
Scientific Meet

127th Anniversary and Annual Scientific Meet

Botanical Survey of India is one of the oldest organisations of the country, established in 13 February 1890 and a premier research organisation under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It has observed its 127-year foundation day on 13 February 2017, followed by a three-day Scientific Meet. All the scientific officials from sixteen of its regional centres/units across the country including five units situated in Kolkata/Howrah, participated in the Scientific Meet held from 14 to 16 February at Central National Herbarium, Howrah.
The inaugural function began with a welcome address by Dr. Paramjit Singh, the Director of Botanical Survey of India, followed by the keynote address by Dr. P.K. Hajra, former Director, who emphasised the pivotal role (as parataxonomists) played by the retired technical staff, who inspired the young botanists in the past. Dr. Kailash Chandra, the Director of Zoological Survey of India, discussed about the importance of the two oldest surveys of the country, BSI and ZSI and their role in documenting the floral and faunal diversity of India. Dr. R.K. Chakravarty, Dr. S.K. Basu and Dr. D.C. Pal, the retired scientists of BSI outlined their experiences and journey in the organization through their lectures on the field of their specialisation. During this occasion two products of BSI ENVIS Centre (CD and a pamphlet) were released by the dignitaries. The inaugural function was ended with vote of thanks by Er. A.K. Pathak, Scientist ‘G’, BSI.
The Scientific Meet began on 14 February 2017 with an introductory note by Er. Pathak, who outlined the aims of organising a Scientific Meet of such kind for the first time in the history of Botanical Survey of India. A total of 109 presentations were made during these three-day scientific meet by the scientists, botanists and botanical assistants of the organisation from various regional centres and units. The participants highlighted the significant scientific accomplishments in the mandates of BSI: documentation of diversity of various plant groups (including fungi, lichens and algae), various natural habitats, National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, assessing the population and status of endemic and threatened plants, botanical knowledge of indigenous communities and conservation management using conventional and modern techniques during their research career.

# Regional Centres Name Publish Date View
41 - Dr. Neelam Gautam 30.11.-0001 Download
42 - Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Verma 30.11.-0001 Download
43 - Dr. A N Shukla 30.11.-0001 Download
44 - Dr. Arti Garg 30.11.-0001 Download
45 - Dr. G P Sinha 30.11.-0001 Download
46 CRC CRC-BSI 30.11.-0001 Download
47 - Ms. Neelima A M 30.11.-0001 Download
48 - Mr. D Jesubalan 30.11.-0001 Download
49 - Dr. Sukumar Bhakta 30.11.-0001 Download
50 - Mr. Sameer Chandrakant Patil 30.11.-0001 Download

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