PHONE : 03592204717
E-MAIL : rajibdzuko[at]gmail[dot]com; rajibgogoi[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
2. Selected families for FLORA OF BIHAR & JHARKHAND (2015-2017)
3. “RAPID ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN RABINADRA SAROBAR LAKE” vide Vide D/BSI order No. CNH/Tech.2016-17, dated 17.01.2017 on the basis of O.A.136/2016/EZ of The Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Eastern zone bench, Kolkata.
4. FLORA OF ANJAW DISTRICT, Arunachal Pradesh (2010-2013).
5. FLORA OF MANIPUR vol. III (Monocots of Manipur excluding Orchidaceae) (2009-2011)
6. FLORA OF MANIPUR vol. II (2007-2009)
A. Book Published : (2 Books)
1. GOGOI, R., S. BORAH, S.S. DASH, P. SINGH. 2018. BALSAMS OF EASTERN HIMALAYA- A REGIONAL REVISION. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. pp 1-210.
2. MAO, A.A. & R. GOGOI.2016. FLORA OF DZIIKO/DZUKOU VALLEY, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.pp.1-283.
1. BORAH, S., J. SARMA & R. GOGOI 2019. Impatiens kamrupana sp. nov. (Balsaminaceae): a new species from Assam, India, Phytotaxa.395 (1): 035–040.
2. GOGOI, R AND S. BORAH 2018. Lectotypification and amended description of two species of Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) from Northeast India. Nelumbo 60(2): 18-22.
3. GOGOI, R. , U. L. TIWARI, S. BORAH AND B.B.T. THAM 2019. Lectotypifiction of Impatiens duclouxii Hook.f., a new addition to the flora of India from Arunachal Pradesh. J. Threatened Taxa, 26 January 2019.
4. GOGOI, R., S. BORAH AND A. KUMAR 2018. Flower colour variation in Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae). Envis Newsletter 23(1): 4
5. DEORI, C, B. B. T. THAM, S. R. TALUKDAR, W. ADAMOWSKI AND R. GOGOI 2018. Lectotypification of Impatiens acuminata Benth. ex Hook.f. & Thomson and notes on its geographical distribution. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 50: 33-38.
6. GOGOI, R., A. KUMAR & W. ADAMOWSKI, 2018. Notes on Impatiens sikkimensis (Balsaminaceae) and its recollection after a century Nelumbo. 60 (1) :23-25.
7. GOGOI, R., B.B.T. THAM, M. LIDÉN & S. BORAH 2017. Impatiens pseudolaevigata sp. nov. (Balsaminaceae): a new species from Western Arunachal Pradesh, India, Phytotaxa 313 (2): 227–230.
8. GOGOI, R., S. BORAH & M. HAKKINEN 2017. Diversity of Wild Bananas (Musa L. - Musaceae) in the state of Assam, India, Compendium of Botanical Research in Eastern India, pp. 80-98.
9. HAREESH, V.S., A. JOE, R. GOGOI & M. SABU. 2017. Impatiens arunachalensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from northeastern India. Phytotaxa 305 (1): 047–051
10. BASUMATARY, S. K., H. G. MCDONALD, R. GOGOI 2017. Pollen and non-pollen palynomorph preservation in the dung of the Greater One-horned Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis), and its implication to palaeoecology and palaeodietary analysis: A case study from India. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 244.153–162.
11. MOAAKUM, S. DEY, W. ADAMOWSKI & R. GOGOI 2017. Impatiens nagorum sp. nov. (Balsaminaceae) a new species from Nagaland,Northeast India. Phytotaxa 308 (2): 275–282.
12. ARISDASON W. & R. GOGOI 2017. Validation of Impatiens trigonopteris (Balsaminaceae). Phytotaxa 323 (3): 295–298.
13. BASUMATARY, S. K., S. TRIPATHI & R. GOGOI 2017. Modern Pollen Rain in South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Compendium of Botanical Research in Eastern India, pp.99-108.
14. CHOWLU, K., S. BORAH, S. S. DASH, W. ADAMOWSKI AND R. GOGOI 2017. Impatiens dorjeekhandui (Balsaminaceae) a new species of Impatiens from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Nelumbo 59(2): 139-144.
15. GOGOI, R. AND W. ARISDASON. 2016. Impatiens nicolsoniana, a new name for Impatiens mannii C.B. Clarke ex Hook.f. (Balsaminaceae) Phytotaxa 273 (2): 144–146.
16. GOGOI, R., W. ADAMOWSKI, N. SHERPA AND G. CHHETRI. 2016. On the taxonomic identity and lectotypification of Impatiens uncipetala C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f. Phytotaxa 273 (3): 207–211
17. GOGOI, R. AND S. BORAH. 2016. Two new species of Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. Webbia.
18. GOGOI, R, S. BORAH AND W. ADAMOWSKI. 2017. Impatiens tatoensis (Balsaminaceae): a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India and notes on lectotypification of the name I. spirifera Hook.f. & Thomson. Telopea 20: 21–27.
19. GOGOI, R, AND S. BORAH. 2017. Impatiens rugosipetala sp. nov. (Balsaminaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India, Nord. J. Botany, doi: 10.1111/njb.01351, ISSN 1756-1051.
20. GOGOI, R, V. S. HAREESH AND W. ADAMOWSKI. 2017. Impatiens zironiana (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeastern India. Webbia
21. HAREESH, V.S., R. GOGOI AND M. SABU. 2016. Impatiens pseudocitrina (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. Phytotaxa 282 (3): 231–234.
22. KARTHIGEYAN, K AND R. GOGOI. 2016. Lectotypification of two Indian species of Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae). Phytotaxa.288 (2): 193–196.
23. VERMA, D, S. LAVANIA AND R. GOGOI. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae) from Meghalaya, North-east India, Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography,
24. RASINGAM, L, K. KARTHIGEYAN AND R. GOGOI. 2016. Impatiens kanchigandhiana, a new name for Impatiens nasuta H.Perrier (Balsaminaceae). Phytotaxa 286 (2): 121–122.
25. GOGOI, R., M.U. SHARIEF AND A.A. MAO. 2016. The Pitcher plant-know your plants. ENVIS Newsletter 20(2):3.
26. VÄRE, H., R. GOGOI AND W. ARISDASON. 2016. Markku Häkkinen, 1946–2015, Taxon 65 (4): 935–939.
27. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH 2015.Impatiens adamowskiana sp. nov. (Balsaminaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India, Nordic J. Botany. 33: 586–590 doi: 10.1111/njb.00798.
28. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH 2015.Impatiens pathakiana (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, north-eastern India. Telopea 18: 121–125.
29. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH, 2015. Impatiens dalaiensis (Balsaminaceae) a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India .Phytotaxa 207 (3): 286–290.
30. GOGOI, R, S. BORAH & P. SATYANARAYANA 2015. Impatiens fugongensis, I. yui and I. xanthina (Balsaminaceae), Three new additions to flora of India, Journ. J. Botany. 90(4): 270-275.
31. GOGOI, R., N. ODYUO & R. DAIMARY 2015. Impatiens parkinsonii C.E.C. Fisch. (Balsaminaceae), a new addition to flora of India and notes on its typification, communicated to journal Telopea. 18: 383–387.
32. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH,2015. Impatiens ashihoi, a new species of Balsaminaceae from Dibang Valley of Arunachal Pradesh, India to Phytotaxa. 238 (3): 278–282.
33. ODYUO, N., CHAYA DEORI AND R. GOGOI, 2015. Rediscovery of Impatiens khasiana Hook.f. after more than a century, Telopea 18: 85–89.
34. ZENG, L., Y.-N. LIU, R. GOGOI, L.-J. ZHANG & S-X. YU 2015. Impatiens tianlinensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China, Phytotaxa 227 (3): 253–260.
35. SONOWAL, S., M. BORDOLOI, R. GOGOI, AND C. TAMULY 2016. Antioxidant Activity of Flower Buds of Musa spp. sold and consumed as vegetables. Int. J. Veg. Sci. 22: 564-569.
36. GOGOI, R. 2014. Musa aurantiaca (Musaceae) and its intraspecific taxa in India, Nordic J. of Botany 32: 701–709.
37. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH, 2015. Impatiens siangensis (Balsaminaceae) a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Phytotaxa. 192 (2): 117-120.
38. S. BORAH, R. GOGOI, P. SATYANARAYANA AND S-X. YU, 2015. Lectotypification of the name Impatiens toppinii Dunn, a new addition of the species for flora of India. Telopea. 18: 33–37.
39. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH. 2014. Impatiens paramjitiana, a new species of Balsaminaceae from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Phytotaxa 175 (3): 171–175.
40. S. DEY , N.S. JAMIR , R. GOGOI, S.K. CHATURVEDI, HUTOKA Y. JAKHA & ZUBENTHUNG P. KIKON. 2014. Musa nagalandiana sp. nov. (Musaceae) from Nagaland, northeast India. Nordic J. Botany. doi: 10.1111/njb.00516.
41. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH. 2014. Musa argentii (Musaceae), A new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Edinburgh J. Botany 71 ( 2 ): 1 – 8.
42. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH. 2014. Musa mannii var. namdangensis (Musaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Taiwania, 59(2): DOI: 10.6165/tai.2014.59.
43. GOGOI, R. & S. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2014. A new variety of Phanera glauca subsp. tenuiflora (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) from India. J. Botanical Research Inst. Texas. 8(1): 71 – 75. 2014.
44. GOGOI, R., B.B.T. THAM & A. A. MAO. 2014. Arisaema bannaense H. Li and Arisaema lingyunense H. Li (Araceae ), two new additions to the Flora of India, J. Japanese Botany. 89: 17–21.
45. GOGOI, R., M. HÄKKINEN, S. BORAH AND P. SATYANARAYANA 2014. Taxonomic identity of Musa cheesmanii (Musaceae) in northeast India. Nordic J. Botany.doi: 10.1111/j.1756-1051.2013.00429.x.
46. GOGOI, R., H.A. BARBHUIYA & S. BORAH 2013. Impatiens laevigata var. grandifolia (Balsaminaceae) Rediscovered after a Century, Taiwania. 58(4): 311‒31.
47. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH, 2013. Musa markkui R. Gogoi & S. Borah, a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Garden’s Bulletin, Singapore. 65(1):19-26.
48. GOGOI, R. & M. HAKKINEN, 2013. Musa puspanjaliae (Musaeae), a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Nordic J. Botany. 31:473-477.
49. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH, 2013. Two new species and a new record for Colocasia Schott. (Araceae: Colocasieae) from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. Garden Bulletin, Singapore. 65(1):27-37.
50. GOGOI, R. & M. HAKKINEN, 2013. Musa kamengensis (Musaceae), a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica. 64 (2): 127–131.
51. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH, 2013. Impatiens siculifer Hook.f. var. siculifer (Balsaminaceae) and Tricarpelema chinense D. Y.Hong (Commelinaceae) two new addition to the Flora of India from Lohit Valley of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Taiwania. 58(2): 146–150.
52. GOGOI, R. & N. N. RABHA, 2013. Notes on Musa aurantiaca Hook.f. and its ex-situ conservation in BSI, ERC, Shillong,&nnbsp; Envis News letter, (BSI). 18(1): 6-7.
53. GOGOI, R. & S. BORAH. 2013. A New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India .Taiwania. 58(1):15-19.
54. GOGOI, R. 2013. Musa nagensium var. hongii Hakkinen-a new addition to the Flora of India. Taiwania. 58(1):49-52.
55. GOGOI, R. & H.A. BORBHUIYA 2012. An assessment of diversity of Gymnosperms in Meghalaya state, India. Indian Forester, 138(9):783-792.
56. GOGOI, R. 2010(2012). The family Liliaceae in Manipur, India, Bull. Arunachal For. Res. 26(1 &2): 73-81.
57. BERA, S.K., S.K. BASUMATARY & R. GOGOI. 2014. Evidence of deterioration in phytodiversity of Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India based on palynological evidence. The Palaeobotanist 63: 33–40.
58. PAWE, D. & R. GOGOI. 2013. Ethnobotany of Poro Apong or Chai Mod-A local rice beer of Mishing tribes of Assam, NeBIO. 4(2):46-49.
59. HÄKKINEN, M., R. GOGOI, & S. BORAH. 2013. A taxonomic study of Musa flaviflora and M. thomsonii (Musaceae). Nordic J. Bot. DOI 10.1111/j.1756-1051.2013.00370.x
60. MAO, A.A. & R. GOGOI.2012. Disrtibution and status of Lilium mackliniae Sealy-an endemic lily of north east India. The Ind. Forester. 139(2):170-174.
61. SINGH, S. K., R. KUMAR & R. GOGOI. 2010(2012). Phaius mishmensis - A less known orchid and its conservation status. Bull. Arunachal For. Res. 27(1&2):54-57.
62. KUMAR, R., R. GOGOI & N.N. RABHA 2012. Notes on Fissistigma verrucosum (Annonaceae) in Garo Hills, Meghalaya. Envis News Letter. 17(1):6
63. GOGOI, R. & A.A. MAO, 2012. Rediscovery of Justicia anfractuosa C.B. Clarke an endemic species from its type locality after a century. NeBIO.3(2):13-15.
64. DASH, S.S., R. GOGOI & A.A. MAO, 2011 A new species of Crawfurdia Wall. (Gentianaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Journal Japanese Botany. 86: 127–132.
65. BERA, S. K. S.K. BASUMATARY. C.M. NAUTIYAL, SWATI DIXIT, A.A. MAO & R. GOGOI, 2011. Late holocene climate and vegetation change in Dzuko valley, North east India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 56(2): 143-148
66. MAO, A.A. & R. GOGOI 2010 (2011). Inventory of Lauraceae in northeastern India. J. Advanced Plant Sciences 5(1&2):1-12.
67. MAO, A.A. & R. GOGOI 2010. Fire-induced invasion of an endemic plant species alters forest structure and diversity: a case study from north-east India. Current Science,4:483-485.
68. BORBHUYAN, H. A. & R. GOGOI, 2010.-Plant Collections from Bangladesh in the herbarium at Shillong (ASSAM) India. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxonomy 17(2):141-165.
69. MAO A. A. & R. GOGOI. 2010. Studies on the Rhododendron species of Myodia, Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India, Bull. Arunachal Forest Research 25(1&2):93-99.
70. DEORI, C., R. GOGOI & A. A. MAO, 2010. A new variety of Dendrobium, The Orchid Review vol. 118 no.1289 :20-23.
71. BHAUMIK, M & R. GOGOI. 2008 (2010). Tupistra clarkei Hook.f. (Convallariaceae)- A little known species from Eastern India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India. Vol. 50 no. 1-4:173-174.
72. MAO, A.A. & R. GOGOI 2010. Floristic Study of Dzuko Valley and Surrounding Hills, Manipur and Nagaland, India. The Indian Forester,136(1):57-68.
73. GOGOI, R. 2010(2012). The family Liliaceae in Manipur, India, Bull. Arunachal For. Res. 26(1 &2): 73-81
74. MAO, A.A. & R. GOGOI, 2012. Rhododendrons of Manipur & Nagaland, NeBIO.3(1):1-10
75. S. K. BERA, S.K. BASUMATARY. C.M. NAUTIYAL, SWATI DIXIT, A.A. MAO & R. GOGOI, 2011. Late holocene climate and vegetation change in Dzuko valley, North east India. J. Palaeontological Society of India 56(2): 143-148.
76. MAO A. A. & R. GOGOI. 2010. Studies on the Rhododendron species of Myodia, Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India, Bull. Arunachal Forest Research 25(1&2):93-99, 2009.
77. DEORI, R., R. GOGOI & A. A. MAO, 2010. A new variety of Dendrobium. The Orchid Review (Royal Horticultural Society, London) vol. 118 no.1289 :20-23.
78. MAO, A.A., J.Y. YUMNAM, R. GOGOI, A. PINOKIYO. 2009. Status and Distribution Pattern of Rhododendron species in Temperate and Sub alpine hill range of Mount Esii and surrounding, Manipur and Nagaland, India, The Indian Forester, vol. 135 no. 7 : 880-890
79. GOGOI, R. & S.K. SINGH.2009. Bharatvarsh me Cymbidiums kei prajaatiyon ka upyog evum sabrachan.Vanaspati Vani18:85-87.
80. UDDIN, A., R. GOGOI, A.A. MAO, S. PHUKAN, 2008. Rediscovery of Begonia adscandens C.B.Clarke. Rheedea. 18(1).53-55.
81. BERA, S.K., S. DIXIT. S.K. BASUMATARY & R. GOGOI, 2008. Evidence of Biological degradation in sediments of Deepar Beel Ramsar Site, Assam as inferred by degraded Polynomorphs and fungal remains. Current Science 95(2):178-180.
82. MAO, A.A. & R. GOGOI, 2007 Rediscovery of a critically endangered endemic Rhododendron. The Indian Forester. 133(12):1699-1702.
83. SAMATI, H. & R. GOGOI, 2007. Sacred Grooves of Meghalaya. Current Science. 93(10): 1338-1339.
84. GOGOI, R, 2007. Conserving Deepar Beel Ramsar Site, Current Science. 93(4):445-446.
85. GOGOI, R. 2006. Centrosema pubescence Benth -A New Addition to the Flora of Assam. J. Econ. Taxo. Bot. 30(2): 283-284.
86. GOGOI, R. & M. BHAUMIK, 2006. Notes on Distributional Records of Alternanthera Forskel. J. Econ. Taxo. Bot. 30(4):984-988.
87. GOGOI, R. & R. SANPRU, 2006. Neoalsomitra clavigera (Wall) Hutch.: An addition to the Flora of Mizoram. J. Econ. Taxo. Bot. 30(4):851-853.
88. GOGOI, R. & M. K .DAS, 2003. Observations on some weeds of Medicinal importance in the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam. J. Econ. Taxo. Bot. 27(2): 434-441.
89. GOGOI, R. & D. BAKULIAL & DIPANJALI HAJARIKA, 2003. Preliminary Observation on the Medicinal plants of Chandrapur area of Kamrup District, Assam. J. Econ. Taxo. Bot. 27(2): 410-415.
90. GOGOI, R., 2003, Macrophytic diversity of Deepar Beel, Assam. In P.P. Baruah (ed.) ‘Biodiversity of Eastern Himalayas Protected Areas’: 81-87. Handique Girl’s College, Guwahati.
91. BORA, D.K. & R. GOGOI, 2002. Phenological Observation of some Weed Species of Jalukbari Area within Greater Guwahati of Assam. Ecology Environment & Conservation 8 (2):151-155.
92. GOGOI, R. & D.S.DAS, 2002. Leaf epidermal morphology of some species of Zingiberaceae. Plant Archives. 2(2):257-262.
93. GOGOI, R. & D.K.BORA, 2002. Life-Forms and determination of the Biological spectrum of the Plant Community of Chandrapur of Kamrup District, Assam. Enviro. & Ecol. 20(3): 558-564.
94. GOGOI, R. & D.K. BORA, 2001. Weeds of Greater Guwahati of Brahmaputra Plains of Assam with emphasis on Pollution Resistant Species. Enviro. & Ecol. 19(3): 647- 651.
95. GOGOI, R. & S. K. BORTHAKUR, 2002. Phytodiversity of Deepar Beel and its significance. In’ The role of biodiversity and environmental strategies in Northeast India’. St. Mary’s College, Shillong. pp :15-19.
96. BEGUM , SAMIM SOFIKA & R. GOGOI, 2007. Note on the Herbal Recipe prepared during Bohag or Rongali Bihu in Assam. Indian J. Traditional Knowledge 6(3):417-422.
97. BORTHAKUR, S.K., B.T. CHOUDHURY & R. GOGOI, 2004. Folklore hepato- protractive herbal recipes from Assam in Northeast India. Ethnobotany 16:76-82.
98. DAS, DIPAK SAGAR & R. GOGOI, 2002. Ethonobotany in Human Healthcare Among the Karbis (Plains) of Pragjyotishpur area in Kamrup District of Assam. Plant Archives 2(1): 33-36.
99. GOGOI, R. & M. K. DAS, 2002. Ethnobotanical Studies of some ferns used by Garo Tribals of Meghalaya. Adv. Plant. Sci. 15(II) 401-405.
100. GOGOI, R. & S. K. BORTHAKUR, 2001. Notes on herbal recipes of Bodo tribe in Kamrup District, Assam. Ethnobotany 13:15-23.
1. GOGOI, R. 2010. “Herbarium Database Of Aromatic Plants Of “Assam” Herbarium’ (Botanical Survey Of India, Shillong) Collected From Northeast India. IN: Aromatic And Spice Plants. (Eds.) A. Bahuah & S. Nath. pp. 293-299
2. GOGOI, R, S. BORAH & M. HÄKKINEN, 2017. Diversity of wild bananas (Musa l.-Musaceae) in the state of Assam, India. In: Compendium Of Botanical Research In Eastern India (Eds.) P. Medhi & H. Roy. EBH Publishers (India).
Hindi Article Published
1. GOGOI, R. & SUSHIL KUMAR SINGH 2009. Bharat Ke Cymbidium ki Prajatiyou ka upayog abam sanrakshan. Vanaspati Vani 18: 85-87.
2. GOGOI, R. & RANJIT DOIMARI, 2007. Asamke Kom Gyata Dos Sakya Podhe, Vanaspati Vani 16 : 54-56.
1. Impatiens kamrupana Gogoi, J.Sarma, Borah
2. Impatiens albopetala Gogoi & Borah
3. Impatiens dibangensis Gogoi & Borah
4. Impatiens rugosipetala Gogoi & Borah
5. Impatiens tatoensis Gogoi & W.Adamowski
6. Impatiens zironiana Gogoi, Hareesh & W.Adamowski
7. Impatiens pseudocitrina Hareesh, M.Sabu & Gogoi
8. Impatiens pseudolaevigata Gogoi, B.B.T.Tham & Lidén
9. Impatiens arunachalensis Hareesh, A.Joe, M.Sabu & R.Gogoi
10. Impatiens trigonopteris Hook.f. ex Arisdason & Gogoi, sp. nov.
11. Impatiens dorjeekhandui Chowlu, S. S. Dash & Gogoi
12. Impatiens adamowskiana Gogoi & Borah
13. Impatiens pathakiana Gogoi & Borah
14. Impatiens dalaiensis Gogoi & Borah
15. Impatiens ashihoi Gogoi & Borah
16. Colocasia boyceana R. Gogoi & S. Borah
17. Colocasia dibangensis R. Gogoi & S. Borah
18. Musa markkui R. Gogoi & S. Borah
19. Musa puspajaliae R. Gogoi & Hakkinen
20. Musa argentii Gogoi & Borah
21. Musa kamengensis R. Gogoi & Hakkinen
22. Impatiens lohitensis R. Gogoi & S. Borah
23. Crawfurdia arunachalensis S. S. Dash, R. Gogoi & A. A. Mao
1. Impatiens duclouxii Hook. f.
2. Impatiens cyclosepala Hook. f. ex W.W. Sm
3. Impatiens recticalcarata S.Akiyama
4. Impatiens parkinsonii C.E.C. Fisch.
5. Impatiens fugongensis K.M.Liu & Y.Y.Cong (Balsaminaceae)
6. Impatiens xanthina H. F. Comber (Balsaminaceae)
7. Impatiens toppinii Dunn (Balsaminaceae)
8. Colocasia lihengiae C. L. Long & K. M. Liu
9. Arisaema bannaense H. Li
10. Arisaema lingyunense H. Li
11. Rhododendron hylaeum Balf.f. & Farrer.
12. Musa nagensium var. hongii Hakkinen
13. Impatiens siculifer Hook.f.
14. Impatiens xanthina H.F. Comber
15. Impatiens fugongensis K. M. Liu & Y. Y. Cong
16. Tricarpelaema chinense D.Y. Hong
1. Impatiens parkinsonii C.E.C. Fisch.
2. Impatiens khasiana Hook.f.
3. Impatiens kingii Hook.f.
4. Impatiens gamblei Hook.f.
5. Impatiens hobsonii Hook.f.
6. Impatiens sikkimensis Govaerts & Chakrab.
7. Rhododendron wattii Cowan
8. Justicia anfractuosa C.B. Clarke
Impatiens laevigata var. grandifolia Hook.f.
FLORA OF INDIA, Volume 27 (Aloeaceae to Taccaceae)
PHONE : 03592-294127
Research articles/papers:
1. R.G. VADHYAR & J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2019. A new species of Phanera (Leguminosae: Cercidoideae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Phytotaxa 401 (2): 139–145. ISSN 1179-3155 (print); ISSN 1179-3163 (online).
2. J.H.FRANKLIN BENJAMIN & R.G.VADHYAR. 2018. Julostylis: A new generic record to Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Forestry 41(3): 269-271. 2018. ISSN: 0971-9431.
3. RAVI KIRAN, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN & K.A.A. KABEER. 2018. Insect Entrapment by Plants in Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary, India. National Academy Science Letters 42(3):269–270 Springer Publications
4. K.A.A. KABEER, J.V. SUDHAKAR, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, M. MOHANAN AND GVS MURTHY. 2018. Floristic composition of Mukurthi National Park: A Sky island in the core zone of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. NeBio 9 (1): 70-92.
5. N.AHMED SHERIF, J.H.FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, T.SENTHIL KUMAR AND M.V. RAO. 2017. Somatic embryogenesis, acclimatization and genetic homeogenity assessment of regenerated plantlets of Anoectochilus elatus Lindl., an endangered terrestrial jewel orchid. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. DOI 10.1007/s11240-017-1330-4. ISSN 0167-6857 (Online).
6. K.A.A. KABEER, A. RAVI KIRAN AND J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2017. The status and extended distribution of Streblochaete sanjappae Kabeer & V.J. Nair (Poaceae). Indian Forester 143(4): 387.2017. ISSN No. 0019-4816 (Print) 2321-094x (Online).
7. S. BHAKYA, S. MUTHUKRISHNAN, M. SUKUMARAN, M. GRIJALVA, L. CUMBAL, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, T. SENTHIL KUMAR AND M. V. RAO. 2016. Antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activity of biogenic silver nanoparticles – an experimental report. Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, 2016, 6, 81436-818446. ISSN 2046-2069 (Online)
8. जे.एच. फ्रेंकलिन बेंजामिन एवं राकेश जी. वाद्यार. 2015. मालाबार वन्यजीव अभयारण्य, केरल की एक झलक. Vanaspati Vani 24: 28-31.
9. जे.एच.फ्रांकलिन बेंजमिन, के.अल्ताफ़ अहमद कबीर एवं एस.के. यादव. 2014. विभिन्न साइटिस परिशिष्ट में सूचीबद्ध भारतीय पौधे एवं उनका व्यापार. Vanaspati Vani 23: 107-109.
10. A.R. LAVANYA, S. MUTHUKRISHNAN, M. MUTHUKUMAR, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, T. SENTHIL KUMAR, V. KUMARESAN, M.V. RAO. 2014. Indirect organogenesis from various explants of Hildegardia populifolia (Roxb.) Schott & Endl. – A threatened tree species. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (2014) 12, 95–101.
11. KABEER, KAA & J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2014. Crocosmia Planch - an addition to Iridaceae of Kerala, India. ZOOS’ PRINT, Volume XXIX, Number 9: 12-13. September 2014.
12. MUTHUKRISHNAN, S., J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, G. SATISH KANNAN, T. SENTHIL KUMAR AND M.V. RAO. 2013. In vitro propagation of Genus Ceropegia and retrosynthesis of Cerpegin – A Review. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res. 22(2) Sep.-Oct.: 315-330. ISSN: 0976-044X.
13. S. REVATHI LAKSHMI, J.H.FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, T.SENTHIL KUMAR, G.V.S. MURTHY AND M.V.RAO. 2013. Organogenesis from in –vitro derived Leaf and Internode Explants of Hoya wightii ssp. palniensis – a vulnerable species of Western Ghats. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology Vol. 56 n.3: 421-430. ISSN 15165-8913.
14. SELVARAJ MUTHUKRISHNAN, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN AND M.V. RAO. 2013. Influence of agar concentration and liquid medium on in vitro propagation of Ceropegia thwaitesii Hook- an endemic species. Journal of Agricultural Technology 2013 Vol. 9(4): 1013-1022. ISSN 1686-9141.
15. PARTHIBHAN,R., J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, M. MUTHUKUMAR, N. AHAMED SHERIF, T. SENTHIL KUMAR AND M.V. RAO. Influence of nutritional media and photoperiods on in vitro asymbiotic seed germination and seedling development of Dendrobium aqueum Lindley. African Journal of Plant Science Vol. 6(14), pp. 383-393, November, 2012. ISSN 1996-0824.
16. MUTHUKRISHNAN, S., J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN M. MUTHUKUMAR, N. AHAMED SHERIF, T. SENTHIL KUMAR, M. V. RAO. 2012. In vitro propagation of Ceropegia thwaitesii – an endemic species of Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.11 (59), pp. 12277-12285. ISSN 1684-5315.
17. AHAMED SHERIF, N., J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN T. SENTHIL KUMAR, M.V.RAO. 2012. Regeneration of plantlets from nodal and shoot tip explants of Anoectochilus elatus Lindley, an Endangered Terrestrial Orchid. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 11(29): 7549-7553. ISSN 1684–5315
18. AHAMED SHERIF N, S. PARTHIBHAN, M. MUTHUKUMAR, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, M.N. ABUBACKER, T. SENTHIL KUMAR AND M.V. RAO. 2012. A preliminary report on the symbiotic seed germination of Acanthephippium bicolor Lindley-An endangered orchid International Journal of Current Science 2: 100-104. ISSN 2250-1770.
19. P. SENBAGALAKSHMI, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN AND M.V. RAO. 2011. Seed storage evaluation and in vitro seed germination of Gymnema sylvestre. J. Trop. Med. Plants. Vol. 12. No. 2. Dec 2011: 189-193.
20. S.REVATHI LAKSHMI, J.H.FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, T.SENTHIL KUMAR, G.V.S. MURTHY AND M.V.RAO. 2010. In vitro propagation of Hoya wightii ssp. palniensis K.T.Mathew - a highly vulnerable and endemic species of Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu through shoot tip culture. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9 (5): 620-627. ISSN 1684–5315.
21. S.REVATHI LAKSHMI, J.H.FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, T.SENTHIL KUMAR, G.V.S. MURTHY AND M.V.RAO. 2010. Efficient rhizogenesis of in vitro raised microshoots of Hoya wightii Hook. f. ssp. palniensis K.T. Mathew - a vulnerable species endemic to Western Ghats. Journal of Bioscience Research 2010. Vol. 1(3):137-145. ISSN 0976-2272.
22. J.H.FRANKLIN BENJAMIN & GVS MURTHY. 2009. Stemona tuberosa Lour. – A rare and endangered medicinal plant. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products Vol. 16 (1): 63-66.
23. KAA KABEER, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN & V.J. NAIR. 2009. Notes on the distribution of some South Indian Grasses. Indian Journal of Forestry 32 (2): 273 – 276.
24. GVS MURTHY, KAA KABEER, J.H.FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, R.K. PREMNATH, BIR BAHADUR & VJ NAIR. 2008. Additions to the Flora of Andhra Pradesh since Gamble (1935). Proc. A.P. Akademi of Sciences, Hyderabad. Special Issue on Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh. Vol. 12 (1&2) 2008: 76-100.
Books Published:
25. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, J.H., K. SASIKALA, C. MURUGAN, K.A.A. KABEER AND C. KALIDASS. 2013. A Bibliography of Indian Grasses. Edited by: V.J. Nair & G.V.S. Murthy. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. ISBN- 81-8177-047-1.
26. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, J.H. & G.V.S. MURTHY. 2013. Flora of Sri Venkateswara National Park, Andhra Pradesh. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. ISBN: 81-8177-042-0
Book Chapters Published:
27. J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2016. Chrysobalanaceae, IN: Flora of Kerala Volume 2 (ed. GVS Murthy & VJ Nair). BSI Kolkata. ISBN.: 81-8177-089-7. PP.: 312.
28. J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2016. Parnassiaceae IN: Flora of Kerala Volume 2 (ed. GVS Murthy & VJ Nair). BSI Kolkata. ISBN.: 81-8177-089-7. PP.: 315
29. J.V. SUDHAKAR & J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2016. Turneraceae IN: : Flora of Kerala Volume 2 (ed. GVS Murthy & VJ Nair). BSI Kolkata. ISBN.: 81-8177-089-7. Pp.450.
30. J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN & K. ALTHAF AHAMED KABEER. 2015. Grasses of Tamil Nadu and Kerala: A Brief Analysis: 140-147. IN: Biodiversity Conservation: Aspects and Prospects (Eds.) Arumugam Rajendran & Aravindhan Veerasamy. ISBN: 978-3-659-69583-1. LAP Lambert Publishing, Germany.
31. ABA AHMED, N. KOMALAVALLI, M. MUTHUKUMAR, J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, AS RAO, SE-KWON KIM & M.V. RAO. 2010. Pharmacological Activities, Phytochemical Investigations and in vitro Studies of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. – A Historical Review. IN: Compendium of Bioactive Natural Products V. 1 – Potential & Challenges (Eds) Dr. Rajesh Khanna, Dr. S.P. Agarwal and Dr. R.K. Khar ISBN :1-933699-51-5,Pp :75-99.Studium Press LLC, New Delhi.
32. GVS MURTHY & J.H. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN. 2007. Plant Diversity of Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve. IN: Botany of Tiger Reserves of India: 4-25. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Morpho taxonomic studies of Liverworts and Hornworts
SPECIAL INTEREST : Epiphyllous Liverworts
Liverworts and Hornworts Flora of Darjeeling District, West Bengal
PHONE : 9883286164
E-MAIL : monalisadey[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
A. Research articles/papers:
DEY, M. AND S. MAJUMDAR. 2019. Cololejeunea manilaliana a new synonym of Cololejeunea nilgiriensis (Lejeuneaceae: Marchantiophyta). Phytotaxa 422 (1): 109–112.
MAJUMDAR, S. AND M. DEY 2019. Correction of an orthographical error in Riccia ‘indira-gandhiensis’ (Ricciaceae: Marchantiophyta). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 116: 34.
MAJUMDAR, S. AND M. DEY 2017. Acrolejeunea meghalayensis, a new synonym of acrolejeunea recurvata (lejeuneaceae: marchantiophyta). Phytotaxa 328 (1): 95–98.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2016. A new species and a new record of Cololejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) from Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Cryptog. Bryol. 37 (2): 149–156.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2016. Three foliicolous species of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) new to India from Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Acta Bot. Hung. 58(12): 49–68.
SINGH, D.K., M. DEY AND D. SINGH 2016. The genus Radula (Radulaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. J. Bryol. 38 (3): 195–210.
SINGH, S.K. AND M. DEY 2014. Two noteworthy Cololejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) from Eastern Himalaya, India. Nelumbo 56: 273–277.
DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2013. The genus Drepanolejeunea (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) in India with a note on three new additions from Eastern Himalaya. Tropical Bryology 35:14–25.
MAJUMDAR, S., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2012. Additions to Himalayan species of Radula Dumort. (Marchantiophyta: Radulaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forest. 35: 263–68.
SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D. K. SINGH 2012. Studies on oil-bodies in some liverworts from Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, India. Taiwania 57 (4): 384–390.
SINGH S.K. AND M. DEY 2012. A new species of Drepanolejeunea (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) from India. Nelumbo 54: 14–17.
DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2011. Jubula pennsylvanica (Hepaticae: Jubulaceae) new to Asia. Taiwania 56 (1): 66 – 70.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2011. Four foliicolous species of Cololejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) new to India. J. Bryol. 33: 163–167.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2011. A new Lopholejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from India. Nelumbo 53: 197–200.
DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2010. Two more additions to Indian Cololejeunea (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from West Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 33 (4): 615–618.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2010. Drepanolejeunea fleischeri (Steph.) Grolle & R.L. Zhu (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae): an addition to Indian Himalaya. Geophytology 39: 65–71.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2010. Two new epiphyllous Leptolejeunea (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from Eastern Himalaya, India. Taiwania 55: 355–362.
SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2010. Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S.Hatt. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) new to Indian bryoflora. Indian J. Forest. 33 (3): 395 – 398.
SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2010. A Synoptic Flora of Liverworts and Hornworts of Manipur. Nelumbo 52: 9 – 52.
SINGH, D., M. DEY AND G.K. UPADHYAY 2010. A short survey of Hepaticae of Little Andaman Island. Nelumbo 52: 125 – 130.
SINGH, D.K. AND M. DEY M. 2010. Genus Tuyamaella S.Hatt. (Lejeuneaceae) in India. Nelumbo 52: 135 – 137.
DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D. K. SINGH 2009. Some new and noteworthy records of Hepaticae from Eastern Himalaya, India. Indian J. Forest. 32 (4): 669 – 684.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2009. Caudalejeunea lehmanniana (Gottsche) A. Evans (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) – a new record for Indian bryoflora from Lohit district, Arunachal Pradesh. Indian J. Forest. 32: 653–656.
DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2008. A new species of Cololejeunea (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from Eastern Himalaya, India. Taiwania 53 (3): 258 – 263.
DEY, M., D.K. SINGH AND D. SINGH 2008. Two new species of Lejeunea Lib. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from Sikkim, India. J. Bryol. 30: 126 – 132.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2008. Frullania pran-nathii – a New Epiphyllous Liverwort from Darjeeling, India. J. Jap. Bot. 83: 280 – 283.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2008. Lejeunea alata Gottsche (Lejeuneaceae) – A new record for Indian bryoflora from Arunachal Pradesh. Geophytology 37: 43 – 45.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2008. Cololejeunea longiana Grolle & Mizut. – an addition to Indian bryoflora from Darjeeling, West Bengal. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 50: 209 – 211.
SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2008. Lejeunea papilionacea Steph. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) – an addition to Indian bryoflora from East Sikkim. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 50: 212 – 215.
SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2008. Studies on oil-bodies in some foliose liverworts from East Sikkim II. Indian J. Forest. 31(2): 315 – 320.
DEY, M., D. SINGH AND D.K. SINGH 2007. Lejeunea eifrigii Mizut. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) – A new record for Indian bryoflora from Sikkim. Indian J. Forest. 30 (4): 511 – 512.
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2007. Cololejeunea yipii R.L.Zhu (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) - new to Indian bryoflora from West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh. Phytotaxonomy 7: 35 – 37.
SINGH, D., M. DEY AND D.K. SINGH 2007. Diversity in epiphyllous taxa of genus Metzgeria Raddi from Eastern Himalaya with a note on three new records of genus from India. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 77B (IV): 375 – 386.
SINGH, D.K., S. DAS AND M. DEY 2006. Leptolejeunea subdentata Schiffn. ex Herzog (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) New to India. Indian J. Forest. 29 (3): 339 – 342.
SINGH, D.K., S.K. SINGH AND M. DEY 2006. On a collection of Hepaticae from Andaman Islands. Phytotaxonomy 6: 99 – 104.
B. Books:
DEY, M. AND D.K. SINGH 2012. Epiphyllous Liverworts of Eastern Himalaya. Botanical Survey of India. Thiruvananthapuram. pp. 415.
C. Book chapters:
SINGH, D.K., D. SINGH AND M. DEY 2008. A Catalogue of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Sikkim. In: Mohamed, H., Baki, BB., Nasrulhaq-Boyce, A. and Lee, P.K.Y. (eds.) Bryology in the New Millennium. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 93–135.
A. New taxa described:
1. Cololejeunea andamanensis M.Dey & D.K.Singh
2. Cololejeunea tixieriana M.Dey, D.Singh & D.K.Singh
3. Drepanolejeunea devendrae Sushil K.Singh & M.Dey
4. Frullania pran-nathii M.Dey & D.K.Singh
5. Lejeunea kashyapii M.Dey, D.K.Singh & D.Singh
6. Lejeunea mehrana M.Dey, D.K.Singh & D.Singh
7. Leptolejeunea mirikana M.Dey & D.K.Singh
8. Leptolejeunea udarii M.Dey & D.K.Singh
9. Lopholejeunea udarii M.Dey & D.K.Singh
B. New distributional records to India:
Sikkim Himalayan Regional Centre
Botanical Survey of India
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