Exploration, inventorization and documentation of phytodiversity (including non-flowering plants) in India; publication of National, State and District Floras.
Identification of Red list species and species rich areas needing conservation; ex situ conservation of critically threatened taxa in botanical gardens.
Survey and documentation of traditional knowledge (ethnobotany) associated with plants.
Develop National database of Indian plants, including herbarium specimens, live specimens, botanical paintings, illustrations etc.
Revisionary/Monographic studies on selected palnt groups.
Capacity building in plant taxonomy thorugh refresher courses and post M.Sc. certificate course.
Environment Impact Assessment of areas assigned to BSI for study.
Develop and maintain Botanical Gardens, Museum and Herbaria.
Preparation of Seed, Pollen and Spore Atlas of Indian Plants.
Contact Us
Botanical Survey of India CGO Complex, 3rd MSO Building, Block F (5th and 6th Floor), DF Block, Sector I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700 064