FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Taxonomy of Angiosperms.
SPECIAL INTEREST: Floristic Diversity of Himalaya, India.
1. Floristic Diversity of Dr. Y.S. Parmar UHF Campus, Nauni, Solan.
2. Peoples Biodiversity Register of Dharampur and Nalagarh blocks of Solan district funded by Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, Shimla (H.P.).
E-MAIL: kambrish[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
ON GOING OTHER PROJECTS: Flora of Himachal Pradesh.
A. Research publications:
(1). SHARMA, R., K.S. DOGRA AND K. AMBRISH 2020. Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants used in the rural areas of Solan district, Himachal Pradesh. J. of Non Timber Forest Products 27(2): 104-112.
(2). DOGRA, K.S., S. UNIYAL AND K. AMBRISH 2020. Medicinal and Economic Uses of Some Introduced Plant Species and their Conservation in the Botanic Garden of Indian Republic, Noida. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 19(4): 795-803. (14).
(3). AMBRISH, K. AND P. SINGH 2019 . A new species of Arnebia (Boraginaceae) from Jammu and Kashmir, India. J. Jpn. Bot. 94 (3):159-164.2019.
(4). SINGH, S., R. KANT, K. AMBRISH, K. KHARAKWAL AND B.K. SINHA 2019. Ethnomedicinal studies in Great Himalayan National Park, Environs-A World Heritage Site. Proc. Significance and Upcoming Trends in Plant Taxonomy: 81 (Abstract).
(5). KANT, R., K. AMBRISH, K. KHARAKWAL AND B.K. SINHA 2019. Conservation and Diversity of RET plants of Valley of Flowers National Park, Chamoli, Uttarakhand. Proc. Significance and Upcoming Trends in Plant Taxonomy: 46 (Abstract).
(6). DOGRA, K.S., S. UNIYAL AND K. AMBRISH 2019. Impact of climate change on the traditional bio-resources and livelihood in the Indian Himalayan region and mitigation strategies. J. of Non Timber Forest Products. 26(2): 75-80.
(7). DEBTA, M.R.. K.S. DOGRA, R.K. BHAKAL AND K. AMBRISH 2019. Assessment of Invasive Alien species in Col. Sher Jung National Park, Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh. Indian J. of Forestry. 42(3) 3942.
(8). KHARAKWAL, K., K. AMBRISH AND R. KANT 2019. Ethno-medicinal plants used by the local Vaidyas of Champawat District, Uttarakhand, Kumaon Himalaya. J. of Non Timber Forest Products. 25(4) 203-208.
(9). KANT, R., K. KHARAKWAL, B.K. SINHA AND K. AMBRISH 2019. Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabaceae): A new record for Uttarakhand. J. of Non Timber Forest Products. 25(4) 243-244.
(9). AMBRISH, K. AND P.K. PUSALKAR 2019. Significance and Upcoming Trends in Plant Taxonomy. Proc. Significance and Upcoming Trends in Plant Taxonomy:12 (Abstract).
(10). JOSHI, B., K. AMBRISH AND R. KANT 2019. Natural root dye from Arnebia Forssk. (Boraginaceae), a vital source of India. Envis News Letter. 24 (1): 9-10.
(11). KANT, R., K. KHARAKWAL, B.K. SINHA, K. AMBRISH, K. BISHT AND G.P. SINHA 2019. Three new records for Lichen Biota of Himachal Pradesh, India. Indian J. of Forestry. 42(2): 195-198.
(12). AMBRISH, K. 2019. Floristic Diversity of Nandhour Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand. Proc. Int. Symp. Plant Taxonomy and Ethno-botany.34. 13-14 Feb., 2020. BSI, Kolkata.
(13). AMBRISH, K., R. KANT AND K. KHARAKWAL 2019. Pholidota pallida Lindl. (Orichidaceae): A new record for northern India from Uttarakhand. Plantasia # 14, In: Zoo,s Print. 34 (8): 32-34.
(15). BISHT, M., K. CHANDRASEKAR, R. KANT, K. AMBRISH AND P. SINGH 2018. Floristic diversity in Valley of Flowers National Park, Indian Himalayas. Phytotaxa 379(1): 001-026.
(16). SINGH, S., R. KANT, K. KHARAKWAL, K. AMBRISH AND B.K. SINHA, 2018. Ethnomedicinal studies in Great Himalayan National Park Environs-A World Heritage Site. Nat. Conf. Multidisciplinary Approaches of Plant Science:81. (abstract).
(17). KANT, R., K. AMBRISH, K. KHARAKWAL AND B.K. SINHA 2018. Conservation and diversity of RET plants of Valley of Flowers National Park, Chamoli, Uttarakhand. Nat. Conf. Multidisciplinary Approaches of Plant Science:46. (abstract).
(18). DOGRA, K.S. AND K. AMBRISH 2018. Invasive Alien species in Himachal Pradesh-A need for documentation and identification. Nat. Conf. Multidisciplinary Approaches of Plant Science:39. (abstract).
(19). PUSALKAR, P.K. AND K. AMBRISH 2018. Koenigia tortuosa var. glabrifolia (S.P. Hong) T.M. Schust. & Reveal (Polygonaceae) – A New Record for Indian flora. Phytotaxonomy .17: 20-23.
(20). DEVTA, M.R. AND K. AMBRISH 2018. Neodistemon indicum (Wedd.) Babu& A.N. Henry -A new distributional record for Himachal Pradesh. Phytotaxonomy .17: 117-119
(21) DOGRA, K.S., K. AMBRISH AND J. S. JALLAL 2018. Habenaria plantaginea (Orchidaceae)- An addition to the flora of Chandigarh. Indian J. Forestry: 41(1) 95-96.
(22). SINGH, S. , B.K. SINHA, R. KANT, K. KHARAKWAL & K. AMBRISH 2018. Ethnobotanical studies in Great Himalaya National Park and its proximity. Phytotaxonomy .17: 43-49.
(23). KUMAR AMBRISH, K.S. DOGRA, S.K. SRIVASTAVA, R. KANT AND K. KHARAKWAL 2018. Vegetation types and Floral composition of Himachal Pradesh, Westeren Himalya: An Overview. Phytotaxonomy .17: 123-127.
(24). K.S. DOGRA AND K. AMBRISH 2017. Documentation and database of Alien Invasive species of Himachal Pradesh. Nat. Conf. on Status of Invasive Alien species in India, 14th to 15th Dec.2017, ZSI and BSI at Kolkata. pp: 72.
(25). DEEP SEKHAR DAS, DINESH SINGH RAWAT, NATASHA SRIVASTAVA, K. AMBRISH, B.K. SINHA, PARAMJIT SINGH AND S.S. DASH 2017. A Contribution to the Flora of Great Himalayan National Park, Himachal Pradesh, India. Nelumbo. 59 (1): 33-43.
(26). AMBRISH, K. AND P. SINGH 2017. Phytogeographical Distribution and Economic Importance of Lycium ruthenicum Murray (Solanaceae) in India and Adjoining Countries. J. of Non Timber Forest Products 24(4) 221-223.
(27). AMBRISH, K., S.K. SRIVASTAVA AND RAJNI KANT 2017. Juncus effusus L. (Juncaceae): A new record for Uttarakhand. The Indian Forester 144 (6): 586-587.
(28). KUMAR, P. , H. SINGH AND K. AMBRISH 2018. A Note on sustainable use of Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis D. Don) by local Tribal Community of Sechu-Tuan Nalla Wildlife Sanctuary, Chamba, Himachal Pradesh. The Indian Forester 144(7): 686-687.
(29). SINGH, P. AND K. AMBRISH 2017. Lycium ruthenicum Murrey (Solanaceae), A rare potential crop for posterity. Envis News Letter. 21(2): 6.
(30). AMBRISH, K. AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2017. Aster laka C.B. Clarke (Asteraceae): A new record for Uttarakhand. Indian Forester. 143(5): 505-506.
(31). AMBRISH, K. AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2016. Floristic composition of Nandhour Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand. National Seminar on Glimpses of Research work in Taxonomy and Ethnobotany: 16 (Abstract).
(32). AMBRISH, K. AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2016. Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis subsp. suborbiculata (C. J. Chen) C. J. Chen & Friis (Urticaceae): A New Record for India. Indian J. Forestry. 39 (2): 151-153.
(33). AMBRISH, K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2015. Senna alata (L.) Roxb. (Caesalpiniaceae): A New record for Northern India from Uttarakhand. Indian Forester. 141(12): 1318-1319.
(34). AMBRISH, K & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2015. New Plant Records of Family Fabaceae for Uttarakhand. Indian J. Forestry 38 (2) 151-152.
(35). G. S. PANWAR, K. AMBRISH & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2014. Indopeptadinea oudhensis (Brandis) Brenan: An endangered tree species: Measures for conservation. Indian J. Forestry. 37 (1):69-72.
(36). G. S. PANWAR, S.K. SRIVASTAVA & K. AMBRISH 2014. A note on sem studies of leaf, pollens and seeds of the Eremostachys superba Royle ex Benth.: a critically endangered medicinal herb. The Indian Forester. 140 (3): 302-305.
(37). AMBRISH K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2013. Taxonomic studies on Genus Arnebia (Boraginaceae) in India. 113. Proceeding of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy Conference. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur (Abstract).
(38). AMBRISH K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2013. Wild edible fruits consumed among the Tagin tribe of Upper Subansiri district, Arunachal Pradesh. 34. Proceeding of Association for Plant Taxonomy Seminar. Botanical Survey of India, Dehradun (Abstarct).
(39). AMBRISH, K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2013. Onosma limitaneum I.M. Johnst. (Boraginaceae): A new record for India from Jammu & Kashmir. Nelumbo. 55:185-187.
(40). AMBRISH K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2013. A new species of Arnebia (Boraginaceae) from Himachal Pradesh, India. J. Jpn. Bot. 88: 298-301.
(41). AMBRISH K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2012. Arnebia griffithii Boiss. ( Boraginaceae): A new record for India from Himachal Pradesh. Rheedea 22 (2): 124-126.
(42). AMBRISH K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2012. Prospects and cultivation possibilities of Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Camus var. angustifolia (Schumach.& Thonn.) Baker ( Zombi Pea), a newly recorded legume crop from Arunachal Pradesh. The Indian Forester 138 (11): 1071-1073.
(43). AMBRISH, K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2011. Ficus carica L. subsp. rupestris (Hausskn. ex Boiss.) Browicz (Moraceae): a new plant record for India. Indian J. Forestry 359 (1). 95-96. 2012.
(44). AMBRISH, K. AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2011. Records of two new NTFP plants of Boraginaceae from Jammu & Kashmir. The Indian Forester 137 (11): 1348-1349.
(45). A. SHUKLA , S.K. SRIVASTAVA AND K. AMBRISH 2011. Arnebia euchroma (Royle) I.M. Johnst. var. grandis ( Bornm.) Kazmi (Boraginaceae): A new record for India from Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir. J. Jpn. Bot. 81: 245-247.
(46). AMBRISH, K. 2011. Three new plant records of family Rubiaceae from Arunachal Pradesh. J. Non Timber Forest Products, 18 (1): 81-82.
(47). S.K. SRIVASTAVA & K. AMBRISH 2011. Lectotypyfication and Recollection of Rochelia laxa I. M. Johnst.( Boraginaceae) from Type Locality after a lapse of forty years. Taiwania, 56(2): 149-152.
(48). AMBRISH, K. AND S.K. SRVASTAVA 2010. Arnebia linearifolia A.DC. ( Boraginaceae): A new record for India. Ind. J. Forestry. 33(4) : 651-652.
(49). AMBRISH, K. 2010. Economic Plants of Upper Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh. J. Non Timb. For. Prod.17(1): 65-71.
(50). AMBRISH, K. 2010. Anaphalis hookeri C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f. (Asteraceae): A new record for Arunachal Pradesh. The Indian Forester 136 (6): 812-814.
(51). AMBRISH, K. AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2010. Diversity and uses of medicinal plants in Upper Subsnsiri district, Arunachal Pradesh. Procd. 14. Gurukul Kangri Univ., Haridwar (Abstaract).
(52). AMBRISH.K. 2009. Antidesma khasianum Hook.f. (Euphorbiaceae): A new distributional record for Arunachal Pradesh. Ann. For., 17(2): 266-268.
(53). AMBRISH, K. 2008. Passiflora jugorum W.W. Sm. (Passiflorine): A new plant record for India from Arunachal Pradesh. Ind. J. Forestry 31(4): 647-649.
(54). AMBRISH, K. 2008. Economic Plants of Upper Subansiri District. Int. Seminar "Role of Plant Taxonomy in Biodiversity Management & Human Welfare ”(APT) :53.
(55). AMBRISH, K. 2007. Natsiatopsis thunbergiaefolia Kurz. A New Generic Record for India. Rheedea 17(1&2): 47-48.
(56). AMBRISH, K. AND R.C. SRIVASTAVA. IPR vis- a- vis traditional knowledge of ethnic communities of Upper Subansiri District. Arunachal Pradesh. Int. Prop. Right Workshop.15: 188. 2007.
(57). AMBRISH, K. AND M. AMADAUDIN 2006. Rediscovery of an endemic and endangered plant (Begonia tessaricarpa C.B. Clarke) after a century. Current Science. 91(8): 997-998.
(58). GUPTA, R.K. AND K. AMBRISH 2004. Fresh water red algae from Dehradun, Uttaranchal, India. Phytotaxonomy. 4: 135-137.2004.
(59). AMBRISH, K., H. MEDHI, R. CHOWDHARY AND A.K. BAISHYA 2004. Note on the Floristic diversity and vegetation types of the Mouling National Park, Arunachal Pradesh. Him. Bios. Res. 6 (1&2) 65- 71.
(60). AMBRISH, K. AND S. S. RAWAT 2002. Science and Technology for fodder and fuel needs of women in Garhwal Himalaya. Proc. Group. Mon. Workshop: 23-26.
(61). KUMAR, R. AND K. AMBRISH 2001. Conservation of life support traditional crops in Himalayas. Rural Tech. 7(2): 2-7.
(62). KUMAR, R. AND K. AMBRISH 2000. Low-cost Polyhouse technology for vegetable cultivation in mountains. Rural Tech. 6(2): 6-7.
(63). JOSHI, A.P. AND K. AMBRISH 2000. Prospects and introduction of Olericulture in the hills. Rural Tech. 6(2): 1-5.
(64). AMBRISH, K.1996. Re-Introduction of Crotalaria juncea L. in Garhwal Himalayas. Proc. Group. Mon. Workshop: 17-20.
(65). KUMAR, R. AND K. AMBRISH 1999. A case study of low-cost fruit preservation in the Garhwal Himalayas. Rural Tech. 5(1): 5-6.
(66). AMBRISH, K AND V. S. KHATI 1998. Cultivation of Pleurotus sejar-kaju on various waste biomass of hills. Innov. Comm. Ser.1(2): 1-4.
(67). AMBRISH, K. 1998. S & T for income generation of tribals in Garhwal Himalayas. Proc. Group. Mon. Work Shop: 27-31.
(68). AMBRISH, K.1997. Mushroom cultivation in hill perspective. Rural Tech. 3(2): 2-3.
(69). AMBRISH, K. AND A. SHRAMA 1997. Polythene irrigation technique-An ecotechnology of farming in unirrigated conditions. Innov. Comm. Ser. 1(1): 1-3.
(70). JAIN, V.K., G.K. DHINGRA AND K. AMBRISH 1996. Yield and Productivity of field grown Gram crop in response to supplemental UV-B radiation. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 75: 241-244.
(71). AMBRISH, K. 1992. Effect of supplemental Ultra Violet- B radiation on the growth and composition of certain legume crops. Ph.D. Thesis. H.N.B. Garhwal Univ. Srinagar.
(72). GOYAL, A.K., V.K. JAIN AND K. AMBRISH 1991. Effect of supplementary Ultra Violet- B radiation on the growth, productivity and chlorophyll of field grown Linseed crop. Ind. J. Plant Physiol. 34(4): 374-377.
Under Publication:
(73). AMBRISH, K., K.S. DOGRA, R. Kant , K. Kharakwal AND R. SHARMA 2021. Assessment of the Vegetation and Flora of Nandhour Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Forestry, BSPMS, Dehradun (In Press).
(74). SHARMA, S., K.S. DOGRA, K.R. SHARMA, R. SHRAMA AND K. AMBRISH 2021 . Documentation of the Traditional Knowledge of Some Plant Species occurring in the Shilli Conservation Reserve in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, India, J. of N.T.F..P, BSPMS, Dehradun (In Press).
(75). DOGRA, K.S., K. AMBRISH AND R. SHARMA 2021. Paulowania tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. (Paulowniaceae): A New Record of Alien Plant Species from Solan district of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry, BSPMS, Dehradun (In Press).
B. Books:02
KUMAR AMBRISH, 2013. Floristic Diversity of Arunachal Pradesh (Upper Subansiri District) Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun. ISBN: 978-81-211-0842-3.
KUMAR AMBRISH, 2019. Flora of Nandhour Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand (Under Publication)
C. Book chapters:
1. SANJAPPA, M. AND K. AMBRISH 2019. Leguminosae in Jammu and Kashmir State: A Systematic Checklist. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte G. H. DAR, A. A. KHUROO (eds.), Biodiversity of the Himalaya: Jammu and Kashmir State, Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation 18.
2. DEBTA, M.R. AND K. AMBRISH 2021. Vegetation and Floristic Analysis in Col. Sher Jung National Park, Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh. 613-638.BSMPS, Dehradun, Lalji Singh and Vinay Ranjan (eds.), NEW VISTAS in Indian Flora, Vol.1.
D. Hindi articles: 19
(1). AMBRISH, K., A. KUMAR AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2017. Nandhour Vanya Jeev Abhyaran me paayi jaane vali vanaspaityo ki Padap jaivvividhata. Vanaspati Vani. 26: 21-28.
(2). M.R. DEBTA, M.E. HEMBROM & K. AMBRISH, 2017. Prakirty ka Anupam Uphaar-Ginkgo biloba. Vanaspati Vani. 26: 76-78.
(3). KANT, R. AND K. AMBRISH 2017. Great Himalayan Rashtriya Uddyan-Ek Parichaya. Vanaspati Vani. 26:29-32.
(4). SINGH, S. AND K. AMBRISH 2017. Doon Ghati me paayi jane vali kuch upyogi vanaspaitiya. Vanaspati Vani. 26: 73-75.
(5). KHARAKWAL, K. AND K. AMBRISH 2017. Vishva Dharohar Phulo ki Ghati ka Vaanaspatik avlokan. Vanaspati Vani. 26:16-20.
(6). AMBRISH, K. AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2016. Uttarakhnad ki Paaramparik faslo ka mahatava avem sanrakshan (Hindi). Vanaspati Vani. 25: 22-24.
(7). AMBRISH, K. & SANJAY UNIYAL 2016. Gandhela: Nandhour Vanya Jeev Abhyaran ka ek bahuupyogi paudha (Hindi). Vanaspati Vani . 25: 122-123.
(8). AMBRISH, K., ARVIND KUMAR AND S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2015. Almora Janpad, Kumaon Himalaya ki Van avem Vanaspatiya: Ek Purvavlokan (Hindi). Vanaspati Vani. 24: 1-3.
(9). AMBRISH, K. AND SANJAY UNIYAL 2015. Sankatgrasta Vriksh “Beeja Saal” ka aushdhiya mahatva (Hindi). Vanaspati Vani. 24: 52. (49.) Kumar Ambrish 2013. Reetha Sahib ke Meethe Reethe. (Hindi). Vanaspati Vani. 22: 129-130.
(10). AMBRISH, K. & S.K. SRIVASTAVA 2014. Champawat ke Van avem Vanaspatiya: Ek Avlokan (Hindi). Vanaspati Vani. 23: 14-17.
(11). AMBRISH, K. 2012. Vanagani: Karan, Dushparinam, avem Bachav ke Upaya ( Hndi) . Vanaspati Vani.12: 131-132.
(12). AMBRISH, K. 2011. Bhartiya Himalayi Kshetra –Ek avlokan (Hindi). Vanaspati Vani. 36-41. 2011.
(13). AMBRISH, K. 2007. Upper Subansiri jile ke Tagin janjati ka paramparik vanaspatik gyan. Vanaspati Vani.16: 47-50.
(14). AMBRISH, K. 2010. Devvan ke Van avem Vanaspatiya: Ek parichaya. Vanaspati Vani 19:37-40.
(15). AMBRISH, K. 2009. Mechuka (W. Siang): Parichaya avem vanaspatik sarvekshan. Vanaspati Vani.18: 10-13.
(16). AMBRISH, K. 2006. Taksing sarvekshan yatra - Avismarniya anubabh. Vanaspati Vani.15: 39-43.
(17). AMBRISH, K. AND A.K., BAISHYA 2004. Mouling Rashtrya Uddyan ke van avem vanaspatiya. Vanaspati Vani.13: 33-36.
(18). AMBRISH, K. AND A.K., BAISHYA 2005. Upper Subansiri jile ke van avem vanaspatiya: Ek avlokan. Vanaspati Vani.14: 17-21.
(19). AMBRISH, K. 2003. Parabagni vikaran se vanaspatijaat par badta hua khatra. Vanaspati Vani.12: 44-46. 2003.
A. New taxa described: 02
1. Arnebia bhattacharyyae K. Ambrish & S.K. Srivast.
2. Arnebia ladakhensis K. Ambrish & P. Singh
B. New distributional records to India and region:
1. Natsiatopsis thunbergiaefolia Kurz. A New Generic Record for India.
2. Passiflora jugorum W.W. Sm. (Passiflorine): A new plant record for India
3. Arnebia linearifolia A.DC. ( Boraginaceae): A new record for India.
4. Arnebia euchroma (Royle) I.M. Johnst. var. grandis ( Bornm.) Kazmi (Boraginaceae): A new record for India
5. Ficus carica L. subsp. rupestris (Hausskn. ex Boiss.) Browicz (Moraceae): a new plant record for India.
6. Arnebia griffithii Boiss. ( Boraginaceae): A new record for India
7. Onosma limitaneum I.M. Johnst. (Boraginaceae): A new record for India
8. Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis subsp. suborbiculata (C. J. Chen) C. J. Chen & Friis (Urticaceae): A New Record for India
9. Koenigia tortuosa var. glabrifolia (S.P. Hong) T.M. Schust. & Reveal (Polygonaceae) – A New Record for India
(b). New Records to region- 02
Senna alata (L.) Roxb. (Caesalpiniaceae): A New record for Northern India
Pholidota pallida Lindl. (Orichidaceae): A new record for northern India
C. Any other novelties:
1. Rediscovery of an endemic and endangered plant (Begonia tessaricarpa C.B. Clarke) after a century..
2. Lectotypyfication and Recollection of Rochelia laxa I. M. Johnst.( Boraginaceae) from the Type Locality after a lapse of forty years.
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Ecology (Invasive Alien Plant Species)
SPECIAL INTEREST: Ecology and impact assessment of Invasive Alien Plants, Floral diversity, Plant taxonomy (Higher plants) Phenological Studies, Ethno-botany, Traditional Knowledge & Medicinal Plants, Sacred Grooves, Ex-situ and In-situ Conservation of RET, Climate change and EIA (Environment Impact Assessment Studies.
PRESENTLY WORKING ON FAMILY / TRIBE / GENUS OR FLORA OF (AREA): Floristic diversity of Dr. Y.S. Parmar University Campus, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
E-MAIL: kdsingh[at]bsi[dot]gov[dot]in
1. Flora of Himachal Pradesh, Volume- 1 Brassicaceae and Caryophyllaceae.
2. Documentation and database of Alien Invasive species of H.P. (NW Himalaya).
3. Floristic Diversity of Sukhna Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh (UT).
4. Peoples Biodiversity Register of Dharampur and Nalagarh blocks of Solan district funded by Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, Shimla (H.P.).
A. Research Articles:
1. SHARMA, S., K.S. DOGRA, K.R. SHARMA, R. SHRAMA AND K. AMBRISH 2021 (Press). Documentation of the Traditional Knowledge of Some Plant Species occurring in the Shilli Conservation Reserve in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, India, Journal of NTFP, BSMPS Press, Dehradun.
2. DOGRA, K.S., R. SHARMA, K. AMBRISH, S.S. DASH, S.L. MEENA, S. SHARMA AND S. YADAV 2021 (Communicated). Management of Invasive Alien Plant Species by harvesting biomass load for Traditional Ethno-medicinal and Socio-economic uses in the Shiwalik hills of Northwestern Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh, India. South African Journal of Botany, Elsewhere Press.
3. DOGRA, K.S., A. KUMAR AND R. SHARMA 2021 (Press). Paulowania tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. (Paulowniaceae): A New Record of Alien Plant Species from Solan district of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry, BSPMS Press, Dehradun.
4. SHARMA, R., K.S. DOGRA AND K. AMBRISH 2020. Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants used in the rural areas of Solan district, Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 27(2): 104-112.
5. DOGRA, K.S., S. UNIYAL AND K. AMBRISH 2020. Medicinal and Economic Uses of Some Introduced Plant Species and their Conservation in the Botanic Garden of Indian Republic, Noida. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 19(4): 795-803.
6. DOGRA, K.S., S. UNIYAL AND K. AMBRISH 2020. Impact of Climate Change on the traditional bio-resources and livelihood in the Indian Himalayan region and Mitigation Strategies. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 26(2): 75-80.
7. DOGRA, K.S., S. UNIYAL AND R. KANT 2019. SOLIDAGO CANADENSIS (ASTERACEAE): A Naturalized Alien Invasive in the Flora of Himachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 1-4: 74-75.
8. DOGRA, K.S., S. UNIYAL AND R. KANT 2019. Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. Kunth: A potential invader in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry 42 (3): 201-203.
9. KUMAR, P., H. SINGH, K.S. DOGRA AND S.K. SINGH 2019. Arabis nuda Bel., (Brassicaceae), A new Record for Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry 42(4): 105-108.
10. DEBTA, M., K.S. DOGRA AND K. AMBRISH (2019). Assessment of Alien Species in Col. Sher Jung National Park, Sirmour district, Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry 42(1): 39-42.
11. DOGRA, K.S., K. AMBRISH AND J.S. JALAL 2018. Habenaria plantaginea (Orchidaceae) - A new distribution record to the flora of Chandigarh. Indian Journal of Forestry 41(1): 95-96.
12. AMBRISH, K., K.S. DOGRA, S.K. SRIVASTAVA, R. KANT AND K. KHARAKWAL 2018. Vegetation Types and Floral Composition of Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya: An Overview. Phytotaxonomy 17: 123-127.
13. SHARMA S. AND K.S. DOGRA 2018. Utilization of Solanaceae for dental care management in India. The Pharma Innovation Journal 7(5): 71-74.
14. DOGRA, K.S., R. KUMAR, S. KUMAR AND R. SHARMA 2017. Documentation of Ethnic Plants Used in Funeral Pyre and Need for their Conservation in Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 24(1): 33-37.
15. DOGRA, K.S., S.K. CHAUHAN, M. SINGH AND J. KUMAR 2016. Medicinal uses of some fruits and seeds collected from Botanic Garden of Indian Republic, Noida. BSI, Envis Newsletter 21(2): 12-14.
16. DOGRA, K.S., S.K. CHAUHAN AND J.S. JALAL 2015. Assessment of Indian medicinal plants for the treatment of asthma. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 9(32): 851-862.
17. SINGH, H.P., D.R., BATISH AND K.S. DOGRA 2014. Negative effect of litter of invasive weed Lantana camara L. on structure and composition of vegetation in the lower Siwalik Hills, northern India. Environment Monitoring Assessment 186(6): 3370-3389.
18. DOGRA, K.S., AND S.K. SOOD 2012. Phytotoxicity of Parthenium hysterophorus residues towards growth of three native plant species (Acacia catechu willd, Achyranthes aspera L. and Cassia tora L.) in Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 4(5): 105-109.
19. DOGRA, K.S., S.K. SOOD AND R. SHARMA 2011. Distribution, Biology and Ecology of Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Congress Grass) an invasive species in the North-Western Indian Himalaya (Himachal Pradesh). African Journal of Plant Sciences 5(11): 682-687.
20. DOGRA, K.S., S.K. SOOD, P. DOBHAL AND SEEMA SHARMA 2010. Alien plant invasion and their impact on indigenous species diversity at global scale: A review. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment 2 (9):175-186.
21. DOGRA, K.S., R.K. KOHLI AND S.K. SOOD 2009a. An assessment and impact of three invasive species in the Shivalik hills of Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 1(1): 004-010.
22. DOGRA, K.S., S.K. SOOD, R.K. KOHLI AND P. DOBHAL 2009b. Impact of Ageratum conyzoides L. on the diversity and composition of vegetation in the Shivalik hills of Northwestern Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh), India. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 1(4): 135-145.
23. DOGRA, K.S., S.K. SOOD, P. DOBHAL AND S. KUMAR 2009. Comparison of understorey vegetation in exotic and indigenous tree plantations in Shivalik Hills of N.W. Indian Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh). Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment 1(5): 130-136.
24. SINGH, H.P., D.R. BATISH, S. MITTAL, K.S. DOGRA, S. YADAV AND R.K. KOHLI 2008. Constituents of leaf essential oil of Mentha longifolia from India. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 44 (4): 528-529.
25. KOHLI, R.K., D.R. BATISH, H.P. SINGH AND K.S. DOGRA 2006. Status, Invasiveness and Environmental threats of three tropical American invasive weeds (Parthenium hysterophorus L., Ageratum conyzoides L. and Lantana camara L.) in India. Biological Invasion 1501-1510.
26. DOGRA, K.S., R.K. KOHLI, D.R. BATISH AND H.P. SINGH 2004. Status of Exotic Invasive Plants in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh (India). Bulletin of Environmental Science 1 (II) 13-16.
27. KOHLI, R.K., K.S. DOGRA, D.R. BATISH AND H.P. SINGH 2004. Impact of Invasive Plants on the Structure and Composition of Natural Vegetation of Northwestern Indian Himalayas. Weed Technology 18:1296-1300.
B. Papers in Conference Proceedings:
28. SINGH, H.P., D.R. BATISH, S. KAUR, R.K. KOHLI, AND K.S. DOGRA 2004. Allelopathic Interference of Ageratum conyzoides against some crop plants. Ed. B. Sindel. 14th Australian Weed Science Congress Proceedings 738-741.
29. BATISH, D.R., R.K. KOHLI AND K.S. DOGRA 2008. Status and impact of invasive weeds on native communities in Shiwalik hills, Himachal Pradesh, India. EURECO-GFOE Proceedings Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (Eds.: Jutta Stadler, Felix Schöppe, Mark Frenzel) ISBN 978-3-00-025522-9. 328.
30. DOGRA, K.S. AND R.K. KOHLI 2005. Impact of Exotic Tree Salix alba on the understorey Vegetation in the Temperate Northwestern Indian Himalayas. International Forestry Review ISSN 14655469, United Kingdom, (Australia) 7(5): 25d En.
C. Books:
31. DOGRA, K.S., R.K. KOHLI, D.R. BATISH AND S.K. SOOD 2010. Impact of Invasive Plants: Invasion of Invasive Plant Species in the Indian NW Himalaya (Himachal Pradesh) and Impact on the Native Flora. ISBN-10: 3838366867, ISBN-13: 978-3838366869. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; Germany, 388.
32. SOOD, S.K., P. SHARMA, K.S. DOGRA, S. KUMAR AND R. SHARMA 2010. Healing Herbs for Arthritis and Rheumatism. ISBN-10: 9783838393384. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; Germany, 330.
33. SOOD, S.K., M. BHARDWAJ, S.K. SAHARIA AND K.S. DOGRA 2011. Indian Bio-fences. ISBN: 978-3-8433-8027-0. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; Germany, 300.
34. SOOD, S.K., A. MALHOTRA, D.R. SARKAR AND K.S. DOGRA 2011. Effects of Micronutriennts on Growth in Micropropagated Potato. ISBN: 978-3-8454-1954-1. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; Germany, 198.
35. DOGRA, K.S., R.K. KOHLI, AND S.K. SOOD 2011. Ecological Status of Weeds and Medicinal Plants of Chandigarh and Surrounding Areas. ISBN: 978-3-8454-7448-9. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; Germany, 309.
36. SOOD, S.K., V. KOUNDAL AND K.S. DOGRA 2011. Ethnoveterinary Important Plants of Bamsan, Distt. Hamirpur (HP), India. ISBN: 978-3-8465-0826-8. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; Germany, 161.
D. Book Chapters:
37. KOHLI, R.K., D.R. BATISH, P. SINGH AND K.S. DOGRA, 2009. Ecological Status of some invasive plants of Shiwalik Himalayas in Northwestern India. In: Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystem (Eds. Kohli, R.K., S. Jose, D. Batish and H.P. Singh) CRC/Taylor Press. Netherlands, 143-156.
E. Hindi Popular Articles:
38. कुलदीप सिंह डोगरा 2015. गठिया (अरथराईटस और रियमेटिजम) के निदान में सहायक औषधीय पौधेण् वनस्पति वाणीए भारतीय वनस्पति सर्वेक्षणए कोलकताण् अंक . 24 पेज: 60-63.
39. कुलदीप सिंह डोगरा 2016. पादप अतिक्रमण: संकल्पना, प्रक्रिया, प्रभाव और भारत में पाये जाने वाले विजातीय/विदेषी पौधे। वनस्पति वाणी भारतीय वनस्पति सर्वेक्षणए कोलकता अंक-25 पेज: 104-105.
40.कुलदीप सिंह डोगरा 2018. भारतीय हिमालयी क्षेत्र में वनस्पतियों पर जलवायु परिवर्तन के प्रभाव एवं निराकरण के लिय योजनाएं; वनस्पति वाणी भारतीय वनस्पति सर्वेक्षणए कोलकता अंक-27 पेज: 4-8.
41. कुलदीप सिंह डोगरा 2018. यात्रा वृतांत (चकराता के वन एवं मोईला चोटी) (पैराटैक्सानौमी प्रशिक्षण कोर्स); वनस्पति वाणी भारतीय वनस्पति सर्वेक्षणए कोलकता अंक-27 पेज: 65-66.
42.कुलदीप सिंह डोगरा 2018. हरित कौशल विकास कार्यक्रम पैराटैक्सोनामिस्ट (भारत सरकार की एक मुहिम टैक्सोनामी की तरफ); वनस्पति वाणी भारतीय वनस्पति सर्वेक्षणए कोलकता अंक-27 पेज: 67-68.
43. कुलदीप सिंह डोगरा 2019. साइकस बेडडोमिरू : एक स्थानिक प्रजाति, पारिजात अंक-1 पेज: 9.
44. शिल्पी सिंह और कुलदीप एस डोगरा 2020. रोहिड़ा - थार मरुथल का इक असाधिया पोधा, वनसापति वाणी.
45. कुलदीप एस डोगराए कुमार अम्ब्रीश एवं रेणु शर्मा 2021. उच्च पश्चिमी हिमालयी क्षेत्रीय केंद्र, सोलन- भारतीय वनस्पति सर्वेक्षण में एक नूतन सदस्य.
46. रेणु शर्मा, कुलदीप एस डोगरा एवं कुमार अम्ब्रीश 2021. हिमाचल प्रदेश के सोलन जिले के कुछ औषधीय पौधे और उनका पारंपरिक ज्ञान.
F. Popular articles:
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