More than 400 exhibits including pickled specimens of Carpological collections, medicinal plants, rare orchids, mangroves, sea-grasses, sea weeds, ethnobotanical collections, and botanically important specimens have been displayed. Apart from this, several laminated colour photographs depicting endemic species and vegetation pattern of the islands have been displayed in the Museum.
At present the library has over 5000 classical books dealing with different aspects of floristics, plant taxonomy, ethnobotany, phytogeography, conservation and environmental sciences and many of the source data books like Index Kewensis, Pflanzenreich, De Candolle’s Prodromus, Encyclopedia Britannica, Flora Malesiana, Wealth of India, etc. The library subscribes about 15 Indian as well as 12 foreign journals like Kew Bulletin, Blumea, Garden’s Bulletin Singapore, Taxon, etc. This is the only Library in the A & N Islands that supports research in systematic Botany and allied fields. The library also has good collections of Hindi books.