
Annual Scientific Meets & Webinars

Online Annual Scientific Meet of Botanical Survey of India was conducted in between 3rd May to 5th May 2021.


Presenting officer Name of the Regional Centre View

Dr. Lal Ji Singh, Scientist-E 

Andaman & Nicobar Regional Centre, Port Blair

Dr. V. K. Rawat, Scientist-E

Arunachal Pradesh Regional Centre, Itanagar

Dr. R.K. Gupta, Scientist-E  Central National Herbarium, Howrah
Dr. Arti Garg, Scientist-E  Central Regional Centre, Allahabad
Dr. K.S. Dogra, Scientist-D  High Altitude Western Himalayan Regional Centre, Solan
Dr. S.K. Singh, Scientist–E  Northern Regional Centre, Dehradun
Dr. M. U. Sharief, Scientist-E  Southern Regional Centre, Coimbatore
Dr. Sandeep Chauhan, Scientist-E  Botanic Garden of Indian Republic, Noida
Dr. Rajib Gogoi, Scientist-E Sikkim Himalaya Regional Centre, Gangtok
Dr M. Bhaumik, Scientist- E Industrial Section India Museum, Kolkata


Presenting officer Name of the Project View
Dr. C. Murugan, Scientist-E  Flora of India, Vol. 11
Dr. Arisdason, Scientist-D  Flora of India, Vol. 20
Dr. V. Sampath Kumar, Scientist-E  Flora of India, Vol. 21
Dr. Manas Bhaumik, Scientist-E Flora of India, Vol. 22
Dr. Rajib Gogoi, Scientist-E Flora of India, Vol. 27
Dr. M.U. Sharief, Scientist-E  Flora of India, Vol. 28
Dr. D. K. Agrawala, Scientist-E  Flora of India, Vol. 25 & 26
Dr. A.Benniamin, Scientist-E & Dr. B.S. Kholia, Sci. E  Pteridophytic flora of India
Dr. P.V. Prasanna, Scientist-G  Flora of India, Vol. 31 & Vol. 32
Dr. M. Palanisamy, Scientist-E Marine macro algal flora of India


Presenting officer Name of the Project View
Dr. A. N. Shukla, Scientist- C Ex-situ conservation of RET and economically important species in the experimental garden of BSI CRC , Allahabad
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Verma, Scientist-C Morphological and cytological studies of selected plants from CRC garden, Allahabad
Mr. B.B.T. Tham, Botanist Ex-situ conservation & multiplication of endemic, rare, threatened and economically important plants of NE India at Experimental Botanic Garden, BSI, ERC, Barapani
Dr. C. Murugan Scientist-E Flora of Kerala
Dr. Chhaya Deori, Scientist-E ERC Herbaceous Flora of Meghalaya
Dr. D. Singh, Scientist-D Bryo-flora of Jharkhand
Dr. Monalisa Dey, Scientist–C  Liverworts and Hornworts Flora of Darjeeling District, West Bengal
Dr. Giriraj Singh Panwar, Scientist- D In vitro mass multiplication and propagation and rehabilitation in natural habitat of useful and threatened species of the North-West Himalaya
Dr. J. Swamy, Bot. Assist. Flora of Kinnerasani Wild life Sanctuary, Telangana
Dr. L. Rasingam, Scientist-D Flora of Manjeera Wild Life Sanctuary,Telangana
Dr. M. R. Debta, Scientist-C Floristic studies in selected HighAltitude Wetlands (HAWs) and its environs representing 5 districts of Arunachal Pradesh
Dr. R. Manikandan, Scientist-E  Assessment of Plant diversity in Cauvery North Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Mayur Y. Kamble, Scientist-E Ex-situ conservation of Endemic tree species of the region in NOEG, Yercaud
Dr. Nagaraju Siddabathula, Bot. Assist. Grasses of Telangana State
Dr. Puneet Kumar, Scientist C Cytological studies in some selected chromosomally lesser-known/unknown plants and Liverworts from Botanic Garden of BSI, NRC, Dehradun and adjoining areas
Dr. Rashmi Dubey, Scientist-E Bambusicolous Fungi of Goa
Dr. S. Kaliamoorthy, Scientist-E Ex-situ conservation of endemic endangered and threatened plants of the region and recording of phenology of species in the NOEG, Yercaud
Dr. Sujana. K. A., Scientist-D Flora of Kanniyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Vinay Ranjan, Scientist-E Angiosperm flora of Neora Valley National Park, Darjeeling, West Bengal


# Topic Speaker Date Organised By View

Himalayan Mountain Biodiversity Threats & Solutions

Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Goswami, Dr. A.A. Khuroo, Dr. Santhosh K. Shah, Dr. Chandan Tamuly, Dr. R.S. Rawal, Dr. Rajesh Joshi, Dr. S.S. Dash, Dr. D.K. Agrawala, Dr. Tapan Seal 10.12.2020 SHRC, GANGTOK
2 National Webinar Series, Lecture-3: Alien Plant Invasion in India: Status & Consequences Prof. R.K. Kohli, Vice-Chancellor, Amity University of Punjab 17.12.2020 HAWHRC, SOLAN

International code of Nomenclature (ICN) for Plants


Dr. Kanchi N. Gandhi, Senior Nomenclatural Registrar, Harvard University Herbaria, U.S.A.  eLozf1mH4A&t=25s

06.01.2021 DRC, HYEDARABAD
4 Science in Białowieża Forest

Prof. (Dr) Bogdan Jaroszeewicz, Professor & Director of the Białowieża Geobotanical Station, University of Warsaw

08.01.2021 SHRC, GANGTOK
5 National Webinar Series, Lecture-4: Diversity of Bryophytes in India with special reference to Western Himalaya Dr. D.K. Singh, Former Scientist-G, Botanical Survey of India 15.01.2021 HAWHRC, SOLAN
6 National Webinar Series, Lecture-5: Evolutionary play of Invasive species in a changing Himalayan theater Dr. Manzoor A Shah, Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 22.01.2021 HAWHRC, SOLAN
7 ‘Green walk’- Plant resources as AID for prevention of covid 19 Fr. . Dr. S. Ignacimuthu, S.J. Director of Xavier Research Foundation, St. Xavier’s College


27.01.2021 SRC, COIMBATORE
8 'Green walk'- Wetlands: Potential importance and Conservation need under Climate Change Scenario”

Dr. N. Parthasarathy Professor Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Pondichery University Puducherry UT

02.02.2021 SRC, COIMBATORE
9 National Webinar Series, Lecture-6: Plant Systematics: Insights from Morphology and Molecules Dr. Arun K. Pandey Vice-Chancellor Mansarovar Global University 17.02.2021 HAWHRC, SOLAN
10 'Green Walk'- "Plant Taxonomy and Floristics in the Anthropocene Epoch" Dr. Syd Ramdhani Senior Lecturer cum-curator, Ward Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, University of Kwazulu Natal, Durban, South Africa 19.02.2021 SRC, COIMBATORE ;
11 National Webinar Series, Lecture-7: Role of Botanical Survey of India in Taxonomic Research in India Dr. M. Sanjappa Ex Director, Botanical Survey of India 22.02.2021 HAWHRC, SOLAN
12 "Exploration of La Amistad National Park (Costa Rica/Panama)" Alex Monro, Research Leader at the Royal Botanic Garden Kew 23.02.2021 SHRC, GANGTOK
13 Webinar on Revising the Generic Limits of Coleus and Plectranthus(Lamiaceae, Tribe Ocimeae)

Dr Alan Paton, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, U.K.

12.03.2021 CNH, HOWRAH
14 'Green Walk-4: Management of Water Resources with Emphasis of Mangrove Ecosystem' Dr. Deiva Oswin Stanley, Former Director, Eco Balance Consultancy, Gujarat 22.03.2021 SRC, COIMBATORE
15 Plant Diversity for Bioeconomy and Conserving Threatened Plants of India Prof. S. K. Barik, Director, CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow 24.05.2021 SHRC, Gangtok
16 Emergency Preparedness and Response

Ranee Prakash,Senior Curator,,Gill Comerford- Principal Conservator,Robert McLeod- Conservator and Konstantina Konstantinidou-Senior Paper Conservator,NHM,London

25.07.2022 CNH, HOWRAH
17  Science, Humanism and the Making of Modern India

Dr Ashiho mao, Rohan D’Souza, Michael Rayner, Projit Bihari Mukharji, Sucheta Mahajan, Renny Themas, Suvobrata Sarkar, Bodh Prakash, Antonia Moon, Manas Bhaumik, Vinita Damodaran, Sangeeta Dasgupta, Anju Oseema Toppo, Sandipan Mitra, Felix Padel, Mick Frogley, Uday Bandyopadhyay, Sayan Bhattacharya, K. Karthigeyan, Shalini Minz, Sneha S Kachhap and Sharon Kachhap



ISIM, Kolkata