Name of the Scientific Staff : Dr. R. MANIKANDAN
Designation (with department/unit/circle) : Scientist-‘E’
Date of Joining in BSI
As a Research Fellow : 09.08.1999
As a staff : 04.04.2005
Total tenure in BSI (including fellowship tenure) : 21 years
Field of work/specialisation : Angiosperm Taxonomy, Floristic studies
Projects handled : Two
Annual Action Plan : An Assessment Floristic Diversity of Cauvery north ildlife sanctuary, Tamil Nadu [In House]
Others : Reinvestigation of Flora of Gulf of Mannar Biosphere reserve after Tsunami [Funded Project:]
Book(s)/Chapters in Book(s)/Abstracts in Proceedings: 4 No.
1. Manikandan, R and P. Lakshiminarasimhan, 2013. Flora of Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Karnataka, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. ISBN: 81-8171-050-1
2.1 Manikandan R. 2015. Floristic Diversity of the family Asteraceae from Karnataka State. High. Pl. Ind. Subcont. 11: 1-128. ISBN: 978-81-211-0908-6
2.2. Manikandan, R. and S.K. Srivastava, 2015. Family Lamiaceae in Jammu & Kashmir, India. High. Pl. Ind. Subcont. 11: 129-176. ISBN: 978-81-211-0908-6
2.3. Manikandan, R., S.K. Srivastava and K. Chandrasekar, 2015. The family Scrophulariaceae in Jammu & Kashmir, India. High. Pl. Ind. Subcont. 11: 177-230. ISBN: 978-81-211-0908-6
3. Manikandan, R & Bipin Balodi, 2017. Flora of Govind Pashu Vihar Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand (in press).
ii. Book Chapters: 3
1. Manikandan, R. 2018. ‘Invasive Alien Species of Asteraceae from Uttarakhand'. In: Angiosperm systematics: Recent trends and emerging issues. Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr. Tariq Husain (Ed.- Priyanka Agnihotri & J.S. Khuraijam). Pg. 1-24. [with Deepika, C. Murugan]
2. Manikandan, R. 2018. Aquatic Angiosperm Diversity in Dehradun District. In: Angiosperm systematics: Recent trends and emerging issues. Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr. Tariq Husain (Ed.- Priyanka Agnihotri & J.S. Khuraijam). Pg. 303-362.[with Dipti Dey, K. Chandrasekar].
3. Manikandan, R. 2019. Flowering Plants of Govind Pashu Vihar Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Himalaya – With Emphasis on High Altitude Threatened Medicinal Plants. CRC press [with C. Murugan, Nithya,S.P.., Mehaladevi, R]
iii. Book/checklist/manuscript submitted:
1. V.P. Prasad, C.R. Jadhav & Manikandan, R. 2008. Flowering Plants of Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary, Thane District, Maharashtra - completed and submitted the manuscript for publication.
2. Manikandan, R. 2008. The family Asteraceae (90 genera, 193 species including 8 varieties, 1 subspecies and 19 cultivated species) for Flora of Karnataka-completed and submitted the manuscript for publication.
3. Manikandan, R. 2010-11. Flora of Jammu and Kashmir, Vol. 4 [Lamiaceae (170 species), Santalaceae (4 species), Lauraceae (8 species) and Elaeagnaceae (5 species], Scrophulariaceae (34 genera, 145 species, including 9 subspecies, 8 varieties and 10 cultivated species] completed and submitted the manuscript for publication.
4. Manikandan, R. 2012. Flora of Uttarakhand, Vol. 2- [Families from Hydrangeaceae to Toricelliaceae (c 356 species)] completed the manuscript and submitted for publication.
5. Manikandan, R. 2013. Flora of Uttarakhand, Vol. 4 [Scrophulariaceae (39 genera, 142 species, including 8 subspecies, 4 varieties and 10 cultivated species] completed and finalized the manuscript for publication.
6. Manikandan, R. 2017. Flora of Uttarakhand Vol. 5 [Amaryllidaceae, Lemnaceae to Eriocaulceae (64 species)] completed the manuscript and submitted for publication.
7. Manikandan, R. 2017. Flora of Sonanadi Wildlife sanctuary, Western Himalaya- submitted manuscript in book format.
8. Manikandan, R. 2019. The family Apiaceae, Part-2 for Flora of India, vol. 11 (264 species) completed and submitted for publication.
i. Periodicals/Journals (only published/accepted): Research papers: 61 including 9 Hindi articles/9 proceedings and 6 abstracts
ii. Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Training/Exhibition:
(a) National: Attended: 7; Delivered (oral/poster): 7 Oral
(b) International: Attended: 3;Delivered (oral/poster): 5 incl. 1 poster
b. Significant contributions (only in numbers)
(a) Novelties: 3; (b) Rediscoveries: 1; (c) New Reports: 20
c. Others
(i). Awards/Memberships: Life member in Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT); b. Life member in Angiosperm Plant Taxonomy (APT).
(ii.) Editor/Reviewer (Books/Periodicals/Ph.D. Theses): 14 [9-Indian Forester, 4-Phytotaxonomy; 1- J. Bangladesh; 1- Current Science]; Reviewed Ph.D. Thesis: 3 [Ethno-medicinal studies].
(iii) As supervisor (supervising scholars for the award of Ph.D. only): 3
1. As DDO: As DDO for funded project
2. Technical: Functioned as In-charge of Technical section, Botanic Garden, Herbarium, Up keeping Office.
3. Others: Any other duties assigned by HoO from time to time
PHONE: --, Mobile Number: +91 9655860210
E-MAIL: kottaimuthu@yahoo.co.in; rkmlegumes@gmail.com
A. Research articles/papers:
MURUGAN, P., R. KOTTAIMUTHU AND C. MURUGAN 2022. Nomenclature and typification of thirty-five names in Rubiaceae of Southern Western Ghats, India. Gard. Bull. Singapore 74(2): 257–274.
RAJASEKAR, C., G. AAZHIVAENDHAN, R. RAJENDRAN, T. SENTHILKUMAR AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2022. Schoenorchis manilaliana M.Kumar & Sequiera (Orchidaceae): New to flora of Tamil Nadu, India. Pl. Sci. Today 9(sp. 1): 19–20.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., C. RAJASEKAR, A. NARMADHAI NAACHIYAAR AND R. RAJENDRAN 2022. Mysore Grass Lily Iphigenia mysorensis Arekal & S.N.Ramaswamy (Colchiaceae), a new record for the Flora of Tamil Nadu, India. Indian J. Forest. 44(3): 122–124.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., M. VIMALA, K. RAJENDRAN AND M. JOTHI BASU 2022. First record of the genus Eleutheranthera (Asteraceae) for Eastern Ghats, India. Indian J. Forest. 44(3): 109–111.
RAJENDRAN, R., R. RAJESH, C. RAJASEKAR AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2021. Drimia raogibikei (Hemadri) Hemadri (Asparagaceae: Scilloideae): Addition to the monocots of Tamil Nadu, India. Asian J. Conservation Biol. 10(2): 334–336.
RAJASEKAR, C., V. DHAARANI AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2021. Datura discolor Bernh. (Solanaceae), a new record for Tamil Nadu, India. Nelumbo 63(2): 80–82.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND M. JOTHI BASU 2021. A new replacement name for Eriobotrya integrifolia Aver. (Rosaceae). Kew Bull. 76(4): 859.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., M. V. KRISHNARAJ, C. RAJASEKAR AND R. SILAMBARASAN 2021. Notes on distribution of Tephrosia noctiflora (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) in India. J. Jap. Bot. 96(6): 341–345.
DESHMUKH, U. B. AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2021. A new replacement name for Gentianella scopulorum Glenny (Gentianaceae). Phytotaxa 518(3): 239–240.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND M. JOTHI BASU 2021. Medinilla madagascariensis, a new name for Medinilla albiflora H.Perrier (Melastomataceae) and its lectotypification. Phytotaxa 518(1): 77–78.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., J. JOHN PRAVEEN KUMAR, P. DINESHKUMAR AND M. JOTHI BASU 2021. Note on the taxonomic status of Flemingia nudiflora (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 44(1-4): 117–118.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., M. VIMALA, K. RAJENDRAN AND M. JOTHI BASU 2021. Senecio sennikovii, a new replacement name for the Mexican Senecio bracteatus Klatt (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). Phytotaxa 511(1): 77–78.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., P. MURUGAN, J. JOHN PRAVEEN KUMAR AND M. JOTHI BASU 2021. Impatiens ramasubbuana, a new name for Impatiens palniensis Ramasubbu (Balsaminaceae). Phytotaxa 500(1): 52–54.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., J. JOHN PRAVEEN KUMAR, P. DINESHKUMAR AND M. LOGESHWARI 2021. A new name for extant Potamogeton × mirabilis (Potamogetonaceae). Phytotaxa 498(1): 69–70.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., J. JOHN PRAVEEN KUMAR, P. DINESHKUMAR AND M. LOGESHWARI 2021. A new name for Justicia reticulata Benoist (Acanthaceae). Phytotaxa 497(1): 59–60.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., M. JOTHI BASU, K. SATHIYADASH AND V. KARTHIKEYAN 2020. Cissus lombardiana a new name for Cissus ulmifolia (Baker) Planchon (Vitaceae). Phytotaxa 477(1): 97–98.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., N. KAMALA DHASAN AND M. JOTHI BASU 2020. Two new names for extant Pteris species (Pteridaceae). Phytotaxa 453(2): 154–156.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2020. A new name for extant Asplenium foersteri Rosenst. (Aspleniaceae). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 57: 243–244.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND M. JOTHI BASU 2020. Carex talbotii (Cyperaceae), a replacement name for Berggren’s Sedge. Phytotaxa 447(2): 146–148.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND M. JOTHI BASU 2020. Pedicularis hongii, a new name for Pedicularis multicaulis W.B.Yu, H.Wang & D.Z.Li. (Orobanchaceae). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 57: 209–210.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., K. SATHIYADASH, V. KARTHIKEYAN AND M. JOTHI BASU 2020. Tropidia thwaitesii Hook. f. (Orchidaceae: Tropidieae): An overlooked orchid in Eastern Ghats, India. Indian J. Forest. 43(2): 133–135.
KRISHNARAJ, M. V. AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2020. Notes on the status of two recently described legumes from India. NeBIO 11(3): 187–188.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., M. JOTHI BASU, M. SUKANYADEVI AND J. JOHN PRAVEEN KUMAR 2020. A new name for Emilia flaccida C.Jeffrey (Asteraceae). Phytotaxa 436(1): 92.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2019. Diospyros minutisepala, a new name for extant Diospyros microcalyx D.X.Nong & al. (Ebenaceae). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 56: 33–34.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., C. RAJASEKAR, C. P. MUTHUPANDI AND K. RAJENDRAN 2019. Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M.Martínez (Solanaceae): A new distributional record for India. I3 Biodiversity 3-302: 1–5.
KRISHNARAJ, M. V., M. A. JOSEPH AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2018. Two lectotypifications in Argyreia (Convolvulaceae). J. Jap. Bot. 93(6): 389–393.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2018. A new name for Pterospermum gracile P.Wilkie (Malavaceae: Dombeyoideae). Kew Bull. 73: 35.
RAJASEKAR, C., R. SILAMBARASAN AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2018. Occurrence of Balanophora abbreviata Blume (Balanophoraceae) in Tamil Nadu, India. NeBIO 9(4): 299–301.
MURUGAN, P., R. KOTTAIMUTHU, C. KALIDASS AND P. C. PANDA 2018. Some additions to the Solanaceae of Sirumalai Hills, Southern Eastern Ghats, India. Indian J. Forest. 41(4): 391–395.
RAJASEKAR, C., R. SILAMBARASAN AND R. KOTTAIMUTHU 2018. Salacia agasthiamalana Udayan, Yohannan & Pradeep (Celastraceae: Salacioideae): A new record for Tamil Nadu, India. NeBIO 9(3): 245–248.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2018. Second-step lectotypification of the name Capparis parvilora J. D. Hooker & Thomson (Capparaceae). Phytotaxa 349(1): 92–94.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2018. Symplocos ståhlii Kottaim., a new name for extant Symplocos globosa B.Ståhl (Symplocaceae). Phytotaxa 347(2): 191–192.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., C. P. MUTHUPANDI AND K. RAJENDRAN 2018. Ecbolium viride (Forssk.) Alston var. chandrasekariana Remadevi & Binojk. (Ruellieae: Acanthaceae): A new report for Tamil Nadu. NeBIO 9(2): 215–218.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND K. RAJENDRAN 2018. Cryptocarya vanderwerffii Kottaim., a new name for Ravensara macrophylla Kosterm. (Lauraceae). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 55: 137.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2017. First record of Crotalaria heyneana Graham ex Wight & Arn. (Fabaceae: Crotalarieae) in Eastern Ghats. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 40(3-4): 156–158.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2017. Salix alexeii, a new name for the extant Salix elongata L.He & Z.X.Zhang (Salicaceae). Phytotaxa 332(3): 299–300.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2017. Lindernia dubia (Linderniaceae): A new distributional record for Tamil Nadu. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 40(1-2): 57–58.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2017. Nomenclatural notes on Piper pseudonigrum Velay. & Amalraj (Piperaceae). Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 24(1): 117–118.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND N. VASUDEVAN 2017. A new species of Derris Lour. (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) from India. Webbia 72(1): 97–100.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2017. Revisiting the nomenclature of Psychotria filipes Hook.f. (Rubiaceae). Nordic J. Bot. 35(2): 205–206.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND A. SARAVANAN 2017. Rediscovery of Indotristicha tirunelveliana B. D. Sharma, Karthik. & B. V. Shetty (Podostemaceae), from Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Forester 143(1): 74–75.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2016. A new name for Ehretia ovalifolia Wight (Ehretiaceae: Boraginales). Webbia 71(2): 239–240.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND N. VASUDEVAN 2016. Polygala buxiformis Hassk. (Polygalaceae)-A new record for Tamil Nadu. Indian Forester 143(9): 913.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2016. Ixora ravikumarii, a new name for Ixora monticola Gamble (Rubiaceae: Ixoroideae). Phytotaxa 263(1): 79–80.
MURUGAN, P., R. KOTTAIMUTHU, C. KALIDASS AND P. C. PANDA 2016. Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl. (Solanaceae): A new generic record for Odisha, India. NeBIO 7(4): 126–127.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., G. GNANASEKARAN AND N. VASUDEVAN 2016. Calopogonium and Centrosema: Two new generic records for Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forest. 39(1): 89–90.
GNANASEKARAN, G., R. KOTTAIMUTHU AND G. V. S. MURTHY 2015. Taxonomy of Andrographis rothii: A stenoendemic species from southern Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India with notes on lectotypification and identity of A. lobelioides var. composita (Acanthaceae). Rheedea 25(2): 109–115.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND G. GNANASEKARAN 2015. Validation of the name Osbeckia tirunelvelica (Melastomataceae). Phytotaxa 231(3): 300.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND N. VASUDEVAN 2015. Astragalus podlechii, a new name for Astragalus insularis Maassoumi & Podlech (Fabaceae). Feddes Repert. 126(1-2): 5.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND G. GNANASEKARAN 2015. Fimbristylis karthikeyanii, a new name for Fimbristylis breviculma Govind. (Cyperaceae). Telopea 18: 433–434.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., N. VASUDEVAN AND A. SARAVANAN 2015. Crotalaria trichotoma: A new record for Tamil Nadu. Indian J. Forest. 38(4): 363–364.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2015. Three new combinations in Acilepis D. Don (Asteraceae) from India. Telopea 18: 375–377.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND N. VASUDEVAN 2015. Indigofera schrirei, a new name for Indigofera torulosa Hook. & Arn. (Leguminosae). Telopea 18: 185–186.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2015. Justicia wasshaussenii, a new name for Justicia andersonii Wasshaussen (Acanthaceae). Phytotaxa 213(1): 70.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2015. Barleria gandhii, a new name for Barleria pauciflora (Acanthaceae). Phytotaxa 204(4): 300.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND N. VASUDEVAN 2015. Rhynchosia ganesanii, a new name for Rhynchosia fischeri P. Satyanar. & Thoth. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), from India. Phytotaxa 201(1): 109–110.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND C. KALIDASS 2015. Physalis pruinosa L. (Solanaceae)-Addition to the flora of Tamil Nadu. Indian J. Forest. 38(1): 77–78.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., C. KALIDASS AND A. SARAVANAN 2014. Thunbergia coccinea Wall. ex D. Don. (Acanthaceae): A new record for South India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 38(3-4): 652–654.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., C. KALIDASS AND N. VASUDEVAN 2014. A vulenerable medicinal species Hydnocarpus pentandra (Buch.-Ham) Oken (Achariaceae): A new record for Eastern Ghats, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 38(3-4): 392–394.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND C. KALIDASS 2014. Genus Monothecium Hochst (Acanthaceae): A new record for Eastern Ghats. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 38(1): 98–99.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND R. GANESAN 2012. Rediscovery of Crotalaria digitata Fabaceae) from Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India. Rheedea 22(2): 103–106.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., R. GANESAN AND R. VIJAYAN 2011. Anredera cordifolia (Tenoore) Steenis (Basellaceae)- a new record for India. Elixir Bio Diver. 40: 5517–5518.
B. Books:
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2014. Floristic studies on Dicots of Karandamalai, Southern Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. AND N. VASUDEVAN 2014. Endemic and Red-listed medicinal plants used by the Valaiyars of Karandamalai, Southern Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. Grin verlag, Germany.
C. Book chapters:
KOTTAIMUTHU, R. 2014. Systematic studies on Legumes of Sirumalai Hills, Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu. In: RAMASUBBU, R. AND R. KUMUTHAKALAVALLI (Eds.), Trends in Angiosperm Taxonomy. Department of Biology, Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed University, pp 91-94.
ASHA, P., P. BHAVADHARANI, M.R. KAVIPRIYA, J. SUBASHINI, J. JOHN PRAVEEN KUMAR, S. SARAVANAN, R. KOTTAIMUTHU, M. JOTHI BASU, S. CHANDRASEKARAN AND N. KAMALA DHASAN (2021). Enumeration of invasive alien species of terrestrial vegetation of Alagappa University campus at Karaikudi Sivagangai district, Tamil Nadu. In: DHARMAR, K. & R. MARY SUJIN (Ed.), Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development. Department of Botany, PTMTMC Publication, Tamil Nadu, pp. 94-109. (ISBN 978-93-5437-491-3).
KOTTAIMUTHU, R., S. ESWARAN, P. BOOMIBALAGAN and M. JOTHI BASU (2021). Some interesting and little-known legumes from Eastern Ghats, India. In: DHARMAR, K. & R. MARY SUJIN (Ed.), Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development. Department of Botany, PTMTMC Publication, Tamil Nadu, pp. 110-118.
D. Hindi articles: Nil
E. Popular articles: Nil
A. New taxa described: 01
1. Derris matthewii Kottaim. (Fabaceae)
B. New distributional records to India: 02
Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis, (Basellaceae)
Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M.Martínez (Solanaceae)
C. New names: 29
Asplenium hovenkampii Kottaim. (Aspleniaceae)
Astragalus dieteri Kottaim. & Vasud.
Barleria gandhii Kottaim. (Acanthaceae)
Ceropegia gandhiana Kottaim. (Apocynaceae)
Carex talbotii Kottaim. (Cyperaceae)
Cissus lombardiana Kottaim. (Vitaceae)
Cryptocarya vanderwerffii Kottaim. (Lauraceae)
Diospyros minutisepala Kottaim. (Ebenaceae)
Ehretia matthewii Kottaim. (Boraginaceae)
Emilia charlesii Kottaim. (Asteraceae)
Fimbristylis karthikeyanii Kottaim. & Gnanasek. (Cyperaceae)
Gentianella stevenii U.B.Deshmukh & Kottaim. (Gentianaceae)
Impatiens ramasubbuana Kottaim. & P.Murugan (Balsaminaceae)
Indigofera schrirei Kottaim. & Vasud. (Fabaceae)
Ixora ravikumarii Kottaim. (Rubiaceae)
Justicia perrieri Kottaim. (Acanthaceae)
Justicia wasshausenii Kottaim. (Acanthaceae)
Lactuca bandyopadhyana Kottaim. (Asteraceae)
Medinilla madagascariensis Kottaim. (Melastomataceae)
Pedicularis hongii Kottaim. (Orobanchaceae)
Potamogeton × kaplanii Kottaim. (Potamogetonaceae)
Pteris mickelii Kottaim. (Pteridaceae)
Pteris rakotondrainibeae Kottaim. (Pteridaceae)
Pterospermum peterianum Kottaim. (Malvaceae)
Rhynchosia ganesanii Kottaim. & Vasud. (Fabaceae)
Salix alexeii Kottaim. (Salicaceae)
Senecio sennikovii Kottaim. (Asteraceae)
Symplocos staohlii Kottaim. (Symplocaceae)
Veronica gandhii Kottaim. (Plantaginaceae)
D. Validation of Name: 01
Osbeckia tirunelvelica Murugan & Manickam (Melastomataceae)
PRESENTLY WORKING ON FAMILY / TRIBE / GENUS OR FLORA OF (AREA): Morphotaxonomy and molecular phylogeny of fleshy macrofungi
1. Molecular phylogeny, morphology and nutraceutical potentials (for edible members) of fleshy wild mushrooms in Kalatop-Khajjiar Wild Life Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh. (SERB-NPDF, 2020-2022)
2. Studies on the families Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, Hygrophoraceae, Suillaceae and Cantharellaceae of East and South Districts of Sikkim. (Under Flora of India project, 2013-2018)
MOBILE NUMBER: +91 9593834545
E-MAIL: dyuti.parna.mail@gmail.com
28. ADAMČÍK, S., L. CAI, D. CHAKRABORTY, X. H. CHEN, H. V. T. COTTER, D. Q. DAI,Y. C. DAI, K. DAS, C. Y. DENG, M. GHOBAD-NEJHAD, K.D. HYDE, E. LANGER, K. P. D LATHA, F. LIU, S. L. LIU, T. T. LIU, W. LV, S-X LV, A. R. MACHADO, D. B. PINHO, O. L. PEREIRA, I. B. PRASHER, A. W. C. ROSADO, J. QIN, W. M. QIN, R. K. VERMA, Q. WANG, Z. L. YANG, X-D. YU, L. W. ZHOU AND B. BUYCK 2015. Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 1–10. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 36 (2): 121–166. doi: https://doi.org/10.7872/crym/v36.iss2.2015.121. IF= 2.04, Citations: 38.
29. CHAKRABORTY, D AND K. DAS 2015. A new generic record of Boletaceae for Indian mycobiota. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 5 (2): 138–144. doi: 10.5943/cream/5/2/7. IF=0.78, Citations: 1.
30. DAS, K., V. HOFSTETTER, D. CHAKRABORTY, A. BAGHELA, S. K. SINGH, B. BUYCK 2015. Cantharellus sikkimensis sp.nov. (Cantharellales, Agaricomycetes) from the Indian Himalayas. Phytotaxa 222 (4): 267–275. IF: 1.17, Citations: 11.
31. DAS, K. AND D. CHAKRABORTY 2014. Lactarius vesterholtii, a new species from India. Mycotaxon 129 (2): 477-484. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5248/129.477. IF= 0.4, Citations: 8.
34. DAS, K. AND D. CHAKRABORTY 2014. Cortinarius flammeus — a poorly known species. NeBIO 5(2): 9-12.
35. DAS, K. AND D. CHAKRABORTY 2014. Boletus sharmae, a new species from Sikkim (India). Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 3(1): 19-24. Citations: 5
36. DAS, K. AND D. CHAKRABORTY 2014. Three interesting species of wild mushrooms from Sikkim (India). Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 3(1): 101-108.
37. DAS, K. AND D. CHAKRABORTY 2014. New record of parasitic macrofungus from India. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 2(4): 73-75. Citations: 5.
38. DAS, K., D. CHAKRABORTY AND A. PARIHAR 2013. Cortinarius trivialis, a new record of wild mushroom showing intercontinental conspecificity. NeBIO 4(5): 91–93.
B. Books: Nil
C. Book chapters:
CHAKRABORTY, D., K. DAS AND T. LAKHANPAL 2018. Reappraisal in the family Boletaceae in Indian Himalaya-present scenario and future challenges In: Maity, D. (ed.) Taxonomy: Theory and practice. Proceeding of the first international workshop under taxonomy training centre, AICOPTAX, MoEF&CC, Govt. of India. Ruby Das, Hooghly (ISBN 978-81-922797-8-7) pp 205-228.
A. New taxa described: 27
1 |
Austroboletus appendiculatus Semwal, D. Chakr., K. Das, Indoliya, D. Chakrabarty, S. Adhikari & Karunarathna |
2 |
Boletus lakhanpalii K. Das, D. Chakr., A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger |
3 |
Boletus indoedulis D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger |
4 |
Boletus sharmae K. Das & D. Chakraborty |
5 |
Cantharellus sikkimensis K. Das, Buyck, D. Chakr., A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & V. Hofstetter |
6 |
Cyanoboletus hymenoglutinosus D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger |
7 |
Gliophorus glutinosus K. Das, D. Chakr. & Vizzini |
8 |
Gyroporus paramjitii K. Das, D. Chakr. & Vizzini |
9 |
Hortiboletus indorubellus D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger |
10 |
Lactarius vesterholtii K. Das & D. Chakr. |
11 |
Lactifluus maenamensis K. Das, D. Chakr. & Buyck |
12 |
Leccinellum indoaurantiacum D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger |
13 |
Neoboletus recapitulates (D. Chakr., K. Das, A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger) D. Chakr. & K.Das |
14 |
Strobilomyces longistipitatus D. Chakr., K. Das & S. Adhikari |
15 |
Suillus lariciphillus K. Das, D. Chakr., K.P.D. Latha & Cotter |
16 |
Suillus adhikarii K. Das, D. Chakr. & Cotter |
17 |
Russula baniyakundensis A. Ghosh, K. Das, D. Chakr., & Buyck |
18 |
Russula indosenecis A.Ghosh, D.Chakr., K.Das & Buyck |
19 |
Russula kewzingensis K. Das, D. Chakr., & Buyck |
20 |
R. pseudosenecis A.Ghosh, D.Chakr., K.Das & Buyck |
21 |
Thaxterogaster shoreae A.Ghosh, D.Chakr., K.Das & Vizzini |
22 |
Tylopilus himalayanus D. Chakr., K. Das & Vizzini |
23 |
Tylopilus pseudoballoui D. Chakr., K. Das & Vizzini |
24 |
Urnula himalayana K. Das & D. Chakr. |
25 |
Xerocomus doodhcha K. Das, D. Chakr., A. Baghela, S.K. Singh & Dentinger |
26 |
Xerocomus longistipitatus K. Das, A. Parihar, D. Chakr. & A. Baghela |
27 |
Xerocomus reticulostipitatus Hembrom, D. Chakr., A. Parihar & K. Das |
B. New distributional records to India and region: 10
1 |
Aureoboletus nephrosporus G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang
2 |
Boletus himalayensis Jabeen & Sarwar, Khalid |
3 |
Cortinarius longistipitatus Saba, Jabeen, Khalid & Dima |
4 |
Hygrophorus pudorinus (Fr.) Fr. |
5 |
Lycoperdon rupicola Jeppson, E. Larss. & M.P. Martín |
6 |
Phylloporus maculates N.K. Zeng, Zhu L Yang & L.P. Tang |
7 |
Retiboletus kauffmani (Lohwag) N.K. Zeng & Zhu L Yang |
8 |
Rugiboletus brunneiporus G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang |
9 |
Strobilomyces mirandus Corner |
10 |
Tylopilus glutinosus Iqbal Hosen |
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