

Identification of Plants Species

1.      From NGOS and Commercial organizations: Rs. 500/ - per sheet

2.      Research Scholars: Rs. 500/ - per sheet

3.      UG and PG students: 250/ - per sheet

Authentication of crude plant samples

1.      For Academic/Govt. agency purpose: Rs. 2500/- per sample

2.      For Industrial/Commercial purpose: Rs. 10,000/- per sample

HPLC analysis for quantification of phenolic acids and flavonoids in plant samples (Against 21 standard phenolic acids and flavonoids available in our laboratory)

1.      For Academic/Govt. agency purpose: Rs. 3000/- per sample

2.      For Industrial/Commercial purpose: Rs. 10,000/- per sample

HPLC analysis for quantification of phenolic acids in plant samples (Against 12 standard phenolic acids available in our laboratory)

1.      For Academic/Govt. agency purpose: Rs. 2000/- per sample

2.      For Industrial/Commercial purpose: Rs. 7,000/- per sample

HPLC analysis for quantification of phenolic acids in plant samples (Against 10 standard phenolic acids available in our laboratory)

1.      For Academic/Govt. agency purpose: Rs. 2000/- per sample

2.      For Industrial/Commercial purpose: Rs. 7,000/- per sample

Estimation of seven water soluble vitamin (Vitamin C,B1,B2,B3,B5,B6 and B9) in plant sample by HPLC

1.      For Academic/Govt. agency purpose: Rs. 2000/- per sample

2.      For Industrial/Commercial purpose: Rs. 5,000/- per sample

Estimation of Protein carbohydrate, fat, sodium potassium and calcium in plant samples.

1.      For Academic/Govt. agency purpose: Rs. 350/parameter/sample

2.      For Industrial/Commercial purpose: Rs. 350/ parameter/sample

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Charges

1.      For Research Scholar Academic purpose:

a.       Dry: 1500/-/hour

b.      Wet Sample: 2500/-/hour

2.      For Industrial/ Commercial purpose:

a.       Dry: 1500/-/hour

b.      Wet Sample: 2500/-/hour

Supply of Herbarium Digital Images

For Research Scholar Academic purpose

I.  Low resolution images (300 dpi): Free

II. High resolution images (600dpi): 500/- per image

Herbarium Methodology Training/workshop/Extension

Herbarium methodology Training Course: 15 days

I.  Rs. 10,000/-for institutional candidates

II. Rs. 2000/- for unaided students

Supply of plant Material

1.      Plants of common occurrence Rs. 300/- per specimens+ cost of collection

2.      Plants of localized distribution Rs. 400/-per specimens+ cost of collection

3.      Plants of rare distribution Rs. 600/-per specimens+ cost of collection

4.      Supply of material for research

a.       Dry: Rs. 500/-+ cost of collection

b.      Pickled: Rs. 500/-+ cost of collection

Field Work

Cost of transportation, boarding/lodging charges + materials + Rs. 5000/- per day.

(Double charges for commercial organization and NGOs)

Note: This is not a regular service and available only in exceptional cases

Sales of BSI Publications

As per BSI publication price list

Office order on service charges   

A Guide to Identify or Authenticate Plant Specimens at Central National Herbarium