
BSI Symposium 2025

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

 A.      General Rules

         Timings: Monday to Friday, 9-30 A.M. to 6-00P.M.

         Circulation Time: 10-30 A.M. to 1-30 P.M. and 2-00 P.M. to 5-00P.M.

1.      All the users must sign in / out Registers available with the attendant at the library entrance.

2.      Personal belongings are not allowed in the library which can be kept in the property counter at the library entrance.

3.     Users are expected to maintain silence in the library and keep their mobile phone in silence mode.

4.      Borrowing facility is available only to the departmental users of the library except the research fellows.


B.   Circulation Rules

1.    Open access system ( in which   readers are allowed to the stack ) is followed by Central Library. Books and other materials taken from the library should be left on the readers table after use.

2.      Issue and return of books / Journals will be maintained through Issue-Return Register (in ledger format) and Reader card. In this system, Reader card will be issued to every eligible member of the library as per entitlement in col.-4 which is must to avail borrowing facility.

3.       Intended borrower has to come with Reader card and deposit the same to the issue desk for getting a book / journal issued in his / her name and sign in the appropriate column of the Issue- Return Register as well. Only one copy of Book / Journal will be issued against one Reader card. No book / journal will be issued without reader’s card.


4.         Borrowing Limit


Category of Member

Maximum Limit



Scientist “F”


Scientist “E”


Scientist “D”           


Scientist “C”


Scientist “B”




Scientific / Prev. Asstt.


Other staff  

05 (Only non -scientific literature)


 5 .      Period of Loan

     a)   Books /Journals can be issued by the members for a maximum period of three (3) months. However the same may be re-issued if not reserved by some other usuers.   

     b)   The borrowing facility of an user may be suspended / withdrawn in case of his / her failure to return a book / journal within the due date.

6.    Return of Issued Books / Journals

For returning a Book / Journal, it is to be presented to the Issue / Return Desk of the library. The library personnel in- charge of Issue -Return will take the Book / Journal back to the library and put the date of return and sign into the appropriate columns of the Issue –Return register and also return the concern Reader Card to the borrower.

 7.     Loss or Damage of Borrowed Books / Journals

It shall be the responsibility of the borrower to keep the document clean and in good condition while in their custody. If an issued document is damaged, disfigured, defaced, marked in by pencil / pen, mutilated or lost, the borrower shall have to pay compensation in terms of money or replace the same by a new one.

The compensation may be equal to one or more of the following amounts to be decided by the A.L.I.O. / In-charge.

         a)  The books / journals have to be replaced by the borrower by   purchasing or arranging it in physical form, failing which:

 b)   Present cost or the cost of the book at which it was procured by the library whichever is higher plus postage and binding charges, if any.

8.    Categories of documents not issued outside the library

      The following categories of book / journal are never issued outside the library.

i.   Reference Books

ii.  Rare / Archival Documents

iii. Loose issues of journals

iv. Unprocessed books / journals

v.  Maps and topographical sheets

vi. Thesis / dissertations

vii. Abstracting / Indexing Bibliographical Periodicals

viii. CD – ROMs

ix.  Any other material which in the opinion of the Lib. - in-charge is not desirable to be issued on loan.

9.   Reservation of Books / Journals

        Borrowers may get books reserved for them if the books have been issued to someone else by filling up of a reservation slip.

10.   No Dues from Library

No dues certificate shall only be issued upon returning of all books and journals and all the readers’ card issued to a reader or the compensation in lieu therein as described in Para – 8.


11.    Recalling of Books / Journals

 Assistant Library & Information Officer may recall issued books and publications at any time to meet any urgent requirement.


For any other matter, the guideline / decision of the Director, Botanical Survey of India shall be abiding.