1. Collection of Economic Plant materials for enrichment & replacement of the Botanical Gallery by Dr M. Bhaumik, Scientist E; Dr. Geeta Chaudhury, Botanist and Sri S.K. Sharma, Sr. Preservation Asstt.
The field tour was not materialized due to Pandemic Covid 19
2. Interpretation of Roxburgh Icones: Family: Orchidaceae by Dr. M. Bhaumik, Sci. E & Dr. (Ms.) K. Pagag, Botanist
During the study it was found there are 46 icones numbers where Orchidaceae members are illustrated in Roxburgh Icon. After the present studies it has been found that 06 names are valid, correct and accepted name as mentioned in illustrations. After nomenclatural updation 11 new combinations for 12 basionym were found in later publications and 21 case where new correct names (21) were proposed due to synonemise of names as mentioned in icons. 06 names found to be illegitimate and new correct names were proposed. 01 name unresolved.
Aerides multiflora Roxb., Dendrobium acinaciforme Roxb., Dendrobium anceps Sw., Dendrobium purpureum Roxb., Dendrobium calceolum Roxb., Dendrobium crumenatum Sw. are the accepted name for Roxburgh icones. Similarly new combined names for names in Roxburgh icones are Ascocentrum ampullaceum (Roxb.) Schltr., Micropera rostrata (Roxb.) N.P. Balakr., Micropera pallida (Roxb.) Lindl., Papilionanthe teres (Roxb.) Schltr., Amesia babianifolia (Roxb.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Nervilia juliana (Roxb.) Schltr., Habenaria commelinifolia (Roxb.) Wall. ex Lindl., Thecostele alata (Roxb.) E. C. Parish & Rchb.f., Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C. E. C. Fisch., Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. ex G. Don., Acampe praemorsa (Roxb.) Blatt. & McCann.
New correct names were proposed due to synonemise of names as mentioned in icons are Aerides odorata Lour., Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume, Bulbophyllum roxburghii (Lindl.) Rchb.f., Pteroceras teres (Blume) Holttum, Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochr., Pholidota imbricata Hook., Oberonia mucronata (D. Don.) Ormerod & Seidenf., Coelogyne punctulata Lindl., Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume, Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw., Dendrobium densiflorum Lindl., Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C.E.C.Fisch., Bulbophyllum auricomum Lindl., Phaius tankervilleae (Banks) Blume, Nervilia concolor (Blume) Schltr., Spathoglottis pubescens Lindl., Nervilia plicata (Andrews) Schltr., Dienia ophrydis (J.Koenig) Seidenf., Habenaria roxburghii Nicolson , Diplomeris pulchella D.Don, Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr.
Dendrobium pachyphyllum (Kuntze) Bakh.f., Luisia tristis (G. Forst.) Hook. f., Dendrobium pulchellum Roxb. ex Lindl., Dendrobium lindleyi Steud., Dendrobium formosum Roxb. ex Lindl., Habenaria roxburghii Nicolson are the correct names for the illegitimate name. Dendrobium flavum Roxb. is the unresolved name and it needed further scrutiny. Roxburgh listed it in Hortus Bengalensis in 1832 page no. 63. It’s a Catalogue of the Plants growing in the Hounourable East India Company's Botanical Garden at Calcutta. According to Sealy (1952), D. flavum Roxb. has been omitted from Flora of Indica by error. The Kew drawing has scribbling of pencil as Eria flava.
3. Studies on natural dye from some selected plants of West Bengal for dyeing cotton fabrics by Dr. (Mrs.) S. Dutta, Bot. Asstt.; Dr. K. Pagag & Dr. M. Bhaumik, Scientist E
Extraction of natural dye and its application has been variously studied since last century as they are more environment friendly compared to their synthetic substitutes. Even though, the use of natural dye has never been popularized because of lack of colour shades and greater time requirement for extraction and dying. At the same time nature of fabric used also affects dye uptake, silk and wool take up colour easily compared to cotton. Different plant parts have been used for dye extraction. In this study three different plants namely Dimocarpus longan (leaves), Rivina humilis (fruits) and Ixora coccinea (flower) has been used as source of dye for dying cotton. It was observed that Ixora coccinea proved to be most promising natural dye source for dying of cotton.
4. Listing & Identification of 8000 Dicot herbarium specimens at BSIS by Dr. Geeta Chaudhury, Botanist; Sri S. K. Sharma, Sr. Preservation Asstt.
This work aims at documentation of dicot herbarium collections from different parts of India and surrounding countries deposited at BSIS to prepare a digital database which helps to conserve all the important information written on the labels at the time of collection. These herbarium collections are now being preserved and digitized which will help future Botanists for further work on Economic Botany.
A catalogue of 97 numbers of families with 8017 number of herbarium specimens of dicotyledonous plants has been prepared with all detail information. While studying the dicotyledonous collections it was observed that amongst the European collectors the maximum collection was by I.H. Burkill while K. S. Srinivasan and K. C. Malick were the major contributors amongst the Indian collectors. Based on number of species catalogued, Leguminosae tops the list with 895 numbers of specimens.
1. Collection of algae specimens deposited at ISIMby Dr. K. Pagag, Botanist, Dr. S. Dutta and Dr M. Bhaumik, Scientist- E
Catalague of around 2000 marine algae available in Industrial Section, Indian Museum are documented.
2.Documentation of exhibits and materials of Botanical Gallery in Industrial Section, Indian Museum
Dr. S. Dutta, Dr. K. Pagag, Botanist and Dr M. Bhaumik, Scientist – E
Catalague of exhibits and materials of Botanical Gallery in Industrial Section, Indian Museum. Work in Progress
3. Flora of India Vol. 22 Edited by M. haumik & al
There are 21 families (Nyctaginaceae to Elaganaceae) about 128 genera 762 species documented and taxonomic treatment prepared.