Name: Dr. Saheed Shahul Hameed/ Dr.S.S. Hameed
Present position & address: Scientist-F & Head of Office, Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Southern Regional Centre (SRC), T.N.A.U Campus, P.O. Lawley Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu- 641 003 (Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change) - Formerly Curator- In Charge, AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden, BSI, Howrah, West Bengal-711103, India.
Contact: 0422-2432123 (Off.) Email- saheeds_kkm@yahoo.com
Area of Specialization: Floristics, Ex-situ Conservation, Artificial breeding of plants, Climate Change impact studies on plants/flora etc.
Special area of interest/expertise: Taxonomy of Palms, Artificial breeding of ‘Double Coconut’, Conservation of RET & E species etc.
Currently working on: Arecaceae of India - for Flora of India. Vol.28
Arecaceae of West Bengal - for State Flora
Academic qualification: M.Sc. M.Phil., Ph.D.
Foreign Assignments: Worked as a Post-Doctoral visiting scholar from 1996-1998 at the School of Biotechnology South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou, CHINA under the India- China Bilateral Cultural Exchange Programme.
Important Contribution: Widely recognized/credited for developing ‘Double Coconut’ (Lodoicea maldivica) in India for the first time through artificial breeding.
Recognitions: Member in various National and International Scientific bodies/agencies and expert committees engaged in the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Experience: 25 years of research experience on various aspects of plant biology ranging from plant taxonomy, conservation biology, ecology, pollination biology and climate change impact studies on plants/flora etc.
Publications: More than 60 original Research Publications in various National and International Journals of repute & 2 books.
(Saheed Shahul Hameed)
SPECIAL INTEREST : Revisionary studies
PRESENTLY WORKING ON FAMILY / TRIBE / GENUS OR FLORA OF (AREA) : Finalising and editing of the family Labiatae for Flora of India
PHONE : 033-2668 3232 (O)
E-MAIL : vsampathkumar @bsi.gov.in; vskumar10@rediffmail.com
ON GOING OTHER PROJECTS : Editing of the Flora of West Bengal (monocot volumes); Families Onagraceae and Labiatae/Lamiaceae for the Floras of Bihar and Jharkhand.
1. Flora of India (2014–15): The family Lecythidaceae (including Barringtoniaceae) have been studied and the manuscript submitted, comprising 4 genera and 9 species apart from few cultivated/introduced ones.
2. Flora of Kerala (2010–11): For volume 3, the families Buddlejaceae and Loganiaceae were studied and the manuscripts submitted. Similarly, for volume 4, the families Chloranthaceae and Myristicaceae were studied and the manuscripts submitted.
3. Flora of Kerala (2009–10): For volume 2, the genus Crotolaria L. (Leguminosae/Fabaceae) and the family Caricaceae were studied and published. In Crotolaria 61 species recognised for Kerala, whilst in Caricaceae only one species found to be cultivated and running wild.
4. Flora of West Bengal (2005–06): For volume 4, four tribes of the family Labiatae/Lamiaceae viz., Ocimeae, Mentheae, Salvieae and Nepeteae were studied and the manuscripts submitted.
5. Flora of India (2004–05): The family Magnoliaceae of India has been revised and the enumeration of the species in India was published after merging the genus Manglietia Blume with Magnolia L. Total 24 taxa (21 spp. and 3 vars.) are recognised to occur in India besides one cultivated species, Liriodendron tulipifera L.
6. Flora of West Bengal (2003–04): For volume 2, studied and published the genus Barringtonia J.R. Forst & G. Forst. (Barringtoniaceae/Lecythidaceae). Two species and one subspecies recognised in this work.
7. Flora of West Bengal (2003–04): For volume 3, the families Sarcospermataceae and Symplocaceae were studied and published. In the former only one species under Sarcosperma Hook.f. recognised, while in the other family 10 species and one subspecies recognised in Symplocos Jacq.
8. Flora of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (1999–2001): For volume 2, the families Myrtaceae to Alangiaceae (total 19 families) have been studied and submitted the manuscripts.
9. Floristic Survey of Rani Jhansi Marine National Park in Andaman & Nicobar Islands (1998–2000): The National Park was established in 1996 and is situated in Ritchie’s archipelago, surveyed various islands of this archipelago and submitted the floristic report
10. Flora of India (1988–97): The subfamily Pogostemonoideae and the tribe Mentheae (s.str.) of Labiatae/Lamiaceae have been revised as a part of Ph.D. thesis. In this work recognised 18 genera and 82 taxa (75 spp. and 7 vars.), of which 24 taxa are listed out as endemic. During this study, three new taxa in Pogostemon Desf. and one new generic record, Eurysolen Prain to India were published.
A. Research articles/papers:
1. TURNER, I.M. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2018. Flora of Singapore precursors, 4. A summary of scandent Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. Phytotaxa 361 (2): 183–197.
2. RAJU, V.S. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2018. Polytrias indica (Poaceae: Andropogoneae): The Name, Species Identity and its Distribution in India. J. Threat. Taxa 10(7): 11969–11972.
3. CHAKRABARTY, T. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2018. Lectotypification of four names in Indian Cryptocarya (Lauraceae). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 41(3-4): 135–136.
4. JANA, B. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2017. A new species of Kobresia (Cyperaceae) from Meghalaya, India. J. Jpn. Bot. 92(2): 94–98.
5. BANIK, D., BORA, P.P., V. SAMPATH KUMAR. and R.L. Bezbaruah 2017. Conspectus on Indian Gymnacranthera and Myristica. Rheedea 27(1): 1–12.
6. CHAKRABARTY, T. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2017. Neotypification of Terminalia paniculata (Combretaceae). Phytotaxa 326(1): 88–90.
7. CHAKRABARTY, T. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2017. Terminalia elliptica (Combretaceae) is not conspecific with T. arjuna. Phytotaxa 295 (3): 297–300. (Published online, 10th February 2017)
8. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2017. Glycosmis lucida Wall. ex C. C. Huang – an unwanted guest? Nelumbo 59(2): 178–180.
9. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and T. CHAKRABARTY. 2016. Teucrium tomentosum B.Heyne ex Benth. (Lamiaceae), an unnoticed later homonym for almost two centuries. Phytotaxa 243 (2): 197–198.
10. JANA, B. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2015. Lectotypification of five names in Carex L. (Cyperaceae). Taiwania 60(4): 213–215.
11. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2015. Notes on distribution of Crotalaria paniculata Willd. and status of its variety nagarjunakondensis Thoth. Indian J. Forest. 38(2): 181–183.
12. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2015. Grewia nagensium Prain vs Grewia denticulata Wall. ex Prain (Tiliaceae) – which is to be accepted? Phytotaxa 222 (1): 81–82.
13. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and S. KARTHIKEYAN. 2015. Nomenclatural notes on a flowering plants of India. Phytodiversity 2(1): 5–7.
14. PRASAD, V.P. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2015. Gynostemma Blume (Cucurbitaceae): A new generic record for Kerala, India. Indian J. Forest. 38(1): 81–82.
15. SUNOJKUMAR, P., SAMPATH KUMAR V., SHINOJ K., PRASAD M.G. & JAYESH P. JOSEPH. 2014. Notes on the distribution of two rare Pogostemon species (Lamiaceae) – in South India. Int. J. Pl. An. and Env. Sci. 4(3): 673–675.
16. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and S. KARTHIKEYAN. 2014. Notes on Nomenclature and distribution of some taxa of Piper L. (Piperaceae). Phytotaxa 167(2): 209–211.
17. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2014. An illustrative account of the labiates in Himalayas of Indian Region. Phytodiversity 1(1&2): 77–90.
18. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2013. Rechecking of dates in reviewed history of plant names necessitates new combination in Solanaceae. Nelumbo 55: 209–210.
19. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and S. KARTHIKEYAN. 2013. Nomenclatural notes on Sorbus Vestita (Rosaceae). Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 20(2): 251–253.
20. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and S. KARTHIKEYAN. 2013. Astragalus ramakianus, a new name for the Persian Astragalus turgidus Podlech (Leguminosae). Phytotaxa 155(1): 71–72.
21. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and M. Gangopadhyay. 2013. Validation of the name Persea himalayensis (Lauraceae). Phytotaxa 92(2): 59–60.
22. MURUGAN C., LAL JI SINGH and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2013. Pavetta gleniei Hook.f. – An addition to Rubiaceae of India from Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Indian J. Forest. 36(1): 125–128.
23. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2012. Some nomenclatural notes on Indian Labiates. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 36(3): 511–512.
24. PALANISAMY, M. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2012. Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb. – a new addition to legumes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Indian J. Forest. 35(1): 99–100.
25. SINGH, V. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2009. Validation of the section Maba of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae). Nelumbo 51: 249.
26. 2009. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. Addition of two labiates to Arunachal Pradesh – an interesting extended distribution. Indian J. For. 32(2): 317–318.
27. GANGOPADHAYAY, M. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2009. Notes on the newly published species Persea himalayaensis M. Gangop. (Lauraceae). Nelumbo 51: 254.
28. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2008. A new allopatric species of Pogostemon Desf. (Lamiaceae) from Manipur, India. Phytotaxonomy 8: 21–23.
29. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2007. Does the genus Caryopteris (Lamiaceae) exist in Indian region? Bull. Bot. Surv. India 49: 187–190.
30. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2006. New combinations and new names in Asian Magnoliaceae. Kew Bull. 61(2): 183–186.
31. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and P. S. N. RAO. 2003. Dye yielding plants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 27(4): 827–838.
32. SHARMA, B. D., V. SAMPATH KUMAR and R. C. SRIVASTAVA. (2000) 2002. Basil family (Lamiaceae) in Sikkim. Adv. Pl. Sci. Res. 11: 56–74.
33. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and P. V. SREEKUMAR. 2002. On the Orchid, Bulbophyllum tenuifolium from the Kalpong Project Site, Andamans. Ind. For. 128 (1): 81–83.
34. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and S. C. AGARWAL. 2001. Bioinformatics: An indispensable tool for Health care. Curr. R&D Highlights (NICDAP), CDRI 24(4): 51–57.
35. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and B. D. SHARMA. (1996) 2001. A note on the status of Elsholtzia stachyodes var. major (Lamiaceae). Bull. Bot. Surv. India 38: 1–4.
36. RAO, P. S. N. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2001. Tannin yielding plants of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25(2): 253–260.
37. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and B. D. SHARMA. (1995) 2000. Eurysolen Prain (Lamiaceae) – a new generic record for India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 37: 120–123.
38. MAINA, V., V. SAMPATH KUMAR and P. V. SREEKUMAR. 2000. Porpax jerdoniana (Wight) Rolfe, an addition to the orchids of Andaman Islands. J. Indian For. 23(1): 116–117.
39. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and P. V. SREEKUMAR. 2000. Ludwigia peruviana (L.) Hara – A shrub new to Andamans. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 24(2): 276–278.
40. RAO, P. S. N. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 1998. Some Botanical curiosities. Curr. Sci. 75(2): 91–92.
41. SUBRAMANIAM, A., V. SAMPATH KUMAR and P. V. SREEKUMAR. 1998. Conservation of Barclaya longifolia Wallich (Barclayaceae). A rare water lily in Andaman Islands. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 22(2): 363–366.
42. SAMPATH KUMAR, V., M. TIGGA and P. V. SREEKUMAR. 1997. Crotolaria pallida var. obovata - a new record from Andaman Nicobar Islands. J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 13(1 & 2): 74–75.
43. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and B. D. SHARMA. 1995. Two new taxa of Pogostemon (Lamiaceae) from India. Nord. J. Bot. 15: 163–166.
B. Books:
1. ARISDASON, W., S. GANATAIT, V. SAMPATH KUMAR and S. BANDYOPADHYAY (Compiled) 2018. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Bihar and Jharkhand. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, BSI, Howrah. [ISBN: 978-81-934758-5-0].
2. SINGH, P., W. ARISDASON, and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. (Eds.) 2017. Invasive Alien Plants of India. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. [ISBN: 81-8177-098-6].
3. GANATAIT, S., W. ARISDASON, V. SAMPATH KUMAR and S. BANDYOPADHYAY (Compiled) 2017. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Odisha. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, BSI, Howrah. [ISBN: 978-81-8177-086-2].
4. MURTHY, G.V.S. and V.J. NAIR (Eds.) with assistance from K.A.A. KABEER and V. SAMPATH KUMAR 2016. Flora of Kerala, Vol. 2. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. [ISBN: 81-8177-089-7].
5. GANATAIT, S., W. ARISDASON, V. SAMPATH KUMAR and S. BANDYOPADHYAY (Compiled) 2016. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Andhra Pradesh (including Telangana), ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, BSI, Howrah. [ISBN: 978-81-8177-084-6].
C. Book chapters:
1. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2016. Sarcospermataceae. In: Vinay Ranjan, P. Lakshminarasimhan, S.S. Dash and H.J. Chowdhery (Eds.), Flora of West Bengal, Vol. 3, pp. 347–348. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
2. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2016. Symplocaceae. In: Vinay Ranjan, P. Lakshminarasimhan, S.S. Dash and H.J. Chowdhery (Eds.), Flora of West Bengal, Vol. 3, pp. 352–357. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
3. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2016. Crotolaria L. (Fabaceae). In: G.V.S. Murthy and V.J. Nair (Eds.), Flora of Kerala, Vol. 2, pp.29–80. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
4. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2016. Caricaceae. In: G.V.S. Murthy and V.J. Nair (Eds.), Flora of Kerala, Vol. 2, pp.462–464. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
5. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2015. Barringtonia. In: T.K. Paul, P. Lakshminarasimhan, H.J. Chowdhery, S.S. Dash and P. Singh (Eds.), Flora of West Bengal, Vol. 2, pp. 333–335. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
6. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2012. Magnoliaceae of Indian region – An appraisal. In: S. Panda and C. Ghosh (Eds.), Diversity and conservation of plants and Traditional Knowledge, pp. 59–79. Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh, DehraDun.
7. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and G.V.S. MURTHY. 2012. SEM studies on the Nutlets of Certain Genera in the Tribe Mentheae (Labiatae) in Indian Region. In: V. S. Ramachandran (ed.), Plant Diversity and Conservation, pp. 193–214. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur.
8. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2011. Biodiversity: An invaluable gift of nature to humanity. In: Souvenir of the Celebration of International Day of Biological Diversity & Centenary of Fischer Herbarium, pp. 65–74. IFGTB, Coimbatore.
9. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and M. PALANISAMY. 2010. Wild edible plants used by the aboriginal tribes and settlers of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In: V. S. Ramachandran (Ed.), Proceedings of the National Seminar on “Recent trends in the conservation and utilization of underutilized wild edible plants” (CUWEP–2009), pp. 30–74. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co., Saarbrucken, Germany.
10. SAMPATH KUMAR, V., V. MAINA and R. SUMATHI. 2010. An analysis of floral diversity in volcanic Barren Island, Andamans, India. In: Ramakrishna, C. Raghunathan and C. Sivaperuman (Eds.), Recent trends in Biodiversity of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, pp. 207–214. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
11. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and W. DINESH ALBERTSON. 2008. Legumes of Eastern Ghats – a reappraisal and in conservation perspective. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats–2007, pp. 28–39. EPTRI, Hyderabad.
12. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2006. Magnolias in India – a vivid account. In: S. Kumar (Ed.), Plant Science Research in India: Challenges and Prospects, pp. 261–269. Botanical Survey of India, Dehra Dun.
13. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2005. A phytogeographical account of the tribe Mentheae (Labiatae) in India. In: A. K. Pandey, Jun Wen and J. V. V. Dogra (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Plant Taxonomy: Advances and Relevance”, pp. 119–144. CBS Publications, New Delhi.
14. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and G. V. S. MURTHY. 2004. Biodiversity: Lamiaceae (s.l.) in India. In: Rama Swami, N. Pratap Reddy, T. Pullaiah, G. V. S. Murthy and G. P. Rao (Eds.), Gleanings in Plant Sciences, pp. 21–33. Regency Publications, New Delhi.
15. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2004. An overview of mangroves in Andamans and its significance in maintenance of natural ecosystem. In: A. Murugan (Ed.), Proceedings of the National Seminar on “Reef Ecosystem Remediation”, Vol. 9, pp. 200–212. SDMRI Research Publications, Tuticorin.
16. SHARMA, B. D. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 1990. Lamiaceae. In: M. P. Nayar and A. R. K. Sastry (Eds.), Red Data Book of Indian Region, Vol.3, pp. 162–171. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
D. Hindi articles:
1. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and HARISH SINGH. (2003) 2004. Jaiv-vividhata – ek amulya vardaan. Paryavaran 16(2): 5–8.
2. SAMPATH KUMAR, V., L. B. CHAUDHARY and S. C. AGARWAL. 2002. Jaiv-vividhata – Manav swastha ki amulya nidhi. Gyan Vigyan 15: 43–44.
3. ANSARI, A. A., D. S. PANDEY and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 1995. Dakshin Ke Pathar. In: V. Mudgal and P. K. Hajra (Eds.). Bharat Ki Vanaspathi vivididhata, pp. 109–114. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
E. Popular articles:
1. SREEKUMAR, P. V. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2001. BSI’s role in Documenting & Preserving the flora. The Daily Telegrams (special supplement, 26th Jan. 2001).
2. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2000. Biodiversity: An Element of Health and Food Security to Humanity. The Daily Telegrams, No. 2 (2nd Jan. 2000).
3. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 1999. Science and Technology: Nehru’s Vision. The Daily Telegrams, No. 300 (14th Nov. 1999).
4. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 1999. Role of Taxonomy in Modern Biology & Biodiversity. The Daily Telegrams, No. 280 (24th Oct. 1999).
5. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 1999. Human population, Agriculture and Food security. The Daily Telegrams, No. 181(11th July 1999).
F. Newsletters:
1. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2015–18 (Compiled and Edited). BSI NEWSLETTER, The monthly electronic newsletter of Botanical Survey of India. Vol. 1, issues 1–5 & Vol. 2, issues 1–12 (co-compiler Avishek Bhattacharjee); Vol. 3, issues 1–12; Vol. 4, issues 1–12 and Vol. 5, issues 1–12.
2. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2015–18 (Edited). ENVIS NEWSLETTER, The Newsletter of ENVIS RP on Biodiversity, BSI, Howrah publishes two issues in a year. Vols. 20 (1&2), 21 (1&2), 22 (1&2), 23(1&2). [ISSN-0974-1992].
G. Pamphlets [Published through BSI-ENVIS RP] (Edited and Designed):
1. Orchids – the nature’s wonder. ENVIS centre on Floral Diversity, BSI, Howrah.
2. Wild Mushrooms of India. ENVIS centre on Floral Diversity, BSI, Howrah.
3. National and State trees and flowers of India. ENVIS centre on Floral Diversity, BSI, Howrah.
4. Glimpses of Algae in India. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, BSI, Howrah.
5. Bryophytes of India. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, BSI, Howrah.
6. Endemic flowering plants of Eastern Ghats, India. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, BSI, Howrah.
7. Ferns and Fern-allies. ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity, BSI, Howrah.
A. New taxa described:
1. Kobresia khasiana Jana & V.S. Kumar (Cypearceae)
2. Persea himalayensis M. Gangop. & V.S. Kumar (Lauraceae)
3. Pogostemon hedgei V.S. Kumar & B.D. Sharma (Lamiaceae)
4. Pogostemon manipurensis V.S. Kumar (Lamiaceae)
5. Pogostemon speciosus var. filiformis V.S. Kumar & B.D. Sharma (Lamiaceae)
B. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Eurysolen Prain (Lamiaceae) – New record to India from NE India
2. Bulbophyllum tenuifolium (Blume) Lindl. (Orchidaceae) – New record to India from Andaman & Nicobar Islands
3. Pavetta gleniei Hook.f. (Rubiaceae) – New record to India from Andaman & Nicobar Islands
C. Any other novelties:
New combinations and new names published
1. Anisodus anomalus (Link & Otto) V.S.Kumar (Solanaceae)
2. Astragalus ramakianus Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Leguminosae)
3. Campylospermum barberi (Manickam & Murugan) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Ochnaceae)
4. Crotalaria nagarjunakondensis (Thoth.) V.S.Kumar (Leguminosae)
5. Diospyros sect. Maba ( J.R.Forst. &
G.Forst. )
V.Singh &
V.S.Kumar (Ebenaceae)
6. Discretitheca nepalensis (Moldenke) P.D.Cantino var. parvifolia (Moldenke) V.S.Kumar (Lamiaceae)
7. Elatostema macroceras (Gagnep.) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Urticaceae)
8. Elatostema procridifolium (Kurz) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Urticaceae)
9. Elsholtzia major (Hook.f.) V.S.Kumar & B.D.Sharma (Lamiaceae)
10. Gentianella burkillii Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Gentianaceae)
11. Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô var. macraei (Benth.) V.S.Kumar (Lamiaceae)
12. Isodon nigrescens (Benth.) H.Hara var. pilosus (L.H.Cramer) V.S.Kumar (Lamiaceae)
13. Lamiophlomis rotata Kudô subsp. bhutanica (R.A.Clement) V.S.Kumar (Lamiaceae)
14. Limnophila limnophiloides (Blatt. & Hallb.) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Scrophulariaceae)
15. Magnolia aromatica (Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
16. Magnolia chevalieri (Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
17. Magnolia conifera (Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
18. Magnolia conifera (Dandy) V.S.Kumar var. chingii (Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
19. Magnolia crassipes (Y.W.Law) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
20. Magnolia decidua (Q.Y.Zheng) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
21. Magnolia doltsopa (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Figlar var. wardii (Dandy) V.S. Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
22. Magnolia figlarii V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
23. Magnolia fordiana Hu var. calcarea (X.H.Song) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
24. Magnolia fordiana Hu var. forrestii (W.W.Sm. ex Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
25. Magnolia fordiana Hu var. kwangtungensis (Merr.) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
26. Magnolia garrettii (Craib) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
27. Magnolia grandis (Hu & W.C.Cheng) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
28. Magnolia hebecarpa (C.Y.Wu & Y.W.Law) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
29. Magnolia hongheensis (Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
30. Magnolia longipedunculata (Q.W.Zeng & Y.W.Law) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
31. Magnolia lucida (B.L.Chen & S.C.Yang) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
32. Magnolia megaphylla (Hu & W.C.Cheng) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
33. Magnolia moto (Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
34. Magnolia obovalifolia (C.Y.Wu & Y.W.Law) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
35. Magnolia ovoidea (H.T.Chang & B.L.Chen) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
36. Magnolia phuthoensis (Dandy ex Gagnep.) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
37. Magnolia rufibarbata (Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
38. Magnolia tibetica V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
39. Magnolia utilis (Dandy) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
40. Magnolia ventii (N.V.Tiep) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
41. Magnolia yuyuanensis (Y.W.Law) V.S.Kumar (Magnoliaceae)
42. Persea himalayaensis M.Gangop. ex M.Gangop. & V.S.Kumar (Lauraceae)
43. Piper mullesua Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don var. rhombica (Hook.f.) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Piperaceae)
44. Piper sivarajanii Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Piperaceae)
45. Pogostemon hedgei V.S.Kumar & B.D.Sharma (Lamiaceae)
46. Pogostemon manipurensis V.S.Kumar (Lamiaceae)
47. Pogostemon speciosus Benth. var. filiformis V.S.Kumar & B.D.Sharma (Lamiaceae)
48. Rotheca serrata (L.) Steane & Mabb. var. nepalense (Moldenke) V.S.Kumar (Lamiaceae)
49. Rubus irritans Focke var. subinermis (Hook.f.) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar Rosaceae
50. Sorbus vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) S.Schauer var. khasiana (Hook.f.) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar (Rosaceae)
51. Teucrium heynei V.S.Kumar & Chakrab. (Lamiaceae)
Name of the Scientific Staff : Dr. S. KALIAMOORTHY
Designation (with department/unit/circle) : Scientist – E (BSI/NOEG/ SRC/ Yercaud)
Date of Joining in BSI
As a Research Fellow : ---
As a staff : 04.09.2002
Total tenure in BSI (including fellowship tenure) :18 Years, 2 Months, 11 Days (as on 10.11.2020)
Field of work/specialisation : Plant Tissue Culture & Ex situ
conservation of endemic,
endangered and threatened plant
Projects handled
Annual Action Plan
Ex-situ conservation of endemic, endangered and threatened plants of the region and recording of phenology of flowering / ruiting of orchid species in NOEG, Yercaud
Others :
Co-Investigated a DBT funded project entitled “Multiplication and ex situ conservation of Rhododendrons of North East India” 2006-2009
Co-investigated a DBT-Funded Project entitled “Preventing extinction and improving conservation status of threatened plants through application of biotechnological tools”. 2012-13.
Currently handling a MoEF & CC funded Lead Garden Project entitled “Ex-situ Conservation and Propagation of Indigenous, Threatened and Endemic Plants through Improvement of Infrastructure Facilities in National Orchidarium & Experimental Garden (NOEG).
Abstracts in Proceedings:
T. S. Saravanan and S. Kaliamoorthy (2020). A survey on the Orchid Diversity of Silent Valley National Park, Palakkad District, Kerala and their conservation. Abstract published in the “International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany” organized by Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata on 13.02.2020 and 14.02.2020.
S. Kaliamoorthy and T. S. Saravanan (2020). Orchid Diversity of Mukurthi National Park, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu and their conservation. Abstract published in the “International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany” organized by Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata on 13.02.2020 and 14.02.2020.
S. Hariharan and S. Kaliamoorthy (2020). Asymbiotic seed germination and plantlet development of Aerides crispa Lindl. - An endemic and threatened orchid of Western Ghats. Abstract published in the “International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany” organized by Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata on 13.02.2020 and 14.02.2020.
V.K. Balaji and S. Kaliamoorthy (2020). A Preliminary study on the survey of orchids of southern Eastern Ghats and their conservation. Abstract published in the “International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany” organized by Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata on 13.02.2020 and 14.02.2020.
Periodicals/Journals (only published/accepted)
Research articles/papers:
S.KALIAMOORTHY AND A.S.RAO. 1994. Effect of salinity on anthocyanin accumulation in the roots of maize. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol. XXXVII: 169-170.
S.KALIAMOORTHY AND RJAYACHANDRAN. 1994. Metabolic changes in virus infected Coccinia indica and Datura metel. Journal of Swamy Botanical Club. Vol.11: 99 -101.
S.KALIAMOORTHY, V.RANGARAJAN AND K.V.KRISHNAMURTHY. 1996. Influence of sucrose and salts on pollen germination in some members of Asteraceae. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society. Vol. 75: 41-44.
S.KALIAMOORTHY AND K.V.KRISHNAMURTHY. 1998. Secondary wall deposition in tracheary elements of cucumber grown in vitro. Biologia Plantaraum Vol.41: 515522.
S.KALIAMOORTHY AND K.V.KRISHNAMURTHY. 1998. Influence of Plant growth regulators on the control of vascular element differentiation in vitro. IAWA Journal, Vol.: 19(4): 458.
K. V .KRISHNAMURTHY S. KALIAMOORTHY AND R. RAMESH KANNNAN. 1999. Xylogenesis in vitro In: Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. pp. 29-36. Edited by P.B.Kavi Kishor, University Press, Hyderabad, India.
S.KALIAMOORTHY, Y.NAIDOO, AND G.NAIDOO. 2000. Preliminary investigation of the secretory structures on the leaves of Xerophyta viscosa Baker. In: Proceedings of the Microscopy Society of South Africa, Grahamstown Vol. 30: page 46.
S.KALIAMOORTHY AND G.V.S. MURTHY. 2004. Effect of sucrose and plant growth regulators on pollen germination in vitro in some members of orchidaceae. In: Orchids - Biodiversity and Conservation, pp. 149 - 156. S.John Britto (Ed.) The Rapinat Herbarium, StJoseph's College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India.
S. KALIAMOORTHY, H.J. CHOWDHERY AND G.V.S. MURTHY. 2005. In vitro propagation of orchids. Indian Journal of Forestry. Volume 23: 439-450.
S. KALIAMOORTHY. 2007. Pattern of mycorrhizal infections in the roots of Aerides maculosum Lindl and Calanthe triplicata (Willem.) Ames. Mycorrhiza News, TERI, New Delhi Volume 19 (3): 14-18.
S. KALIAMOORTHY, G. NAIDOO AND P. ACHAR. 2008. Micropropagation of Harpagophytum procumbens. Biologia Plantarum 52 (2): 191-194.
GONASAGERAN NAIDOO, SEVENTHILINGAM KALIAMOORTHY AND YOUGASPHREE NAIDOO. 2009. The secretory apparatus of Xerophyta viscosa (Velloziaceae): Epidermis anatomy and chemical composition of the secretory product. Flora – Morphology, Distribution and Functional Ecology of Plants 204: 561-568.
S. KALIAMOORTHY AND G.V.S.MURTHY. 2009. Effect of different media compositions on asymbiotic germination of cymbidiums. Indian Journal of Forestry Vol 32 (1): 75-80.
S. KALIAMOORTHY. 2009. Studies on the seed germination in Bentinckia condapana Berry ex Roxb. – A critically endangered and endemic palm of Western Ghats. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products Vol. 16 (4): 315 – 320.
A.A. MAO, SEVENTHILINGAM KALIAMOORTHY, R.A. RANYAPHI, JAYASHANKAR DAS, SANJOY GUPTA, ATHILI JAMES, J.Y. YUMNAM, L.I. CHANU. 2011. In vitro micropropagation of three rare, endangered and endemic rhododendron species of North East India. In vitro Developmental Biology – Plant Volume 47: 674-681. (DOI: 10.1007/s11627-011-9377-0)
S KALIAMOORTHY, A A MAO, J Y YUMNAM, R A RANYAPHI, JAYASHANKAR DAS, SANJOY GUPTA, ATHILI JAMES AND L I CHANU. 2012. Effect of ericoid mycorrhizal inoculum and plant growth regulators on the establishment of stem cuttings and in vitro developed seedlings of Indian Rhododendrons. Mycorrhiza News 23 (4): 11-15.
A. A. MAO, J. S. DAS, R. A. RANYAPHI AND S. KALIAMOORTHY. 2009. Micropropagation and conservation of Indian Rhododendrons : A high altitude marker with its great significance to the world horticulture, National Seminar on Exploration, Utilization and Strategy Action Plan for Sustainable Management of Plant Resources (D. K. Jha and B.Tanti (eds.) Feb 27-28, Abs., pp, 47.
SANJOY GUPTA, S.KALIAMOORTHY, A.A. MAO AND SONESWAR SARMA. 2012. Micropropagation of Lysimachia laxa Baudo. Asian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4, Issue, 12, pp. 024-027.
S. KALIAMOORTHY, N.ODYUO AND A. A. MAO. Nymphaea khasiana sp. nov. (Nymphaeaceae), from Meghalaya, India (Revised and submitted to Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy)
S. KALIAMOORTHY, T. S. SARAVANAN, B. S. ELANGO & G.V.S. MURTHY. 2015. The Elenadu Shortcrown Brachystelma elenaduense sathyan. (Asclepiadaceae) – A New Distribution Record for Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 7(9): 7587-7588.
K. PRASAD ,P. VENU, AND S. KALIAMOORTHY. 2017 Ceropegia omissa H. Huber (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) on the verge of extinction. Current Science Vol. 112 (11): 2189 – 2191.
S. KALIAMOORTHY, T. S. SARAVANAN AND G. V. S. MURTHY 2016. Cheirostylis flabellata (A. Rich.) Wight– a note on its occurrence in Eastern Ghats. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 40 (3–4):171–173.
T. S. SARAVANAN AND S. KALIAMOORTHY. 2017. Zeuxine grandis and Z. chowdheryi (Orchidaceae): New records to Eastern Ghats, Peninsular India. Rheedea 27(2): 92–95.
S. KALIAMOORTHY AND T. S. SARAVANAN.2018. Ledebouria hyderabadensis M. V. Ramana, Prasanna & Venu (Hyacinthaceae): A new record for Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Forestry. 41(1):57–60.
S. KALIAMOORTHY AND T. S. SARAVANAN. 2018. Cheirostylis parvifolia Lindl. (Orchidaceae): An addition to the flora of Palakkad District, Kerala. Indian Journal of Forestry. 41(3):303–305.
ELANGO, B. S., SARAVANAN,T. S. AND KALIAMOORTHY, S. 2019. Notes on taxonomy and distribution of Vanilla walkeriae Wight (Orchidaceae) in Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Forestry. 42(2): 117–118.
SARAVANAN, T. S. AND KALIAMOORTHY, S. 2019. Note on the extended distribution of two terrestrial orchids in Kerala. Indian Journal of Forestry. 42(3): 201–203.
KALIAMOORTHY, S. AND SARAVANAN, T. S. 2019. Additions to the orchid flora of Peninsular India. Rheedea. 29(4): 319–322.
SARAVANAN, T. S., ELANGO, B. S. AND KALIAMOORTHY, S. 2019. Phallus cinnabarinus (W. S. Lee) Kreisel (Phallaceae): A New record for Eastern Ghats, India. NeBio. 10(4): 191–193.
SARAVANAN, T. S. AND KALIAMOORTHY, S. 2019. Extended distribution of Peristylus richardianus Wight (Orchidaceae) in Palakkad District, Kerala. Indian Journal of Forestry. 42(4)
SARAVANAN, T. S. AND KALIAMOORTHY, S. 2019. Impatiens dendricola C. E. C. Fisch. (Balsaminaceae): A new record for Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Forestry. 42(4): 105–108.
Submission of Gene Sequence to National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Gene sequence accepted in NCBI genbank: Aspergillus terreus isolate SJCFGAe02 internal transcribed spacer 1, 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence; and 28S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession Number: GU564261 Authors: Senthilkumar, S.R., Kaliamoorthy,S., John Britto, S., and Joel Michael Raj, L. Source: Gastrochilus acaulis (Lindl.) Kuntze.
B. Book chapters:
SENTHILKUMAR, S. KALIAMOORTHY AND S.JOHN BRITTO. 2003. Database analysis on Protein and DNA. In: Recent Advances in Bioinformatics, pp.213-247. Irfan A. Khan and Atiya Khanum (eds.) Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, India.
S. KALIAMOORTHY & MAYUR. Y. KAMBLE. Orchids of southern India (2020). New Vistas in Indian Flora (Eds. L. J. Singh & V. Ranjan), Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Publication. Pp. 639 – 666.
MAYUR. Y. KAMBLE & S. KALIAMOORTHY . Endemic trees of south India (2020). New Vistas in Indian Flora (Eds. L. J. Singh & V. Ranjan), Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Publication. pp. 403 – 417.
New distributional records to India and region:
Cheirostylis flabellata (A. Rich.) Wight– new record to Eastern Ghats.
Zeuxine grandis and Z. chowdheryi (Orchidaceae): New records to Eastern Ghats
National: Attended: 10; Delivered (oral/poster):10
International: Attended: 3; Delivered (oral/poster):3
International Conferences:
Participated and presented a paper (Poster presentation) entitled “Study on asymbiotic seed germination in vitro in two endemic orchid species viz., Coelogyne breviscapa Lindl. and Vanda spathulata (L.) Spreng.” in the International Conference on Frontiers in Life Sciences (ICFLS-2016), organized by the Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli – 620 002, Tamil Nadu, India on 7th & 8th January, 2016 and won the first prize (Shield & Certificate) in poster presentation.
Participated and presented a poster in the “International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany” organized by Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata on 13.02.2020 and 14.02.2020 (Two days).
Dr. S. Kaliamoorthy, Scientist – D, Participated in the International Biodiversity Day Celebration & Exhibition 2019, organized by the National Biodiversity Authority, held at Omandurar Government Estate, Chennai on 22/05/2019. BSI stall enclosing the photographs of Orchids, display charts related to Biodiversity Conservation and live plant species viz., Nepenthes khasiana and representative plant species of Plant Kingdom were displayed. Vice President of India inaugurated the function and visited the exhibition stall. During the exhibition, pamphlets of orchids conserved at NOEG and Brochure of NOEG, BSI, SRC, Yercaud were distributed to the visitors.
National Conferences:
Details of Papers presented in conferences/Symposium
S.Kaliamoorthy, 1991. Control of pollen germinabi1ity studies by sucrose and different salts in some members of Asteraceae. The Journal of Botanical Society Abstracts (Supplement) Vo1.70 (XII-8):46-47. In: XIV All India Botanical Conference held at Lucknow.
S.Sudhakaran and S.Kaliamoorthy, 1992. Application of Biotechnology in the life of common man. In: National Science Week held at Indore.
S.Kaliamoorthy and K.V.Krishnamurthy, 1997. Differentiation of Phloem in vitro In: National Symposium on Emerging trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology conducted by the Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
S.Kaliamoorthy and K.V.Krishnamurthy, 1997. Role of Vascular Differentiation in germp1asm conservation of callus cultures. In: National Conference on Flowering Plants: Systematics and Diversity held at the Department of Botany, Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.
R.Manonmani and S.Kaliamoorthy, 1998. Phytochemical effect of Gloriosa superba on various bacterial strains. In: International Symposium on Bio-Industry, held at the Department of Zoology, A.V.V.M Sri Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur, Tamil N adu, India.
S.Kaliamoorthy, Y.Naidoo, and G.Naidoo. 2001. A rapid protocol for the micropropagation of Harpagophytum procumbens - a rare and endangered medicinal plant of southern Africa. Presented in the South African Botanical Conference held at Johannesburg, 2001.
K.Sambandan, S.Kaliamoorthy and A.B.D.Selvam, 2002. An analysis on the importance and utilities of some herbarium databases. In: International Symposium on Plant Biodiversity: Conservation & Evaluation, held at Bose Institute, kolkota between 17 & 20 December, 2002.
K.Sambandan, S.Kaliamoorthy and H.I. Chowdhery, 2003. Herbarium databases: An analysis In: National Seminar on Bioinformatics & Biodiversity Data Management held at Tropical Botanic Garden 7 Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram between 15 & 17 May, 2003.
S.Kaliamoorthy and G.V.S. Murthy, 2004. Study on the asymbiotic germination of Cymbidiums - An ideal ex situ conservation strategy. In: XIV Annual Conference of IAAT and National Seminar on New Frontiers in Plant Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation, held between December, 29 and 31, 2004 at Trivandrum, Kerala.
S. Kaliamoorthy. Studies on the seed germination in Bentinckia condapana Berry ex Roxb. – An Endangered and endemic palm of Western Ghats. In: XV Annual Conference of IAAT held Nagpur, 2005.
Participated in the third “Nomenclature Course” organized by Botanical Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, Coimbatore from 11.03.2019 to 15.03.2019 (Five days).
Green Skill Development Programme – Two months Certificate Course: Plant Tissue Culture Techniques & its Applications, organized at National Orchidarium & Experimental Garden, Botanical Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, Yercaud from 31/08/2018 to 01/11/2018. Dr. S. Kaliamoorthy, Scientist – D, Course Coordinator, conducted training for seven trainees. The course was completed successfully.
Green Skill Development Programme- Certificate Course: Parataxonomy, organized at Botanical Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, TNAU Campus, Coimbatore. Dr. S. Kaliamoorthy, Scientist-D, delivered a lecture to the trainees on Biodiversity conservation on 05.01.2019 at BSI, SRC, NOEG, Yercaud.
Involved in 40th Annual Summer flower show held at Yercaud on 06.06.2015 and 07.06.2015 (Two days).
Dr. S. Kaliamoorthy, Scientist, D and Dr. T. S. Saravanan, Botanical Assistant, participated the “Kerala State Biodiversity Expo, 2017” VIVIDHA held at Tagore Theatre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala from 22.02.2017 to 26.02.2017 (Five Days). BSI stall displayed 29 species of endemic orchid photo frames and also displayed BSI published books for sale. The income from book sold Rs. 2700/- (Rupees Two thousand seven hundred only).
Involved in 42nd flower Show organized by the State Horticultural Department, Government of Tamil Nadu from 27.05.2017 to 29.05.2017 (Three days) at Yercaud.
Involved in 43rd flower show organized by the State Horticultural Department, Government of Tamil Nadu from 12.05.2018 to 16.05.2018 (Five days) at Yercaud.
Dr. S. Kaliamoorthy, Scientist, D and Dr. T. S. Saravanan, Botanical Assistant, participated the KSBC, 2019 at Govt. Brennan College, Thalassery, Kerala from 26.01.2019 to 28.01.2019 (Three days) and got IIIrd prize for best stall.
b. Significant contributions (only in numbers)
Novelties: ---
Rediscoveries: ---
New Reports: - 5
Editor/Reviewer (Books/Periodicals/Ph.D. Theses) [list the name of books and periodicals]
Ph.D. Thesis evaluated:
Ph.D thesis in BOTANY entitled "FLORISTIC ANALYSIS OF ANTHIYUR FORESTS EASTERN GHATS, INDIA”. Register number: 13DRBLS001, Department of Botany, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University), Coimbatore – 641021.
Ph.D thesis in BOTANY entitled "FLORULA OF SIRUMUGAI FORESTS, WESTERN GHATS, INDIA ” Register Number: 12JLDRPME012, Department of Botany, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University), Coimbatore – 641021.
The above theses were evaluated as examiner and assessed the candidates through public viva-voce examinations, as external examiner.
As supervisor (supervising scholars for the award of Ph.D. only)
As DDO, BSI, SRC, Coimbatore and BSI, ERC, Shillong
As Scientist In-charge, NOEG, BSI, SRC, Yercaud from 01.04.2013 to till date
Acted as purchase committee member, Office Vehicle incharge at BSI, ERC, Shillong.
Name of the Scientific Staff : Sujana K. A.
Designation (with department/unit/circle) : Scientist D/Southern Regional Centre, Coimbatore
Date of Joining in BSI
As a Research Fellow :
As a staff :19-09-2011
Total tenure in BSI (including fellowship tenure) :9 years
Field of work/specialisation : Ecology, Angiosperm Taxonomy, Traditional Knowledge documentation and Validation
Projects handled :
Annual Action Plan
Ethnobotanical study of Dhenkanal district of Odisha (2012-2013)
Ethnobotanical study of Bargarh district of Odisha (2011-2013)
Documentation of Ethnobotanical information recorded in herbarium and literature for treatment of stones (2012-2013)
Ethnobotanical study of Koraput district of Odisha (2013-2015)
Ethnobotanical study of Malkangiri district of Odisha (2015-2017)
Flora and Ethnobotany of Balasore district of Odisha (2013-2016)
Survey and documentation of Economical and Ethnobotanical uses of Endemic Trees of India (2016-2020)
Flora of Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu (2018-2021)
Flora of India Vol. 11 Cornaceae, Alangiaceae, Nyssaceae, Caprifoliaceae, and Adoxaceae (2019-2021)
Flora of Kerala Vol. 4 (2020-2022)
I. Research
a. Publication
Book(s)/Chapters in Book(s)/Abstracts in Proceedings
Sujana, K. A. Durai M. V., C. Sivaperuman (2016). Forest Ecosystem-Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation. Write & Print Publications, New Delhi, India.
Narayanan, M.K. R., Nanadakumar, M. K., Sunil, C. N., Balakrishnan, V. and K. A. Sujana (2017) Rare Endemic and Threatened plants of Western Ghats, Southern Book Star, SB Tower, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala, India.
Sujana K. A., C. Sivaperuman & N. Anil Kumar (2013). Lianas as a food resource for arboreal mammals of Western Ghats, India. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, AV Akademicerverlag GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany.
Chapters in books
Padmanabhan P. and K.A. Sujana 2007. Pollen and pollinator resources of Kerala part of Western Ghats, South India. In: Advances in Pollen Spore Research, Vol. XXIV/edited by A.J. Solomon Raju. New Delhi, Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Pub., 190 p.
Padmanabhan, P., Sujana, K.A. and C. Sivaperuman 2008. Diversity of threatened flora in selected sacred groves in coastal Kerala Forest Biodiversity, Vol. I/edited by K. Muthuchelian, S. Kannaiyan and A. Gopalam. New Delhi, Associated Publishing Company, pp. 238-244
Sujana K. A., R. Saravanan and A. D. Pandey (2015). Distribution of Aquatic Macrophytes in Balasore. In: Rawat M., S. Dookia and C. Sivaperuman (eds.) Aquatic Ecosystem: Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation pp. 1-12. Springer, India.
Sujana K. A. (2016). Prospects and challenges of conservation of traditional medicine and medicinal plants in Tropical forests of India. In: Chourasia H. K. (edr.) Conservation of medicinal plants: Conventional and modern approaches.pp109-117. Omega Publications, New Delhi, India.
Sujana K. A. & N. Anil Kumar (2016). Local uses of Lianas in Wayanad district of Kerala, South India. In: Durai M. V., C. Sivaperuman & K. A. Sujana (eds.). Forest Ecosystem-Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation. Write & Print Publications, New Delhi, India. 149-179.
Sujana K. A. & N. Anil Kumar (2016). Diversity and distribution of lianas in forests of Kerala, Western Ghats. In: Durai M. V., C. Sivaperuman & K. A. Sujana (eds.). Forest Ecosystem-Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation. Write & Print Publications, New Delhi, India. 180-218.
Dhole P. A., M. Mishra, A. D. Pandey & K. A. Sujana (2016). Conservation of Ethnogynaecologically important plants in forests of Koraput District, Odisha. In: Durai M. V., C. Sivaperuman & K. A. Sujana (eds.). Forest Ecosystem-Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation. Write & Print Publications, New Delhi, India. 261-276.
Sujana K. A., A.D. Pandey & R. Saravanan (2016). Ethnomedicinal plants of Dhenkanal district, Odisha, India. In: Chourasia H. K. & A.K. Roy (eds) Conservation, cultivation, diseases and therapeutic importance of medicinal and aromatic plants. Today & Tomorrows Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, India. pp239-269.
Dhole P. A, Sujana K. A., M.Mishra, A.D.Pandey & A.Pramanik (2017) Wild edible plants traditionally used by the tribes in Koraput District of Odisha, India. In: Medhi P. & H. Roy Compendium on Botanical Research in Eastern India,EBH Publishers, Guwahati,pp: 62-74.
Sujana K. A., R. Saravanan & S. Nagaraju (2018). Conservation of Wild Nutmegs in Western Ghats. In: Chourasia H.K. & D. P. Mishra (Eds) Plant Systematics & Biotechnology: Challenges & Opportunities, 89-113, Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, India.
Periodicals/Journals (only published/accepted)
Publications in Scientific journals
Sujana, K. A. & C. Sivaperuman (2008). Preliminary studies on flora of Kole wetlands, Thrissur, Kerala. Indian Forester. 134(8) 1079-1086.
Sujana K. A. & C. Sivaperuman (2008). Status and conservation of threatened flora in selected sacred groves of coastal Kerala. Econews, 14(2):6-10.
Anil Kumar N., M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, P. Sujanapal, R. Meera Raj, K. A. Sujana & Mithunlal (2011). Impatiens veerapazhasii (Balsaminaceae) A new scapigerous Balsam from Wayanad, Western Ghats, India. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 5(1): 153-158.
Ratheesh Narayanan, M. K., K. A. Sujana, V. Balakrishnan, R. Meera Raj & N. Anil Kumar (2012). Impatiens mohana (Balsaminaceae), a new scapigerous Balsam from Wayanad, Western Ghats, India. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 69 (2) 1-5.
Sujana, K. A., Ratheesh Narayanan, M. K. & N. Anil Kumar (2012). A new species and a new combination in Combretum (Combretaceae) in India. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 6(2): 453 – 458.
Sivu A.R., M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, Sujana K. A., E. S. Santhosh Kumar, N. S. Pradeep & A. G. Pandurangan (2012). Memecylon clarkeanum Cogn. (Melastomataceae) - A Threatened Species, New Record for India. Taiwania, 57 (3)327-330.
Sunil, C. N., M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, M. K. Nandakumar, Sujana K. A., Jayesh P. Joseph and N. Anil Kumar (2012). Lindernia madayiparense (Linderniaceae), a New Species from Kerala, India. International Journal of Plant. Animal and Environment Sciences 2(3): 59-62.
Narayanan M. K. R., Mini, V., Shaju, T., Sujana, K. A., Jayesh, P. J., A. H. Alfarkhan & M. Sivadasn (2013). A new species of Sonerila (Melastomataceae) from Kerala, India. Phytotaxa, 110 (1):55-60.
Sujana, K. A., A. Pramanik and P. V. Sreekumar (2012). Monodora myristica (Annonaceae) the ‘African Orchid Nutmeg’ in AJCB Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah, ENVIS News Letter 17(2):6-7.
Sujana, K. A., C. Sivaperuman and N. Anil Kumar (2012). Lianas as a food resource for Nilgiri Langur (Trachypithecus johnii Fischer 1829) in forests of Wayanad, Western Ghats, India. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences 2(2): 239-243.
Sunil, C.N., M.K.R. Narayanan, M.K.Nandakumar, Sujana, K. A., Jayesh, P.J. & N. Anil Kumar (2013). Eriocaulon kannurense (Eriocaulaceae), a new species from Kerala, India. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences. 3(2), 116-120.
Sujana K. A., Dhole P. A., R. Saravanan and M. Mishra (2014). Rediscovery of an Endemic and endangered liana (Uvaria eucincta Bedd. ex Dunn) from Odisha, India, after a Century. Annals of plant sciences. 03(2): 617-618.
Narayanan M.K.R., S. M. Shareef, T. Shaju, A. R. Sivu, Sujana, K. A., M. K. Nandakumar & K. T. Satheesh (2014). A new species of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) from the southern Western Ghats of Kerala, India, International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(3) 1055-1058.
Saravanan R., Arvind, D.P. and K. A. Sujana (2014). Dysoxylum (Blume)-New generic record to Odisha, India, Annals of Plant Sciences, 2 (8) 543-545.
Sujana K. A., Nagaraju S., Saravanan R. and D.P. Arvind (2014). Gymnema montanum – New distributional record of an endemic liana to Odisha, East India. Annals of Plant Sciences 3(07), 776-778.
Sunil, C. N., M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, M. K. Nandakumar, K. A. Sujana, P. V. Sreekumar, Jayesh P. Joseph & V. Abdul Jaleel (2014); Isachne kannurense sp. nov. (Poaceae) - a New Species from Lateritic Hills of Kannur, Kerala, India. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (12) 149-152
Moumita Das Das, K. A. Sujana, A. Pramanik, D. Maity (2014). Mouriri guianensis (Memecylaceae) at AJCB Indian Botanic garden, Howrah. ENVIS Newsletter 19(1)4-5.
Dhole P. A., P. K. Baske, A. C. Halder & K. A. Sujana (2015). Tragia praetervisa Chakrab. & N. P. Balakr. (Euphorbiaceae)-an addition to the Flora of Odisha from Nayagargh. Zoos’s Print 30(12):13-14.
Sujana K. A., Nagaraju S., Ratheesh Narayanan M. K and N. Anil Kumar (2015). A new species of Salacia (Celastraceae) from India. Taiwania 60(2): 91-94.
Sujana K. A., A. Bhattacharjee, Agrawala D. K., & S. Bandyopadhyay (2015). Miscellaneous notes on Bauhinia phoenicea (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae), International Journal of Innovative Research and Review, 58-61.
Sujana K. A., Dhole, P. A. & M. Mishra (2016). A note on occurrence of Aponogeton crispus Thunb (Aponogetonaceae) in Odisha. Zoo’s Print 31(2): 14-15.
Moumita Das Das, Sujana K. A., A. Pramanik & D. Maity (2016). A new variety of Memecylon lawsonii Gamble (Memecylaceae DC.) from Kerala, South India and the status of Memecylon kurichiarensis Sivu et al. Ne Bio 1:1-5.
Sujana K. A. & K. T. Satheesh (2016). East Indian Red Wood. ENVIS Newsletter 21(1):3.
Sujana K. A. and A. Pramanik (2017). Notes on status and distribution of Combretum pilosum Roxb. ssp. razianum (K. G. Bhat) Chakrab. & P. G. Diwakar, Annals of Plant Sciences 6 (03): 1594-1597.
Sujana K. A., Mishra, M. & P. A. Dhole (2017). Dwarf Jatropha: New distribution record of vulnerable taxon Jatropha nana (Magnoliopsida: Euphorbiaceae) India. Zoo’s Print 32 (10): 14-16.
Sujana K. A., P. A. Dhole & M. Mishra (2016). New Distributional Record of Toxocarpus longistigma (Apocynaceae) from Bond hills, Odisha, India. Journal of Economic and taxonomic Botany, 40 (3-4): 165-167. (Paper published in November 2017).
Sujana K. A. (2017). Wight's Twisted-Flower, ENVIS News Letter 22(1): 3.
Sujana K. A. & R. Saravanan (2017). Prickly Tree Okra. ENVIS Newsletter 22(2):3.
Lakhshminarasimhan P., C.Murugan, K. A. Sujana & K.N.Gandhi (2019). A report on the third botanical nomenclature course organized by the Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore. Harvard Papers in Botany, 24(1)55-56.
Lakshminarasimhan P., Murugan C., K. A. Sujana & K.N. Gandhi (2019). A report on the third Botanical Nomenclature course organized by the Botanical Survey of India at Coimbatore. Journal of Japanese Botany, 94(5): 328–329.
Sujana, K.A. and R. G. Vadhyar (2019). Paramignya scandens (Griff.) Craib (Rutaceae): A New Distributional Record to Western Ghats. Indian Forester, 145(12): 1216-1217.
Saravanan R., Sujana K.A. & D. Kannan (2019). Phytodiversity Analysis of tree species of Kuldiha wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha, India. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, 22(4) 1-14.
Sujana K.A. & R. G. Vadhyar (2019). Guinea Guava (Know Your Plant), ENVIS News Letter 24(1): 3.
Sujana K. A. & R. G. Vadhyar (2019). published in June 2020. Notes on distribution, conservation and pollen morphology of an endemic and threatened wild ginger. Journal of Non-timber forest Products, 26 (2):89-91.
Sujana, K. A. & R. G. Vadhyar (2020). A new species of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) from the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Taiwania 65(2): 176‒180.
Singh, R. K., Ravikiran, A. & K. A. Sujana (2020). Typification and Taxonomy of wild Strophanthus species (Apocynaceae) in India. Indian Forester, 146 (5): 469-471.
Sujana, K.A. & R.G. Vadhyar. 2020. Ginger herb Meistera fulviceps: a new distribution record for Tamil Nadu. Plantasia #18, In: Zoo’s Print 35(4): 15–17.
Vadhyar R.G., Benjamin J. H. F. & K. A. Sujana. Memecylon nervosum (Melastomataceae), A new Species from South India. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 77(3): 403‒411.
Vadhyar R.G., Sujana K. A., J.H.F.Benjamin &G.V.S. Murthy (2020). Eugenia sphaerocarpa (Myrtaceae), a new species from Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Phytotaxa, 442 (2): 121–127.
Sujana K. A. & R. G. Vadhyar (2020). Polyalthia longipedicellata (Annonaceae): An addition to the flora of Tamil Nadu, Indian Forester, 146 (8):778-779.
Yesodharan, K. & K. A. Sujana (2006). Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribals of Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala to cure cuts and wounds. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 30 (suppl.) pp. 365-369.
Yesodharan K. & K. A. Sujana (2007). Ethnomedicinal plants used by the Malamalasar tribe of Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 6 (3) 481-485.
Sujana, K. A. & C. Sivaperuman (2007). Useful Macrophytes in the Vembanad Kole Ramsar site, Kerala. Indian Journal of environmental Education. 7 (1) 21-28.
Yesodharan K. & K.A. Sujana 2007. Wild edible plants traditionally used by the tribes in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala India. Natural Product Radiance. 6(1) pp 74-80.
Yesodharan, K. & K. A. Sujana (2007). Status of ethnomedicinal plants in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, South India. Annals of Forestry. 15(2)322-334.
Padmanabhan, P. & K. A. Sujana (2008). Animal products in traditional medicine from Attapadi hills of Western Ghats. Indian of Traditional Knowledge, 7(2) pp 326-329.
Yesodharan, K. & K. A. Sujana (2009). Ethnobotanical plants used by the primitive tribe Kadar of Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Southern Western Ghats, Kerala. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33 (1) pp 148-154.
Sujana, K. A., Joseph John, Ratheesh Narayanan, M. K. & N. Anil Kumar (2012). Ethnic medicinal uses of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. from Wayanad district of Kerala. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 3(4):573-575.
Joseph John & Sujana K. A. (2014). Analysis of Botanicals used in Agriculture Pest management in Wayanad, South India, International Journal of Current Research, 6(3), 5332-5336.
Sujana K. A., N. George, Joseph John, Ragi P. R. and N. Anil Kumar (2014). Phytochemical constituents, proximate analysis, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of an endemic liana (Aspidopterys canarensis), International Journal of Bioassays, 3(9), 3254-3258.
Baske, P.K., A.C. Halder,A.D. Pandey & Sujana K.A. 2014. An overview of Ethnobotany of Bargarh district, Odisha-II, J.Econ.Taxon. Bot. 38(3-4):485-501.
Sujana K. A. & Joseph John (2015). Panamkutty – A traditional water harvesting system in Wayanad district, Kerala. ENVIS Newsletter 20 (1):8.
Monika Mishra, Sujana K. A. & P. A. Dhole (2016). Ethnomedicinal Plants Used for the treatment of cuts and wounds by tribes of Koraput in Odisha, India. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences, 14-19.
Saravanan, R., Kannan, D., Sujana K. A., Dhole, P.A. and Monika Mishra (2017). Traditional folk medicines: in treatment of gastrointestinal diseases at Kuldiha wildlife sanctuary, Odisha, India. International Journal of Current Research 9 (5): 50197-50201.
Sujana K. A., Monika Mishra & P. A. Dhole (2017). Mahua- A tree with multiple uses, ENVIS News Letter 22 (1): 9-10.
Sujana K. A. (2017). Vamsanasa bheeshaniyudae nizhalile sthaneeya sasyngal (=endemic plants in threat), Sasthragati 52 (4): 51:55 (In Malayalam)
Saravanan R., Kannan D., Sujana K. A. & A. D. Pandey (2018). Documentation of medicinal plants used by the locals of Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha in the treatment of Chronic Joint Pains. International Journal of Life Science Research, 6 (2):180-185.
Joseph John, Ragi, P. R., Sujana, K. A. and N. Anil Kumar (2012). Analysis of Phytochemical Contents and Antibacterial Activity of an Endangered Tree (Cynometra travancorica Bedd.) of Western Ghats, India. Advances in Biological Research 6 (1): 01-05.
Joseph John, Ragi, P. R., Sujana, K. A. and N. Anil Kumar (2012). Analysis of Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Contents of a rare and Endemic Liana (Strophanthus wightianus Wall. Ex Wight) of South India. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences, 3(4): 97 – 101.
Ragi P. R., Sivan V. V., Joseph J., Sujana K. A. & N. Anil Kumar (2013). Management of leaf rust disease of medicinal plant Justicis gendarussa Burm. f. with antagonistic fungi (Trichoderma harziana). J. of Horticultural Science & Ornamental plants, 5 (2): 68-70
Ragi P. R., Joseph John, Sujana K. A. & N. Anil Kumar (2014). Antimicrobial analysis of some plants traditionally used to treat Mastitis. International Journal of Current Research, 6(7) 7331-7334.
Joseph John, Ragi P. R., Sujana K. A., and N. Anil Kumar (2014). Antifungal activity of selected plant extracts on Peridiospora morii causing brown rust in Mulberry. International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 1(9), 587-591.
Joseph John, Sujana K. A., Ragi P. R. & N. Anil Kumar (2015). Screening of antidiarrheal properties and phytochemicals of four rare plants used in traditional medicine. J. Bio. Sci. Opin. 3(6):266-270.
Joseph John, Sujana K. A. & N. Anil Kumar (2016). Study on propagation, phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of an endemic liana-Beaumontia jerdoniana Wight. International Journal of Current Research, 8(11) 41565-41570.
b. Significant contributions (only in numbers)
(a) Novelties: 15
(b) Rediscoveries: 3
(c) New Reports:18
Designation: Scientist 'D'
Field of Specialization: Taxonomy of Angiosperms [Flowering Plants of Western Ghats and Coast of Coromandel and Mangroves of India]
Presently working on
On-going Projects: Flora of India Volume 11 Flora of India Volume 20
E-mail: dasonaris@yahoo.co.in; dasonaris@gmail.com
I. Books (As one of the Authors): 10
1. Gantait, S., Arisdason, W. & Sampath Kumar, V. 2019. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
2. Gantait, S., Arisdason, W., Sampath Kumar, V. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2018. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Bihar and Jharkhand. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
3. Singh, P., Arisdason, W. & Sampath Kumar, V. 2017. Invasive Alien Plant Species of India. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
4. Gantait, S., Arisdason, W., Sampath Kumar, V. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2017. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Odisha. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
5. Gantait, S., Arisdason, W., Sampath Kumar, V. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2016. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Andhra Pradesh. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
6. Lakshminarasimhan, P., Arisdason, W., Gantait, S. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2015. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Karnataka. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
7. Lakshminarasimhan, P., Arisdason, W., Gantait, S. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2015. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Goa. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
8. Lakshminarasimhan, P., Arisdason, W., Gantait, S. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2014. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Tamil Nadu. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
9. Lakshminarasimhan, P., Gantait, S., Bandyopadhyay, S. & Arisdason, W. 2013. Bibliography and Abstracts of Papers on Flora of Kerala. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
10. Narasimhan, D., Arisdason, W., Leslie Lawrence, Anantha Lakshmi, M., Shalini, & Nithaniyal Stalin, A. 2010. Guindy Raj Bhavan Tree Census. Urban Forestry Division, Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Chennai.
II. Books (As one of the Editors): 01
1. Roy, A., Banerjee, L.K. & Mukherjee, P.K. 2016. Phytodiversity of Chilika Lake, Odisha. With editorial support from P. Lakshminarasimhan & Arisdason, W. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
III. Chapters in Books (As one of the Authors): 15
1. Arisdason, W. & Maity, D. 2020. Mangroves of India: Distribution, Diversity of Plants, Status, Threats and Conservation strategies. In: Maity, D. (ed.), Plant Systematics and Ethnobotany: Methods and Practices. University of Calcutta, Kolkata. pp. 22–44.
2. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2019. Introduction. In: Lakshminarasimhan, P., Dash, S.S., Singh, P., Singh, N.P., Rao, M.K.V. & Rao, P.S.N. (eds.), Flora of Karnataka (Monocotyledons). Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. pp. 1–3.
3. Arisdason, W., Nandikar, M.D., Lakshminarasimhan, P., Maity, D. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2018. Important Websites for conducting research in Plant Taxonomy. In: Maity, D. (ed.), Taxonomy: Theory and Practice. Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. pp. 170–179.
4. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2018. History, Kinds and Importance of Herbarium. In: Maity, D. (ed.), Taxonomy: Theory and Practice. Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. pp. 72–95.
5. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2018. Diversity of algae, fungi, lichens and non-flowering and flowering plants of India: An overview. In: Chourasia, H.K. & Mishra, D.P. (eds.), Plant Systematics and Biotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities. Today and Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. pp. 43–61.
6. Sanjappa, M., Venu, P., Arisdason, W. & Dinesh Albertson, W. 2011. A Review of Mangrove Species in India. In: Bhatt, J.R., Macintosh, D.J., Nayar, T.S., Pandey, C.N. & Nilratna, B.P. (ed.), Towards Conservation and Management of Mangrove Ecosystems in India. IUCN India, New Delhi. pp. 35–50.
7. Kumar, R.B., Anitha, K., Watve, A., Mani, S., Rehel, S. & Arisdason, W. 2011. The status and distribution of aquatic plants of the Western Ghats. Molur, S., Smith, K.G., Daniel, B.A. & Darwall, W.R.T. (eds.), The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Western Ghats, India. IUCN, Cambridge. pp. 73–86.
8. Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2005. Staphyleaceae. In: Daniel, P. (ed.), Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 787–790.
9. Arisdason, W., Reema Kumari, M. & Daniel, P. 2005. Leeaceae. In: Daniel, P. (ed.), Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 763–769.
10. Reema Kumari, M., Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2005. Aquifoliaceae. In: Daniel, P. (ed.),
Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 691–695.
11. Balakrishnan, N.P. & Arisdason, W. 2005. Oxalidaceae. In: Daniel, P. (ed.), Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 565–579.
12. Ellis, J.L. & Arisdason, W. 2005. Linaceae. In: Daniel, P. (ed.), Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 505–509.
13. Reema Kumari, M., Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2005. Elaeocarpaceae. In: Daniel, P. (ed.), Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 498–505.
14. Janardhanan, K.P. & Arisdason, W. 2005. Dipterocarpaceae. In: Daniel, P. (ed.), Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 358–373.
15. Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2005. Guttiferae. In: Daniel, P. (Ed.), Flora of Kerala. Volume 1. Botanical Survey of India Kolkata. pp. 328–353.
III. Articles Published in Journals (National and International): 45
1. Shalini, S., Lakshminarasimhan, P., Arisdason, W. & Maity, D. 2021. Lectotypification of two names in the genus Argyreia (Convolvulaceae). J. Jap. Bot. 96(2): 111–114.
2. Gnanasekaran, G. & Arisdason, W. 2021. (079) Proposal to convert Recommendation 41A.1 into an Article. Taxon 70(2): 457–458.
3. Pagare, R.S., Arisdason, W. & Janarthanam, M.K. 2021. Typification of four names of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) from India. Phytotaxa 480(3): 262–268.
4. Krishna, G., Bhattacharjee, A., Arisdason, W. & Bandyopadhyay, S. 2020. (042) Proposal to add a new Example under Article 36.1. Taxon 69(6): 1388.
5. Gnanasekaran, G. & Arisdason, W. 2020. (027) Proposal to amend Recommendation 8A.4. Taxon 69(6): 1380.
6. Shalini, S., Sujana, K.A., Arisdason, W. & Maity, D. 2020. A new species of Argyreia (Convolvulaceae) from the southern Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. Rheedea 30(2): 270–277.
7. Murugan, C., Manikandan, R., Nithya, S.P., Karthik, B. & Arisdason, W. 2020. Capparis danielii (Capparaceae), a new species from the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, India. Phytotaxa 472(3): 283–291.
8. Pagare, R.S., Kishor, K.C. & Arisdason, W. 2020. Typification of seven names in Dioscorea
(Dioscoreaceae) described by J.D. Hooker. Rheedea 30(2): 312–316.
9. Gnanasekaran, G., King, A.F.J. & Arisdason, W. 2020. Taxonomy and lectotypification of Lepidagathis barberi (Acanthaceae), a steno endemic species from Tamil Nadu, India. Phytotaxa 438(2): 151–155.
10. Anant Kumar & Arisdason, W. 2020. Aquarius cordifolius (L.) Christenh. & Byng (Alismataceae), an invasive alien species: its introduction, colonization and plausible threats in India. Curr. Sci. 118(4): 524–525.
11. Karthigeyan, K., Arisdason, W. & Rasingam, L. 2020. Lectotypification of Justicia anfractuosa (Acanthaceae), an Endemic and Rare Species from Northeast India. J. Jap. Bot. 95(1): 39–40.
12. Gnanasekaran, G., Arisdason, W. & Deng, Y. 2020. An overview on the validation of the name Andrographis longipedunculata (Acanthaceae). Phytotaxa 433(1): 75–76.
13. Ravikumar, K., Dhatchanamoorthy, N., Arisdason, W. & Saha, D. 2020. Distributional records for three little-known and rare flowering plants from West Bengal, India. Pleione 13(1): 198–202.
14. Karthigeyan, K., Rasingam, L. & Arisdason, W. 2019. Glossocardia andamanica (Asteraceae), a new species from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Phytotaxa 400(2): 71–75.
15. Arisdason, W. & Gogoi, R. 2017. Validation of Impatiens trigonopteris (Balsaminaceae). Phytotaxa 323(3): 295–298.
16. Krishna, G., Karthigeyan, K., Arisdason, W. & Chakrabarty, T. 2017. A new species of Drypetes (Putranjivaceae/Euphorbiaceae s.l.) from West Bengal, India. Phytotaxa 319(3): 271–276.
17. Bhatt, M.R., Arisdason, W. & Nagar, P.S. 2017. Cleome hirta (Cleomaceae), an addition to Asia from Gujarat, India. Rheedea 27(1): 13–15.
18. Shalini, S., Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2017. Lectotypification of four names in Argyreia (Convolvulaceae). Telopea 20: 171–177.
19. Rasingam, L., Swamy, J. & Arisdason, W. 2017. Validation of the name Amorphophallus candidissimus (Araceae). Phytotaxa 313(1): 143.
20. Gogoi, R. & Arisdason, W. 2016. Impatiens nicolsoniana, a new name for Impatiens mannii C.B. Clarke ex Hook.f. (Balsaminaceae). Phytotaxa 273(2): 144–146.
21. Pagare, R.S., Arisdason, W. & Janarthanam, M.K. 2016. Lectotypification of Dioscorea zingiberensis (Dioscoreaceae), an endemic species from China. Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 23(1): 87–89.
22. Gnanasekaran, G., Yadav, S.K., Arisdason, W., Palanisamy, M. & Murthy, G.V.S. 2016. Proposal to add a new paragraph to Rec. 7A. Taxon: 65(2): 408–409.
23. Murugan, C. & Arisdason, W. 2016. A new species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Phytotaxa 258(3): 295–300.
24. Pagare R.S. & Arisdason W. 2016. Lectotypification of Dioscorea listeri Prain & Burkill (Dioscoreaceae) from India. Ann. Bot. Fennici 53: 67–68.
25. Pagare, R.S. & Arisdason, W. 2016. Lectotypification in the genus Dioscorea L. (Dioscoreaceae). Webbia 71: 73–81.
26. Pagare, R.S., Arisdason, W., Krishnan, S. & Janarthanam, M.K. 2015. Lectotypification of Dioscorea vexans (Dioscoreaceae), an endemic and rare species from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Phytotaxa 233(3): 298–300.
27. Shalini, S., Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2015. Lectotypification of Argyreia bella (Convolvulaceae). Telopea 18: 391–393.
28. Gnanasekaran, G. & Arisdason, W. 2015. Lepidagathis kameyamana, a new name for L. diffusa (Nees) Lindau (Acanthaceae). Telopea 18: 389–390.
29. Pagare, R.S., Arisdason, W., Krishnan, S. & Janarthanam, M.K. 2015. Lectotypification of two varietal names in Dioscorea glabra (Dioscoreaceae). Telopea 18: 243–246.
30. Murugan, C., Alappatt, J.P & Arisdason, W. 2015. Rediscovery of Prismatomeris fragrans subsp. andamanica (Ridl.) J.T. Johanss. (Rubiaceae) from Andamans, India. Indian J. Forest. 38: 171–172. 2015.
31. Srivastava, R.C., Lakshminarasimhan, P., Arisdason, W. & Sardesai, M.M. 2015. Vascular Plants of India known by type collection only. J. Threatened Taxa 7: 7465–7470.
32. Karthigeyan, K. & Arisdason, W. 2015. Ixora longibracteata Bremek. (Rubiaceae), an addition to flora of India, with notes on its status and distribution. Taiwania 60(2): 95–98.
33. Murugan, C., Alappatt, J.P., Prabhu, S. & Arisdason, W. 2014. Habenaria nicobarica (Orchidaceae), a new species from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 21: 77–81.
34. Karthigeyan, K., Ilangovan, K. & Arisdason, W. 2013. An Assessment of Angiosperm Diversity of Adyar Estuary, Chennai – A Highly Degraded Estuarian Ecosystem, Tamil Nadu, India. Check List 9: 920–940.
35. Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2010. Syzygium chandrasekharanii Chandrab. & V. Chandras., is a synonym of Syzygium fergusonii (Trimen) Gamble (Myrtaceae). Indian J. Forest. 33: 221–224.
36. Sasikala, K., Pradeep Kumar, G., Arisdason, W., Girish Kumar, E. & Ravindran, C.P. 2009. A Preliminary Analysis of the Flora of Mahe, Union Territory of Puducherry. Eco-Chronicle 4: 219–228.
37. Sasikala, K., Rahina, K. & Arisdason, W. 2009. Exotic Plants of Mahe, U.T. of Puducherry. Eco-Chronicle 4: 101–106.
38. Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2009. Dimeria jayachandranii (Poaceae), a new species from the Western Ghats, India. Kew Bull. 64: 345–347.
39. Arisdason, W., Magesh, C.R., Dinesh Albertson, W. & Venu, P. 2008. Mangroves of Andhra Pradesh: Some Issues in Taxonomy, Rarity and Conservation. Proc. A.P. Akad. Sci. 12: 193–202.
40. Arisdason, W., Magesh, C.R. & Venu, P. 2008. The Genus Xylocarpus J. König (Meliaceae) in India. Rheedea 18: 43–52.
41. Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2007. Additions to the Flora of Tamil Nadu. Eco-Chronicle 2(3): 159–161.
42. Venu, P., Arisdason, W., Magesh, C.R. & Satyanandamurty, T. 2006. Brownlowia tersa (L.) Kosterm. (Tiliaceae) in India. Rheedea 16: 111–114.
43. Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2005. Rediscovery of Arisaema sarracenioides E. Barnes & C.E.C. Fisch. (Araceae) from the Anamalais, Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 47: 173–176.
44. Arisdason, W. & Daniel, P. 2005. Fimbristylis aggregata C.E.C. Fisch. (Cyperaceae) rediscovered from the Anamalais, Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 47: 163–166.
45. Jayanthi, J., Arisdason, W., Narasimhan, D. & Livingstone, C. 2002. Fimbristylis acuminata Vahl – An addition to sedge flora of Tamil Nadu. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 26: 236–238.
IV. Book Reviews: 03
1. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2012. Palms of Karnataka. Nelumbo 54: 278.
2. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2020. The Flora of Central and North Tamil Nadu. Rheedea 30(2): 321–323. 3. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2020. The Flora of Central and North Tamil Nadu. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 43: 82–83.
V. Obituary: 04
1. Prasad, V.P. & Arisdason, W. 2020. Obituary: Pakshirajan Lakshminarasimhan (1959–2020). Rheedea 30(2): 485–486.
2. Arisdason, W. 2020. Obituary: Dr. P. Lakshminarasimhan (28.08.1959–15.07.2020). Nelumbo 62(1): 103–106.
3. Väre, H., Gogoi, R. & Arisdason, W. 2016. Obituary: Markku Häkkinen, 1946–2015. Taxon 65(4): 935–936.
4. Singh, P., Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. 2013. Obituary: Richard Kenneth Brummitt (22 May 1937 – 18 September 2013). Nelumbo 55: 226.
VI. Popular Articles (Published Online): 01
1. Dayanandan, P., Lockwood, M.C., Pon Samuel, J., Anne Dayanandan, Ebenezer, G.A.I., Gnanasekaran, G., Barnabas, A.D., Arisdason, W., Cary, M.E., Anandhapriyan, M. & Harris, M.J. Talipot Palm (Corypha sp.) A 50-year vigil on a monocarpic giant flowering tree. Available at Research Gate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13746.25288.
VII. Pamphlet: 01
1. Arisdason, W. & Sampath Kumar, V. 2020. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of India. ENVIS Centre on Biological Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.
VIII. IUCN Assessments: 16
1. Arisdason, W. 2011. Cryptocoryne consobrina. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
2. Arisdason, W. 2011. Eriocaulon elenorae. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
3. Arisdason, W. 2011. Eriocaulon nepalense. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
4. Arisdason, W. 2011. Eriocaulon odoratum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
5. Arisdason, W. 2011. Eriocaulon richardianum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
6. Arisdason, W. 2011. Eriocaulon ritchieanum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
7. Arisdason, W. 2011. Eriocaulon thwaitesii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
8. Arisdason, W. 2011. Eriocaulon talbotii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
9. Arisdason, W. 2011. Hoppea fastigiata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
10. Arisdason, W. 2011. Hygrophila heinei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
11. Arisdason, W. 2011. Hygrophila madurensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
12. Arisdason, W. 2011. Indotristicha ramosissima. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
13. Arisdason, W. 2011. Murdannia lanceolata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
14. Arisdason, W. 2011. Utricularia smithiana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
15. Arisdason, W. 2011. Utricularia wightiana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
16. Arisdason, W. 2011. Willisia selaginoides. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011.
IX. Abstracts in Proceedings of Seminars and Conferences: 06
1. Premkumar, M., Manikandan, R., Nithya, S.P. & Arisdason, W. 2020. Invasive Alien Species
of Asteraceae in Tamil Nadu. International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany,
Book of Abstract. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. p. 275.
2. Shalini, S., Anantha Lakshmi, M., Nithaniyal Stalin, A., Sumanth, M.V., Arisdason, W. & Narasimhan, D. 2010. Conserving Biodiversity and Ecology: Role of Isolated Hillocks. XX Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. pp. 192–193.
3. Pradeep Kumar, G., Sasikala, K., Arisdason, W. & Ravindran, C.P. 2010. Floristic Diversity of Mahe, Union Territory of Puducherry – An Appraisal. Paper will be presented at XX Annual Conference of IAAT to be held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. p. 97.
4. Sumanth, M.V., Nithaniyal Stalin, A., Shalini, S., Anantha Lakshmi, M., Narasimhan, D. & Arisdason, W. 2010. How do we evaluate Red listed Medicinal Plants? Souvenir & Abstracts of International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Drugs: Challenges and Opportunities in Cultivation Sustainable Utilization and Conservation. Pachayappa’s College, Chennai. p. 34.
5. Narasimhan, D., Arisdason, W., Sheeba J. Irwin & Gnanasekaran, G. 2009. Invasive Alien Plant Species of Tamil Nadu. Proc. National Seminar on Invasive Alien Species. ENVIS Centre, Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai. pp. 29–38.
6. Amutha, S., Esther Rajakumari, R. & Arisdason, W. 2000. Environmental Resources with special reference to Medicinal Plants in Acharapakkam Reserve Forest. Proceedings of Eighth Seminar cum Exhibition on Student Projects Scheme, Thiyagaraya Engineering College, Madurai. pp. 325–326.
X. Articles in BSI–ENVIS Newsletters: 11
1. Mehala Devi, R., Nithya, S.P., Manikandan, R., Arisdason, W. & Murugan, C. 2020. Leafless Goglet Plant. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 25(1): 5–6.
2. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. 2018. Know your Botanist: Sir George King. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 23(2): 15.
3. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. 2018. Know your Botanist: Panchanan Maheshwari. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 23(1): 15.
4. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. 2017. Know your Botanist: Birbal Sahni. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 22(1): 11.
5. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. 2017. Know your Botanist: Rev. Fr. Hermenegild Santapau, S.J. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 22(1): 11.
6. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. 2016. Know your Botanist: Joseph Dalton Hooker. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 21(2): 15.
7. Arisdason, W. 2016. Know your Botanist: Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 21(1): 11.
8. Bandyopadhyay, S. & Arisdason, W. 2016. The Infauna of Pitcher Plants. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 21(1): 10.
9. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. 2015. Know your Botanist: E.K. Janaki Ammal. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 20(2): 11.
10. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. 2015. Know your Botanist: William Roxburgh – The Father of Indian Botany. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 20(1): 11.
11. Shalini, S. & Arisdason, W. 2015. Know your Plant: The Cannon Ball Tree. BSI–ENVIS Newslett. 20(1): 03.
XI. Publications at BSI–ENVIS Website (www.bsienvis.nic.in): 10
1. Murugan, C., Prabhu, S., Sathiyaseelan, R. & Pandey, R.P. A Checklist of Plants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Edited by P. Singh & W. Arisdason.
2. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. Amorphophallus titanum: A flowering plant species with largest unbranched inflorescence in the world.
3. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. Rafflesia – The largest individual flower producing flowering plant genus in the world.
4. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. Status of plant diversity in India: An overview.
5. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. An outline of plant diversity in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
6. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. Plant diversity of Kerala state – An overview.
7. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. Diversity of Fungi, Lichens, Algae, non-flowering and flowering plants of Tamil Nadu state – An overview.
8. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. Plant diversity of Karnataka state – An overview.
9. Arisdason, W. & Lakshminarasimhan, P. Plant diversity of Goa state – An overview.
10. Lakshminarasimhan, P. & Arisdason, W. Plant diversity of Maharashtra state – An overview.
XII. Significant Contributions
A. New Species Described: 07
1. Argyreia lakshminarasimhanii S.Shalini, Sujana, Arisdason & D. Maity (Covolvulaceae)
2. Capparis danielii Murugan, R. Manik., S.P. Nithya, B. Karthik & Arisdason (Capparaceae)
3. Glossocardia andamanica Karthig., Rasingam & Arisdason (Asteraceae)
4. Drypetes kalamii G. Krishna, Karthig., Arisdason & Chakrab. (Euphorbiaceae)
5. Psychotria vasudevae Murugan & Arisdason (Rubiaceae)
6. Habenaria nicobarica Murugan, Alappatt, S. Prabhu & Arisdason (Orchidaceae)
7. Dimeria jayachandranii Arisdason & P. Daniel (Poaceae)
B. Additions to Flora of India: 02
1. Ixora longibracteata Bremek. (Rubiaceae)
2. Cleome hirta (Klotzsch) Oliv. (Cleomaceae)
C. Rediscovery: 03
1. Prismatomeris fragrans subsp. andamanica (Ridl.) J.T. Johanss. (Rubiaceae)
2. Arisaema sarracenioides E. Barnes & C.E.C. Fisch. (Araceae)
3. Fimbristylis aggregata C.E.C. Fisch. (Cyperaceae)
D. New Names: 02
1. Impatiens nicolsoniana Gogoi & Arisdason (Balsaminaceae)
2. Lepidagathis kameyamana Gnanasek. & Arisdason (Acanthaceae)
E. Validation of Name: 01
1. Impatiens trigonopteris Hook.f. ex Arisdason & Gogoi (Balsaminaceae)
XIII. Position held as Editor/Editorial Assistant/Subject Editor/Assessor
1. Editorial Assistant for Rheedea, the official Journal of Indian Association for Angiosperm
Taxonomy (ISSN 0971–2313), Volumes 19 to 22, from 2009 to 2012.
2. Editor of Silver Jubilee Special Volume of Rheedea 26 (Issues 1 and 2), 2016.
3. Editor of Rheedea 27(Issues 1 and 2), 2017.
4. Editorial Assistant of Nelumbo (earlier as Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India) for Volume
54 (2012); 55 (2013), and currently one of the editorial board members of the journal.
5. One of the Editors of ENVIS Newsletter of ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey
of India from 2013 to 2019.
6. Subject Editor of Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany (ISSN 2050–9768), since 2019.
7. Plant species status assessing member/assessor for the International Union for Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment Unit, Cambridge,
during 2010–2012.
Field of work/specialisation : Angiosperm Taxonomy & Ethnobotany
Projects handled :
Annual Action Plan
1. Flora of Kerala (Volume VI): (2020–2022)- ongoing
2. Updation of family Apiaceae (Part 1) for Flora of India Vol. 11: 166 taxa (156 species & 10 varieties) under 12 genera. (2019–2020).
3. Updation of families Altingiaceae, Sonneratiaceae, Crypteroniaceae, Punicaceae, Trapaceae, Caricaceae, Datiscaceae for Flora of India Vol. 10. (ca. 22 species) (2018-2019).
4. Ex-situ conservation & multiplication of endemic, rare, threatened medicinal and economically important plants of North East India in Experimental Botanical Garden, Barapani, Shillong (from July 2015 to October 2018).
b. Others
1. Strengthening of Lead Botanical Garden, Botanical Survey of India, ERC, Shillong (Co-Investigator; Funded by MoEF & CC (from July 2015 to October 2018).
1. Contribution
I. Research
a. Publication
i. Book(s)/Chapters in Book(s)/Abstracts in Proceedings
Chapter in Books
1. MURUGESAN, M., L.R. MEITEI, C. LYNGWA AND E. WAHLANG 2019. Wild ornamental plants of Meghalaya, Northeast India. 83-104. Astral International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Abstracts in Proceedings
1. MURUGESAN M., L. R. MEITEI, A.A. MAO, E. WAHLANG AND C. LYNGWA 2018. Ex situ conservation of Endemic and Less Known Plants of Northeast India in Botanical Garden, BSI, Barapani, Meghalaya. In National Seminar on Himalayan Plant Diversity: Taxonomy, conservation and Sustainable Utilization held on 8-9 March 2018 at Botanical Survey of India, Shillong.
2. MURUGESAN M., L. R. MEITEI, A.A. MAO, E. WAHLANG AND C. LYNGWA 2018. Ex situ conservation of Orchids of Northeast India in Botanical Garden, Barapani, Botanical Survey of India, Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong, Meghalaya. National Seminar on Himalayan Plant Diversity: Taxonomy, conservation and Sustainable Utilization held on 8-9 March 2018 at Botanical Survey of India, Shillong.
3. MURUGESAN M., L.I CHANU, A.A. MAO AND S.K. SINGH 2018. Observations on a fast naturalized ornamental, Begonia ricinifolia A. Dietr. In National Seminar on Himalayan Plant Diversity: Taxonomy, conservation and Sustainable Utilization held on 8-9 March 2018 at Botanical Survey of India, Shillong.
4. M. MURUGESAN, V. ANUSUBA, R. THARANI AND B. KARTHIK 2020. Historical Review on the Flora of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Published in the book of abstract of International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany (ISPTEB - 2020) w.e.f 13–14.02.2020, held at Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. pp. 216.
5. MURUGESAN, M., B. KARTHIK, V. ANUSUBA, V. AND R. THARANI 2020. Endemic and threatened plants in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Published in the book of abstract of International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy and Ethnobotany (ISPTEB - 2020) w.e.f 13–14.02.2020, held at Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. pp. 287.
6. ANUSUBA, V. AND M. MURUGESAN 2020. Floristic account on the sub-class: Monochlamydae & Class: Monocotyledaneae from the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Published in the Book of abstract of National Level Conference on Empowerment of Rural Communities through innovations in Science and Technology of Indian Science Congress Association, w.e.f. 21–22.02.2020, held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. pp. 46.
7. THARANI, R. AND M. MURUGESAN 2020. Current Floristic data analysis of sub-class Polypetalae from the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Published in the Book of abstract of National Level Conference on Empowerment of Rural Communities through innovations in Science and Technology of Indian Science Congress Association, w.e.f. 21–22.02.2020, held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. pp. 46.
8. KARTHIK, B. AND M. MURUGESAN 2020. Preliminary Assessment on the subclass-Gamopetalae from Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Published in the Book of abstract of National Level Conference on Empowerment of Rural Communities through innovations in Science and Technology of Indian Science Congress Association, w.e.f. 21–22.02.2020, held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. pp. 72.
ii. Periodicals/Journals (only published/accepted)
1. RAVICHANDRAN, V., M. MURUGESAN AND C. MURUGAN 2020. Eugenia bolampattiana (Myrtaceae), a new species from the Bolampatty Hills of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 72(1): 117–123. doi: 10.26492/gbs72(1).2020-11.
2. MURUGESAN, M., L.I. CHANU, A.A. MAO AND S.K. SINGH 2020. Notes on the occurrence of Begonia x ricinifolia A. Dietr. (Begoniaceae) in Meghalaya, India. NeBIO 11(2): 87–89.
3. GOGOI, R., N. SHERPA, M. MURUGESAN AND L. R. MEITEI 2020. Impatiens sashinborthakurii (Balsaminaceae) a new species of Impatiens from Meghalaya, Northeast India. Nelumbo 61(2): 34–40.
4. MURUGESAN, M., A.A. MAO, L.R. MEITEI1 AND S.S. KAMBALE 2019. Ceropegia khasiana (Apocynaceae: Ceropegieae), a new species from Meghalaya, Northeast India. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 71 (2): 519–525. doi: 10.26492/gbs71(2).2019-17.
5. MURUGESAN, M., S. ARUMUGAM AND K.A.A. KABEER 2019. Tripogon ashihoi (Poaceae: Chloridoideae), A new species from the Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Forestry 42(1): 67–70.
6. MURUGESAN, M., V. RAVICHANDRAN, C. MURUGAN AND S. ARUMUGAM 2019. Eugenia velliangiriana (Myrtaceae), a new species from the Western Ghats, India, Webbia DOI: 10.1080/00837792.2019.1605234.
7. MURUGESAN, M., V. RAVICHANDRAN AND C. MURUGAN 2019. A new species of Sonerila (Melastomataceae) from Western Ghats of India. Phytotaxa 404 (1): 058–062.
8.MURUGESAN, M., A.A. MAO & L.I. CHANU 2018. Dichocarpum adiantifolium (Hook.f. & Thomson) Wang & Hsiao var. meghalayense (Ranunculaceae) -A new variety from Meghalaya, North East India. Indian Journal of Forestry 41(4): 377-380.
9. LYNGWA, C., M. MURUGESAN, L.R. MEITEI AND C. DEORI 2018. A new generic record of Cephalanthera R. Brown (Orchidaceae) and its species to Meghalaya, India. The MIOS Journal 19(11): 5-7.
10. ODYUO N., B.K. SINHA, MURUGESAN, M AND A. UDDIN 2018. A new species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram, India. Pleione 12 (1): 99-104.
11. KABEER, K.A.A., K. SASIKALA AND M. MURUGESAN 2017. An overview of the Indian grasses and their significance. Eco-Chronicle. 12(2): 51 – 57.
12. MURUGESAN, M., S. ARUMUGAM AND K.A.A. KABEER, 2017. Tripogon paramjitianus (Poaceae: Chloroidoideae) A New Species from the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Forestry 40(3): 279-281.
13. MURUGESAN, M., L.R. MEITEI, CHAYA DEORI AND A.A. MAO 2017. Eulophia pauciflora Guillaumin (Orchidaceae): an addition to the orchid flora of India. NeBio 8(3):147-149.
14. ASHISH V. PRABHUGAONKAR, M. MURUGESAN AND A.A. MAO 2017. Chloranthus nervosus var. khasiana (Chloranthaceae) - a new variety from Meghalaya and a new record of species to Indian flora. Pleione 11(1): 149 - 153.
15. ASHISH V. PRABHUGAONKAR, M. MURUGESAN AND A.A. MAO 2017. Rediscovery of Wightia speciosissima (D.Don) Merr. (Paulowniaceae), a rare native potential ornamental tree from Khasi hills, Meghalaya (India). Pleione 11(1): 40 - 43.
16. SINGH, S.K., M. MURUGESAN AND A.A. MAO 2016. A new species of Crepidium (Orchidaceae) from Meghalaya, North-east India. Keanean Journal of Science 5: 9-12.
17. MURUGESAN, M., P.R. ARUN, P.P. NIKHIL RAJ, P.A. AZEEZ AND M.K. SEBASTIAN 2015. A new species of Sonerila (Melastomataceae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation 8(3): 122-124.
18. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2015. Notes on the occurrence of some less known endemic, rare and threatened trees from Velliangiri hills, a part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation 8(4): 195-203.
19. BHUPATHY, S., G. SRINIVAS, N. SATHISHKUMAR, M. MURUGESAN, S. BABU, R. SUGANTHASAKTHIVEL AND P. SIVAKUMAR 2012. Diversity and conservation of selected biota of the Megamalai landscape, Western Ghats, India. Current Science 102(4): 590-595.
20. MURUGESAN, M., V. BALASUBRAMANIAM AND K. ARUMUGASAMY 2011. Ethno-medicinal diversity of Malasars in Velliangiri hills, Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu. Ethnobotany 23: 89.
21. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2011. A new species of Sonerila (Melastomataceae) from the Western Ghats, India. Taprobanica 3(2): 93-95.
22. MURUGESAN, M., V. BALASUBRAMANIAM AND N. NAGARAJAN 2010. Description of two new species of the genus Fimbristylis Vahl. (Cyperaceae) from Velliangiri Hills, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2(13): 1379-1381.
23. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2010. Occurrence of two neo-endemic species from Velliangiri hills -Additions to the Flora of Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Forestry 32(2): 123-124.
24. MURUGESAN, M. K. AMIRTHALINGAM AND P. BALASUBRAMANIAN 2010. Addition of two genera Nothapodytes Blume and Fagraea Thunb. to the flora of Eastern Ghats, India. The Indian Forester 136(3): 365-368.
25. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2009. Ambrosia artimissifolia L. (Asteraceae) - A new record for the flora of Southern India. Indian Journal of Forestry 31(3):461-462.
26. MURUGESAN, M. V. BALASUBRAMANIAM AND K. ARUMUGASAMY 2009. Notes on the occurrence and new distributional records of some little known rare and endemic grasses from Velliangiri hills, a part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33(1): 216-231.
27. MURUGESAN, M. K. AMIRTHALINGAM AND P. BALASUBRAMANIAN 2009. Extended distribution of three endemic plants-New records to the flora of Eastern Ghats. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33(3): 552-556.
28. MURUGESAN, M. V. BALASUBRAMANIAM AND K.A.A. KABEER 2009. Systematic studies on the grasses of Velliangiri hills, a part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India-with special reference to Indian endemics. Scientific Transaction in Environment and its Technovation 3(4): 152-162.
29. NEWMASTER, S.G., M. MURUGESAN, S. RAGUPATHY, N. NAGARAJAN AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2009. Ethnobotany genomics study reveals three new species of the genus Biophytum DC. (Oxalidaceae-Geraniales) from Velliangiri hills in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats, India. Ethnobotany Vol. 21: 1-10.
30. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2008. A survey on the orchids of Velliangiri hills, a part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India, with special reference to Indian endemics. Scientific Transaction in Environment and its Technovation 1(4): 186-200.
31. MURUGESAN, M., V. BALASUBRAMANIAM AND N. NAGARAJAN 2008. Traditional medicinal knowledge on plants from Velliangiri hills of Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32 (Suppl.): 270-276.
32. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2008. Tripogon velliangiriensis (Poaceae)-A new species from Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Forestry 31(1): 109-111.
33. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2007. A new species of Hedyotis L. (Rubiaceae) from the Velliangiri Hills, the Western Ghats, India. Rheedea 17 (1&2): 25-27.
34. MURUGESAN, M., V. BALASUBRAMANIAM AND S. PAULSAMY 2007. Rediscovery of Memecylon sisparense Gamble (Melastomataceae) and Swertia beddomei C.B. Clarke (Gentianaceae). Rheedea 17 (1 &2): 33-34.
35. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2007. Ethno-Medico-Botanical diversity of Irulas in Velliangiri hills Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 14(2): 105-110.
36. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2006. Rediscovery of Helichrysum perlanigerum Gamble (Asteraceae) from Velliangiri hills of Western Ghats, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 30(2): 429-430.
37. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2006. Some rare and endemic grasses new to the grass flora of Tamil Nadu, India. My Forest 42(4): 379-383.
38. MURUGESAN, M. AND V. BALASUBRAMANIAM 2006. Additions to the Flora of Tamil Nadu, India-With particular reference to the endemic plants. My Forest 42(4): 327-330.
39. MURUGESAN, M., V. BALASUBRAMANIAM AND H. ARTHI 2005. Ethnomedical knowledge of plants used by Irula tribes, Chengal Combai, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu. Ancient Science of Life 24(4): 179-182.
40. BALASUBRAMANIAM, V. AND M. MURUGESAN 2004. A note on the commercially exploited medicinal plants of the Velliangiri Hills, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu. Ancient Science of Life 23 (3): 9-12.
41. Murugesan, M., L.I. Chanu, A.A. Mao and S. K. Singh, 2020. Notes on the occurrence of Begonia × ricinifolia A. Dietr. (Begoniaceae) in Meghalaya, India. NeBIO. 11(2): 87-89.
42. Gogoi, R., N. Sherpa, M. Murugesan and L.R. Meitei, 2020. Rediscovery of Impatiens cothurnoides C.E.C.Fisch., taxonomic identity, lectotypification and notes on its distribution. Botany Letters. DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2020.1856715.
43. Murugesan M. and A.A. Mao, 2021. Ceropegia ansariana (Apocynaceae: Ceropegieae), a new species from Mizoram, Northeast India. Taiwania 66(2): 121‒125. 2021. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2021.66.121.
iii. Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Training/Exhibition
(a) National: Attended: 5; Delivered (oral/poster): 3 Poster
(b) International: Attended: 1; Delivered (oral/poster): 1 Poster
b. Significant contributions (only in numbers)
(a) Novelties: 17 taxa
1. Begonia dampae Odyuo et al. (Begoniaceae)
2. Ceropegia khasiana Murug. et al. (Apocynaceae)
3. Ceropegia ansariana Murug. & Mao (Apocynaceae)
4. Chloranthus nervosus var. khasiana Prabhugaonkar et al. (Chloranthaceae)
5. Crepidium meghalayensis Murug. et al. (Orchidaceae)
6. Dichocarpum adiantifolium var. meghalayense Murug. et al. (Ranunculaceae)
7. Eugenia velliangiriana Murug. et al. (Myrtaceae)
8. Fimbristylis matthewii Murugesan et al. (Cyperaceae)
9. Fimbristylis velliangiriensis Murugesan et al. (Cyperaceae)
10. Hedyotis nairii Murug. & V. Balasub. (Rubiaceae)
11. Impatiens sashinborthakurii Gogoi et al. (Balsaminaceae)
12. Sonerila balasubramaniamii Murug. et al. (Melastomataceae)
13. Sonerila coimbatorensis Murug. et al. (Melastomataceae)
14. Sonerila nayarana Murug. & Balasub. (Melastomataceae)
15. Tripogon paramjitianus Murug. et al. (Poaceae)
16. Tripogon ashihoi Murug. et al. (Poaceae)
17. Tripogon velliangiriensis Murug. &V. Balasub. (Poaceae)
(b) Rediscoveries: 8 species
Memecylon sisparense Gamble (Melastomataceae)
Swertia beddomei Clarke (Gentianaceae)
Impatiens cothurnoides C.E.C. Fisch. (Balsaminaceae)
Impatiens lawsonii Hook.f. (Balsaminaceae)
Bunium nothum (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukh. (Apiaceae)
Wightia speciosissima (D.Don) Merr. (Paulowniaceae)
Solanum wightii Nees (Solanaceae)
Youngia nilgiriensis Babc. (Asteraceae)
(c) New Reports:
New to India
Eulophia pauciflora Guillaumin (Orchidaceae) from Meghalaya
Genus new record to NE India
Cephalanthera R. Brown (Orchidaceae) and its species from Meghalaya
c. Others
Editor/Reviewer (Books/Periodicals/Ph.D. Theses) [list the name of books and periodicals]
As supervisor (supervising scholars for the award of Ph.D. only): 3 Ph.D. scholars
As DDO: Performing duties as Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) w.e.f. 03.03.2019
Southern Regional Centre
Botanical Survey of India,
T.N.A.U. Campus, P.O. Lawley Road, Coimbatore 641 003, Tamil Nadu.
Fax: 0422 2432835
Ph.:0422- 2432123, 2432788
E-mail: sc[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
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