SPECIAL INTEREST: General Floristic
a. Flora of India-family –working on Xyridaceae, Typhaceae and Ruppiaceae
b. Flora of Neora Valley National Park (2016-2021):
Neora Valley National Park (NVNP) falls within the Darjeeling Himalaya and was established in 1986 for in-situ conservation of area rich in high diversity of floristic elements with considerable numbers of endemic plants. The varied climatic conditions from tropical to temperate and altitudinal variation have rewarded the NVNP with luxuriant forests of Eastern Himalayan regions. It lies between 26°52'3''-27°7'3'' N latitude and 88°45'-88°50' E longitude. It covers an area of 159.9 km2 of hilly terrain and has an elevation ranging from 300m to 3100m.
During 2016-2019, eight field tours were undertaken. 1092 field numbers were collected and of which 953 field numbers have been identified. GPS data and photographs of each plant are taken and waypoints of collection site indicated in map. Four rare species (Cardamine circaeoides Hook. f. & Thomson; Codonopsis gracilis Hook.f. & Thomson; Synotis rufinervis (DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y.L. Chen and Synotis vagans (Wall. ex DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y.L. Chen.) reported as new records for the state flora; one curious rare root parasite (Rhopalocnemis phalloides Jungh.) reported; Epipogium japonicum Makino reported as new to India and Oreorchis patens Lindley as an addition to the flora of Eastern Indian Himalaya.
Flora of Bihar-Systematic account of selected families
Flora of Jharkhand- Systematic account of selected families
PHONE: 033-26683366
E-MAIL: vinayranjan[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
Flora of Gorumara National Park (GNP), Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (2008-2012): GNP lies between latitude 26º47'25.6"–26º43'25.6"N and longitude 88052'4.2"–88°47'7.3" E and altitude 120-130masl and covers an area of c. 79sq km. Altogether a total of 400 taxa under 260 genera belonging to 90 families of angiosperms were collected and Scurrula gracilifolia (Roxb. ex Schult.f.) Danser (Loranthaceae) & Ficus laevis Blume var. assamica (Miq.) Miq. (Moraceae) recorded as new additions to West Bengal flora while an IUCN red listed threatened species Prunus ceylanica was collected after eight decades.
Flora of Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Giridih, Jharkhand (2003-2006): It lies between 23°45’- 24°50’N latitude and 85°37’-86°35’ E longitudes and covers an area of about 48sq km with many rugged terrains and the highest peak is 1365masl. Altogether 569 species under 361 genera belonging to 102 families of angiosperms were collected and Habenaria pantlingiana Kraenzl a ground orchid reported as new distributional record for Jharkhand. Flora of the Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand was published in 2014 by Bishen Singh, Mahendra Pal Singh. Dehra Dun
Flora of West Bengal: Prepared taxonomic description for Subtribe-Erythrininae (5/14) & Glycininae (4/14), Rubiaceae (49/148),Gentianaceae (9/27), Polemoniaceae (1/1), Menyanthaceae (1/2), Piperaceae (2/17). Edited the Volume-3 (Apiaceae-Boraginaceae) of Flora of West BengalFlora of Bihar: Caryophyllaceae (7/8), Fabaceae p.p.(23/74), Rubiaceae (30/50), Gentianaceae (5/6), Polemoniaceae (1/1), Menyanthaceae (1/2), Hydrophyllaceae (1/1)
2. KUMAR, A., G. KRISHNA, D. K. AGRAWALA AND VINAY RANJAN 2019. Oreorchis patens (Orchidaceae): an addition to the flora of Eastern Indian Himalaya. Richardiana 3: 109-116.
3. KUMAR A., G. KRISHNA AND VINAY RANJAN 2019. A third species of Epipogium (Orchidaceae) added to the Indian flora. Richardiana 3: 17-24.
4. LAL, H. S., GANGULY S., PRAMANIK K., P.V. PRASANNA AND VINAY RANJAN 2019. Plant diversity and vegetation structure in Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) dominated forest of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India. Indian J. Forest. 42(1):83-90.
5. MITRA, S., VINAY RANJAN AND D. MAITY 2019. Pollen heteromorphism in Diplarche Hook. f. & Thomson (Ericaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Taiwania 64(1): 90-96.
6. RANJAN, VINAY, A. KUMAR AND G. KRISHNA 2017. On the distribution of some rare species in Neora Valley National Park, Darjeeling, West Bengal. Indian J. Forest. 40(4):333-336.
7. KUMAR, A. AND VINAY RANJAN 2017. Correct Author Citation of the Combination Parasenecio levingei (Asteraceae-Senecioneae) and Typification of Its Basionym. J. Jap. Bot. 92 (2): 109-111.
8. RANJAN, VINAY 2016. Teramnus hookerianus, a heterotypic synonym of T. labialis (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae). Rheedea 26(1):64-66.
9. RANJAN, VINAY AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA 2016. Lectotypification of Viburnum beccarii (Adoxaceae). Edinburgh J. Botany 73 ( 1 ): 153–155.
10. KRISHNA, G., A. KUMAR, VINAY RANJAN AND NISHA GOSWAMI 2016. Rhopalocnemis phalloides (Balanophoraceae): A root parasite from Neora Valley National Park, West Bengal. ENVIS Newsletter 21 (2): 7.
11. SINGH, L.J. B. KUMAR AND VINAY RANJAN 2016. Identity of Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Loranthaceae) and its new distributional range in India. Bionature 36(1): 3-7.
12. RANJAN, VINAY AND A. KUMAR 2015. Conspectus of family Rubiaceae in West Bengal, India. Geophytology 45(2): 161-174
13. SINGH, L.J. AND VINAY RANJAN 2015. Heterotis Benth. (Melastomataceae): a new addition to Indian flora from Andaman Islands. Geophytology 45(1): 101-106.
14. RANJAN, VINAY AND ANANT KUMAR 2015. Floristic Diversity in Gorumara National Park, West Bengal. J. Non-Timb. For. Prod. 22(2): 97-102.
15. RANJAN, VINAY, ANANT KUMAR AND GOPAL KRISHNA 2015. Prunus ceylanica (Wight) Miv.: An Endangered species collected after eight decades from West Bengal. Indian J. Forest. 38(2): 185-186.
16. RANJAN, VINAY AND A. KUMAR 2014. Scurrula gracilifolia (Loranthaceae): A new distributional record from Gorumara National Park, West Bengal. Indian J. Forest. 37(4):429-430.
17. RANJAN, VINAY AND A. KUMAR 2014. Addition to the Flora of West Bengal. Indian J. Forest. 37(3): 307-308.
18. RANJAN, VINAY, A. KUMAR AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA 2013. A New Record for the Genus Khasiaclunea (Rubiaceae) from Bhutan. J. Jap. Bot. 88: 386-388.
19. RANJAN, VINAY, A. KUMAR AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA 2013. New Plant Records for the Flora of West Bengal. Indian J. Forest. 36(2):267-270.
20. SINGH, L.J. AND VINAY RANJAN 2013. Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Blakely) Barlow (Loranthaceae)-An addition to the flora of Tamil Nadu, India. Indian J. Forest. 36(4): 523-524.
21. KUMAR, A., HALDER, S., VINAY RANJAN AND P. VENU 2013. Fimbristylis clarkei. A new species of Cyperaceae from India. Kew Bull. 68(4): 669-672.
22. KUMAR, A., VINAY RANJAN AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA 2013. Galium kulluensis (Rubiaceae) - A New Species from Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India. J. Jap. Bot. 88 (3): 163-165.
23. RANJAN, VINAY 2012. Life forms and Biological Spectrum of the Flora of Parasnath Hill, Chota Nagpur Plateau (Jharkhand), India. Indian J. Forest. 35(4):512-515.
24. RANJAN, VINAY, G. K. UPADHYAYA AND A. KUMAR 2012. Ficus laevis Blume subsp. assamica King (Moraceae): A new record from Gorumara National Park, Jalpaiguriwith its taxonomic notes. Indian Forester 138 (11):1074-1075.
25. CHAUDHURY, S. AND VINAY RANJAN 2012. Habenaria pantlingiana Kraenzl: a new distributional record from Jharkhand. Indian J. Forest. 35(1):103-104.
26. SRIVASTAVA, S.C., A. KUMAR AND VINAY RANJAN 2012. Hedychium tenuiflorum (Wall. ex Baker) K. Schum. (Zingiberaceae): New to the flora of Myanmar. Folia malaysiana 13(1): 51-52.
27. ILLARIONOVA, IRINA, VINAY RANJAN AND A. KUMAR 2012. Lectotypification of Senecio kingianus W. W. Sm. (Asteraceae). J. Jap. Bot. 87(5):358-360.
28. RANJAN, VINAY, A. KUMAR AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA 2011. Lectotypification of Senecio biligulatus W.W. Sm. Taiwania 56 (4): 327-329.
29. RANJAN, VINAY AND A. KUMAR 2011. Wild plants as animal foods in Gorumara National Park. ENVIS Newsletter 16(1): 3.
30. RANJAN, VINAY AND A. KUMAR 2011. Swertia teres (G. Don) J. Shah : A New Record for Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forest. 34 (4): 491-492.
31. RANJAN, VINAY AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA 2010. Stylosanthes hamata (L.) Taub. (Fabaceae) –First Report from wild. Indian J. Forest. 33 (3): 453-454.
32. RANJAN, VINAY AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA 2010. Changes in the floristic composition in Parasnath hill. Indian J. Forest. 33 (4): 653-457.
33. RANJAN, VINAY 2010. A Note on Phytogeographical Analysis of the flora of Parasnath Hill, Jharkhand. India J. Forest. 33(1):117-118.
34. RANJAN, VINAY 2010. Angiospermic flora of Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary-an assessment. Phytotaxonomy 9: 75-96.
35. KUMAR, A., S.C. SRIVASTAVA AND VINAY RANJAN 2010. Lectotypification of Gentiana pluviarum W.W. Sm. J. Jap. Bot. 85(6): 376-378.
36. BANDYOPADHYAY, S., P. V. PRASANNA AND VINAY RANJAN 2010. Samples of facsimile handwritings and signatures of some eminent contributors to the field of Indian plant taxonomy. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 50(1-4): 163-166.
37. RANJAN, VINAY AND S. C. SRIVASTAVA 2009. A New species of Saurauia (Actnidiaceae) from Jharkhand State, India. J. Jap. Bot. 84:233-236.
38. RANJAN, VINAY 2009. Contribution to the flora of Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Giridih, Jharkhand. Phytotaxonomy 7:56-59.
39. RANJAN, VINAY 2008. Additions to the flora of Parasnath Hill, Giridih, Jharkhand. J. Non-Timb. For. Prod.15 (3):193-205.
40. RANJAN, VINAY 2007. Preliminary Studies on flora and vegetation of Parasnath wildlife sanctuary, Giridih, Jharkhand. Indian J. Forest. 30 (3): 339-342.
41. RANJAN, VINAY 2007. A systematic account of Gentianaceae in West Bengal. J. Non-Timb. For. Prod.14 (2):161-172.
42. NARAIN, S. AND VINAY RANJAN 2007. Flora of Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh (Family-Ranunculaceae to Elatinaceae). Fl. & Fauna (Jhansi) 13(2):273-280.
43. RANJAN, VINAY 2005. Asteraceae in Lalitpur district. U.P. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29(2):266-273.
44. RANJAN, VINAY 1999. Exotic Medicinal Plants of district Lalitpur, U.P. Bull. Medico-ethno-botanical Res. 20(1-4): 54-65.
45. KUMAR, B., P. RAM, S. SHARMA AND VINAY RANJAN 1999. Status of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.) cultivation in India: A survey report on Haryana and Punjab. Indian Perf. 43(2): 83-87.
46. JAIN, S.P., S. C. SINGH, G.N. SRIVASTAVA, VINAY RANJAN AND J. SINGH 1998. Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. - A new record for Madhya Pradesh. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 95(3): 542.
47. SINGH, J., A. SHARMA, VINAY RANJAN AND S. KUMAR 1998. Plant drugs for liver disorder. J. Med. Aromat. Pl. Sci. 20(3): 673-678.
48. KUMAR, B., A. KUMAR A. SHARMA AND VINAY RANJAN 1998. Biodiversity, Conservation and Evolution of Plants - a symposium report. J. Med. Aromat. Pl. Sci. 20(1): 101-105.
49. RANJAN, VINAY 1997. Wall Flora of Lalitpur. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 21(2): 421-425.
50. SHAH, N.C., J. SINGH, VINAY RANJAN AND S. KUMAR 1996. Herbaria - a repository of plant knowledge. J. Med. Aromat. Pl. Sci. 8(1): 65-72.
51. RANJAN, VINAY 1996. Aquatic, Marshy and Wetland plants of Lalitpur district. Geobios New Reports 15: 44-48.
52. SHAH, N.C. AND VINAY RANJAN 1995. Fourth International Congress of Ethnobiology-a cursory review of the abstracts of phytotherapeutic value. Curr. Res. Med. Aromat.Pl. 17: 386-396.
53. RANJAN, VINAY AND B.K. VERMA 1995. Biological Spectrum of Lalitpur Flora. Geobios New Reports 14: 81-82.
54. JAIN, S.K., VINAY RANJAN, R.L.S. SIKARWAR AND A. SAKLANI 1994. Botanical distribution of psychoactive plants. Ethnobotany 6: 65-75.
B. Books:
1. RANJAN, VINAY, P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, S.S. DASH AND H.J. CHOWDHERY 2016. Flora of West Bengal, Volume III. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata
2. RANJAN, VINAY 2014. Flora of the Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand. Bishen Singh
Mahendra Pal Singh. Dehra Dun.
3. KUMAR, S., J. SINGH, N.C. SHAH AND VINAY RANJAN 1997. Indian Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants facing Genetic Erosion. CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow
4. KUMAR, S., J. SINGH, N.C. SHAH, VINAY RANJAN AND S.A. HASAN 1997. International
marketing directory of buyers, sellers, processors, manufacturers and developers of
Herbal/traditional single and compound medicines, essential oils, spices, gums, dyes and other
materials. CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow.
C. Book Chapters:
1. RANJAN, VINAY AND A. KUMAR 2019. Plant diversity & Conservation Strategies in West Bengal. In: Angiosperm systematics: Recent trends and emerging issues. CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun. Pp: 381-402.
2. RANJAN, VINAY 2018. Herbaria: A Systematic Repository of Plant Specimens for Research. In: Proceeding of first international workshop under Taxonomy Training Centre, AICOPTAX, MoEF&CC, Govt. of India, Botany Department, University of Calcutta. Pp.: 96-118.
1. RANJAN, VINAY 2017. Parasnath Vanyajeev Abhyaran Ki Vanaspati Vividhita. In: Singh, P., R.C. Srivastava & S.S.Dash (Eds.), Bharat Ki Vanaspati Vividhita Ke Naye Ayyam. Deep Printers, New Delhi, Pp.235-243.
2. RANJAN, VINAY 2011. Parasnath Vanyajeev Abhyaran Ki Vanaspati Vividhita. Vanaspati Vani 21: 13-16.
3. RANJAN, VINAY AND A. KUMAR 2011. Gorumara Rashtriya Udhyan-Aak Avalokan. Vanaspati Vani 21: 42-45.
5. RANJAN, VINAY AND H. J. CHOWDHERY 2005. Parasnath Vanyajeev Abhyaran: Aak Poorvalokan. Vanaspati Vani 14: 7-8.
A. New taxa described:
1. Saurauia parasnathensis V.Ranjan & S.C.Srivastava
2. Galium kulluense Anant Kumar et al.
B. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Stylosanthes hamata (L.) Taub. –India
2. Heterotis Benth. – India
3. Epipogium japonicum Makino – India
4. Oreorchis patens (Lindley) Lindley– Eastern Indian Himalaya
C. Any other novelties:
1. Khasiaclunea Ridsdale – New addition of genus for the flora of Bhutan
2. Hedychium tenuiflorum (Wall. ex Baker) K. Schum. – New to the flora of Myanmar
Sponsored Projects (January, 2017 March, 2019): As a Principal Investigator supervised two projects on ‘Study & documentation of Biodiversity of Dalma wildlife sanctuary’ & ‘Study & documentation of Biodiversity of Saranda Forest Division’ funded by Jharkhand Biodiversity Board; laid 110 quadrates in both sites and collected all phytosociological data; report submitted to Jharkhand Biodiversity Board.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Floristics, Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Micromorphology
SPECIAL INTEREST : Study of Ramsar Sites
Flora of Haiderpur Wetland-A Ramsar site, Muzaffarnagar & Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh (2022-2024)
PHONE : 0532-2250179, MOBILE :8100067689
E-MAIL : onmaurya[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
Flora of Madhya Pradesh Vol. I(2022-2024).(Revised Edition- 135 species of selected families)
1. ‘Flora of India-Vol.19’ (Orobanchaceae and part of Scrophulariaceae) (2020): A total of 239 spp. of angiosperm were documented.
2. Flora of East Kolkata Wetland- A Ramsar site ,West Bengal (2018-2019): Altogether a total of 531 species were collected and documented.
3. Floristic diversity of Eco-sensitive zone of Nagi dam Bird Sanctuary,Bihar(2018-19): A total of 194 species of angiosperms were reported and documented.
4. Flora of Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary’,Bettiah,WestChamparan, Bihar (2017- 2019):A total of 278 species of angiosperms were documented and 05 species of pteridophytes making it a total of 283 species.
5. Flora of Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Wildlife Sanctuary’, Bhagalpur, Bihar (2013- 2016):One new record of angiosperm for India and six new record of algae for India was reported. A total of 149 species of angiosperm was reported.
6. Flora of Udhwa lake bird Wildlife Sanctuary’, Sahibganj, Jharkhand (2012-2013): 113 species of angiosperms were documented.
A. Research articles/papers:
13. Maurya, OnkarNath&Bharti,Avinash Kumar(2019) Floristic diversity of Eco-sensitive zone of Nagi dam Bird Sanctuary', Bihar. Indian Journal of Forestry,42(2):109-115.
14. Kumar A, Maurya ON.(2019)Notes on the typification of three names in Indian Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae).Plant Science Today6(4):403-406.
16. Bharti,Avinash Kumar &Maurya, OnkarNath(2019)A checklist of angiosperms in the eco-sensitive zone of Nakti dam Bird Sanctuary, Jamui district, Bihar. Phytotaxonomy 18:69-77.
19. Maurya, OnkarNath; Kumar, Anand; Krishna, Gopal &Halder, Suman(2015) On the Occurrence of a non –native plant species Bromelia penguin L.(Bromeliaceae) in India, Phytodiversity 2(1):32-38.
B. Books:
1. Onkar Nath Maurya, Anand Kumar & Saurabh Sachan (2021) The Flora of the Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary, West Champaran, Bihar, India,1-183. Published by Director, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. ISBN:978-81-949913-4-2.
C. Book chapters:
1. Singh, Basant Kumar; Karthigeyan,K.; Maurya,Onkar Nath & Bharti,Kumar Avinash(2020) Agro Flora. In Biodiversity Profile of East Kolkata Wetlands(Eds. Kailash Chandra, C.Raghunathan & A.A.Mao) :290-296.
ISBN No.-978-81-8171-547-0.
2. Karthigeyan,K.; Maurya, Onkar Nath; Singh, Basant Kumar; & Bharti,Kumar Avinash(2020) Floral Diversity. In Biodiversity Profile of East Kolkata Wetlands(Eds. Kailash Chandra, C.Raghunathan & A.A.Mao) :297-317.
ISBN No.-978-81-8171-547-0.
3. Karthigeyan,K.; Singh, Basant Kumar; Bharti,Kumar Avinash & Maurya, Onkar Nath (2020) Invasive Alien Plants. In Biodiversity Profile of East Kolkata Wetlands(Eds. Kailash Chandra, C.Raghunathan & A.A.Mao) :318-326.
ISBN No.-978-81-8171-547-0.
4. Maurya, OnkarNath (2018) Floristic Assessment of Udhwa Lake Bird Wildlife Sanctuary, Sahibganj,Jharkhand. In Plant Systematics & Biotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities(Eds. H.K. Chourasia& D.P. Mishra) :245-254.
5. Verma,Smriti;Maurya,OnkarNath&Verma, Ashutosh,Kumar(2018) Medicinal Plants:Green Elixir for Cancer Treatment. In Dynamics of Ecosystem and Climate change in India(Eds.AbhishekAwasthi,A.K. Singh &Anshu Sharma):295-307.
6. Verma, C.L.; Maurya, O.N. &Bajpai, Usha(2004)Micromorphology of two species of Murraya(L.) Jack. In Vistas in Palaeobotany and Plant Morphology: Prof. D.D.Pant. Memo. Vol., P.C. Srivastava(eds.) : 409-414.
D. Hindi articles:
1. Singh, Amit Kumar & Maurya,Onkar Nath (2020) Paudho me Khaniz poshan tatva evam unke kami ke lakshan. Vanashpati Vani 29:33-36. ISBN:09758-4342.
2. Rawat,V.K., Shukla,A.N., Maurya,O.N. & Agarwala, Dinesh (2020) Padap Vargikaran aur paryavaran sanrakshan tathya. Vanashpati Vani 29:08-18. ISBN:09758-4342.
3. OnkarNathMaurya; Kumar, AvinashBharati & Ashutosh Verma (2019) Chota Sitara Jhari( Wrightia antidysentrica)- Ek Parichay. Vanashpati Vani 28:64. ISBN:09758-4342.
4. OnkarNathMaurya, AshutoshVerma& Kumar AvinashBharati (2018) Top Gola(Cannon Ball) Vriksha- An Introduction. Vanashpati Vani 27:63.ISBN:09758-4342.
5. Onkar Nath Maurya, Saurabh Sachan & AnandKumar(2018) Udaipur Vanya JeevAbhyarankiVanaspatikVividhata. Vanashpati Vani 27:27-30.ISBN:09758-4342.
6. Maurya, OnkarNath(2013) Prof. Birbalsahni – EkParichay. Vanashpati Vani 22:146-147.ISBN:09758-4342.
E. Popular articles:
A. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Bromelia pinguin L. (Bromeliaceae)
2. Aphanocapsa incerta (Lemmerm.) Cornberg & Komárek,
3. Chroococcopsis epiphytica Geitler,
4. Cosmarium ornatum Ralfs ex Ralfs,
5. Euastrum verrucosum Ehrenb. ex Ralfs var. reductum Nordst.,
6. Navicula parietina Kütz.
7.Entomoneis alata (Ehrenb.) Ehrenb.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Family- Cyperaceae, Wetland Flora, Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation
SPECIAL INTEREST: Wetland Biodiversity
PRESENTLY WORKING ON FAMILY/TRIBE/GENUS OR FLORA OF AREA): Flora of India Vol: 18 (Famliy- Polemoniaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Boraginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Cuscutaceae and Solanaceae
PHONE: 02912740415
E-MAIL: sanjaymishra[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
1. Ex-situ conservation of RET species of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Collection, introduction and multiplication of Orchids at Dhanikhari Exp. Garden cum Arboretum (2017-2019): Established an orchidarium with 63 sp. found in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Multiplied some Rare, endangered and threatened orchids by the methods of multiplication by saplings, division of the bush, cuttings and producing plants from back bulbs.
2. Flora of Kyd, Pitman & James Islands, South Andaman (2015-2018): Four exploration tours were undertaken to unexplored Kyd, Pitman and James Island and 469 field numbers were identified into 386 species. Two distributional records for Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
3. Herbal garden of Andaman And Nicobar Islands (2017-2019): (Co-PI) Funded by National Medicinal Plant Board, New Delhi
4. Ex-situ conservation of RET species of Andaman & Nicobar Islands at Dhanikhari Experimental Garden cum Arboretum, and identification of unidentified angiosperm specimens in ANRC Herbarium (2015-2017): During the explorations seeds/seedlings of 103 species were collected and introduced in the Dhanikhari Experimental Garden cum Arboretum. 113 unidentified specimens of PBL were identified into 54 species.
5. Survey of two wetlands of Little Andaman Rabindra Nagar Dam Reservoir and Ramakrishna Dam Reservoir 2017-18: Total 214 plant species belonging to 111 families growing at the dam sites were identified and report submitted.
6. Assessment of sedges based on Micro-morphological characters, Food value and Potential role in Phytoremediation in wetlands of Uttar Pradesh (2013-2015): Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board (UPSBB) FUNDED Project- Worked as RA; One new addition to region was made.
A. Research articles/papers:
· MISHRA, S., VIVEK C.P., EKKA, G.A., and SINGH, L.J. (2019). Taxonomic notes on Grosourdya muriculata (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Vandeae: Aeridinae), a little known endemic orchid from the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(1) DOI: 10.11609/jott.3842.11.1.13162-13167.
· MISHRA, S., VIVEK C.P., EKKA, G.A., and SINGH, L.J. (2017). Eleocharis atropurpurea (Retz.) J. Presl & C. Presl and Eleocharis acutangula (Roxb.) Schult. (Cyperaceae): Two new distributional records for Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Tropical Plant Research 4(1): 77–80.
· VIVEK C.P., MISHRA, S., EKKA, G.A., and SINGH, L.J. (2017). Taxonomic Study of Alternanthera Forssk. (Amaranthaceae) in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Including New Record of Three Taxa of the Genus for the State Flora. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 41(1-2): 24-30.
· VIVEK C.P., MISHRA, S., EKKA, G.A., and SINGH, L.J. (2017). Water snowflakes (Nymphoides indica), a case study with respect to the wetlands of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Phytotaxonomy 17:50-54.
· MISHRA, S., VIVEK C.P. and SINGH, L.J. (2016). Eleocharis spiralis (Rottb.) Roem. & Schult. (Cyperaceae): An Addition to the Flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Tropical Plant Research 3(2): 289–291.
· MISHRA, S., VIVEK C.P. and SINGH, L.J. (2016). Courtoisina cyperoides (Roxb.) Soják, (Cyperaceae): A New Distributional Record for Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Indian Journal of Forestry 39(2) 159-160.
· MISHRA S., TRIPATHI, D.K., HROUDOVA Z, CHAUHAN, D.K. (2015) A potential contribution of achene micromorphology and phytolith analysis in describing the systematics of genus Bolboschoenus from India. Plant Systematics and Evolution 301: 955–966.
· TRIPATHI, D.K., MISHRA, S., CHAUHAN DK .2015. Micronutrients and their diverse role in agricultural crops: advances and future prospective. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 07/2015; 37(7):1-14. DOI:10.1007/s11738-015-1870-3
· BEHERA, S.K., MISHRA, S. and SINGH, L.J. (2015). Adiantum latifolium Lam. (Adiantaceae) – An addition to the Fern flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Geophytology 45(2): 261-264.
· MISHRA, S. and NARAIN, S. 2014. - Aquatic and marshy angiospermic diversity of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Indian Journal of Plant Science 3(2):63-75
· TRIPATHI, A., MISHRA, S., CHAUHAN, D.K. 2014 -Island biodiversity and their threats. Proceedings of National conference on island biodiversity, UP State Biodiversity Board, Lucknow. 158-159.
· MISHRA, S., CHAUHAN, D. K. 2013 Role of sedges (Cyperaceae) in wetlands and their economic, ethnobotanical, importance. Proceedings of UPSBB on Water and Biodiversity.1:61-70
· TRIPATHI, D.K., MISHRA, S., CHAUHAN, D.K. and TIWARI, S.P. 2012 - Typological and Frequency Based Study of Opaline Silica (Phytolith) Deposition in Two Common Indian Sorghum L. Species- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s40011-012-0066-5.Springer-Verlag.
· MISHRA, S. and NARAIN, S. 2010. - Floristic and ecological studies of Bakhira wetland, U.P. - Indian Forester 136. (3): 375-381.
· NARAIN, S. and MISHRA, S. 2008. - A list of Aquatic & Marshy Plants of Bundelkhand Region (U. P.). Indian Journal of Forestry 31 (2): 301-308.
· KUMAR, P., MISHRA, S. and NARAIN, S. 2008. - Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. - An Addition to Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Indian Botanical Society 87. (3 & 4): 285-286.
· LATA, K., MISHRA, S. and NARAIN, S. 2008. - Notes on occurrence of Synedrella vialis (Less.) A. Gray in Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32. (3): 610-612.
· KUMAR, P., MISHRA, S. and NARAIN, S. 2008. - Extended Distribution of Rare and Little Known Ranunculus cantoniensis DC. - In Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Phytological Research 21. (1): 147-148.
· NARAIN, S. and MISHRA, S. 2006. - First report of Ceratophyllum submersum L. from Gangetic Plain. Rheedea 16 (2): 115.
B. Book chapters:
· SINGH, L.J., MISHRA, S. and EKKA, G.A. (2018). Plant Genetic Diversity of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 2017.In: K. Ravichandran, D. M. Shukla &Tarun Coomar (eds.), 50 Years of Indian Forest Service, Department of Environment and Forests, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Souvenir 50-56.
· SINGH, L.J., MISHRA, S., VIVEK, C. P. and EKKA, G.A. (2018). Systematic Account of Family Musaceae in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, In: CHOURASIA, H.K., MISHRA, D.P. (Eds.), Plant Systematics and Biotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities. Today and tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. 473-483.
· SINGH, L.J., EKKA, G.A.and MISHRA, S. (2016). Ethnobotanical uses of plants in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, In: CHOURASIA, H.K. & ROY, A.K. (Eds.), Conservation, Cultivation, Diseases and Therapeutic Importance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 2016 Today and Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. 165-179.
· MISHRA, S., TRIPATHI, A., TRIPATHI, DK. and CHAUHAN DK.( 2015). Role of Sedges (Cyperaceae) in Wetlands, Environmental cleaning and as Food material: Possibilities and Future Prospective. Plant-Environment Interaction: Responses and Approaches to Mitigate Stress (Edited by- Mohamed Mahgoub Azooz and Parvaiz Ahmad,- Wiley publication).
· MISHRA, S., EKKA, G.A., RANJAN,V. and SINGH, L.J. (2016). Role of DEGCA, BSI Garden in Conservation of Medicinal Plant Diversity of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. In: Chourasia, H.K. (ed.), Conservation of Medicinal Plants Conventional and Modern Approaches. 95-108.
B. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Ceratophyllum submersum L. from Gangetic Plain
2. Bolboschoenus glaucus (Lam.) S.G. Smith for Gangetic plain
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