More than 1500 specimens of different groups of plants, viz. Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms have been displayed in the museum. Some interesting exhibits include the insectivorous plants, parasites, poisonous plants, medicinal and other economic plants. Plants from cold deserts, rare and threatened plants, etc. have also been displayed. Apart from this, the botanical richness and plant diversity of our country has been depicted through colour and black and white photographs, charts and maps, etc.
The circle has a well established library with c. 3,931 books and 6,550 issues of Indian as well as foreign journals, dealing with different aspects of floristics, plant taxonomy, ecology, phytogeography, cytology, genetics, environment and conservation, etc. The library subscribes to 34 Indian and 55 foreign journals. Some of the significant classical publications housed in the library are : van Rheede’sHortusMalabaricus, Linnaeus' Species Plantarum and Mantissa Plantarum, Roxburgh’s Flora Indica and Plants of the coast of Coromandal, Burman’s Flora Indica, Forskal’s Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica, Wallich’sTentamen Florae Napalensis and Plantae AsiaticaeRariores, Wight’s IconesPlantarumIndiaeOrientalis and Prodromus Florae PeninsulaeIndiaeOrientalis, D. Don’s Prodromus Florae Nepalensis, Royle’s Illustrations of Botany of Himalayan Mountains and Flora of Cashmere, etc. The Raj Bhasha Section of the circle has Hindi Vishwakosh in 25 volumes and over 700 books on different topics.