FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Conservation.
SPECIAL INTEREST: Angiosperms of Eastern Himalaya
Updating and editing the families included under Flora of India Vol. 22
(Nyctaginaceae – Elaeagnaceae)
Preparing Mss. For Flora of India as follows
Hernandiaceae by me
Proteaceae Jointly with Dr. (Mrs.) K. Pagag
Thymelaeaceae Jointly with Dr. (Mrs.) S. Dutta.
PHONE : 033-22521613
Editing job of Flora of India Vol.22 (Nyctaginaceae – Elaeagnaceae)
There are 46 illustrations of Orchid members found in Roxburgh Icon. After analysis it has been found that 06 names are valid, 06 names were illegitimate. After nomenclatural updation 11 new combinations were found in later publications and 21 case where new correct names were proposed and 01 name unresolved.
Five plants were initially chosen to exploit natural dyes. They are Dimocarpus longan, Rivina humulis, Ixora coccina, Cuscuta reflexa and Lagerstroemia speciosa. The dyes were extracted by boiling; boiling then rottening and by crushing. The process of dyeing was carried out by pre mordanting, post mordanting and simultaneous mordanting. Fastness test of the selected dyed cotton fabrics were done in laboratory of Textiles Committees, Salt Lake, Kolkata. Except Cuscuta reflexa other plant shows encouraging results.
3. Interpretation of the Family : Poaceae in Icones Roxburghianae. (April 2017-March 2019).
There are 152 Icon numbers where poaceae members are illustrated in Roxburgh Icon. After consultation it has been found that 23 names are unchanged as mention in illustrations. After nomenclaturatural updation 50 new combinations were found in later publications and in 79 cases where new names were proposed due to synonemise of names as mentioned in Icons. In two cases two Icon no. used to illustrate one taxa viz. Panicum miliare Lam. Illustrated in Icon no. 809 & 810, and Andropogon montanus Roxb. in Icon no. 889 & 890. It has also been found that in four cases where single icon no. used to illustatre two different taxa viz. Bambusa stricta (Roxb.) Roxb. and Oryza sativa L. found in Icon no. 869; Anthistiria arundinacea Roxb. and Ischaemum cuspidatum Roxb. in Icon no. 1718; Andropogon tridentatus Roxb. and Ischaemum repens Roxb. in Icon no.2018; Andropogon lanceolatus Roxb. and Ischaemum monostachyon in Icon no. 2019.
BSI, ISIM herbarium (BSIS) holds about 70000 herbarium specimens. There are 9171 herbarium sheets were digitized to maintain electronic database which will be used in virtual herbarium in future and would be useful for researchers in their scientific studies. An updated metadata of all digitized herbarium Sheets prepared during this project.
The present work aims to enumerate the nomenclatural status and taxonomic identity of Roxburgh’s icon under family Ebenaceae. There are 12 entries in Roxburgh’s Icones have been interpreted, nomenclature updated with short description and manuscript prepared and submitted.
6. Listing & Identification of Monocot herbarium specimens at BSIS. (April 2013 to March 2016)
During the period 2015-2016, totally 1502 monocot herbarium specimens were indexed with all the details while indexing the herbarium specimens different type collections were found in an around of India collected by Sir George Watt and their groups they all are coming under the project of “Reporter of Economic products of India’. Currently indexing found some of specimens were without name, some data missing. The indexed specimens were arranged family wise and total number of family also no of specimens also mentioned in the table. In this study the largest family is Commelinaceae nearly 1214 specimens were indexed followed by Araceae, Liliaceae, Asperagaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Taccaceae and Marantaceae also indexed.
The present work found 68 names under this family Zingiberaceae. Two names later shifted to the family Lamiaceae and two unnumbered illustrations found as Zingiberaceae members. The lists of 68 names are interpreted, updated with current nomenclature. The Interpretation of names was arranged as increasing order on Icon No.
Three field tours conducted and about 900 field nos collected, and about 360 taxa identified. The project discontinued due to transfer of executing officials at ISIM. All specimens are deposited at ARUN.
The West Siang District derives its name from ever-cascading Siang river under whose fertile valleys and plains located in the central part of Arunachal Pradesh extends between 93.57° to 95.23° East longitude and 27.69° to 29.20° North longitude. A total of five field exploration tours were conducted. This includes three expeditions along International boundary area viz., Lolla Pass, Tankar La and Renu II Pass. The duration of each study tour ranged between 15-38 days. In all 2137 field numbers comprising c. 6600 specimens were collected. The field observations such as habit, habitat, flower colour, odour, distribution, frequency of occurrence, associated species and other features which cannot be deduced from examination of the herbarium specimens were noted. The flora West Siang is represented by 142 families, 539 genera, 947 species, 14 subspecies and 13 varieties of Angiosperms. All specimens deposited at ARUN herbarium.
Dihang Dibang Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) was established on 2nd September, 1998 with a total area of 5111.5 sq. km. Out of this an area of 4094.80 sq. km. is comprised of core zone and remaining 1016.70 sq. km. buffer zone. A total of twelve study tours were conducted which includes two expeditions conducted with the help of Indian army (Assam Rifles) along International boundary area viz., Aguila Pass and Anjamkhola Pass. The duration of each study tour ranged between 45-60 days. In all 1800 field numbers comprising c. 5000 monocot specimens were collected. Botanically DDBR is unique by its varied topography, different climatic conditions and high rainfall. The area is represented by 30 families, 184 genera, 479 species and 11 varieties of Monocotyledonous elements. Specimens were deposited in CAL, ASSAM and ARUN herbaria.
Three field tours were conducted within the sanctuary in different seasons. About 450 field numbers totaling of 1400 specimens were collected in flowering or fruiting condition. The detailed field notes in particular to habitat phenology and colour of flowers were noted during the collection. All specimens are processed through standard herbarium technique and deposited in the Herbarium, Botanical Survey of India, Eastern Regional Centre (ASSAM) and Central National Herbarium (CAL), Kolkata. During this work 77 families, 203 genera, 254 species and 5 varieties of Angiosperms and 12 families, 12 genera and 12 species and one subspecies of Pteridophytes were reported.
Botanically Dibang Valley is unique by it varied topography, different climatic conditions and huge rainfall and remoteness. Vegetation is rich by its all favourable factors and less human interferences. All together 9 field tours conducted and gathered 1269 field nos. The district is represented by 34 families, 185 genera, 442 species, 1 sub species and 13 varieties. All specimens are deposited at CAL.
A. Research articles/papers: 55 Research paper published.
6. Bhaumik, M., & P. Satyanarayana 2014. Pterygiella Oliver (Scrophulariaceae) and PIogonia Jussieu (Orchidaceae) -Two generic records for Indian flora. Indian Journal of Forestry 37(3): 299-302.
7. Pathak, M.K., M. Bhaumik & G. Krishna 2014. A new species of Adinandra (Pentaphyllaceae) from India. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 71(3): 379-383.
8. M. Bhaumik Plea for conservation of Neohymenopogon assamicus (Hook.f.)Bennet (Rubiaceae)-A rare, endemic, ornamental shrub from NE India in ENVIS NEWS LETTER.
9. Bhaumik, M. 2014. An account of monocotyledonous plants from Dihang Dibang Biosphere Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian Forester 140(8): 801-806.
B. Book chapters:
1. Bhaumik, M. 2018. ‘Botanical tour to Di’Ering WLS, Arunachal Pradesh’ in Advances in Botanical Research in North east India. Eds. Borthakur, S. K., A. Bawri & N. Nath.pp.1-23. EBH Publishers, Guwahati-781 001. ISBN: 978-93-86302-52-6
2. Pathak, M. K. & M. Bhaumik 2005. “Vegetation Pattern in Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh” in Plant Taxonomy: Advances and relevance. Eds. A. K. Pandey, Jun Wen & J.V.V. Dogra 179 – 191. CBS Publisher & Distributors, New Delhi.
3. Mudgal, V., M. K. Pathak & M. Bhaumik ‘2002” Dihang-Dibang Biosphere Reserve” in Floristic Diversity and Conservation Strategies in India. eds. N. P. Singh & K. P. Singh 5: 2457 – 2494. BSI, Kolkata.
D. Hindi articles:
E. Popular articles:
A web page on “wild onions” has been published in ENVIS Web Site.
A. New taxa described: 15 new taxa described
Monolophus arunachalensis Bhaumik, S.Dey & Langhu, Kew Bull. 72(1)-6: 1 (2017).
Monolophus suksathanii S.Dey, Langhu & Bhaumik, Kew Bull. 72(1)-6: 2 (2017).
Rhododendron pseudomaddenii A.A.Mao & Bhaumik, Edinburgh J. Bot. 72(2): 210 (2015).
Chrysosplenium arunachalense Bhaumik, Kew Bull. 69(1)-9491: 1 (2014).
Kobresia vibhae Jana, R.C.Srivast. & Bhaumik, Indian J. Pl. Sci. [Jaipur] 3(2): 110 (2014).
Adinandra kamalae M.K.Pathak, Bhaumik & G.Krishna, Edinburgh J. Bot. 71(3): 380 (2014).
Pternopetalum arunachalense Bhaumik & P.Satyanar., Nordic J. Bot. 32(4): 471 (2013).
Neottia confusa Bhaumik, Edinburgh J. Bot. 69(3): 381 (2012).
Neottia dihangensis Bhaumik, Edinburgh J. Bot. 69(3): 379 (2012).
Carex sanjappae Bhaumik & M.K.Pathak, Taiwania 56(4): 309 (-311; fig. 1) (2011).
Carex speciosa subsp. varmae Bhaumik & M.K.Pathak, Taiwania 56(4): 311 (-313; fig. 2) (2011).
Lindera sanjappae Bhaumik, M.K.Pathak & Chakrab., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33(3): 657 (-658; fig. 1) (2009).
Lindera varmae M.K.Pathak, Bhaumik & Chakrab., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33(3): 658 (fig. 2) (2009).
Neolitsea sanjappae M.K.Pathak, Bhaumik & Chakrab., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33(3): 658 (-660; fig. 3) (2009).
Roscoea ngainoi A.A.Mao & Bhaumik, Nordic J. Bot. 25(5-6): 299 (-302; figs. 1-2) (2008).
B. New distributional records to India and region: Twenty eight taxa published as new distributional records for India
Juncus kangdingensis K.F. Wu (Juncaceae); J. longiflorus (A.Camus) Noltie (Juncaceae); J. milashanensis A. M. Lu & Z. Y. Zhang (Juncaceae); J. setchuensis Buchenau (Juncaceae); Adonis davidii Franchet. (Ranunculaceae), Schisandra incarnata Stapf, (Schisandraceae) Acrotema costatum Jack.(Dilleniaceae), Hypericum petiolulatum subsp. yunnanense (Franch.)N. Robson(Hypericaceae); Cotoneaster chengkangensis T.T.Yu (Rosaceae); Leptornischus primuloides Drake(Rubiaceae); Pternopetalun gracilimum (H. Wollf) Hand.-Mazz. (Apiaceae), Swertia handeliana Harry Sm. (Gentianaceae), Mazus celsoides Hand.-Mazz. (Scrophulariaceae), Chimonocalamus longiusculus Hsueh & T.P. Yi(Poaceae); Gaultheria dumicola W. W. Sm. (Ericaceae); Oberonia helferi Hook. f. (Orchidaceae), Juncus spumosus Noltie (Juncaceae); Curcuma yunnanensis N. Liu & S. J. Chen (Zingiberaceae); Iris proantha Diels(Iridaceae), Carex echinata Murray (Cyperaceae), Aruncus gombalanus (Hand.-Mazz.) Hand.-Mazz. (Rosaceae), Thrixspermum saruwatarii (Hayata) Schltr. (Orchidaceae), Saurauia sinohirsuta J. Q. Li & Soejarto (Saurauriaceae); Maianthemum fusciduliflorum (Kawano) S.C. Chen & Kawano(Maianthaceae); Rubus cooperi D.G. Long (Rosaceae); Rubus polyodontus Hand.-Mazz. (Rosaceae); R. quinquefoliolatus T.T. Yu & L.T. Lu (Rosaceae) and Rhododendron stewartianum Diels (Ericaceae)
C. Any other novelties:
Two generic Record made for India (Indian Journal of Forestry 37(3): 299-302.2014)
Pterygiella Oliver (Scrophulariaceae)
Pterygiella bartschioides Hand.-Mazz.
Pogonia Jussieu (Orchidaceae)
Pogonia japonica Rchb. f.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Taxonomy of Angiosperm
SPECIAL INTEREST: Revision, Palynology, Plant anatomy
1. Flora of India: Vol. 8 (Family Rosaceae, Neuradaceae and Chrysobalanaceae)
2. Flora of India: Vol. 22 (Family Nyctaginaceae)
E-MAIL : debasmita[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in ; debasmita.bsi[at]gmail[dot]com
ON GOING OTHER PROJECTS: Interpretation of Roxburgh’s Icon: Family Bignoniaceae and Clusiaceae
1. Interpretation of Roxburgh Icones In Respect To Current Nomenclature: Family Leguminosae (2015-2018):
230 illustrations of the family Leguminosae in ‘Icone Roxburghianae’ were interpreted with reference to recent ICN of which names of 198 taxa are accepted as correct name, name of 64 taxa remain unchanged since Roxburgh’s treatment in Icon while rest of the names have been changed time to time, names of thirteen (13) present day accepted taxa are comprising of two (02) different illustrations each entried in Icon under different names and no., while two (02) taxa are comprising of three (03) and four (04) illustrations each entried in Icon under different names and no.
2. Flora of Uttarakhand Vol. IV (Families - Nyctaginaceae, Moraceae, Piperaceae, Cannabaceae, Saurauraceae, Buxaceae and Ulmaceae) (2013-2015): Description of c. 72 taxa have been completed along with dichotomous key, citation, distribution, phenological data and uses.
3. Sustainable Development and Solar Radiation: Indian Context [‘History of Science’ Project of Asiatic Society](2011-2012): Review of Historical perspective of Sustainable development in world with special reference to India.
4. “Central Scheme of Standard Operating Procedure for Manufacture of Compound Ayurvedic-Siddha-Unani Formulations and their Pharmacopoeial standards” (2009-2011): Identified 30 plant species of therapeutic values along with pharmacognostic studies of selected medicinal herbs.
4. Revision of the family Nyctaginaceae in India [‘Flora of India’ Project of BSI] (2003-2008): Revised the family Nyctaginaceae (Total 14 taxa) in India along with study of pollen morphology and leaf architectural pattern of the members.
A. Research articles/papers:
1. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2019. Notes on two invalid publication of plant names. NeBIO 10 (3): 121-122.
2. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2018. Nomenclatural notes on Boerhavia rubicunda Steud. (Nyctaginaceae). NeBIO 9 (4): 297-98.
3. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2018. William Roxburgh’s ‘An enumeration of the family Leguminosae in William Roxburgh’s ‘Plants of the Coast of Coromandel’. e Journ. Applied Forest Ecology 6(2): 6-10.
4. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA AND S.S. DASH 2018. Prof. Holenarasipur Yoganarasimhan Mohan Ram - Obituary. NELUMBO 60 (1): 95-96.
5. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, G.G. MAITI AND M.S. MONDAL 2018. Enumeration of the family Nyctaginaceae in India. Indian Forester 144 (9): 825-831.
6. P. SINGH, SANJAY KUMAR, DEBASMITA DUTTA PRAMANICK & S.S. DASH 2017. New addition to Indian Flora in 2015. Phytotaxonomy Vol. 17: 2-19. 2017.
7. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2017. Anthocarp morphology and foliar-architectural characters as an aid to establish taxonomic status of closely allied taxa Mirabilis jalapa L. and Oxybaphus himalaicus L.’Herit. ex Edgew. (Nyctaginaceae). Intern. J. Research Pharmacy and Biosciences 4 (12): 25-28.
8. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2017. Foliar architectural pattern of Indian Boerhavia L.(Nyctaginaceae). Indian J. Plant Sci. 6(2): 12-20.
9. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2017. A synoptic account of the family Moraceae in Uttarakhand. e-Journ. Applied Forest Ecology 5 (1): 17-26.
10. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA AND G. G. MAITI 2017. Foliar anatomical study of Boerhavia diffusa L.: a potent medicinal plant. Annals of Plant Sci. 6. 03: 1598-1601.
11. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2017. Enumeration of the genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in Uttarakhand, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 40 (1-2): 1-11.
12. SINGH, P., S.S. DASH, SANJAY KUMAR & DEBASMITA DUTTA PRAMANICK 2016. New addition to Indian Flora in 2014. Phytotaxonomy vol. 16: 1-11.
13. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, G. G. MAITI AND M. S. MONDAL 2016. The genus Commicarpus Standl. (Nyctaginaceae) in India. Phytotaxonomy vol. 16: 12-20.
14. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, G. G. MAITI AND M. S. MONDAL 2016. Status of the Genus Pisonia L. (Nyctaginaceae) in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Tropical Plant Research 3(2): 272-282.
15. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA AND AMBER SRIVASTAVA 2016. Notes on Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.) Corner (Moraceae) –A less known medicinal plant with potent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties facing population depletion. Journ. of Non-Timber Forest Products 23(1) 1-4.
16. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2016. Anatomical Studies on the leaf of Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.)R.Br. ex Schult.(Apocynaceae): A magical herbal medicine for Diabetes. International Journ. Herbal Medicine vol. 4(1): 70-72.
17. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA 2016. Pharmacognostic Studies on the pseudobulb of Coelogyne cristata Lindl. (Orchidaceae)-An epiphytic Orchid of ethno-medicinal importance. Journ. of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry vol. 5(1): 120-123.
18. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, G.G. MAITI AND M.S. MONDAL 2015. Taxonomic Study of the Genus Pisonia L.(Nyctaginaceae) in India. Annals of Plant Sciences vol. 4(8): 1179-1184.
19. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, G.G. MAITI AND AMBER SRIVASTAVA 2015. Micro-morphological Study of ‘BALA’ Plant (Sida cordifolia L., Malvaceae) with Special Reference to Its Propagation Technique. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies vol. 3(4): 127-131.
20. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, G.G. MAITI AND M.S. MONDAL 2015. A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Boerhavia L. (Nyctaginaceae) in India”. Journ. Global Bioscience vol.4(3):1704-1717.
B. Book chapters:
1. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA AND L.K. GHARA 2019. In: Lakshminarasimhan, P., S.S. Dash, P. Singh and H.J. Choqwdhery (eds.), Flora of West Bengal, Vol. 4, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, pp. 363-367.
2. HAZRA, J., B., MALLICK, D. N. MONDAL, K. HAZRA, BANANI DAS AND DEBASMITA DUTTA PRAMANICK 2010. Formulation of ‘Varunadi Kvatha Churna’. Central Scheme of Standard Operating Procedure for Manufacture of Compound Ayurvedic – Siddha - Unani Formulations and Their Pharmacopoeial Standards. Dept. Ayush, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, pp. 4-14.
C. Hindi articles:
1. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, S.K. SRIVASTAVA AND SANJAY UNIYAL 2014. Uttarakhand mein paye jane wali Ficus bansh ki jatiyon ka lok banospotik upoyog. Banaspati Vani 23: 97-102.
2. SRIVASTAVA, AMBER, PUSPESH JOSHI, SANJAY UNIYAL AND DEBASMITA DUTTA PRAMANICK 2015. Haldi ke bivinno rup ebom upoyog. Banaspati Vani 24: 48-51.
3. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA, S.S. DASH AND SANJAY KUMAR 2016. Pisonia grandis-ek olpojata mohotyopurno ousodhiyo briksho. Banaspati Vani 25: 106-108.
E. Popular articles:
D. Popular articles:
1. KUMAR, SANJAY, DEBASMITA DUTTA PRAMANICK & S.S. DASH 2017. Artemisia gmelinii Web. ex Stechm. (‘Ganga-Tulsi’) in Western Himalaya : An important ethno-medicinal plant. Envis Newsletter 22(2): 04.
2. DEBTA, MANAS RANJAN, DEBASMITA DUTTA PRAMANICK AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA. 2015. Fact sheets of State tree and State flower of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakhand. Published in
3. GUHA, RATNA AND DEBASMITA DUTTA PRAMANICK 2005. Know our CITES Plants [Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. and Saussurea costus (Falc.)Lipschitz.-Treasures worth saving (CITES Appendix I)]. Envis Newsletter vol. 10 (1& 2):10-11.
4. DUTTA PRAMANICK, DEBASMITA AND M.S. MONDAL 2003. “Chaulmoogra oil”-a potential drug for leprosy and other dermal ailments. Envis Newsletter vol. 9:11. 2003.
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