V. MAINA and D.K. AGRAWALA 2016. Effect of climate change on the phonological behaviour of selected orchid species in Sikkim-Himalaya. (In ed. Book Ecology and Environment Eds: J.B. Khan & Anita Jeph), Mahip Book Distributors, New Delhi. Page- 108-113.
6. SHARMA S.C., C.S. PUROHIT, J. KANTIYA and R. AGGARWAL 2015. Traditional significant medicinal plants of Rajasthan In Ethno-botany a Recent approach (ed.: Kapoor BBS, Sharma SC, Arora A and Jain RR): 191-196, Madhu Publication.
7. SHARMA S.C. and C.S. PUROHIT 2015. Geographical distribution of grasses of North-west Rajasthan and their importance in human welfare In Ethno-botany a Recent approach (ed.: Kapoor BBS, Sharma SC, Arora A and Jain RR): 102-117, Madhu Publication.
8. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2014. Seed germination trends in Threatened Desert Species page 6-22 in Seed Technology and Seed Pathology (Eds.: A Sharma, OP Chaubey & R Prakash), Poineer Publishers.
9. AGRAWALA D.K., C.S. PUROHIT and K. DAS 2014. A Review of Ethno-Medicinal Orchids in Sikkim Himalaya (eds: Sanjeev Kumar), Deep Publication, 201-210.
10. PUROHIT C.S., Agrawala D.K. and Das K. 2014. Ethno-Botanical Plants of Sikkim and their Status- A Review (eds: Sanjeev Kumar), Deep Publication, 256-277.
D. Popular articles (08)
1. PUROHIT C.S. 2017. “Extinct Plant species rediscovered” 06.05.2017. Hindustan Times (Rajasthan edition) 2nd Page.
2. KULLOLI R.N., C.S. PUROHIT and S. KUMAR, 2016. Know your Desert Plants: Ziziphus truncata Blatt. & Hallb. (Rhamnaceae). Desert Environment Newsletter, ENVIS-CAZRI 18(1): 5.
3. KUMAR S., C.S. PUROHIT and R.N. KULLOLI 2015. A typical desert plant: Neurada procumbens. Desert Environment Newsletter, CAZRI 17(4): 4.
4. PUROHIT C.S., R. KUMAR and V. MAINA 2015. ‘Know your Institutions- The Botanical Survey of India, Arid Zone Regional Circle, Jodhpur’ Desert Environment Newsletter, CAZRI 17(4): 7-8.
5. PUROHIT C.S. 2011: Biodiversity conservation: With emphasis on its threats; MFP NEWS 21(2): 4-7.
6. PUROHIT C.S. 2010: Cymbopogon -An aromatic grass genus of Rajasthan; MFP NEWS 20(1): 11-13.
7. PUROHIT C.S. 2009. A list of Botanist by Author Abbreviation use in Grasses of Rajasthan; Agrobios, 7 (12): 52-54.
8. PUROHIT C.S. 2008. Medicinal Value of Grasses of Group Panicoideae and Pooideae (Poaceae) in North-West Rajasthan, Agrobios, 6 (8): 42-43.
Significant contribution:
A. New taxa described:
1. Rhododendron shingbae C.S.Purohit et Ram.Kumar
2. Acrachne racemosa var. sumanensis Aggarwal & Purohit
3. Eragrostis tremula var. gajanandi Singh, Bala & Purohit
B. New distributional records to India and region:
B1- New records for India
1. Diapensia purpurea Diels (Diapensiaceae)
2. Calligonum comosum L’Her. (Polygonaceae)
3. Calligonum crinitum Boiss. (Polygonaceae)
4. Eleocharis wichurae Boeckeler (Cyperaceae)
C. Any other novelties:
1. Pavonia arabica Hochst. ex Steud. var. massuriensis Bhandari
1. Bolboschoenus planiculmis (F.Schmidt) T.V. Egorova (Cyperaceae)
2. Rhododendron cephalanthum (Ericaceae)
SPECIAL INTEREST: Biodiversity, Ecology, Plant-Animal, Plant-Bird Interactions
and Medicinal Botany.
TELEPHONE: 0291-2747163
MOBILE: 9491273747
E-MAIL: ravikiran[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
Vidwan-ID: 358277
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5804-3423
Scopus ID: 36133576200
Total Research Experience: 15 Years
A. Research articles/papers:
10. RAMAKRISHNA, A., S. AKKULANNA, M. UDAY KUMAR, R.K. ARIGELA, B. SADASIVAIAH AND N.B. RAO. 2022. Four endemic Euphorbiaceae taxa additions to Telangana state, India. Species 23(71), 112 – 117.
12. NAGARAJU, S., R.K. ARIGELA, K.A.A. KABEER AND D. SANGITA. 2021. On the occurrence of Tripogonella minima (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) in India. Nelumbo 63(2): 66–71. DOI: 10.20324/nelumbo/v63/2021/167715.
B. Books:
1. DHANESH, P., P.S. ARAVIND, J. VARUGHESE, M. ARASUMANI, R.K. ARIGELA, K.A.A. KABEER, V. BOSCO AND V.V. ROBIN. 2019. Survey and Study about The Present Status and Restoration of Grasslands and about the Native Grass Species in Kodaikanal Forest Division. Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiatives (TANII), Tamil Nadu Forest Department.
2. HARIKRISHNA, P., R.K. ARIGELA AND C.S. REDDY. 2022. Floristic Diversity and Landscape of Aravallis, Rajasthan (India). Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur. ISBN: 978-81-960879-3-7.
C. Book chapters:
A. New taxa described: 01
1. Impatiens tanyae R.Kr.Singh, Arigela & Kabeer
B. New distributional records to India and region: 06
New Combination:
01. Psydrax lanceolatus (Arn.) R.Kr. Singh & Arigela
02. Arivela viscosa (L.) Raf. subsp. nagarjunakondensis (Sundararagh.) Arigela & R.Kr. Singh
03. Corynandra angulata (DC.) R.Kr. Singh, Arigela & C.S. Reddy
C. Rediscoveries: 01. Psydrax ficiformis (Hook.f.) Bridson
Arid Zone Regional Centre
Botanical Survey of India,
Near KhemaKaKuan,Pal-Basni Canal Link Road,
P. O.: Nandan Van,
Jodhpur- 342 008, Rajasthan.
Tel/Fax: (0291) 2741736,
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Email- hoo-azrc[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
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