
BSI Symposium 2025


Mandate of Botanical Survey of India


  • Exploration, inventorization and documentation of phytodiversity (including non-flowering plants) in India; publication of National, State and District Floras.
  • Identification of Red list species and species rich areas needing conservation; ex situ conservation of critically threatened taxa in botanical gardens.
  • Survey and documentation of traditional knowledge (ethnobotany) associated with plants.
  • Develop National database of Indian plants, including herbarium specimens, live specimens, botanical paintings, illustrations etc.


  • Revisionary/Monographic studies on selected palnt groups.
  • Capacity building in plant taxonomy thorugh refresher courses and post M.Sc. certificate course.
  • Environment Impact Assessment of areas assigned to BSI for study.
  • Develop and maintain Botanical Gardens, Museum and Herbaria.
  • Preparation of Seed, Pollen and Spore Atlas of Indian Plants.