
Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong

Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong was established on 1st April 1956 with jurisdiction of States of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. At present this circle is functioning at its own office building cum-residential complex along with attached National Orchidarium and tissue culture laboratory. The circle has one associated garden i.e. Experimental Botanic Garden having an area of ca 25 acres situated at Barapani, Ri-Bhoi District.
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The museum at Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong  possesses dried and preserved specimens of various groups of plants for educating students and general public. Pictorial glimpses, Portraits and photograph of orchids and other ornamental plants add to the beauty of this museum. Charts, maps and drawings of interesting endemic, rare groups of plants are also displayed.

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The Library at Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong currently holds about 7042 accessioned books and journals on various fields of botanical science, especially taxonomy, floristic, ethnobotany, phytogeography, conservation and environmental sciences. Many important publications like index Kewensis, Genera Plantarum,Species Plantarum,Icon Plantarum,Taxonomic literature,Flora Malesiana, The Orchids of Sikkim Himalaya,Secies Filicum,etc are available in the library. Current and back volumes of many important national and international journals viz, Current science, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, Phytotaxonomy, Journal of Indian Botanical Society, Journal of Economic & Taxonomic Botany, The Journal of Orchid Society of India, Rheedia, Indian Forester, Indian Journal of Forestry, Kew Bulletin, Taxon, Bryologists, Nordic Journal of Botany, Economic Botany, etc are also available in the library. Regional floras, monographs, classical literature, Dictionaries, World Atlas etc. are also well represented.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of BSI, ERC, Library:

Library members/users can access the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) as well as other library services of the BSI, ERC, library which is available in e-Granthalaya on cloud Cluster for Libraries under Central Government Organizations Libraries hosted and maintained by the National Informatic Centre (NIC) in e-granthalaya Cloud and available in the following web page:

Library Services:

Circulation/Book landing, Current Awareness Services (CAS),SDI services, Photocopying/Reprographic Services, Reference Service, Users Awareness Services.

Library In-charge: Mr. Hemanta Kumar Das, Library & Information Assistant

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